CodenameOne Connection Request hangs when repeated - connection

I have the following Codename One code for accessing a network resource. It is almost an exact copy of the Codename One tutorial for this use case.
public void executeRequest(){
String url = "";
InfiniteProgress prog = new InfiniteProgress();
final Dialog dlg = prog.showInifiniteBlocking();
ConnectionRequest r = new ConnectionRequest() {
protected void postResponse() {
//handle changes to my form
protected void readResponse(InputStream input)
throws IOException {
//handle parsing data
protected void handleIOException(IOException err) {
r.addArgument("arg", "2");
The first time I run it - no problem. If I try to "refresh" my data by calling the same method over again, the app will hang up with the InfiniteProgress dialog spinning forever. Its almost like the first network request is not ever really completing, and then the second one kind of conflicts. Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?

By default duplicate requests to the exact same URL are disabled, try invoking setDuplicatesSuppotred(true) on the connection request.

For future reference, what fixed this for me was to use
instead. That cleared up most of my problems.

I stucked with the same problem and none of solutions worked. However, I did it this way:
final NetworkManager nm = NetworkManager.getInstance();
protected void postResponse() {
and call was made as
Maybe the fact that NetworkManager was made final did the job, but I put "shutdown" just for sure. It worked for me


Spring boot Websocket with stomp js: I keep getting Whoops! Lost connection to http://localhost:8080/ws

I want to integrate chatting into an application I made, and after following some tutorials and running the application I keep getting "Whoops! Lost connection to http://localhost:8080/ws" on my console I tried using sockjs path as"/ws" but still got the same error, please can someone explain to me what i am doing wrong ?
here is the snippet of my code:
public class WebSocketConfiguration extends AbstractWebSocketMessageBrokerConfigurer {
public void registerStompEndpoints(StompEndpointRegistry stompEndpointRegistry) {
.setHandshakeHandler(new CustomHandshakeHandler())
public void configureMessageBroker(MessageBrokerRegistry registry) {
and this is my client
var socket = new SockJS('http://localhost:8080/ws');
stompClient = Stomp.over(socket);
stompClient.connect({}, onConnected, onError);
function onConnected() {
console.log("its working");
function onError(error) {
i am not sure about the CustomHandshakeHandler which you are using here. so that might be an issue to look into. also, consider to add .setAllowedOrigins("*") to your stompEndpointRegistry.
apart from that, the code looks ok and should work IMO.
If you are using Android studio emulator, try using

MockWebServer: llegalStateException: start() already called

I try to run a test with MockWebServer.
I would like to make a UI test with mocked response, so I could test for valid\invalid UI changes like logging in, or showing error in a login API.
However, each and every time I ran the code I got the following exception:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: start() already called
public class UITestPlayground {
String testUrl = "";
MockWebServer server = new MockWebServer();
public IntentsTestRule<LoginActivity> mIntentsRule = new IntentsTestRule<>(LoginActivity.class);
public void beforeHelper() throws IOException {
URLS.baseUrl = testUrl;
//try to shutting down the server JUT IN CASE...
public void afterHelper() throws IOException {
public void invalidLoginDueNotValidJSONResponse() {
server.enqueue(new MockResponse().setBody("Something not valid JSON response"));
String emailToBeTyped = "";
String passToBeTyped = "passtest";
// Type text and then press the button.
//TODO: check on valid error message appearing
What am I doing wrong? The .start() only called once, I even .shutdown() just in
case... I don't understand how could it called more than once.
Thanks in advance.
In the original example at github I have found that the order is reversed.
You actually start the server, THEN sets it's url.
And not setting the url then starting the server.

