koala Facebook events api - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to use the FB Events API (v1) to publish events which works great.
Everything works... except, I can't get the no_feed_post method to work.
The Event posts perfectly, but the feed/wall post is NOT suppressed like it's supposed to be.
params = { name: "Blah # #{place.name}", description: event.prizes, location: '123 Blah St.',
start_time: Time.current, no_feed_story: true }
I have tried setting no_feed_story to:
Nothing seems to work... what does Facebook want?

Scanning the docs on facebook, they indicate these are the valid fields.
I don't see no_feed_story as a POST option
Please also make note there is a note that states:
This document refers to an outdated version of Graph API. Please use the latest version


Unautorized API calls JwtCreator

I'm playing around with the DocuSign's Ruby Quickstart app and I've done the following:
have an Admin account
have an organization
created an Integration(Connected App) for which I've granted signature impersonation scopes in the Admin Dashboard(made RSA keys, put callback urls, etc)
even if I've done the above, I've also made the request to the consent URL in a browser: SERVER/oauth/auth?response_type=code &scope=signature%20impersonation&client_id=CLIENT_ID &redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
Integration appears to have everything enabled
Then in the JwtCreator class the check_jwt_token returns true, updates account info correctly.
But when I try the following(or any other API call):
envelope_api = create_envelope_api(#args)
options = DocuSign_eSign::ListStatusChangesOptions.new
options.from_date = (Date.today - 30).strftime('%Y/%m/%d')
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
The api call raises an exception with DocuSign_eSign::ApiError (Unauthorized):
Args are:
#args = {
account_id: session[:ds_account_id],
base_path: session[:ds_base_path],
access_token: session[:ds_access_token]
All with correct info.
What am I missing?
For clarity, I was using some classes from the Quickstart app(like JwtCreator, ApiCreator, etc) along my code.
Not sure at this point if it's my mistake or part of the Quickstart app but this call:
results = envelope_api.list_status_changes #args[:account_id], options
the account_id was something like this "82xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx95e" and I was always getting Unauthorized responses.
On a medium.com tutorial the author used the 1xxxxxx account_id and with this form, it worked.

How to get RSVP buttons through Icalendar gem

So I've got the Icalendar gem in my ruby project. I'm attempting to get the RSVP buttons of Yes/No/Maybe on the invite but whenever it gets sent I only get a "Add to Calendar".
Was wondering what else I need:
def make_ical_appointment(start_time, end_time, uid, email_one, email_two)
ical = Icalendar::Calendar.new
ical.timezone.tzid = "UTC"
e = Icalendar::Event.new
e.dtstart = start_time
e.dtend = end_time
e.organizer = %W(mailto:#{email_one} mailto#{email_two})
e.uid = uid
mail.attachments['appointment.ics'] = { mime_type: 'application/ics', content: ical.to_ical }
I've read that people need to set it to METHOD:REQUEST, but I'm not sure where to do there. I've also read that you need to set attendees, but it seems you can only set attendees if you have an alarm?
Just looking to get it to look like a regular invite.
There's two things you need to do to solve your problem:
Read RFC-2445, which defines the iCal format. It looks like section, which discusses the ATTENDEE property, and 4.2.17, which discusses the RSVP parameter, will be of particular interest.
Look at emails and .ics files you've received that display correctly in various email clients.
The page I linked to in my comment above has three hints.
The first hint
I tried adding this property:calendar.custom_property("METHOD", "REQUEST").[1]
From the docs I think that's supposed to be append_custom_property.
Opening up an invite someone sent me from Google calendar, I found this line:
So that seems legit.
The second hint
I would guess that you need to add an ATTENDEE property with RSVP=TRUE and the email set to the same email that Outlook or Yahoo link to their users.[2]
In the same invite I found this:
TRUE;CN=Firstname Lastname;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:jordan#example.com
I didn't read the whole RFC, but I think it breaks down like this:
ATTENDEE is the property name.
Everything between the first ; and the first : are parameters. Each of them are documented in the RFC, and I don't know if all of them are required, but we can see the RSVP=TRUE parameter there.
Everything after the first :, i.e. mailto:jordan#example.com is the value
Looking at the source of append_custom_property we see that it checks if value is an Icalendar::Value object, and if not it creates one with Icalendar::Values::Text.new(value). Since we have parameters in addition to a value, let's check out that constructor here. We see that it can take a second argument, which is a params Hash.
Now, I haven't tested it, but that suggests to me that you can build a line like the above with code something like the following†:
attendee_params = { "CUTYPE" => "INDIVIDUAL",
"RSVP" => "TRUE",
"CN" => "Firstname Lastname",
"X-NUM-GUESTS" => "0" }
attendee_value = Icalendar::Values::Text.new("MAILTO:jordan#example.com", attendee_params)
ical.append_custom_property("ATTENDEE", attendee_value)
Edit: In Icalendar 2.x it looks like you can also do:
attendee_value = Icalendar::Values::CalAddress.new("MAILTO:jordan#example.com", attendee_params)
The CalAddress class is a subclass of Uri, which just runs the given value through URI.parse, and append_attendee appears to be a shortcut for append_custom_property("ATTENDEE", ...).
I'm not sure if all of those parameters are actually required, but you can learn what each of them is by reading the RFC.
The third hint
What I had to do to make it work in all mail clients was to send it as a multipart/alternative message with the ical as an alternative view instead of as an attachment.[3]
Sure enough, doing "Show Original" in Gmail I saw that the invite email I got is a multipart email, with a text/calendar part:
Content-Type: text/calendar; charset=UTF-8; method=REQUEST
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN
...and an application/ics attachment part:
Content-Type: application/ics; name="invite.ics"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="invite.ics"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
The second part you've already got, thanks to mail.attachments. For the first part, you just have to create a new Mail::Part with the correct content_type and add it to mail.parts, which will look something like this:
ical_part = Mail::Part.new do
content_type "text/calendar; charset=UTF-8; method=REQUEST"
body ical.to_ical
That's all I've got. Again, I've tested none of this, and I'm not certain it'll fix your problem, but hopefully it gives you a few ideas.
The most important thing, I think, is to look at the source of emails (if you use Gmail, "Show Original" is under the drop-down menu next to the Reply button) with invites and look at how they're constructed, and likewise look at the .ics attachments and see whether or not they match what you're generating.
Good luck!
†Judging by the way Icalendar transforms the params hash into iCal parameters, I think you can use symbol keys, too, like so:
attendee_params = { cutype: "INDIVIDUAL",
partstat: "NEEDS-ACTION",
rsvp: "TRUE",
cn: "Firstname Lastname",
x_num_guests: "0" }

Put_connections to create a new event with Koala?

I'm trying to create a new event using the Koala gem and it's returning with the same error I got when I tried to update an event with an incorrectly formatted datetime value.
I can update just fine now but still cannot create an event.
Here's the code I use on my update method which works:
start_time = safe_params[:start_time].in_time_zone
end_time = safe_params[:end_time].in_time_zone
graph.put_connections(safe_params[:fb_id], "event", {
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy]
And here's the code I'm trying to use to create a new event object:
graph.put_connections("/me/events", "event", { #this is the line that errors
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy]
According to Facebook's documentation on creating an event (https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/events/), I should be able to create a new event just by initiating a post to /me/events. Anyone have any idea?
I also tried:
graph.put_connections("/"+current_user.fb_id.to_s+"/events", "event", {
What happens if you do something like this?
graph.put_connections("me", "events", {
name: safe_params[:name],
description: safe_params[:description],
privacy: safe_params[:privacy],
start_time: ...,
end_time: ...
So after messing with Facebook's Graph Explorer and attempting hundreds of different combinations with put_connections I decided to make a straight graph_call using Koala.
Finally got an ID response back. I almost cried. Thought I'd share with the community in case there's someone else trying to do the same thing.
event_response = graph.graph_call("/me/events",{
start_time: safe_params[:start_time],
privacy_type: safe_params[:privacy],
access_token: current_user.oauth_token}, "POST")
safe_params[:fb_id] << event_response["id"]
#event = Event.create safe_params
I make the call in a stored variable event_response because the Facebook Id returned is used in my app.
First thing I found out: despite using "privacy" as the name of the privacy field when GETting from Facebook and saying so in their documentation, "privacy_type" is actually what you want (found this out in another SO post).
The second thing I found out is even though you are authenticated (have a user token) when you make a graph_call you STILL need to pass along the current_user access token along with making a POST graph_call.
Hope this helps someone!

Can't get views by insightTrafficSourceType — YouTube Analytics API

So I'm using the 'google-api-client' gem with Rails, and I'm attempting to call the URL below in order to get video views by day and insightTrafficSourceType. This is a call that appears to be allowable from the Available Reports documentation page.
Additionally, I found that I was able to make this call by using the API Explorer tool provided by Google.
"message"=>"Unknown identifier (insightTrafficSourceType) given in field parameters.dimensions."
"message"=>"Unknown identifier (insightTrafficSourceType) given in field parameters.dimensions."
I'm not sure what extra data I can provide in the initial description of this bug, but as stated before I am making the call to the API with the Google::APIClient Ruby library. The actual code itself looks like this:
:api_method => api.reports.query,
:parameters => options
You are still referencing the old beta API, i.e., in your URL, you have 'v1beta' and you should have 'v1' there. Try replacing that and running it again. Also, you can look at the api explorer to see the exact URL that should be generated in live examples with your acct (once you enable OAuth) here:
(Look at the bottom of the page.)
Finally, start-time isn't a parameter listed on the production version of the API, so you will want to remove that as well.

Can't get views by insightPlaybackLocationType — YouTube Analytics API

So I'm using the 'google-api-client' gem with Rails, and I'm attempting to call the URL below in order to get video views by insightPlaybackLocationType. This is a call that appears to be allowable from the Available Reports documentation page.
Unfortunately, I found that I was not able to make this call by using the API Explorer tool provided by Google.
"message"=>"Unknown identifier (insightPlaybackLocationType) given in field parameters.dimensions."
"message"=>"Unknown identifier (averageViewDuration) given in field parameters.dimensions."
I'm not sure what extra data I can provide in the initial description of this bug, but as stated before I am making the call to the API with the Google::APIClient Ruby library. The actual code itself looks like this:
:api_method => api.reports.query,
:parameters => options
You'll need to set the version to v1 not v1beta1.
The start-time parameter seems wrong to me. You already specified start-date
Check the API explorer:
