Rails ujs for partial DOM replacement? - ruby-on-rails

My front-end structure is like below:
<div id='item-list'>
# List of items to be replaced every time
The idea is that, every time when the submit button is clicked, my JS would send AJAX request, and the server would return an HTML partial for the item-list, and in my front-end, the item-list would be replaced with the ajax return.
However, since there're also some use of UJS in my item-list, the bindings no longer works after the replacement.
I believe it's the problem that the UJS code didn't execute when the replacement happens. I want to ask how to force the execution of UJS code?
Thanks a lot

You'll need to delegate your event bindings from an element which is always going to be present on your page (typically document):
$(document).on("submit", ".element", function(){
The problem you have is that Javascript only works with elements in the actual DOM. It doesn't, nor can it work with, elements which are appended after the DOM has been loaded
This means you have to bind the javascript events to elements which will always be present in the DOM, and delegate from them
That's the best I can do with what you've sent so far - if you give more context, I'll be able to provide a richer answer


How to use javascript functions within ajaxified partials?

In a Rails 3.2 app I have a javascript function that is triggered by the presence of a DOM element with class "trigger". (this function adds UI elements).
This works perfectly, except in partials that are rendered by ajax calls.
For example in an index view, when the page is initially rendered the function is correctly called and the UI elements rendered.
If the user then filters or paginates or otherwise interacts with the index via ajax, the function is not called and the UI elements are not applied when the partial is re-rendered via the ajax call.
So, how can I make javascript aware of elements that are rendered via ajax calls?
I think you should use jQuery.on() method.
$("#content").on("click", "input[type='checkbox']", function(event){
// do some stuff
Seems this question has been asked before, but I was not using the correct search terms.
In case anyone else stumbles across this, the answer is...
Adding $('.switch')['bootstrapSwitch'](); to the end of your some_action.js.erb file should do the trick....
And the full question is
bootstrap-switch functionality does not load when I re-render a partial with "respond_do"

ASP.Net MVC Getting hidden field value in javasccript

I have asked this same basic question before several times without a response, but let me try one more time, breaking it down as simple as possible.
I have a strongly-typed view with a hidden field on it.
When the view renders server-side, I am setting the value of the hidden field to a property of the model.
When the view renders client-side, I want to get the value of the hidden field (that was set during the server-side render) and display it in a java script alert box.
This should be a simple thing to do and yet I am unable to make it work. I have set a break-point in the view and I can see that the hidden field is being set to the correct value. But the javascript will not display that value.
The page/view being rendering has been gone to before. At the time I want to display this alert, I am going back to that page and now I want to see the alert.
It is as if the page is being cached, so instead of using the new value for the hidden field it is using the old value (from the first time the page was visited). If the DOM is being cached, how I can prevent that so that each time I visit the page I get the updated values of the page and not the cached ones? What am I doing wrong??
#<input type="hidden" id="hdnShowMsg" value="#Model.ShowMsg" />
Your script may be firing before your document is fully rendered. Use the jQuery document ready function.
$(function() {
Also note that document ready is not supported within a jQuery Mobile document and you may run into problems depending on what part of the DOM you are trying to manipulate.
Use $(document).bind("pageinit", function() {}) instead.

How to make form elements read only in GSP?

Hi i have a form in GSP and I want to make all the form elements read only after submit.
Is there any way to do it. I have form elements like textboxes, dropdowns attachment field......
I am using G:Form
I am also using java script in my GSP.
Please help me out
Keep in mind that even if you set the tags as readonly on the server side, users can still change them through a variety of means, and whatever the value on the form is before it gets sent back to you.
You can use an onsubmit event in the form tag, calling a JavaScript function which will disable any form elements you want to affect. Since GSP is server pages, not the browser, it will not normally be able to help you in this respect.
Certainly the easiest way is client-side with jQuery:
$(function() {
$('input, select, textarea').attr('disabled', 'disabled');

Howto process Ajax returned data using rails3.1 and jquery

I'm using the data-remote along with data-URL to make an Ajax call via jquery ujs and it is working.
However, I can't understand how I'm to process the returned value.
For example, I have a controller action which returns some HTML - how do I attach a JS function (I presume) to replace the HTML in an existing div when the Ajax call finishes? I've set data-type to :html btw.
I can see the HTML is being returned by sniffing the network traffic.
I've got it to work by writing my own Ajax call (rather than using jquerys ujs version) but it feels as though I've reinvented the wheel - but I can't find how to use jquerys data-remote to make the call for me, and to then have it update a div (for example).
i presume that you have a button with the id "button" and a div with the id "add_some_content"
$("#button").click( function(){
$.get("some_random_url", function(data) {
or as jxpx777 pointed out:
if you now press on the button, an ajax get request for your url is made. the answer from that page is attached to the div.

How to make getJSON to update correctly an element after page loaded in jQuery Mobile?

I'm trying to get a getJSON result to update an HTML element on page load, within a jquery mobile loaded website.
Now, I've read I should not rely on ready(), but bind to pageInit. So I tried, but it just won't work. I've tried many other events that could be logical to try within the API event documentation, without any success.
The closest I come to success is after the page is loaded, via ajax, if I refresh the page manually (with the browser's refresh button), getJSON does update the corresponding HTML element. And you guess, it's not what I want to achieve. Here is what the code looks like now, and where it is placed...
<div data-role="page">
$( '#pageContainer' ).live( 'pageinit',function(event){
//an alert() here does fire right before the page is shown in the browser
//here is the getJSON code.
Now, I need help to try to figure how to make it work. I only want an element X in the page to update with the text returned from a jSON when the page appears in the browser! Like a normal ready() function would have done !
(Maybe it is relevant to specify I'm running RC2 ?)
If you can't use JSONP here, have you tried setting a setTimeout()? You have to trigger a callback after the json object is loaded so timing is essential.