How to detect when Vaadin FileDownloader succeeds or fails

I have Vaadin 7 code to give the user an option to download a file:
Button btnDownloadResults = new Button("Download Results", FontAwesome.CLOUD_DOWNLOAD);
resource = new StreamResource(new MyStreamResource(), suggestedSaveAsFilename);
new FileDownloader(resource).extend(btnDownloadResults);
I would like to trigger code when the download has succeeded, or even if the download manages to start. Uses for this include closing a window, starting a progress spinner, or incrementing a download count.
Unlike the Vaadin Upload component, the FileDownloader does not have any listeners for finding out when a file download fails, succeeds, or starts.
Here is a simplified version of my StreamResouce subclass:
public class MyStreamResource implements StreamSource {
public InputStream getStream() {
String filename = /* code to determine the filename */;
try {
final File results = new File(FilenameUtils.normalize(filename));
return new FileInputStream(results);
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
String errorMsg = "Cannot download results. Try again later, or contact your sysadmin.";
return null;
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
Note that the getStream method returns before the user has even been prompted where to save the file (which they can choose to cancel.) So I can't trigger anything from inside that method.
One suggestion I got was to subclass the FileDownloader as follows:
FileDownloader fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(fileInputStream) {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4584979099145066535L;
public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException {
boolean result = super.handleConnectorRequest(request, response, path);
if (result) {
return result;
} ;
Again, this fires too soon (and the boolean result is always true, even if my StreamSource returns null.)
Any suggestions?
After more research I believe the answer is that there is no simple way to get this information from the FileDownloader.
The difficulty appears to be a consequence of the way the FileDownloader is designed. From the FileDownloader docs:
"Download should be started directly when the user clicks e.g. a Button without going through a server-side click listener to avoid triggering security warnings in some browsers."
Because there is no round-trip back to the web server, there is no place to respond when the download fails, starts, or succeeds.
Some vague (and possibly bad) ideas for a workaround:
Have JS post some kind of asynchronous notification to the web
server, letting it know what happened. (Using JMS or Ajax?)
If there was some kind active process on the backend involved with transferring the file, it
would know when the transfer happened.
But the short answer seems to be there is no built-in way in Vaadin to do it.

jedis pubsub and timeouts: how to listen infinitely as subscriber?

I'm struggling with the concept of creating a Jedis-client which listens infinitely as a subscriber to a Redis pubsub channel and handles messages when they come in.
My problem is that after a while of inactivity the server stops responding silently. I think this is due to a timeout occurring on the Jedis-client I subscribe with.
Would this likely indeed be the case? If so, is there a way to configure this particular Jedis-client to not timeout? (While other Jedispools aren't affected with some globally set timeout)
Alternatively, is there another (best practice) way of what I'm trying to achieve?
This is my code, (modified/ stripped for display) :
executed during web-server startup:
new Thread(AkkaStarter2.getSingleton()).start();
private Jedis sub;
private AkkaListener akkaListener;
public static AkkaStarter2 getSingleton(){
singleton = new AkkaStarter2();
return singleton;
private AkkaStarter2(){
sub = new Jedis(REDISHOST, REDISPORT);
akkaListener = new AkkaListener();
public void run() {
sub.psubscribe(akkaListener, AKKAPREFIX + "*");
class AkkaListener extends JedisPubSub {
public void onPMessage(String pattern, String akkaChannel,String jsonSer) {
ermmm, the below solves it all. Indeed it was a Jedis thing
private AkkaStarter2(){
//0 specifying no timeout.. Overlooked this 100 times
sub = new Jedis(REDISHOST, REDISPORT,0);
akkaListener = new AkkaListener();

GWT-Platform + SmartGWT: Chained pop-up windows

I got a login window which, depending on the RPC response, will show me another Window. What I'm wondering is how to initialize the second Window. I tried onReset and onReveal methods but is like they are never triggered, In addition, when resetting values, using destroy() will kill my Window permanently. I ended up with the following solution, but I feel is not too efficient, can someone recommend me a way to do it?
public void onSuccess(LoginResult result) {
memberWindow.loadAppointments(new Date());
((Window) memberWindow.getWidget()).show();
SC.say("Error", "Login failed because: " + result);
Try out something like this
public void onSuccess(LoginResult result) {
CurrentUser currentUser = new CurrentUser(getView().getUserName());, currentUser);
// notice the place manager call. The transitions between the pages are
// done in GWTP through PlaceManager.revealPlace(PlaceRequest) call.
PlaceRequest placeRequest = new PlaceRequest(NameTokens.mainPage);
Check out
from the Serendipity application a sample of login done with SmartGWT + GWTP :
