iOS Parse Stripe Integration - ios

I'm fairly new to programming and I created an app to charge customers and would like to store their CC information and charge it at a later time. I've been going through all the tutorials and documentation and I am unable to follow how I can integrate this into my app. Do I need to know other technical skills such as Rest API, Curl, Ruby, etc to get this set up? All the guides and documentation is pointing to that direction. I don't really understand what GET/POST is for and how that fits into iOS Objective-C programming.
Any guidance on how to set this up would be tremendously appreciated. I've been stuck on this for some time now.

Parse's stripe API is not as complete as it could and should be. There are many features it does not include natively, but can be accomplished VIA an HTTP Request. I had to learn a little bit of Javascript, and HTTP request to get many features working. Of course your first instinct should tell you do NOT store a CC number on any device ever! Anytime you have a user input a CC number, immediately get a token and then that is all you will need to use.
Luckily stripe gives you the ability to save customers, and attached CC to customers, and then charge that customer in the future without getting the CC number again. Parse's api does not handle adding a CC to a customer so I added the feature myself.
So Step 1 and 2 Generate a Customer using Parse's API, and generate a Token from the CC information they enter again using Parse's API. If you need help with this, and the cloud code required let me know.
Step 3 Add a CC to a customer. I'm using a custom Customer object, but the main thing you really need is the stripe customerId which is customer.identifier in my code, and tokenID from your CC which in my case is token.tokenId. The response back will be a JSON string with the card information, I turn this into a Dictionary, and then create a STPCard from the dictionary. Also I show how to remove a card from a customer.
iOS Code:
+(void)addToken:(STPToken *)token toCustomerId:(NSString *)customerId completionHandler:(PFIdResultBlock)block
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"stripeUpdateCustomer" withParameters:#{#"customerId":customerId,#"data":#{#"card":token.tokenId}} block:block];
+ (void)removeCard:(STPCard *)card FromCustomer:(ELCustomer *)customer completion:(STPCardDeletionBlock)handler
if (!customer ||!customer.identifier || !card || !card.identifier || !handler) [NSException raise:#"RequiredParameter" format:#"Required Parameter Missing for deleting card from customer"];
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"stripeDeleteCardFromCustomer" withParameters:#{#"cardId":card.identifier,#"customerId":customer.identifier} block:^(id object, NSError *error)
NSDictionary *dict = nil;
NSError *jsonError = nil;
if (object && [object isKindOfClass:[NSString class]] && !error) {
dict = [NSJSONSerialization JSONObjectWithData:[object dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding] options:kNilOptions error:&jsonError];
if (!jsonError && dict) {
handler(dict[#"id"],[dict[#"deleted"] boolValue],error);
else if(jsonError) handler(nil,NO,jsonError);
else handler(nil,NO,error);
Cloud Code Required:
Parse.Cloud.define("stripeUpdateCustomer", function(request, response)
response.error("Error:" +error);
Parse.Cloud.define("stripeDeleteCardFromCustomer", function(request, response)
//STRIPE_SECRET_KEY will be your stripe secrect key obviously, this is different from the public key that you will use in your iOS/Android side.
url: "https://" + STRIPE_SECRET_KEY + ':#' + STRIPE_API_BASE_URL + "/customers/" + request.params.customerId + "/cards/" + request.params.cardId,
success: function(httpResponse) {
error: function(httpResponse) {
response.error('Request failed with response code ' + httpResponse.status);
iOS Code for applying a charge to a customer or token notice the required parameters in the dictionary are an amount in cents not dollars, a currency, and then either a customer or a tokenId. Note a customer can have many credit cards, but one of them is the active credit card. The active card is the card that will be charged when you charge a customer:
//Will attempt to charge customer, if no customer exists, or it fails to charge the custoemr it will attempt to charge a card token directly;
//*********Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE ACCOUNT.***************
if (![self validForCardProcessing] && ![self validForCustomerProcessing]) {
handler(nil,[NSError errorWithDomain:MY_ERROR_DOMAIN code:elErrorCodeNoCustomerOrTokenID userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionary]]);
[self processChargeThroughStripeUsingCustomerWithCompletionHandler:^(STPCharge *charge, NSError *error)
if (!error) handler(charge,error);
[self processChargeThroughStripeUsingCardWithCompletionHandler:^(STPCharge *charge, NSError *error) {
handler(charge, error);
//Process payment using a customer to their active card. No token is required if customer exists with a card on record.
//*********Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE ACCOUNT.***************
if (!self.validForCustomerProcessing)
handler(self,[NSError errorWithDomain:MY_ERROR_DOMAIN code:elErrorCodeNoCustomerID userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionary]]);
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"chargeToken" withParameters:[STPCharge dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCustomer:self] block:^(id object, NSError *error)
if (!error)
[self initSelfWithDictionary:object];
//Process payment using a token that is attached to the charge, when complete self will be updated with the new charge information
//*********Warning: This is the final step it will APPLY A CHARGE TO THE ACCOUNT.***************
if (!self.validForCardProcessing)
handler(self,[NSError errorWithDomain:MY_ERROR_DOMAIN code:elErrorCodeNoTokenID userInfo:[NSDictionary dictionary]]);
[PFCloud callFunctionInBackground:#"chargeToken" withParameters:[STPCharge dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCard:self] block:^(id object, NSError *error)
if (!error)
[self initSelfWithDictionary:object];
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCard:(STPCharge *)charge
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictionary[#"amount"] = charge.amountInCents;
dictionary[#"currency"] = charge.currency;
dictionary[#"card"] = charge.token.tokenId;
return dictionary;
+ (NSDictionary *)dictionaryFromSTPChargeForProccessingUsingCustomer:(STPCharge *)charge
NSMutableDictionary *dictionary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
dictionary[#"amount"] = charge.amountInCents;
dictionary[#"currency"] = charge.currency;
dictionary[#"customer"] = charge.customer.identifier;
return dictionary;
Cloud code for charging a customer/token:
response.error("Error:" +error);

How are you storing their CC information to charge it at a later time? Before proceeding, you need to know if it is PCI compliant or not. At most, the only things you should be looking to store is the expiration date, last 4 digits, and an associated record object that Parse Stripe gives you that corresponds to that CC. Do not try to store the full CC.
As to your other questions:
Generally you need to know a web language to do something like this. Here is an example of a possible stack that I've seen in a situation like this:
iOS App -> sends request to Server (rails, python, php, etc) -> Will send request to 3rd party site
3rd party site response -> Server -> iOS app.
The point of the server is to intercept the call from the mobile App to Parse, and the response from Parse back to the mobile app. The reason for this is so you can have a "master" db of the transactions/states and can recover if the app is ever reinstalled on the user's phone. It also will let you store an identifier that points to the user's CC on parse stripe (I'm assuming).
You should really understand GET/POST as they are becoming a very basic feature of any iOS app. They are simply how you get/insert records from a server. Considering almost all of the popular apps have some kind of network connectivity embedded in them, it really is a core part of iOS programming IMO.


I can not get Branch install parameters after opening app from Shared Link in iOS

I am sharing link with , but when I am installing app from the link in my didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, not getting the Branch parameters.
[[Branch getInstance] initSessionWithLaunchOptions:launchOptions isReferrable:YES andRegisterDeepLinkHandler:^(NSDictionary * _Nullable params, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
// params are the deep linked params associated with the link that the user clicked -> was re-directed to this app
// params will be empty if no data found
// ... insert custom logic here ...
NSLog(#"branch params.description: %#", params.description);
NSLog(#"branch params: %#", params);
} else {
NSLog(#"branch error: %#", error);
branch params don't have the embedded properties in it, and also it cant detect it is installed from Link.
It always prints:
branch params: {
"+clicked_branch_link" = 0;
"+is_first_session" = 0;
I have set all the key information and associate domains in Project.
What can be the reason for this, is it related to ios version? or Branch sdk problem?
Thanks in advance.

Easy way to unsubscribe for all topic subscribed with GCM (iOS device)

I am trying to push notifications through topic system in a iOS device with the new API of Google Cloud Messaging designed for iOS device.
I have the right certificates so I can receive notifications from a topic created. My code to subscribe to a topic is the following :
if (_registrationToken && _connectedToGCM) {
[[GCMPubSub sharedInstance] subscribeWithToken:_registrationToken
handler:^(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
//handle error here
} else {
self.subscribedToTopic = true;
I know the equivalent function to unsubscribe but this function need a topic name.
Is there a way to retrieve all topics where my app is possibly subscribed to unregistered them before subscribing ?
There is no way to retrieve the list of topics that your app is subscribed to from the Google Cloud Messaging service.
You have to keep track of the list and persist it on your app (hard coded, stored in preferences, database, file, etc.) or your server.
When you decide to let the user unsubscribe, retrieve the list of topics from where you stored it and pass it to unsubscribeWithToken:token:topic:options:handler as mentioned on the Implementing Topic Messaging page
Alternatively, when receiving messages you can check who is the message 'from'. If it is from a topic you are no longer interested in, you can unsubscribe instead of processing the message.
If you have the registration token it's possible to get the topics the device is subscribed to by using (with authorization key in the header). Where IID_TOKEN is the registration token.
Find more info at
If you want unsubscribe from all topics simply execute:
GGLInstanceID *iid = [GGLInstanceID sharedInstance];
GGLInstanceIDDeleteHandler deleteHandler = ^void(NSError *error) {
if (error) {
// failed to delete the identity for the app
// do an exponential backoff and retry again.
} else {
// try to get a new ID
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
GGLInstanceIDHandler handler =
^void(NSString *identity, NSError *error) {
if (error) {
// failed to get the identity for the app
// handle error
} else {
NSString *instanceID = identity;
// handle InstanceID for the app
[iid getIDWithHandler:handler];
[iid deleteIDWithHandler:deleteHandler];
More info
Don't forget to refresh your TOKEN!

Gigya phone registration

I'm using Gigya as a single-sign-on system for my iOS app.
It is integrated and I can log in with both Twitter, Facebook and manual email registration.
As both Facebook and Twitter do not return mobile phone numbers, I'm appending this information after successful registration/login along with some other information like e-mail. I am able to successfully update fields in the profile like username, nickname etc, but not phones.
A description of the profile structure can be found here:
So I figure to post:
{#"phones": #[#{#"number" : _phoneNumberTextfield.text}]}
as the profile content. Which is apparently alright, since the response has statusReason OK.
All good, and if I add other fields, they get updated. But when I retrieve the profile, there is no phone number there. I tried to append the field "type" as per the definition, but then I get: 400025 Write access validation error.
So the update call tells me everything is OK, but it isn't appending the number to the profile. Adding the type to each number entry in the array of #"phones" gives an access violation.
I've been through Gigya's API spec and can't find any working examples or even JSON examples of this situation; does anyone have a solution for this?
If you're retrieving the profile using accounts.getAccountInfo, make sure you include the "extraProfileFields = phones" parameter. The phones array will not be returned by default.
The Gigya SDK on the server-side represents data as JSON objects, which have the ability to represent nested objects under a key or arrays.
In the case of the "" property on the account, this is stored as an array of objects, as detailed below:
"profile": {
"phones": [
{ "type": "phone", "number": "8005551234" },
{ "type": "cell", "number": "8885551234" }
Typically, the when using Gigya's iOS API, it is common to maps these JSON concepts to the the NSMutableDictionary and NSMutableArray classes respectively and then to serialize the data using the NSJSONSerialization class.
So, for example, if we wanted to set the phone numbers on an account with Gigya like shown above, then you would need to accomplish this using something like the following code:
NSMutableDictionary *phone1 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[phone1 setObject:#"phone" forKey:#"type"];
[phone1 setObject:#"8005551234" forKey:#"number"];
NSMutableDictionary *phone2 = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[phone2 setObject:#"cell" forKey:#"type"];
[phone2 setObject:#"8885551234" forKey:#"number"];
NSMutableArray *phones = [NSMutableArray array];
[phones addObject:phone1];
[phones addObject:phone2];
NSMutableDictionary *profile = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
[profile setObject:phones forKey:#"phones"];
NSError *error;
NSData *jsonData = [NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:profile
GSRequest *request = [GSRequest requestForMethod:#"accounts.setAccountInfo"];
[request.parameters setObject:jsonString forKey:#"profile"];
[request sendWithResponseHandler:^(GSResponse *response, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
// Success! Use the response object.
else {
// Check the error code according to the GSErrorCode enum, and handle it.
Alternatively, you could construct a JSON string directly; but the above strategy tends to be much more flexible to any changes that need to be done when adding new properties.

How do I save thousands of objects to [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question appears to be off-topic because it lacks sufficient information to diagnose the problem. Describe your problem in more detail or include a minimal example in the question itself.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
In my iOS app that uses Parse, some users will need to save thousand of objects in one action. I've tried iterating through the array of data and creating/saving the objects one by one, but this results in the objects saving to my data browser pretty slowly. Each object only needs to contain a few strings, so I don't understand why its taking so long to save these objects.
Is there a faster way to save thousands of objects to Parse?
I've always used [PFObject saveAllInBackground:array block:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {}]; but....another method I have just attempted semi-successfully, was to upload a Json string as a PFFile(no 128k limit), and then use cloud code to parse it and create the necessary PFObjects. I was able to get this to work with small quantities, but unfortunately the cloud code timed out when using a large quantity. I instead opted to utilize a background job to perform the parsing. This takes a considerable amount of time before the data is completely available, but can handle the large amount of data. The upload time itself was much quicker. When using 1000 objects with 3 strings each upload was roughly .8 seconds, vs 23 seconds doing a save all in background, 5000 objects 3 strings each was only 2.5 seconds upload time. In addition to the quicker time you also get progress updates. Depending on the use-case, utilizing this alternative may work best if immediate and quick upload is important, vs making the data immediately available.
IOS Code:
NSMutableArray *array = [NSMutableArray array];
for (int i = 0; i<5; i++) {
//subclass of PFObject
Employee *employee = [Employee object];
employee.firstName = #"FName";
employee.lastName = #"LName";
employee.employeeID = #"fid54";
[array addObject:[employee dictionaryWithValuesForKeys:employee.allKeys]];
//Seperate class only to store the PFFiles
PFObject *testObject = [PFObject objectWithClassName:#"fileTestSave"];
testObject[#"testFile"] = [PFFile fileWithData:[NSJSONSerialization dataWithJSONObject:array options:0 error:nil]];
//**notice I am only saving the test object with the NSData from the JSONString**
[testObject saveInBackgroundWithBlock:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
if (!error && succeeded) NSLog(#"succeeded");
else NSLog(#"error");
Edited: Instead of saving in the beforeSave or afterSave Cloud Code which can cause timeout issues, the background job below can be run anytime. It grab all rows in the "fileTestSave" table, parses the JSON strings in those rows, and adds them to the "Person" table. Once completed it will rows from the table. All asynchronously!
var _ = require('underscore.js');
Parse.Cloud.job("userMigration", function(request, status)
// Set up to modify user data
//Table called fileTestSave stores a PFFile called "testFile" which we will use an HTTPRequest to get the data. Is there a better way to get the data?
//This PFFile stores a json string which contains relavent data to add to the "Person" table
var testFileSave = Parse.Object.extend("fileTestSave");
var query = new Parse.Query(testFileSave);
//Generate an array of promises
var promises = [];
_.each(results, function(testFileSaveInstance){
//add promise to array
//only continue when all promises are complete
return Parse.Promise.when(promises);
// Set the job's success status
console.log("Migration Completed NOW");
status.success("Migration completed");
}, function(error) {
// Set the job's error status
status.error("Uh oh, something went wrong.");
function saveJsonPerson(fileTestSave)
//Get the pffile testfile
var testFile = fileTestSave.get("testFile");
//get the fileURL from the PFFile to generate the http request
var fileURL = testFile["url"]();
//return the promise from the httpRequest
return Parse.Cloud.httpRequest({
url: fileURL
//return the promise from the parsing
return parsehttpResponse(httpResponse,fileTestSave);
console.log("http response error");
function parsehttpResponse(httpResponse,fileTestSave)
var jsonArray = eval( '(' + httpResponse.text + ')' );
var saveArray =[];
//parse each person in the json string, and add them to the saveArray for bulk saving later.
for (i in jsonArray)
var personExtend = Parse.Object.extend("Person");
var person = new personExtend();
//return the promise from the saveAll(bulk save)
return Parse.Object.saveAll(
//return the promise from the destory
return fileTestSave.destroy(
console.log("error destroying");
console.log("Error Saving");
Old Cloud Code that timed out as reference:
Parse.Cloud.afterSave("fileTestSave", function(request) {
//When accessing PFFiles you don't get the actual data, there may be an easier way, but I just utitlized an HTTPRequest to get the data, and then continued parsing.
var file = request.object.get("testFile");
var fileURL = file["url"]();
url: fileURL,
success: function(httpResponse)
var jsonArray = eval( '(' + httpResponse.text + ')' );
var saveArray =[];
for (i in jsonArray)
var personExtend = Parse.Object.extend("Person");
var person = new personExtend();
//May be a better way to parse JSON by using each key automatically, but I'm still new to JS, and Parse so I set each individually.
success: function(list) {
// All the objects were saved.
error: function(error) {
// An error occurred while saving one of the objects.
error: function(httpResponse) {
console.log("http response error");
Another method for uploading thousands of objects in the background, again this takes some time but can be sized to avoid timing out, as arrays are saved in chunks recursively. I've had no problem saving 10k+ items. Implemented as a category, just enter how many objects at a time you want save at a time, it will save them in the background serially, and recursively until all objects are saved, it also features progress updating via a separate block.
// PFObject+addOns.h
#import <Parse/Parse.h>
#interface PFObject (addOns)
+(void)saveAllInBackground:(NSArray *)array chunkSize:(int)chunkSize block:(PFBooleanResultBlock)block progressBlock:(PFProgressBlock)progressBlock;
#import "PFObject+addOns.h"
#interface PFObject (addOns_internal)
+(void)saveAllInBackground:(NSArray *)array chunkSize:(int)chunkSize block:(PFBooleanResultBlock)block trigger:(void(^)())trigger;
#implementation PFObject (addOns)
+(void)saveAllInBackground:(NSArray *)array chunkSize:(int)chunkSize block:(PFBooleanResultBlock)block progressBlock:(PFProgressBlock)progressBlock
unsigned long numberOfCyclesRequired = array.count/chunkSize;
__block unsigned long count = 0;
[PFObject saveAllInBackground:array chunkSize:chunkSize block:block trigger:^() {
+(void)saveAllInBackground:(NSArray *)array chunkSize:(int)chunkSize block:(PFBooleanResultBlock)block trigger:(void(^)())trigger
NSRange range = NSMakeRange(0, array.count <= chunkSize ? array.count:chunkSize);
NSArray *saveArray = [array subarrayWithRange:range];
NSArray *nextArray = nil;
if (range.length<array.count) nextArray = [array subarrayWithRange:NSMakeRange(range.length, array.count-range.length)];
[PFObject saveAllInBackground:saveArray block:^(BOOL succeeded, NSError *error) {
if(!error && succeeded && nextArray){
[PFObject saveAllInBackground:nextArray chunkSize:chunkSize block:block trigger:trigger];
I think you should be able to do this with sending the save process in quantities of five into the background, so to speak fork it, "thread" it, as apple would refer to it.
here is the link to apples ios threading guides.
I have not used it yet, but I will soon need it as well, as I'm working on a massive database app.
here's the link
If you have an array of objects, you can use saveAllInBackgroundWithBlock. This method takes an array of PFObjects as its argument:
For the faster processing, you can use the parse cloud code, whihc is simply a javascript. You can create a function which takes the array of the data as argument and then in function, you can save the objects.
Parse cloud code has better processing speed than the native one.
For its use, you can refer :

Google OAuth Login Error: Invalid credentials

I have an iPad application which allows users to login to their Gmail account(s) using OAuth2. Thus far, the login process and email fetching is successful. However, when the app is closed and then re-opened after a (long) period of time, an error is produced "invalid credentials,' even though previous logins with the same credentials were successful.
Login Flow:
1) User logs in to gmail using OAuth 2.
2) User email address and oAuthToken provided by the GTMOAuth2Authentication object are saved to core data for future logins.
3) IMAP Session is created using saved email address and OAuthToken.
Here is the relevant code
Google Login
- (void)gmailOAuthLogin
NSDictionary *googleSettings = [[EmailServicesInfo emailServicesInfoDict] objectForKey:Gmail];
GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *googleSignInController =
[[GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch alloc] initWithScope:GmailScope clientID:GmailAppClientID clientSecret:GmailClientSecret keychainItemName:KeychainItemName completionHandler:^(GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch *googleSignInController, GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth, NSError *error){
if (error != nil) {
//handle error
} else {
[[ModelManager sharedInstance] authenticateWithEmailAddress:[auth userEmail]
oAuthToken:[auth accessToken] imapHostname:[googleSettings objectForKey:IMAPHostName] imapPort:[[googleSettings objectForKey:IMAPPort]integerValue] smtpHostname:[googleSettings objectForKey:SMTPHostName] smtpPort:[[googleSettings objectForKey:SMTPPort]integerValue] type:EmailProtocolTypeImapAndSmtpGMail success:^(Account *account) {
//create IMAP session using above arguments
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
//handle error
[self presentGoogleSignInController:googleSignInController];
Create IMAP Session Using MailCore2
- (void)authenticateWithEmailAddress:(NSString *)emailAddress password:(NSString *)password oAuthToken:(NSString *)oAuthToken imapHostname:(NSString *)imapHostname imapPort:(NSInteger)imapPort smtpHostname:(NSString *)smtpHostname smtpPort:(NSInteger)smtpPort success:(void (^)())success failure:(void (^)(NSError *))failure
self.imapSession = [[MCOIMAPSession alloc] init];
self.imapSession.hostname = imapHostname;
self.imapSession.port = imapPort;
self.imapSession.username = emailAddress;
self.imapSession.connectionType = MCOConnectionTypeTLS;
self.imapSession.password = nil;
self.imapSession.OAuth2Token = oAuthToken;
self.imapSession.authType = nil != oAuthToken ? MCOAuthTypeXOAuth2 :
[self.imapSession setConnectionLogger:^(void * connectionID, MCOConnectionLogType type,
NSData * data){
NSLog(#"MCOIMAPSession: [%i] %#", type, [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
self.smtpSession = [[MCOSMTPSession alloc] init];
self.smtpSession.hostname = smtpHostname;
self.smtpSession.port = smtpPort;
self.smtpSession.username = emailAddress;
self.smtpSession.connectionType = MCOConnectionTypeTLS;
self.smtpSession.password = nil;
self.smtpSession.OAuth2Token = oAuthToken;
self.smtpSession.authType = nil != oAuthToken ? MCOAuthTypeXOAuth2 :
[self.smtpSession setConnectionLogger:^(void * connectionID, MCOConnectionLogType type, NSData * data){
NSLog(#"MCOSMTPSession: [%i] %#", type, [[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]);
[[self.imapSession checkAccountOperation] start:^(NSError *error) {
if (nil == error) {
} else {
Once again, the above code works fine, unless the application has not been used in some time. I was not sure if I needed to refresh the OAuthToken or not, so I tried doing the following on launch of the application:
GTMOAuth2Authentication *auth = [GTMOAuth2ViewControllerTouch authForGoogleFromKeychainForName:KeychainItemName clientID:GmailAppClientID clientSecret:GmailClientSecret];
BOOL canAuthorize = [auth canAuthorize]; //returns YES
NSDictionary *googleSettings = [[EmailServicesInfo emailServicesInfoDict] objectForKey:Gmail];
[[ModelManager sharedDefaultInstance] authenticateWithEmailAddress:[auth userEmail] oAuthToken:[auth refreshToken] imapHostname:[googleSettings objectForKey:IMAPHostName] imapPort:[[googleSettings objectForKey:IMAPPort]integerValue] smtpHostname:[googleSettings objectForKey:SMTPHostName] smtpPort:[[googleSettings objectForKey:SMTPPort]integerValue] type:EmailProtocolTypeImapAndSmtpGMail success:^(Account *account) {
//create IMAP session
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(#"failure %#", error);
But I still get the same error. I have no idea why the OAuth token stops working or how to resolve this. Since the user is able to save multiple accounts, I am wondering if I need to save the refresh token for each account in core data and use that if the access token stops working?
(Disclaimer - I don't know iOS or the gtm-oauth2 libraries, but I do know Google's OAuth implementation.)
Conceptually you do need to persist the refresh token for the user. The refresh token is a long-lived credential which is used (along with your client secret) to get a short-lived access token that is used for actual API calls.
If you anticipate making multiple calls in a short period of time then your app will normally actually persist both the refresh token and access token (currently access tokens will last 1 hour).
That all said, it looks like the gtm-oauth2 library should be taking care of persisting these already (looks like authForGoogleFromKeychainForName does this).
What I think you need help with is getting an up-to-date access token that you can use to initiate your IMAP session.
The gtm-oauth2 library does contain an authorizeRequest method. It takes information about an HTTP request you intend to make and adds the appropriate authorization headers. It looks like this code will examine the state of the access token, and refresh it if necessary.
While I know you aren't able to make an HTTP request (you need to speak IMAP), my suggestion is to use this method with a dummy NSMutableURLRequest - and then, once it's finished, don't actually send the HTTP request, instead examine the headers it added and pull the access token from there.
Hope that helps - I don't have an iOS environment to test it on.
