Sencha Touch 2.3.1 list scroll freezing - ios

I'm using Sencha Touch 2.3.1 and using a list defined like this :
xtype: 'list',
id: 'index_list',
infinite: true,
flex: 1,
scrollToTopOnRefresh: false,
disableSelection: true,
store: 'store_index'
List's store has got more than 300 records, that's why I put the flag "infinite" to true.
Problem is when I scroll very fastly up and down through the list, app freezes and I can't do anything else with UI.
Also tested, put infinite flag to false doesn't fix it.
Cannot reproduce if data are less than ~300 records.
Platforms : iOS 6, 7 (iPhone), not iPad.
Have you got any idea ?

Use this override works for me
Ext.define('InfiniteListScroll.override.TouchGesture', {
override: 'Ext.event.publisher.TouchGesture',
lastEventType: null,
changedTouchesId: null,
lastEventObject: null,
onEvent: function(e) {
console.log('InfiniteListScroll.override.TouchGesture - onEvent');
var type = e.type,
lastEventType = this.lastEventType,
touchList = [e];
if ( type == 'touchstart' ) {
if( this.changedTouchesId == null ) {
this.changedTouchesId = e.changedTouches[0].identifier;
this.lastEventObject = e;
else {
console.log('changedTouchesId NOT null, touchEnd event wasnt fired for corresponding touchStart event.');
this.onTouchEnd( this.lastEventObject );
if (this.eventProcessors[type]) {
this.eventProcessors[type].call(this, e);
if ('button' in e && e.button > 0) {
else {
// Temporary fix for a recent Chrome bugs where events don't seem to bubble up to document
// when the element is being animated with webkit-transition (2 mousedowns without any mouseup)
if (type === 'mousedown' && lastEventType && lastEventType !== 'mouseup') {
var fixedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
fixedEvent.initMouseEvent('mouseup', e.bubbles, e.cancelable,
document.defaultView, e.detail, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.clientX,
e.clientY, e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey, e.metaKey,
e.button, e.relatedTarget);
if (type !== 'mousemove') {
this.lastEventType = type;
e.identifier = 1;
e.touches = (type !== 'mouseup') ? touchList : [];
e.targetTouches = (type !== 'mouseup') ? touchList : [];
e.changedTouches = touchList;
this.eventProcessors[this.mouseToTouchMap[type]].call(this, e);
onTouchEnd: function(e) {
console.log('InfiniteListScroll.override.TouchGesture - onTouchEnd');
if (!this.isStarted) {
if (this.lastMoveEvent) {
var touchesMap = this.touchesMap,
currentIdentifiers = this.currentIdentifiers,
changedTouches = e.changedTouches,
ln = changedTouches.length,
identifier, i, touch;
this.changedTouchesId = null;
changedTouches = e.changedTouches;
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
Ext.Array.remove(currentIdentifiers, changedTouches[i].identifier);
e = this.factoryEvent(e);
for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
identifier = changedTouches[i].identifier;
touch = touchesMap[identifier];
delete touchesMap[identifier];
this.publish('touchend', touch.targets, e, {touch: touch});
this.invokeRecognizers('onTouchEnd', e);
// Only one touch currently active, and we're ending that one. So currentTouches should be 0 and clear the touchMap.
// This resolves an issue in iOS where it can sometimes not report a touchend/touchcancel
if (e.touches.length === 1 && currentIdentifiers.length) {
currentIdentifiers.length = 0;
this.touchesMap = {};
if (currentIdentifiers.length === 0) {
this.isStarted = false;
this.invokeRecognizers('onEnd', e);
if (this.animationQueued) {
this.animationQueued = false;
Ext.AnimationQueue.stop('onAnimationFrame', this);


