ASP.Net MVC Partial View Model Binding -

I'm very new to MVC and I am looking to put a list of links on the main layout(master page) based on database table. I'm sure I read before that you shouldn't try to load models on the master page but use Partial Views instead (correct me if I'm wrong).
I've looked on Google and on other questions here but they only seem to talk about passing data from a main view to a partial view via ViewBag but I think I just want to add a partial view that I can add to the master page.
Can someone please tell me how to create a partial view I can add to master page so its used on every page and be able to load the list of links required i.e. by binding IEnumerable model to Partial View?

Try using ChildActionExtensions.Action
In your layout:
#Html.Action("MyAction", "MyController")
public ActionResult MyAction()
var list = // get your list values
return PartialView("MyViewName", list);
Then just create your partial view:
#model IEnumerable<WhateverType>
#* View goodness *#
You can use this to bind whatever model you need to your partial view and if you use the Action helper in your Layout.cshtml it'll be rendered on every page.


Partial Views on mvc create view that use a dropdown list to populate the partial view's view bag is this possible in mvc?

can a Partial Views on mvc create view that is using a dropdown list that sends value from the dropdown list to a function that creates a list based on the dropdown list value selection, That is then stored in a view bag for the partial view.. Can this be done in mvc and can it be done on create view of a mvc form?
I can see how something this would work in the edit view because the dropdown list value has already been selected when the page loads.
But on a new Create view record nothing is selected so the list function has a null value
Are partial views only for forms that have data pre-populated in them?
I have a create view that was created by the visual studio wizard. It has both a post and get under the create. When the user in the create view. I have a dropdown list on the page form with other fields but on load of that new create page it is empty. Unfortunately for me I wanted my partial view to to get populated with a list of data that gets sent to a view bag after the user make a selection from the drop down list.
I think what I am asking to do can only be done with webforms as mvc can handle dynamic data all that well it seems. And since when the page loads the dropdown has no value.. the list can't built so there is a null value error as well as and empty list if I hard code a value in the drop down list.
Here is my Code in these different attempt threads with different veration of my code documenting my many attempts. As I have comcluded it is not possible sadly.
Can a Drop Down List Trigger A Partial View To Update on A Create View Form In mvc?
Null view bag and partial view
Populating Partial Views using mvc
Updating a Partial View in MVC 5
So with help from Matt Bodily You can Populate a Partial View in the create view triggered by a changed value in a drop down list using a view bag and something called Ajax. Here is how I made my code work.
First the partial view code sample you need to check for null data
#if (#ViewBag.AList != null)
<table cellpadding="1" border="1">
Widget Name
#foreach (MvcProgramX.Models.LIST_FULL item in #ViewBag.AList)
Populating your View Bag in your controller with a function
private List<DB_LIST_FULL> Get_List(int? VID)
return db.DB_LIST_FULL.Where(i => i.A_ID == VID).ToList();
In your Create controller add a structure like this using the [HttpGet] element
this will send you data and your partial view to the screen placeholder you have on your create screen The VID will be the ID from your Drop down list this function also sends back the Partial View back to the create form screen
public ActionResult UpdatePartialViewList(int? VID)
ViewBag.AList = Get_List(VID);
return PartialView("_WidgetListPartial",ViewBag.AList);
I am not 100% if this is needed but I added to the the following to the ActionResult Create the form Id and the FormCollection so that I could read the value from the drop down. Again the Ajax stuff may be taking care if it but just in case and the application seems to be working with it.
This is in the [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Create(int RES_VID, FormCollection Collection, [Bind(Include = "... other form fields
This is in the [HttpGet] again this too may not be needed. This is reading a value from the form
On Your Create View Screen where you want your partial view to display
<div class="col-sm-6">
<div class="form-horizontal" style="display:none" id="PV_WidgetList">
#{ Html.RenderAction("UpdatePartialViewList");}
And finally the Ajax code behind that reads the click from the dropdown list. get the value of the selected item and passed the values back to all of the controller code behind to build the list and send it to update the partial view and if there is data there it pass the partial view with the update list to the create form.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('#RES_VID').change(function ()
url: '#Url.Action("UpdatePartialViewList")',
type: 'GET',
data: { VID: $('#RES_VID').val() },
success: function (partialView)
This many not be the best way to do it but this a a complete an tested answer as it work and it is every step of the process in hopes that no one else has to go through the multi-day horror show I had to go through to get something that worked as initially based on the errors I thought this could not be done in mvc and I would have to continue the app in webforms instead. Thanks again to everyone that helped me formulate this solution!
No, partial views do not necessarily have to be strongly typed, if that's your question. You can have a partial view with just html markup.

