I am getting this crash for my iOS app and it doesn't show any relevant file name (just shows main.m) that I can look at. Any pointers on what the issue could be?
Exception Type: SIGSEGV
Exception Codes: SEGV_ACCERR at 0x7ebf14b8
Crashed Thread: 0
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3892860c objc_retain + 12
1 CoreData 0x2defa915 -[NSFetchedResultsController(PrivateMethods) _managedObjectContextDidChange:] + 4013
3 CoreFoundation 0x2e0b8da9 _CFXNotificationPost + 1721
4 Foundation 0x2eaa3cc5 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 73
5 CoreData 0x2def994b -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalNotificationHandling) _postObjectsDidChangeNotificationWithUserInfo:] + 79
6 CoreData 0x2def98e3 -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalChangeProcessing) _createAndPostChangeNotification:withDeletions:withUpdates:withRefreshes:] + 299
7 CoreData 0x2def7f9f -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalChangeProcessing) _processRecentChanges:] + 2323
8 CoreData 0x2df61c21 -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NestedContextSupport) _parentProcessSaveRequest:inContext:error:] + 1313
9 CoreData 0x2df6256f __82-[NSManagedObjectContext(_NestedContextSupport) executeRequest:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 563
10 libdispatch.dylib 0x38e08b3b _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow_invoke + 71
11 libdispatch.dylib 0x38e02d3f _dispatch_client_callout + 23
12 libdispatch.dylib 0x38e056c3 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 279
14 CoreFoundation 0x2e14bf4d __CFRunLoopRun + 1309
15 CoreFoundation 0x2e0b6769 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 525
16 CoreFoundation 0x2e0b654b CFRunLoopRunInMode + 107
17 GraphicsServices 0x330236d3 GSEventRunModal + 139
18 UIKit 0x30a15891 UIApplicationMain + 1137
19 MyApp 0x00034f7f main (main.m:18)
You need to enable the symbolication in order to see where the crash was caused in your code.
For further info check this Apple Documentation or this answer on Stack Overflow
We have encountered the crash : -[WKSyntheticTapGestureRecognizer setState:] in our app.I am also attaching crash report for the reference:
Crashed: com.apple.main-thread
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1540 objc_msgSend + 32
1 WebKit 0x4a6bd8 -[WKSyntheticTapGestureRecognizer setState:] + 100
2 UIKitCore 0x2bb320 -[UITapRecognizer tooSlow:] + 76
3 Foundation 0x365fc __NSFireDelayedPerform + 460
5 CoreFoundation 0x32cf0 __CFRunLoopDoTimer + 1076
6 CoreFoundation 0x2d4ec __CFRunLoopDoTimers + 328
7 CoreFoundation 0xbd08 __CFRunLoopRun + 1944
8 CoreFoundation 0x1f468 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 600
9 GraphicsServices 0x138c GSEventRunModal + 164
10 UIKitCore 0x51a088 -[UIApplication _run] + 1100
11 UIKitCore 0x298958 UIApplicationMain + 2092
12 Adoddle Field Plus 0x1238f0 main + 17 (main.mm:17)
13 ??? 0x10817daa4 (Missing)
KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS at 0x0000000000000010
Like WKSyntheticTapGesturestabilizer has been released and is still accessing its member variables
I got a crash report, which is about unrecognized selector sent to instance when saving MKMapItem into Data Store. According to MKMapItem documents(MKMapItem Document), it conforms to NSSecureCoding, which means that it should have no problem to save it into an NSManagedObject instance. it looks fine on ios 11 version, as i didn't receive crash report from the device with this version. Also, I walkthrough the feature that possibly saving MKMapItem on my phone. the context does save the NKMapItem into data store and the feature is working. Since my phone is running IOS 11, so I am thinking it could be about the version system??
Please correct me if misunderstand something.
Here is the crash report.
OS Version: iPhone OS 10.3.3 (14G60)
Report Version: 104
Exception Type: EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Triggered by Thread: 0
Last Exception Backtrace:
0 CoreFoundation 0x181646fe0 __exceptionPreprocess + 124 (NSException.m:165)
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x1800a8538 objc_exception_throw + 56 (objc-exception.mm:521)
2 CoreFoundation 0x18164def4 -[NSObject(NSObject) doesNotRecognizeSelector:] + 140 (NSObject.m:328)
3 CoreFoundation 0x18164af54 ___forwarding___ + 916 (NSForwarding.m:3126)
4 CoreFoundation 0x181546d4c _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 92
5 Foundation 0x18209afd4 _encodeObject + 1176 (NSKeyedArchiver.m:873)
6 Foundation 0x1820a1e9c +[NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject:] + 168 (NSKeyedArchiver.m:421)
7 CoreData 0x18391ae28 -[NSSQLiteConnection execute] + 1952 (NSSQLiteConnection.m:4165)
8 CoreData 0x1839520e4 -[NSSQLiteConnection insertRow:] + 456 (NSSQLiteConnection.m:2966)
9 CoreData 0x183ae3df8 _writeChangesForSaveRequest + 824 (NSSQLCore_Functions.m:1561)
10 CoreData 0x183ae5584 _executeSaveChangesRequest + 388 (NSSQLCore_Functions.m:1622)
11 CoreData 0x183adb5f0 -[NSSQLSaveChangesRequestContext executeRequestUsingConnection:] + 44 (NSSQLSaveChangesRequestContext.m:103)
12 CoreData 0x1839f30c4 __52-[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:]_block_invoke + 256 (NSSQLConnectionManager.m:305)
13 libdispatch.dylib 0x1804fe9a0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 (object.m:473)
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x18050bee0 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_invoke + 84 (queue.c:3446)
15 CoreData 0x1839f2f64 -[NSSQLDefaultConnectionManager handleStoreRequest:] + 208 (NSSQLConnectionManager.m:290)
16 CoreData 0x183ab5824 -[NSSQLCoreDispatchManager routeStoreRequest:] + 272 (NSSQLCoreDispatchManager.m:56)
17 CoreData 0x183a2075c -[NSSQLCore dispatchRequest:withRetries:] + 236 (NSSQLCore.m:2726)
18 CoreData 0x183a1c578 -[NSSQLCore processSaveChanges:forContext:] + 200 (NSSQLCore.m:1569)
19 CoreData 0x183920f10 -[NSSQLCore executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 724 (NSSQLCore.m:1923)
20 CoreData 0x1839ff84c __65-[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 3492 (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.m:2820)
21 CoreData 0x1839f80f0 -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator _routeHeavyweightBlock:] + 276 (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.m:586)
22 CoreData 0x183920adc -[NSPersistentStoreCoordinator executeRequest:withContext:error:] + 408 (NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.m:2706)
23 CoreData 0x18394197c -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] + 2548 (NSManagedObjectContext.m:1419)
24 myappName 0x10009421c coreDataManager.saveContext() + 92 (coreDataManager.swift:514)
25 myappName 0x1000b5970 closure #1 in eventUpdateManager.observeValue(forKeyPath:of:change:context:) + 64 (eventUpdateManager.swift:138)
26 myappName 0x100124924 thunk for #escaping #callee_guaranteed () -> () + 36 (customAnimationController.swift:0)
27 libdispatch.dylib 0x1804fe9e0 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 (init.c:963)
28 libdispatch.dylib 0x1804fe9a0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 (object.m:473)
29 libdispatch.dylib 0x1805035e8 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 996 (inline_internal.h:2431)
30 CoreFoundation 0x1815f50c8 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12 (CFRunLoop.c:1793)
31 CoreFoundation 0x1815f2ce4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1572 (CFRunLoop.c:3004)
32 CoreFoundation 0x181522da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 (CFRunLoop.c:3113)
33 GraphicsServices 0x182f8d074 GSEventRunModal + 100 (GSEvent.c:2245)
34 UIKit 0x1877ddc9c UIApplicationMain + 208 (UIApplication.m:4089)
35 myappName 0x10005da1c main + 56 (receiptCollectionViewCell.swift:18)
36 libdyld.dylib 0x18053159c start + 4
Thread 0 name:
Thread 0 Crashed:
0 libsystem_kernel.dylib 0x0000000180641014 __pthread_kill + 8
1 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x000000018070b264 pthread_kill + 112 (pthread.c:1366)
2 libsystem_c.dylib 0x00000001805b59c4 abort + 140 (abort.c:91)
3 myappName 0x0000000100170ac8 uncaught_exception_handler + 72
4 CoreFoundation 0x0000000181647354 __handleUncaughtException + 628 (NSException.m:218)
5 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001800a8814 _objc_terminate() + 112 (objc-exception.mm:656)
6 myappName 0x0000000100155408 MSCrashesUncaughtCXXTerminateHandler() + 732 (MSCrashesCXXExceptionHandler.mm:171)
7 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001800975d4 std::__terminate(void (*)()) + 16 (cxa_handlers.cpp:68)
8 libc++abi.dylib 0x00000001800971a8 __cxa_rethrow + 144 (cxa_exception.cpp:584)
9 libobjc.A.dylib 0x00000001800a86f8 objc_exception_rethrow + 44 (objc-exception.mm:559)
10 CoreData 0x0000000183941cb0 -[NSManagedObjectContext save:] + 3368 (NSManagedObjectContext.m:1548)
11 myappName 0x000000010009421c coreDataManager.saveContext() + 92 (coreDataManager.swift:514)
12 myappName 0x00000001000b5970 closure #1 in eventUpdateManager.observeValue(forKeyPath:of:change:context:) + 64 (eventUpdateManager.swift:138)
13 myappName 0x0000000100124924 thunk for #escaping #callee_guaranteed () -> () + 36 (customAnimationController.swift:0)
14 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001804fe9e0 _dispatch_call_block_and_release + 24 (init.c:963)
15 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001804fe9a0 _dispatch_client_callout + 16 (object.m:473)
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x00000001805035e8 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF + 996 (inline_internal.h:2431)
17 CoreFoundation 0x00000001815f50c8 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_SERVICING_THE_MAIN_DISPATCH_QUEUE__ + 12 (CFRunLoop.c:1793)
18 CoreFoundation 0x00000001815f2ce4 __CFRunLoopRun + 1572 (CFRunLoop.c:3004)
19 CoreFoundation 0x0000000181522da4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 424 (CFRunLoop.c:3113)
20 GraphicsServices 0x0000000182f8d074 GSEventRunModal + 100 (GSEvent.c:2245)
21 UIKit 0x00000001877ddc9c UIApplicationMain + 208 (UIApplication.m:4089)
22 myappName 0x000000010005da1c main + 56 (receiptCollectionViewCell.swift:18)
23 libdyld.dylib 0x000000018053159c start + 4
I get the following crash log from Crashlytics for my app. My code do not call msgpack_zone_free or msgpack parse method at all and so I'm confused how that happened. I'm unable to reproduce this crash myself so I'm left to analyze the issue from the crash report itself. Any pointers to what I need to check will be very helpful.
This is not a case of low memory as I see free memory from Crashlytics.
Thread : Crashed: com.apple.main-thread
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x0000000192953bd0 objc_msgSend + 16
1 CoreFoundation 0x00000001820d5228 CFRelease + 524
2 CoreFoundation 0x00000001821e62ac -[__NSArrayM removeAllObjects] + 284
3 MyApp 0x00000001004a69e0 msgpack_zone_free
4 MyApp 0x00000001004a4afc msgpack_zone_free
5 CoreFoundation 0x000000018219cae4 __CFNOTIFICATIONCENTER_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_AN_OBSERVER__ + 20
6 CoreFoundation 0x00000001820db220 _CFXNotificationPost + 2060
7 Foundation 0x0000000182fdac60 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 72
8 UIKit 0x0000000186c32e98 -[UIApplication _handleApplicationDectivationWithScene:shouldForceExit:transitionContext:completion:] + 1132
9 UIKit 0x0000000186c3b370 __88-[UIApplication _handleApplicationLifecycleEventWithScene:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke + 92
10 UIKit 0x0000000186c3b2f8 -[UIApplication _handleApplicationLifecycleEventWithScene:transitionContext:completion:] + 380
11 UIKit 0x0000000186c2ec2c -[UIApplication scene:didUpdateWithDiff:transitionContext:completion:] + 512
12 FrontBoardServices 0x000000018a45d62c __31-[FBSSerialQueue performAsync:]_block_invoke + 28
13 CoreFoundation 0x00000001821aea28 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 20
14 CoreFoundation 0x00000001821adb30 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 312
15 CoreFoundation 0x00000001821ac154 __CFRunLoopRun + 1756
16 CoreFoundation 0x00000001820d90a4 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 396
17 GraphicsServices 0x000000018b2735a4 GSEventRunModal + 168
18 UIKit 0x0000000186a0aaa4 UIApplicationMain + 1488
19 MyApp 0x00000001000cce40 main (main.m:16)
20 libdyld.dylib 0x0000000192faea08 start + 4
The crash tools report a weird crash of my app.
It crashed at MDOSWebViewDelegate.
After listed all the symbols of binary with command nm -a myApp,
and still can't locate it from the crash stack.
I don't even know what features of these modules, it seems this module is from an System framework.
(mdDoRequest mdlExchange mdlRemoteExec)
Following is the crash stack.
crashed: com.apple.main-thread
Thread : Crashed: com.apple.main-thread
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x37305f46 objc_msgSend + 5
1 MyApp 0x00d59ca3 mdDoRequest (MDOSWebViewDelegate.m:129)
2 MyApp 0x00d5dafb mdlExchange (lang.c:57)
3 MyApp 0x00d5df4f mdlRemoteExec (lang.c:110)
4 MyApp 0x00d592e5 forwardInvocation (MDOSProxy.m:213)
5 CoreFoundation 0x2943d62f ___forwarding___ + 354
6 CoreFoundation 0x2936f008 _CF_forwarding_prep_0 + 24
8 CoreFoundation 0x2934e6cd _CFXNotificationPost + 1784
9 Foundation 0x2a0a4dd9 -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 72
10 UIKit 0x2cbbba65 -[UIApplication _handleApplicationDectivationWithScene:shouldForceExit:transitionContext:completion:] + 980
11 UIKit 0x2cbc2d8d __88-[UIApplication _handleApplicationLifecycleEventWithScene:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke + 76
12 UIKit 0x2cbc2d39 -[UIApplication _handleApplicationLifecycleEventWithScene:transitionContext:completion:] + 360
13 UIKit 0x2cbb7ef3 -[UIApplication scene:didUpdateWithDiff:transitionContext:completion:] + 478
14 FrontBoardServices 0x2fd83169 __80-[FBSSceneImpl updater:didUpdateSettings:withDiff:transitionContext:completion:]_block_invoke_2 + 40
15 FrontBoardServices 0x2fd920a9 __31-[FBSSerialQueue performAsync:]_block_invoke + 12
16 CoreFoundation 0x29400fe5 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_BLOCK__ + 12
17 CoreFoundation 0x294002a9 __CFRunLoopDoBlocks + 216
18 CoreFoundation 0x293fede3 __CFRunLoopRun + 1714
19 CoreFoundation 0x2934c3b1 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 476
20 CoreFoundation 0x2934c1c3 CFRunLoopRunInMode + 106
21 GraphicsServices 0x30939201 GSEventRunModal + 136
22 UIKit 0x2c9b643d UIApplicationMain + 1440
23 MyApp 0x0003696f main (main.m:19)
Any suggestion?
Receiving random crash reports related to NSFetchedResultsController updates to a UITableView, but I'm having a difficult time deciphering the crash log since it's all internal iOS methods.
This occurs at random times after data is fetched from a server in a background queue and the app populates new NSManagedObjects in the background into a Core Data Persistent Store.
Does anyone have an understanding of what may be going on here?
0 libobjc.A.dylib 0x3930b752 lookUpImpOrForward + 46
1 libobjc.A.dylib 0x39303feb _class_lookupMethodAndLoadCache3 + 35
2 libobjc.A.dylib 0x39303db9 _objc_msgSend_uncached + 25
3 UIKit 0x317b2bbf __66-[UISectionRowData refreshWithSection:tableView:tableViewRowData:]_block_invoke + 451
4 UIKit 0x31778179 -[UISectionRowData refreshWithSection:tableView:tableViewRowData:] + 3717
5 UIKit 0x3189c95b -[UITableViewRowData ensureAllSectionsAreValid] + 167
6 UIKit 0x31873f29 -[UITableView _endCellAnimationsWithContext:] + 217
7 CoreData 0x2ecae7dd -[NSFetchedResultsController(PrivateMethods) _managedObjectContextDidChange:] + 4013
9 CoreFoundation 0x2ee68317 _CFXNotificationPost + 1719
10 Foundation 0x2f84cdcd -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] + 77
11 CoreData 0x2ecad813 -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalNotificationHandling) _postObjectsDidChangeNotificationWithUserInfo:] + 79
12 CoreData 0x2ecad7ab -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalChangeProcessing) _createAndPostChangeNotification:withDeletions:withUpdates:withRefreshes:] + 299
13 CoreData 0x2ecabe13 -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NSInternalChangeProcessing) _processRecentChanges:] + 2367
14 CoreData 0x2ed159e3 -[NSManagedObjectContext(_NestedContextSupport) _parentProcessSaveRequest:inContext:error:] + 1315
15 CoreData 0x2ed1632f __82-[NSManagedObjectContext(_NestedContextSupport) executeRequest:withContext:error:]_block_invoke + 563
16 libdispatch.dylib 0x397f31a7 _dispatch_barrier_sync_f_slow_invoke + 67
17 libdispatch.dylib 0x397ebd67 _dispatch_client_callout + 23
18 libdispatch.dylib 0x397f27c1 _dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$mp + 269
20 CoreFoundation 0x2eefb0f5 __CFRunLoopRun + 1301
21 CoreFoundation 0x2ee65ce7 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 523
22 CoreFoundation 0x2ee65acb CFRunLoopRunInMode + 107
23 GraphicsServices 0x33b86283 GSEventRunModal + 139
24 UIKit 0x31707a41 UIApplicationMain + 1137
25 0x000ba53f main (main.m:16)