Essential Matrix from Fundamental Matrix in OpenCV - opencv

I've already computed the Fundamental Matrix of a stereo pair through corresponding points, found using SURF. According to Hartley and Zisserman, the Essential Matrix is computed doing:
E = K.t() * F * K
How I get K? Is there another way to compute E?

I don't know where you got that formulae, but the correct one is
E = K'^T . F . K (see Hartley & Zisserman, §9.6, page 257 of second edition)
K is the intrinsic camera parameters, holding scale factors and positions of the center of the image, expressed in pixel units.
| \alpha_u 0 u_0 |
K = | 0 \alpha_u v_0 |
| 0 0 1 |
(sorry, Latex not supported on SO)
Edit : To get those values, you can either:
calibrate the camera
compute an approximate value if you have the manufacturer data. If the lens is correctly centered on the sensor, then u_0 and v_0 are the half of, respectively, width and height of image resolution. And alpha = k.f with f: focal length (m.), and k the pixel scale factor: if you have a pixel of, say, 6 um, then k=1/6um.
Example, if the lens is 8mm and pixel size 8um, then alpha=1000
Computing E
Sure, there are several of ways to compute E, for example, if you have strong-calibrated the rig of cameras, then you can extract R and t (rotation matrix and translation vector) between the two cameras, and E is defined as the product of the skew-symmetric matrix t and the matrix R.
But if you have the book, all of this is inside.
Edit Just noticed, there is even a Wikipedia page on this topic!


Why does fundamental matrix have 7 degrees of freedom?

There are 9 parameters in the fundamental matrix to relate the pixel co-ordinates of left and right images but only 7 degrees of freedom (DOF).
The reasoning for this on several pages that I've searched says :
Homogenous equations means we lose a degree of freedom
The determinant of F = 0, therefore we lose another degree of freedom.
I don't understand why those 2 reasons mean we lose 2 DOF - can someone explain it?
We initially have 9 DOF because the fundamental matrix is composed of 9 parameters, which implies that we need 9 corresponding points to compute the fundamental matrix (F). But because of the following two reasons, we only need 7 corresponding points.
Reason 1
We lose 1 DOF because we are using homogeneous coordinates. This basically is a way to represent nD points as a vector form by adding an extra dimension. ie) A 2D point (0,2) can be represented as [0,2,1], in general [x,y,1]. There are useful properties when using homogeneous coordinates with 2D/3D transformation, but I'm going to assume you know that.
Now given the expression p and p' representing pixel coordinates:
p'=[u',v',1] and p=[u,v,1]
the fundamental matrix:
F = [f1,f2,f3]
and fundamental matrix equation:
(transposed p')Fp = 0
when we multiple this expression in algebra form, we get the following:
uu'f1 + vu'f2 + u'f3 + uv'f4 + vv'f5 + v'f6 + uf7 + vf8 + f9 = 0.
In a homogeneous system of linear equation form Af=0 (basically the factorization of the above formula), we get two components A and f.
[uu',vu',u', uv',vv',v',u,v,1]
f (f is essentially the fundamental matrix in vector form):
Now if we look at the components of vector A, we have 8 unknowns, but one known value 1 because of homogeneous coordinates, and therefore we only need 8 equations now.
Reason 2
det F = 0.
A determinant is a value that can be obtained from a square matrix.
I'm not entirely sure about the mathematical details of this property but I can still infer the basic idea, and, hopefully, you can as well.
Basically given some matrix A
A = [a,b,c]
The determinant can be computed using this formula:
det A = aei+bfg+cdh-ceg-bdi-afh
If we look at the determinant using the fundamental matrix, the algebra would look something like this:
F = [f1,f2,f3]
det F = (f1*f5*f8)+(f2*f6*f7)+(f3*f4*f8)-(f3*f5*f7)-(f2*f4*f9)-(f1*f6*f8)
Now we know the determinant of the fundamental matrix is zero:
det F = (f1*f5*f8)+(f2*f6*f7)+(f3*f4*f8)-(f3*f5*f7)-(f2*f4*f9)-(f1*f6*f8) = 0
So, if we work out only 7 of the 9 parameters of the fundamental matrix, we can work out the last parameter using the above determinant equation.
Therefore the fundamental matrix has 7DOF.
The reasons why F has only 7 degrees of freedom are
F is a 3x3 homogeneous matrix. Homogeneous means there is a scale ambiguity in the matrix, so the scale doesn't matter (as shown in #Curator Corpus 's example). This drops one degree of freedom.
F is a matrix with rank 2. It is not a full rank matrix, so it is singular and its determinant is zero (Proof here). The reason why F is a matrix with rank 2 is that it is mapping a 2D plane (image1) to all the lines (in image 2) that pass through the epipole (of image 2).
Hope it helps.
As for the highest votes answer by nbro, I think it can be interpreted as this way where we have reason two, matrix F has a rank2, so its determinant is zero as a constraint to the f variable function. So, we only need 7 points to determine the rest of variables (f1-f8), with the previous constriant. And 8 equations, 8 variables, leaving only one solution. So there is 7 DOF.

Code for a multiple quadratic (or polynomial) least squares (surface fit)?

for a machine vision project I am trying to search image data for quadratic surfaces (f(x,y) = Ax^2+Bx+Cy^2+Dy+Exy+F). My plan is to iterate through regions of data and perform a surface-fit, look at the error, see if it's a continuous surface (which would probably indicate a feature in the image).
I was previously able to find quadratic curves (f(x) = Ax^2+Bx+C) in the image data by sampling lines, by using the equations on this site
this worked well, was promising, but it would be much more useful for my task to find 2-D regions that form continuous surfaces.
I see lots of articles indicating that least squares regressions scales up to multiple dimensions, but I'm not able to find code for this Hopefully there is a "closed form" (non-iterative, just compute from your data points) solution, like described above for 1D data. Does anybody know of some source or pseudocode that accomplishes this? Thanks.
(Sorry if my terminology is a bit off.)
I'm not sure what your background is, but if you know some linear algebra you will find linear least squares on wikipedia useful.
Lets take the following example. Say we have the following image
and we want to know how well this fits to a 2D quadratic function in a least squares sense.
Probably the most straightforward way to solve the problem is to compute the optimal coefficients in a least squares sense, then check the error.
First we need to describe the matrices.
Let X be a matrix containing every x,y coordinate in the image, taking the form
X = [x1 x1^2 y1 y1^2 x1*y1 1;
x2 x2^2 y2 y2^2 x2*y2 1;
xN xN^2 yN yN^2 xN*yN 1];
For the example image above, X would be a 100x6 matrix.
Let y be the image intensity values in a vector of the form
y = [img(x1,y1);
In this case y is a 100 element column vector.
We want to minimize the least squares objective function S with respect to the vector of coefficients b
S(b) = |y - X*b|^2
where |.| is the L2 norm and b is the desired coefficients
b = [A;
Taking the vector derivative of S(b) with respect to b, setting to zero, and solving for b leads to the standard least squares solution.
b = inv(X'X)*X'*y
where inv is the matrix inverse, ' is transpose, and * is matrix multiplication.
MATLAB example.
% Generate an image
% define x,y coordinates for each location in the image
[x,y] = meshgrid(1:10,1:10);
% true coefficients
b_true = [0.1 0.5 0.3 -0.4 0.4 124];
% magnitude of noise
P = 2;
% create image
img = b_true(1).*x + b_true(2).*x.^2 + b_true(3).*y + b_true(4).*y.^2 + b_true(5).*x.*y + b_true(6);
noise = P*randn(10,10);
img = img + noise;
% Begin least squares optimization
% create matrices
X = [x(:) x(:).^2 y(:) y(:).^2 x(:).*y(:) ones(size(x(:)))];
y = img(:);
% estimated coefficients
b = (X.'*X)\(X.')*y
% mean square error (expected to be near P^2)
E = 1/numel(y) * sum((y - X*b).^2)
b =
E =
In your application you would probably want to define some threshold such that when E < threshold you accept the image (or image region) as a quadratic polynomial.

3D reconstruction from two calibrated cameras - where is the error in this pipeline?

There are many posts about 3D reconstruction from stereo views of known internal calibration, some of which are excellent. I have read a lot of them, and based on what I have read I am trying to compute my own 3D scene reconstruction with the below pipeline / algorithm. I'll set out the method then ask specific questions at the bottom.
0. Calibrate your cameras:
This means retrieve the camera calibration matrices K1 and K2 for Camera 1 and Camera 2. These are 3x3 matrices encapsulating each camera's internal parameters: focal length, principal point offset / image centre. These don't change, you should only need to do this once, well, for each camera as long as you don't zoom or change the resolution you record in.
Do this offline. Do not argue.
I'm using OpenCV's CalibrateCamera() and checkerboard routines, but this functionality is also included in the Matlab Camera Calibration toolbox. The OpenCV routines seem to work nicely.
1. Fundamental Matrix F:
With your cameras now set up as a stereo rig. Determine the fundamental matrix (3x3) of that configuration using point correspondences between the two images/views.
How you obtain the correspondences is up to you and will depend a lot on the scene itself.
I am using OpenCV's findFundamentalMat() to get F, which provides a number of options method wise (8-point algorithm, RANSAC, LMEDS).
You can test the resulting matrix by plugging it into the defining equation of the Fundamental matrix: x'Fx = 0 where x' and x are the raw image point correspondences (x, y) in homogeneous coordinates (x, y, 1) and one of the three-vectors is transposed so that the multiplication makes sense. The nearer to zero for each correspondence, the better F is obeying it's relation. This is equivalent to checking how well the derived F actually maps from one image plane to another. I get an average deflection of ~2px using the 8-point algorithm.
2. Essential Matrix E:
Compute the Essential matrix directly from F and the calibration matrices.
E = K2TFK1
3. Internal Constraint upon E:
E should obey certain constraints. In particular, if decomposed by SVD into USV.t then it's singular values should be = a, a, 0. The first two diagonal elements of S should be equal, and the third zero.
I was surprised to read here that if this is not true when you test for it, you might choose to fabricate a new Essential matrix from the prior decomposition like so: E_new = U * diag(1,1,0) * V.t which is of course guaranteed to obey the constraint. You have essentially set S = (100,010,000) artificially.
4. Full Camera Projection Matrices:
There are two camera projection matrices P1 and P2. These are 3x4 and obey the x = PX relation. Also, P = K[R|t] and therefore K_inv.P = [R|t] (where the camera calibration has been removed).
The first matrix P1 (excluding the calibration matrix K) can be set to [I|0] then P2 (excluding K) is R|t
Compute the Rotation and translation between the two cameras R, t from the decomposition of E. There are two possible ways to calculate R (U*W*V.t and U*W.t*V.t) and two ways to calculate t (±third column of U), which means that there are four combinations of Rt, only one of which is valid.
Compute all four combinations, and choose the one that geometrically corresponds to the situation where a reconstructed point is in front of both cameras. I actually do this by carrying through and calculating the resulting P2 = [R|t] and triangulating the 3d position of a few correspondences in normalised coordinates to ensure that they have a positive depth (z-coord)
5. Triangulate in 3D
Finally, combine the recovered 3x4 projection matrices with their respective calibration matrices: P'1 = K1P1 and P'2 = K2P2
And triangulate the 3-space coordinates of each 2d point correspondence accordingly, for which I am using the LinearLS method from here.
Are there any howling omissions and/or errors in this method?
My F matrix is apparently accurate (0.22% deflection in the mapping compared to typical coordinate values), but when testing E against x'Ex = 0 using normalised image correspondences the typical error in that mapping is >100% of the normalised coordinates themselves. Is testing E against xEx = 0 valid, and if so where is that jump in error coming from?
The error in my fundamental matrix estimation is significantly worse when using RANSAC than the 8pt algorithm, ±50px in the mapping between x and x'. This deeply concerns me.
'Enforcing the internal constraint' still sits very weirdly with me - how can it be valid to just manufacture a new Essential matrix from part of the decomposition of the original?
Is there a more efficient way of determining which combo of R and t to use than calculating P and triangulating some of the normalised coordinates?
My final re-projection error is hundreds of pixels in 720p images. Am I likely looking at problems in the calibration, determination of P-matrices or the triangulation?
The error in my fundamental matr1ix estimation is significantly worse
when using RANSAC than the 8pt algorithm, ±50px in the mapping between
x and x'. This deeply concerns me.
Using the 8pt algorithm does not exclude using the RANSAC principle.
When using the 8pt algorithm directly which points do you use? You have to choose 8 (good) points by yourself.
In theory you can compute a fundamental matrix from any point correspondences and you often get a degenerated fundamental matrix because the linear equations are not independend. Another point is that the 8pt algorithm uses a overdetermined system of linear equations so that one single outlier will destroy the fundamental matrix.
Have you tried to use the RANSAC result? I bet it represents one of the correct solutions for F.
My F matrix is apparently accurate (0.22% deflection in the mapping
compared to typical coordinate values), but when testing E against
x'Ex = 0 using normalised image correspondences the typical error in
that mapping is >100% of the normalised coordinates themselves. Is
testing E against xEx = 0 valid, and if so where is that jump in error
coming from?
Again, if F is degenerated, x'Fx = 0 can be for every point correspondence.
Another reason for you incorrect E may be the switch of the cameras (K1T * E * K2 instead of K2T * E * K1). Remember to check: x'Ex = 0
'Enforcing the internal constraint' still sits very weirdly with me -
how can it be valid to just manufacture a new Essential matrix from
part of the decomposition of the original?
It is explained in 'Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision' from Hartley and Zisserman. As far as I know it has to do with the minimization of the Frobenius norm of F.
You can Google it and there are pdf resources.
Is there a more efficient way of determining which combo of R and t to
use than calculating P and triangulating some of the normalised
No as far as I know.
My final re-projection error is hundreds of pixels in 720p images. Am
I likely looking at problems in the calibration, determination of
P-matrices or the triangulation?
Your rigid body transformation P2 is incorrect because E is incorrect.

Calculating homography matrix using arbitrary known geometrical relations

I am using OpenCV for an optical measurement system. I need to carry out a perspective transformation between two images, captured by a digital camera. In the field of view of the camera I placed a set of markers (which lie in a common plane), which I use as corresponding points in both images. Using the markers' positions I can calculate the homography matrix. The problem is, that the measured object, whose images I actually want to transform is positioned in a small distance from the markers and in parallel to the markers' plane. I can measure this distance.
My question is, how to take that distance into account when calculating the homography matrix, which is necessary to perform the perspective transformation.
In my solution it is a strong requirement not to use the measured object points for calculation of homography (and that is why I need other markers in the field of view).
Please let me know if the description is not precise.
Presented in the figure is the exemplary image.
The red rectangle is the measured object. It is physically placed in a small distance behind the circular markers.
I capture images of the object from different camera's positions. The measured object can deform between each acquisition. Using circular markers, I want to transform the object's image to the same coordinates. I can measure the distance between object and markers but I do not know, how should I modify the homography matrix in order to work on the measured object (instead of the markers).
This question is quite old, but it is interesting and it might be useful to someone.
First, here is how I understood the problem presented in the question:
You have two images I1 and I2 acquired by the same digital camera at two different positions. These images both show a set of markers which all lie in a common plane pm. There is also a measured object, whose visible surface lies in a plane po parallel to the marker's plane but with a small offset. You computed the homography Hm12 mapping the markers positions in I1 to the corresponding markers positions in I2 and you measured the offset dm-o between the planes po and pm. From that, you would like to calculate the homography Ho12 mapping points on the measured object in I1 to the corresponding points in I2.
A few remarks on this problem:
First, notice that an homography is a relation between image points, whereas the distance between the markers' plane and the object's plane is a distance in world coordinates. Using the latter to infer something about the former requires to have a metric estimation of the camera poses, i.e. you need to determine the euclidian and up-to-scale relative position & orientation of the camera for each of the two images. The euclidian requirement implies that the digital camera must be calibrated, which should not be a problem for an "optical measurement system". The up-to-scale requirement implies that the true 3D distance between two given 3D points must be known. For instance, you need to know the true distance l0 between two arbitrary markers.
Since we only need the relative pose of the camera for each image, we may choose to use a 3D coordinate system centered and aligned with the coordinate system of the camera for I1. Hence, we will denote the projection matrix for I1 by P1 = K1 * [ I | 0 ]. Then, we denote the projection matrix for I2 (in the same 3D coordinate system) by P2 = K2 * [ R2 | t2 ]. We will also denote by D1 and D2 the coefficients modeling lens distortion respectively for I1 and I2.
As a single digital camera acquired both I1 and I2, you may assume that K1 = K2 = K and D1 = D2 = D. However, if I1 and I2 were acquired with a long delay between the acquisitions (or with a different zoom, etc), it will be more accurate to consider that two different camera matrices and two sets of distortion coefficients are involved.
Here is how you could approach such a problem:
The steps in order to estimate P1 and P2 are as follows:
Estimate K1, K2 and D1, D2 via calibration of the digital camera
Use D1 and D2 to correct images I1 and I2 for lens distortion, then determine the marker positions in the corrected images
Compute the fundamental matrix F12 (mapping points in I1 to epilines in I2) from the corresponding markers positions and infer the essential matrix E12 = K2T * F12 * K1
Infer R2 and t2 from E12 and one point correspondence (see this answer to a related question). At this point, you have an affine estimation of the camera poses, but not an up-to-scale one since t2 has unit norm.
Use the measured distance l0 between two arbitrary markers to infer the correct norm for t2.
For the best accuracy, you may refine P1 and P2 using a bundle adjustment, with K1 and ||t2|| fixed, based on the corresponding marker positions in I1 and I2.
At this point, you have an accurate metric estimation of the camera poses P1 = K1 * [ I | 0 ] and P2 = K2 * [ R2 | t2 ]. Now, the steps to estimate Ho12 are as follows:
Use D1 and D2 to correct images I1 and I2 for lens distortion, then determine the marker positions in the corrected images (same as 2. above, no need to re-do that) and estimate Hm12 from these corresponding positions
Compute the 3x1 vector v describing the markers' plane pm by solving this linear equation: Z * Hm12 = K2 * ( R2 - t2 * vT ) * K1-1 (see HZ00 chapter 13, result 13.5 and equation 13.2 for a reference on that), where Z is a scaling factor. Infer the distance to origin dm = ||v|| and the normal n = v / ||v||, which describe the markers' plane pm in 3D.
Since the object plane po is parallel to pm, they have the same normal n. Hence, you can infer the distance to origin do for po from the distance to origin dm for pm and from the measured plane offset dm-o, as follows: do = dm ± dm-o (the sign depends of the relative position of the planes: positive if pm is closer to the camera for I1 than po, negative otherwise).
From n and do describing the object plane in 3D, infer the homography Ho12 = K2 * ( R2 - t2 * nT / do ) * K1-1 (see HZ00 chapter 13, equation 13.2)
The homography Ho12 maps points on the measured object in I1 to the corresponding points in I2, where both I1 and I2 are assumed to be corrected for lens distortion. If you need to map points from and to the original distorted image, don't forget to use the distortion coefficients D1 and D2 to transform the input and output points of Ho12.
The reference I used:
[HZ00] "Multiple view geometry for computer vision", by R.Hartley and A.Zisserman, 2000.