MVC RenderAction return only renders partial part

I have this contact form which I want to use on two pages (two views) in MVC 5.x (razor viewengine) So I have put the form in an partialview called _Contact and I have read that RenderAction is the best approach if you do not have the required data for the partialview in your model and if it is more standalone (seperate from the rest of the view)
So I call it like this:
#{ Html.RenderAction("SendMail", "Uk");}
My Uk controller has these two methods:
public PartialViewResult SendMail()
return PartialView("_Contact");
public PartialViewResult SendMail(FormCollection fc)
// send mail using values out of the form (sorry did not feel like building a complete model for it
ViewBag.Succeed = true;
// if smtpclient could not reach server etc. it returns false
return PartialView("_Contact");
it all works, but the PartialView is only rendered, not on the placeholder where i call the RenderAction. It works all great, but after the post it just displays the partial view and not the "parent view" and the shared layout view etc. I hope that I made myself clear. Please let me know if I need to add more info.
This is the BeginForm from my shared view:
using (Html.BeginForm("SendMail", "Uk", FormMethod.Post))
It will not work as expected for your current code, because when you post the form, it returns Partial View not complete View. If you want to get only partial view then you have to submit your form via Ajax.
In ajax's success handler you will get HTML of your partial view and that you can put in a DIV tag of partial view container.
This link will give you a better idea about Posting Partial View via Ajax.
ASP.NET MVC Partial view ajax post?

MVC - How to include a model inside _Layout for Partial View

I've seen how to use Partial Views from within a View and I understand how a model is passed from the View to a Partial View. What I don't grasp is how to include a Partial View inside of _Layout.cshtml so that I can pass it to the Partial View - or, how the Partial View itself can call a Controller Action to create a Model for use.
Specifically, I want to include a Partial View within _Layout.cshtml to display in the header of every page. The Partial View will display a custom setting in the User Profile. I can't think of any way to obtain the Model without making a Controller Action call - but how is this done in/for a Partial View from within _Layout.cshtml?
Is my only option of accessing a Controller Action to build my Partial View's required Model to use a jQuery call? Or is there another way?
The answer is by calling #Html.Action().
It sounds like you're on the right track.
The key is to try to not pass multiple models around, make models complicated, or use the ViewBag needlessly.
Instead, any time you want information on every page, call an action from your _Layout.
For example, you might have a controller called PartialsController or SharedController.
public class PartialsController : Controller
public ActionResult UserProfilePartial()
UserProfileModel model = new UserProfileModel();
return PartialView("_UserProfile", model);
The ChildActionOnlyAttribute means that users cannot access the action directly. Only your code can call the action. You can also apply the attribute to the controller so that it affects all actions automatically.
Now call the action from your view (_Layout).
#Html.Action("UserProfilePartial", "Partials")

How do I pass a model to a partial view and load a specific record?

I am still relatively new to MVC and am finding every new concept to be a struggle, so please forgive me if this is an overly simple concept or the question has been asked many times before (I tried to find other examples).
I have several modals that can be called from my shared layout using jQuery's "dialog." Each modal is simply a DIV with a partial view attached to it like this:
<div id="JoinDialog" title="Join the Contractor Network" style="display: none;">
And is called like this:
$(".ClickToJoin").click(function () {
$(function () {
$("#JoinDialog").dialog({ width: "auto", height: "auto"});
I have added a "Profile" modal to the layout in which I would like to insert the user's data into the INPUT values. To do that, I presume that I will need to pass in a model, and load the data I want via the controller. Since I currently have this partial view in the "Shared" folder, I assume I will also need to move it to one of my view folders where I can attach it to a controller?
Any nudge in the right direction would be appreciated.
Since I currently have this partial view in the "Shared" folder, I
assume I will also need to move it to one of my view folders where I
can attach it to a controller?
No there is no need for you to move the partial view to the controller folder. You can use the partial view from the shared folder itself (View Engine also looks at Shared folder to find a matching view). Here goes the sample example -
Lets say you have a model like this -
public class MyModel
public string Name { get; set; }
And then you have an action to return the partial view from the shared folder -
public ActionResult GetPartial()
MyModel model = new MyModel();
model.Name = "Rami";
return PartialView("TestPartial", model);
Then have the partial view in the Shared folder like this -
#model YouModelNamespace.MyModel
Then on the actual page, you can have following code -
ViewBag.Title = "Index";
That will display the result from the partial view on the page as shown in below screenshot.
When you have to render a View (or a Partial View), mvc has some default orders to find it. First mvc will search the respective views' folder of the controller you are executing and if it was not found, mvc search on the Shared folder. So, if you have a view called _JoinPartial on the Views/Product (for sample) folder and shared folder, it will priorize the View folder. Sometimes you get a exception that views was not found, in there message you can see all places where mvc find it, for sample:
In your case, the controller could return a Partial View
public ActionResult GetJoinPartial()
return PartialView("_JoinPartial");
Since you have on the View folder, it will use it, instead it will use the partialView on the Shared folder.

loading partial view differently

i am new in mvc and i know only two way one can render partial view like
another one is to load partial view using jquery. i like to know is there any other ways around to load partial view.
when i render partialview like this way from my action method
public ActionResult Save(string name, string salary, string btnSubmit)
return PartialView("TestPView");
then PartialView content was render in page but shared look & feel goes out from the page when PartialView shown.
what i need to include in partial view as a result common look & feel show when partial view render. please guide me and show me all the various way to load partial view. thanks
Have a look at below link. It will help u to better understand the possible ways of rendering the partial views in MVC:
If I understand you correctly, what you are looking for is a layout and not a PartialView.
The PartialView provides you with the option to reuse a part of the view across several views.
The layout gives you the general look and feel of the website.
Here is the default example, that the VS generates for you :
#{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }
