How do I change user status along with Devise actions - ruby-on-rails

I'm using Rails 4.1 with Devise 3.2.4
I'm using Devise's email confirmation to setup user accounts, but I also need do things after email confirmation such as setup billing information before an account can be considered active.
How do I manage a user's status along with Devise's mechanism?
I.e. when a user first signs up, I want their status to be "new". When they confirm their email, I want their status changed to "email_confirmed", and when they submit payment information, I want it to change to "active". I also want to account for when they change their email address -- their status needs to return to "new".

Devise uses "confirmation_token" field in users table. You can use it to set all of you conditions. You can add a boolean field in users table lets say 'active'(default false). When a new user signs up "confirmation_token" field contains your token so you could check for its not nil condition but we don't need user to be active now so 'active' field will remain false. Now when a user clicks on the link in email, devise changes the "confirmation_token" field to nil so again you could check it but we still don't want the user to be active so your 'active' field will remain false.
Now if you look at devise github repo when a user clicks on the confirmation token in email, your app is redirected to confirmation controllers show action.
In your case what you can do is redirect the user to your payment information page with a notice saying something like "you need to complete payment information to do transactions" or whatever you may like. You'll have to override devise after_confirmation_path method for that something like:
# The path used after confirmation.
def after_confirmation_path_for(resource_name, resource)
if signed_in?(resource_name)
# your payment information page path
And when user completes the payment information details successfully you can set his/her active field to true and build on from there.


Attaching existing order ( to create an account, Devise?

This is the scenario I would like to accomplish:
User creates an order (enters email into order table).
User is sent order confirmation email with link to sign up.
If User decides to sign up, it will connect to the account.
What would it take to accomplish this?
I'm a bit mixed up because the Order is already created and wouldn't have a current_user for the order model to attach to the User model. How would I then have it so the order.buyer_id (which is used for the current_user of the User who creates the Order) then gets associated with the to-be-signed up User who just created the order. How could I somehow embed this information in the "sign up" link that gets sent? To somehow say "if this email signs up and is confirmed, become the buyer_id for said order"?
Also, is this good practice?
Other option:
Or should I just have a "email" and "password" field when checking out where the User field get sent ahead of the payment token so the order attaches to the current_user?
Does anyone have other ideas or what I should do?
Other than this, the only thing I'm currently doing is a simple "sign up before ordering if you want to save your orders"
Email is unique for each user so after user signed up and account created you can run a small query where you assign created user to orders. It can be accomplished in the model
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
after_create :connect_orders
def connect_orders

Devise log in with one more condition to check

I´m using devise gem in a rails 4 app and I have in my user table a column called valid that by default is false, when the user registers in the site it should send me a email with the information about them and approve it, and put that valid column in true. So then in the log in action it will check that valid is true and let them login to the site.
My question is how modify that login action that takes care of the valid column in users table.
You should look at adding :confirmable to your User model, it may take care of most of what you are looking to do.
Otherwise, if you want to modify whether someone can login, look at the wiki on how to customize account validation.
From the wiki:
def active_for_authentication?
# Uncomment the below debug statement to view the properties of the returned
# self model values.
# logger.debug self.to_yaml
super && account_active?

Ruby on Rails - Devise welcome email to new users with reset password in Active Admin

Im using RoR 3.2.3 and Devise and Active Admin is working great.
However, there is something I am not getting.
In my app, users cannot register themselves, only an Admin can register other users.
This is all working, the Admin goes into the Active Admin panel->Users->New and fills the username and email and clicks "Create".
In order to give the customer the option of clreating his new password I'm using in mt AA user model:
after_create { |user| user.send_reset_password_instructions }
def password_required?
new_record? ? false : super
However, I don't want the email to send the text that devise uses, but rather a welcoming text and not something like "A link to change your password has been requested..." as there was no password to begin with.
In short, I want to use the send_reset_password_instructionsdevise method without using it's devise/mailer/reset_password_instructions view for when a new user is created.
However if the user forgets his password then he clicks the "Forgot Password" link and an email is to be sent with that default text already provided by Devise.
Any tips on how to make this work?
Thanks in advance,
Its very simple actually, set config.scoped_views = true in config/initializers/devise.rb
Then run
rails g devise:views users
this will generate all the views files devise uses, you can make changes to the
app/views/users/mailer/reset_password_instructions.html.erb file to what you need or any other file you wish to change.

activeadmin change password button

I know how to change the password using devise but I don't know how to create a link to an action for the current admin user. For example adding a link under the email.
Change password
and that would send to an action calling:
I can't really find any good documentation for ActiveAdmin, the official site expose some examples but nothing there is really explained. Its unclear where and how things works.
You'll want to look at ActiveAdmin's documentation on custom controller actions. I've accomplished this by creating a "member_action" (a custom controller action which acts upon a single record), and adding an "action_item" to perform it (those are the buttons which appear in the top right when viewing a record). Here's how I make it work:
# in app/admin/admin_users.rb
action_item do
# Link to perform the member_action, "reset_password" defined below
link_to("Reset Password", reset_password_admin_admin_user_path(admin_user))
member_action :reset_password do
# Find the user in question
admin_user = AdminUser.find(params[:id])
# Call the method (from Devise) which sends them a password reset email
# Redirect back to the user's page with a confirmation
notice: "Password reset email sent to #{}")

rails 3 + devise: on after_inactive_sign_up_path_for() how show the not-yet-confirmed user's email address?

In order to have a post-registration page, I added a RegistrationsController and method to provide a custom page to tell the user to check their email for the account confirmation link.
def after_inactive_sign_up_path_for(resource)
Is there any way on that page (which is seen by a user who has created an account, but not confirmed it, and not signed in yet) to show the email address they used to create the account.
I'd like the page to say "we just sent a confirmation link to you at"
But the view for that page cannot display because current_user is nil because they have not signed in.
Is there some other devise variable, or session variable, that would contain the registration info that was just created?
here's how we solved it ... it was easy.
modified the one-line controller method in my custom registration controller (shown in my question) to:
then in the receiving method for the route /awaiting_confirmation I simply do
#email = params[:email]
and display the #email variable in my view.
You can do this two ways, the first is to display a flash message to the user after the email is successfully sent. You still have access to the users email in a variable there so something like:
:notice => "Email was sent to #{}"
Or you could pass this object into the page that you are sending the user to after a signup and using it there.
Another way you could tackle this would be to authenticate the user with a token and then the user would be effectively signed in and you could then use current_user.
For that you would want to look into single use token authentication and devise.