opencv depth map accuracy

I want to measure distance to an object using a 3d stereoscopic camera phone with opencv. I am looking for a formula which will measure the accuracy of the distance measurement, depending on the focal length, the distance between the 2 cameras, the image resolution, and the size of the measured object.
Googling a little, I found this formula:
d = Z^2 * p / (f*b)
Z - distance to object, p - disparity accuracy, f - focal length, b - baseline (distance between cameras).
I know the baseline and the focal length, but I don't know the disparity accuracy.
Is this formula what I need? If so, how do I find the disparity accuracy?
I realize this is a year late, but just in case someone finds this.
The formula is this:
dD = dd * D^2 / fB
dd = disparity error
dD = depth error
D = depth
f = focal length
B = baseline
if f = 6mm = 0.006m, B = 24mm = 0.024m, D = 10m, dd is 1 pixel [let's call it P for now, but it's usually about 1.4um].
Plugging all the numbers in gives:
dD = P * 10^2 / (0.006 * 0.024) ~ 694444 P
For P=1.4um, dD = 0.97 m (which is about 9.7%).
Now this is assuming that your correspondence gives single pixel error. You can do sub pixel search and depending on the noise level and texture in the image, you can get sub pixel accurate correspondence. In which case, your accuracy would be a little better.
NOTE that this formula is for error. The map between disparity and depth is as follows:
d = fB / D
d = disparity
D = depth
f = focal length
B = baseline
Similarly, plugging the numbers in gives:
d = (0.006 * 0.024 / 10) m = 0.0000144 m = 0.0144 mm = 14.4 um.
if you assume that your pixel size is about 1.4um, then 14.4um is about 10 pixels. This is consistent with the error above -- meaning that a 1 pixel error represents roughly 10%.
A car that is 10 meters away is shifted 10 pixels between the left and right sensors.
I hope that helps.
If you look at the paragraph after formula 8 in the document you link you can see that they have a disparity accuracy 0.18*10^-6m. Reading a bit further, I conclude that the disparity accuracy they use is the distance in m between two pixels on the CCD of the cameras used. For a 1/4" CCD (which measures 3.2mm by 2.4mm) with resolution 640X480 (a very old VGA camera) this would be 5*10^-6. I don't know what the sensor size for the LG Optimus 3D is, but assuming 1/4" CCD's and 2592 pixel horizontal resolution, the baseline for the disparity accuracy would be: 1.23*10^-6, giving a depth accuracy at 10m of about 0.85m. Which looks reasonable to me. If the CCD is smaller it will improve (i.e. the accuracy value lowers).
This is the lowest possible value that assumes perfect matching of features between the two stereo images. This value just represents the physical limitations of your stereo pair.