miband7 diy bin: AOD can not change

Because I add a custom AOD clock in the watch file (the code is copied from another open source author, which is an effective code).
But the AOD interface seems to be locked in the original AOD. Did I miss some important settings?
When I set on the normal dial interface, the clock can be displayed in the normal interface, but the AOD clock has not changed. At present, the AOD interface seems to be locked and cannot be modified. However, the official ZEPP development file indicates that AOD display can be set.
Can anyone help me change the AOD clock? Did I miss some important settings? Thank you.
Figure 1: AOD interface, clock is not the style I want to change, it seems to be locked in the official AOD style.
enter image description here
Figure 2: Normal interface. The lowest dotted clock at the bottom is the style I want to change and successfully displayed. But he can only display in the normal interface that the AOD interface has not taken effect.
enter image description here
// aod 显示越少越省电
WatchFace.createWidget(hmUI.widget.IMG_TIME, {
hour_zero: 1,
hour_startX: aodhour_X,
hour_startY: aodhour_Y,
hour_array: aodt_array,
hour_space: 15,
hour_align: hmUI.align.LEFT,
minute_zero: 1,
minute_startX: aodminute_X,
minute_startY: aodminute_Y,
minute_array: aodt_array,
minute_space: 15,
minute_align: hmUI.align.LEFT,
show_level: hmUI.show_level.ONLY_NORMAL | hmUI.show_level.ONAL_AOD,
try {
(() => {
var e = __$$hmAppManager$$__.currentApp;
function t() {
const n = {};
function o() {
if ("undefined" != typeof self) return self;
if ("undefined" != typeof window) return window;
if ("undefined" != typeof global) return global;
if ("undefined" != typeof globalThis) return globalThis;
throw new Error("unable to locate global object");
? DeviceRuntimeCore.HmUtils.gettextFactory(
: console.log(n);
let r = o();
r.Logger ||
("undefined" != typeof DeviceRuntimeCore &&
(r.Logger = DeviceRuntimeCore.HmLogger));
let i = o();
i.Buffer ||
("undefined" != typeof Buffer
? (i.Buffer = Buffer)
: (i.Buffer = DeviceRuntimeCore.Buffer));
let u = o();
"undefined" == typeof setTimeout &&
"undefined" != typeof timer &&
((u.clearTimeout = function (e) {
e && timer.stopTimer(e);
(u.setTimeout = function (e, t) {
const n = timer.createTimer(
t || 1,
function () {
u.clearTimeout(n), e && e();
return n;
(u.clearImmediate = function (e) {
e && timer.stopTimer(e);
(u.setImmediate = function (e) {
const t = timer.createTimer(
function () {
u.clearImmediate(t), e && e();
return t;
(u.clearInterval = function (e) {
e && timer.stopTimer(e);
(u.setInterval = function (e, t) {
return timer.createTimer(
function () {
e && e();
( = DeviceRuntimeCore.App({
globalData: {},
onCreate(e) { },
onDestroy(e) { },
onError(e) { },
onPageNotFound(e) { },
onUnhandledRejection(e) { }
(t().__globals__ = {
lang: new DeviceRuntimeCore.HmUtils.Lang(
px: DeviceRuntimeCore.HmUtils.getPx(480)
(t().__globals__.gettext = t()
? DeviceRuntimeCore.HmUtils.gettextFactory(
: console.log(n));
} catch (e) {

How to fix " Property 'wheelDelta' does not exist on type 'WheelEvent' " while upgrading to angular 7,rxjs6?

I'm upgrading to angular7 with rxjs6: in mouseWheelEvent type I am getting "Property 'wheelDelta' does not exist on type 'WheelEvent'".
Do we have any alternative for wheelDelta?
mouseWheelFunc(event: MouseWheelEvent): void {
// var event = window.event || event; // old IE support
let delta = Math.max(-1, Math.min(1, (event.wheelDelta || -event.detail)));
if ( delta > 0) {
} else if ( delta < 0) {
// for IE
event.returnValue = false;
// for Chrome and Firefox
if ( event.preventDefault) {
error TS2339: Property 'wheelDelta' does not exist on type
It seems like WheelEvent doesn't have this property anymore as it says. Now they added deltaY and deltaX.
Now you have to access event.deltaY instead of event.wheelData.
But deltaY has the opposite value of wheelData. That means when wheelData on the event was positive (scroll up) deltaY will be a negative number, and vice versa.
Change this:
zoomScroll(event: WheelEvent) {
if (event.wheelDelta > 0) {
} else if (event.wheelDelta < 0) {
For this:
zoomScroll(event: WheelEvent) {
if (event.deltaY < 0) {
} else if (event.deltaY > 0) {

How to add text input field in cocos2d.Android cocos sharp?

