Fetch data from web service in ios - ios

I am developing an iOS app that should pull data from a web service. Now i have developed a basic structure and layout and implemented it to show static content.
But when i try to load data from an api with the use SBJSON Lib, it gives a lot of errors as It dose not support Automatic reference counting (ARC) which is forced by xcode5.
I Found a solution to that by disabling ARC in the whole project, but again there were a lot of errors as i did not have ant data release mechanism to free the memory space.
So Now, my question is that is some lib that can be used with automatic reference counting or use any method to use SBJSON lib but not mess up my whole project.
I am quiet new to iOS development and don't know much about available options. I have googled the issue a lot but nothing worked in my case.
Also i read about an inbuilt json lib that can b used for development (introduced from ios5 , I think!). How to use it and is it any different/ better than other 3rd party lib available.
iOS : 7 or later
xcodeversion : 5.1.1
Application : universal
Any suggestion would be a great help.
Thanks in Advance!


ANPR for XamarinFroms

We are searching best ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Reader/Recognition) for Xamarin.Forms. I have already gone through AnyLine and OpenAlpr.
AnyLine seems to be high cost, based on image capture counts.
Regarding OpenAlpr we have a workable solution for Xcode (IOS) and also Xamarin.Android.
The real problem is we couldn't bind the existing xcode project into xamarin.IOS using the sharpie tool (we tried sharpie for some other project, that works fine). Then we realized, that we can't create static library in xcode using an existing framework(openalpr.framework) files.
My question are,
Can we create static library using .framework file? please explain.
Else, Is there any other ANPR tools already available for Xamarin.Forms of Xamarin.IOS?
MicroFocus IDOL has an excellent ANPR Solution which can be accessed via REST APIs. The product is called Media Server.

Known issues for iOS modularized approach?

We've a classic iOS application which was developed using objective-c and it has lot of features. The same features has been used for other similar apps as well.
Now we've plan to rewamp the entite application. One of the approach to reduce the development work, we've plan to modularize features as framework re-using the same objective-c code, so that all applicaiton can use the framework and compile time will be less.
Also as part of rewamp, we will be using iOS 10 and swift3.
Please kindly share me your ideas/feedback, what are issues will be popup or any limitaion to do this approach.
Appreciate your help!
Just pack it as cocoapods and deploy into your company git is the fastest way i suppose, packing into framework is also fine but it have many boilerplate thing like cant run on either device or simulator, and if using fat framework then need to extract the simulator part out when you archive, or have to use embed framework if they are depent on each other,.... its just pretty annoying

Can someone please explain the differences between Cocos2d-Swift, SpriteBuilder, Xcode and CocoaPods?

I'm completely confused and I don't know where to start asking questions. I tried googling, but the terminology is confusing and I'm not sure what either of these things do (except for Xcode). Can someone explain like I'm 5?
I'm on the cocos2d-swift website and after reading the getting started section it says "From this point onwards, using SpriteBuilder is optional.". I don't know what they mean by that.
How do each of these correlate with each other?
Also, how is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager useful to an everyday iOS Developer?
cocos2d-swift is a framework that enables you to build things like sprite-based games quickly.
SpriteBuilder is a tool that helps you build your own multilayered sprites (images and animations grouped into a single package -- i.e. Mario, a Goomba, a Fireflower fireball, etc.).
Xcode is a developer environment in which you write your source code, compile, distribute, and test.
CocoaPods is a tool that fetches and manages framework/SDK dependancies.
You would use CocoaPods to fetch the cocos2d-swift framework so that you could build a sprite-based game in Xcode using sprites you generated in SpriteBuilder.
Not sure what Cocos2d is, but swift is the latest programming language by Apple for both OS X and iOS development.
SpriteBuilder is a framework used to create games for iOS very quick. Think of it as a game engine.
Xcode is the IDE (integrated development environment) that you use when writing native OS X and iOS applications. It's awesome!
CocoaPods is a way to load in third-party libraries and frameworks without having to manually install them on your own. It also makes it very easy to keep the frameworks up-to-date. Pods also allows your project to be more portable as it's much easier to install an application with multiple dependancies via Pods.
A documentation browser is good if you want to have access to documentation while offline. However, I almost always use Google to find what I'm looking for regardless of what technology I'm working on. Google is just the best way to search.
Finally, I'd start off with this book. I read the first edition years ago, and made things very easy for me to understand.
Hope this helps!
Here are some basics:
XCode (A Program)- Most of your iOS development will happen here. Coding, creating the app etc.
Think of an SDK as a suite of commands or tools you can use-API's (API - Application programming interface)
Cocoas2d (An SDK) - Game engine. A software development kit for creating games. you would pull this library of code and tools into xcode to use it.
SpriteBuilder (An SDK) - Suite of tools for building games. Just like Cocoas, you would pull this into xCode to make use of it as you code.
CocoaPods - A tool for linking/loading SDK's into XCode and easily updating them.
Moral of the story: XCode is the software you will use for everything. Everything else are just additional libraries of code you can pull in.

Creating an iOS library or framework using libgdx (roboVM)

Is it possible to create an iOS library or framework using libgdx (RoboVM) that can be imported into Xcode?
One of my colleagues has created a 3D visualisation app as a libgdx project for android and windows desktop. It can be compiled to run on iOS using RoboVM. However, I would like to wrap extra native user interface elements around it using Xcode. I know its possible to build the user interface programmatically via RoboVM but I would be keen to investigate if its possible to bring the existing work into Xcode. I don't need to edit the 3D visualisation component but add extra GUI elements around the 3D Vis window. I thought compiling the libgdx (RoboVM) code to a framework or library might be a solution that could be imported?!
Yes you can do it.
All you need to create a method, say initRoboVM(), This will be called by your code when you want to initialize libgdx. You'll need to pass the app path in, which you can hardcode when you're testing.
initRoboVM() will need some modifications, namely it should not call your Java app's main method, well, at least, that's what well behaving libraries should not do IMO. It should also not call rvmShutdown.
You can get further information from here
Thanks :)
I asked the RoboVM team directly. Their answer: It's not a native function, but it certainly can be done.
The complete message...
Sorry for the late reply. This use case is not something we're going
to do now. It is possible though if you're prepared to do some
patching of RoboVM. Search the RoboVM Google Group and you should find
others who have managed to get this working.
We get this request every know and then so we will add support for
this eventually.
Regards, Niklas

Is there a CorePlot sample project for iOS 6.1 available somewhere?

CorePlot looks like the best library going for the iPad apps I'm looking into, but I've been fighting all day just to get it to compile in an OS 6.1 project set to use Core Date, ARC, and unit tests.
I want to use those specs, but I'm starting fresh, with no other code that needs salvaged, so it occurred to me that rather than fight through the tutorials that don't address installation in ARC; and through the fixes for ARC that never seem to get me all the way to compile-able; that I could easily take any bare-bones project with those basic specs and start bringing in the simpler additions I've already figured out.
Anything like that out there?
All of the CPTTestApp example apps for both Mac and iOS have been converted to use ARC. This was done after the 1.1 release, so at the moment you'll need to pull the latest code with Mercurial to see the changes.
Since the 1.0 release, no changes to the Core Plot project is required to use it in an app that uses ARC. The Core Plot header files will compile under all supported SDKs with and without ARC. Include the Core Plot static library in your app, either the pre-compiled version or one built as a dependent project, and it will link and run just fine.
Core Plot does not use ARC internally because it still supports older systems that cannot use it. It will be updated when the minimum supported system is increased to one that supports ARC on both Mac and iOS.