I am trying to get CCTextFieldTTF to work in cocos sharp with Xamarin for an android application. But can't get hold of this for the life of me. Could not find any documentation on cocos sharp API either. Does anyone know how to use this class to render a text area in an android application? The reason I am asking is in a xamarin forum I saw someone saying that this does not work in the API yet. Any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I have this working in android
Here is the sample code:
Create a node to track the textfield
CCTextField trackNode;
protected CCTextField TrackNode
get { return trackNode; }
if (value == null)
if (trackNode != null)
trackNode = value;
if (trackNode != value)
trackNode = value;
//create the actual input textfield
var textField = new CCTextField(string.Empty, "Somefont", 25, CCLabelFormat.SystemFont);
textField.IsColorModifiedByOpacity = false;
textField.Color = new CCColor3B(Theme.TextWhite);
textField.BeginEditing += OnBeginEditing;
textField.EndEditing += OnEndEditing;
textField.Position = new CCPoint (0, 0);
textField.Dimensions = new CCSize(VisibleBoundsWorldspace.Size.Width - (160 * sx), vPadding);
textField.PlaceHolderTextColor = Theme.TextYellow;
textField.PlaceHolderText = Constants.TextHighScoreEnterNamePlaceholder;
textField.AutoEdit = true;
textField.HorizontalAlignment = CCTextAlignment.Center;
textField.VerticalAlignment = CCVerticalTextAlignment.Center;
TrackNode = textField;
TrackNode.Position = pos;
// Register Touch Event
var touchListener = new CCEventListenerTouchOneByOne();
touchListener.OnTouchBegan = OnTouchBegan;
touchListener.OnTouchEnded = OnTouchEnded;
// The events
bool OnTouchBegan(CCTouch pTouch, CCEvent touchEvent)
beginPosition = pTouch.Location;
return true;
void OnTouchEnded(CCTouch pTouch, CCEvent touchEvent)
if (trackNode == null)
var endPos = pTouch.Location;
if (trackNode.BoundingBox.ContainsPoint(beginPosition) && trackNode.BoundingBox.ContainsPoint(endPos))
public void OnClickTrackNode(bool bClicked)
if (bClicked && TrackNode != null)
if (!isKeyboardShown)
isKeyboardShown = true;
if (TrackNode != null)
private void OnEndEditing(object sender, ref string text, ref bool canceled)
Console.WriteLine("OnEndEditing text {0}", text);
private void OnBeginEditing(object sender, ref string text, ref bool canceled)
Console.WriteLine("OnBeginEditing text {0}", text);
void AttachListeners()
// Attach our listeners.
var imeImplementation = trackNode.TextFieldIMEImplementation;
imeImplementation.KeyboardDidHide += OnKeyboardDidHide;
imeImplementation.KeyboardDidShow += OnKeyboardDidShow;
imeImplementation.KeyboardWillHide += OnKeyboardWillHide;
imeImplementation.KeyboardWillShow += OnKeyboardWillShow;
imeImplementation.InsertText += InsertText;
void DetachListeners()
if (TrackNode != null)
// Remember to remove our event listeners.
var imeImplementation = TrackNode.TextFieldIMEImplementation;
imeImplementation.KeyboardDidHide -= OnKeyboardDidHide;
imeImplementation.KeyboardDidShow -= OnKeyboardDidShow;
imeImplementation.KeyboardWillHide -= OnKeyboardWillHide;
imeImplementation.KeyboardWillShow -= OnKeyboardWillShow;
imeImplementation.InsertText -= InsertText;
This is all taken from the link below but needed a bit of additional work to get it working on each platform.

gmaps4rails show hide functionality

I'm hoping to get a little bit of insight on show / hide functionality in gmaps4rails.
example functionality
// == shows all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is checked ==
function show(category) {
for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {
if (gmarkers[i].mycategory == category) {
// == check the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = true;
// == hides all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is cleared ==
function hide(category) {
for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {
if (gmarkers[i].mycategory == category) {
// == clear the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = false;
// == close the info window, in case its open on a marker that we just hid
// == a checkbox has been clicked ==
function boxclick(box,category) {
if (box.checked) {
} else {
// == rebuild the side bar
function myclick(i) {
// == rebuilds the sidebar to match the markers currently displayed ==
function makeSidebar() {
var html = "";
for (var i=0; i<gmarkers.length; i++) {
if (gmarkers[i].getVisible()) {
html += '<a href="javascript:myclick(' + i + ')">' + gmarkers[i].myname + '<\/a><br>';
document.getElementById("side_bar").innerHTML = html;
So, in my controller, I'm building a list of markers, and including their categories as json.
#markersLoc = #locSearch.to_gmaps4rails do |loc, marker|!
marker_image = "{letter}|82ABDD|000000"
marker.infowindow render_to_string(partial: '/events/info',
locals: {object: loc})
marker.picture({picture: marker_image,
width: 32,
height: 32,
marker_anchor: [11,30],
shadow_picture: "",
shadow_width: 110,
shadow_height: 110,
shadow_anchor: [12,34]})
marker.title loc.what
marker.sidebar render_to_string(partial: '/events/sidebar',
locals: {object: loc, letter: marker_image})
marker.json({cat: loc.category})
I'm kind of stuck, here. I know the :cat string is available (ex: 1,3,4), but I'm not sure how to use it to achieve what I'm after.
Was able to pretty much use what was there, with some modification. This gave me functionality to have 9 categories (could be more or less), and only view what I want. Awesome.
// == shows all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is checked ==
function show(category) {
var regEx = new RegExp("[" + category + "]")
for (var i=0; i<; i++) {
if ([i].cat) {
if ([i].cat.match(regEx)) {[i]);
// == check the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = true;
// == hides all markers of a particular category, and ensures the checkbox is cleared ==
function hide(category) {
var regEx = new RegExp("[" + category + "]")
for (var i=0; i<; i++) {
if ([i].cat) {
if ([i].cat.match(regEx)) {[i]);
// == clear the checkbox ==
document.getElementById(category+"box").checked = false;
// == close the info window, in case its open on a marker that we just hid
// == a checkbox has been clicked ==
function boxclick(box,category) {
if (box.checked) {
} else {

Pinch and zoom not working on ipad

I am unable to do pinch and zoom on ipad, I guess that the below given code may be effecting the code,
Please give any perfect solution.
Is there any issue with the binding of body child events or need to calculate the touches in different variables, and do manual calculation.
///I-Pad evenet Binding
$(document).ready(function () {
$("body").children().bind('touchstart touchmove touchend touchcancel', function () {
var touches = event.changedTouches, first = touches[0], type = "";
switch (event.type) {
case "touchstart": type = "mousedown";
case "touchmove": type = "mousemove";
case "touchend": type = "mouseup";
default: return;
var simulatedEvent = document.createEvent("MouseEvent");
simulatedEvent.initMouseEvent(type, true, true, window, 1,
first.screenX, first.screenY,
first.clientX, first.clientY, false,
false, false, false, 0/*left*/, null);
if (touches.length < 2) {;
(function () {
var last_x = null, last_y = null, w_area = workarea[0],
panning = false, keypan = false, dopanning = false;
$("#svgroot").bind('mousemove mouseup', function (evt) {
if (dopanning === false) return;
var clientxnew = +$("#svgcontent")[0].getAttribute("x"),
clientynew = +$("#svgcontent")[0].getAttribute("y");
clientxnew += (evt.clientX - last_x);
clientynew += (evt.clientY - last_y);
last_x = evt.clientX;
last_y = evt.clientY;
//this.setAttribute("viewBox", vb.join(' '));
// updateCanvas(true);
$("#svgcontent")[0].setAttribute("x", clientxnew);
$("#svgcontent")[0].setAttribute("y", clientynew);"transform", "translate(" + clientxnew + "," + clientynew + ")");
if (evt.type === 'mouseup') { dopanning = false; }
return false;
}).mousedown(function (evt) {
var mouse_target = svgCanvas.getMouseTarget(evt);
if (svgCanvas.getMode() == "text" || svgCanvas.getMode() == "textedit") {
dopanning = false; return;
if (("grouplayerdragged") > -1 ||"hotspot") > -1 ||"clonediv") > -1 || mouse_target.tagName === "text")) { dopanning = false; return; }
if (selectedElement != null) {
dopanning = false; return;
if (evt.button === 0) {
dopanning = true;
last_x = evt.clientX;
last_y = evt.clientY;
return false;
$(window).mouseup(function () {
panning = false;
dopanning = false;
you should use gesturechange. try this way (this is not your exact solution but you can hack it)
var angle = 0;
var newAngle;
var scale = 1;
var newScale;
function saveChanges() {
angle = newAngle;
scale = newScale;
function getAngleAndScale(e) {
// Don't zoom or rotate the whole screen
// Rotation and scale are event properties
newAngle = angle + e.rotation;
newScale = scale * e.scale;
// Combine scale and rotation into a single transform
var tString = "scale(" + newScale + ")";
document.getElementById("theDiv").style.webkitTransform = tString;
function init() {
// Set scale and rotation during gestures
document.getElementById("theDiv").addEventListener("gesturechange", getAngleAndScale, false);
// Preserve scale and rotation when gesture ends
document.getElementById("theDiv").addEventListener("gestureend", saveChanges, false);
<div style="width:300px;height:300px;overflow:scrool;-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;">
<img id="theDiv" style="width:100%;" src="" />
Try this on your ipad
