Examples / documentation for using Spring AMQP with RabbitMQ over SSL - spring-amqp

I would like to know about the documentation / API / examples for using spring AMQP for RabbitMQ over SSL.

Simply configure the rabbit client connection factory as shown in the rabbit documentation and then inject that connection factory into the Spring AMQP connection factory as described in the Spring AMQP documentation.


How to access AWS SQS from websphere liberty using JNDI

In our project we have websphere liberty server and IBM MQ as message server. We are moving in cloud. We want to replace IBM MQ with AWS SQS. In server.xml we have following entries to get IBM MQ connection factory using jndi.
<jmsQueueConnectionFactory connectionManagerRef="ABCConnMgr" jndiName="jms/ABC_QCF">
<properties.wmqJms channel="CH.ABC.SVRCONN" hostName="abc-mq1-st4.ebiz.abc.com" port="21414" queueManager="ABC401" transportType="CLIENT"/>
<connectionManager agedTimeout="-1s" connectionTimeout="180s" id="ABCConnMgr" maxIdleTime="1800s" maxPoolSize="50" minPoolSize="0" purgePolicy="EntirePool" purgeagedTimeout="-1s" reapTime="180s"/>
<properties.wmqJms baseQueueName="ABC.ORDERMGT.INPUT.QA"/>
Similarly I am looking jndi configuration for Amazon SQS connection factory and sqs queue. I think IBM need to develop resource adapter for SQS and provide this configuration.
You are correct, you will need a resource adapter for Amazon SQS. It could be provided by any third-party vendor, does not need to be IBM for it to work because JCA is a standard.
Once you have a resource adapter, here are some helpful Knowledge Center links to get it configured in Liberty,
Overview of JCA/JMS config
Configuring Resource Adapters
Configuring JMS Connection Factories
Configuring JMS Destinations

Spring-Amqp-NET libraries for RabbitMQ - SSL support

We want to use spring-amqp-net in our applications to listen for messages in RabbitMQ.
We couldn't figure out any configuration parameter for SSL connection neither in the source code nor in the documentation.
Does anybody now if spring-amqp-net supports SSL connection to RabbitMQ?
If yes, how can we configure the SSL connection in our .net application's Application.xml file?
Thank you.
I am not familiar with .NET, or that project (I am the lead for the Java Spring AMQP project).
With the Java Spring AMQP library, SSL is configured by appropriately configuring the underlying RabbitConnectionFactory and then that instance is injected into the Spring CachingConnectionFacrtory.
Looking at the code, it appears a similar mechanism is available in the .NET library...
public CachingConnectionFactory(ConnectionFactory rabbitConnectionFactory)
: base(rabbitConnectionFactory) { }
whereby you can configure the underlying ConnectionFactory with SSL and provide it to the CachingConnectionFactory.

spring boot + secure jmx

By default spring boot exposes a number of JMX endpoints, has anyone had any experience securing these, it seems there is no security surrounding JMX.
The only config available to Spring boot:
endpoints.jmx.domain= # the JMX domain, defaults to 'org.springboot'
I have seen examples using JmxSecurityAuthenticator, should I follow this pattern.
AFAIK securing the JMX connections is all about how you set up the server. I think you just need to add a #Bean of type ConnectorServerFactoryBean.

oAuth with Elastic Load Balancer SSL

I am using AWS EC2 instances with ELB. I know that ELB itself has SSL connection enabled. My EC2 instances does not support SSL.
Here comes my problem. I need to implement some kind of authentication method like oAuth.
Is there a way to authenticate users with ELB?
You can't do that on ELB.
I recommend you to take a look at the ELB documentation http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ElasticLoadBalancing/latest/DeveloperGuide/Welcome.html and this blog post http://harish11g.blogspot.com.br/2012/03/ssl-offloading-elastic-load-balancing.html
In Kong, you can do one thing. You can terminate SSL (trusted, can use free SSL via ACM) on ELB of KONG and use the feature Accept HTTP if already terminated in OAUTH2 plugin. But keep in mind the ELB Listeners will be (Secure TCP 443)--> (Secure TCP 8443 [https port exposed by KONG]).

Does FUSE ESB support RabbitMQ?

I am making one rails application which is integreted with RabbiMQ.
I want to integrate Fuse ESB in my application, but still after google I am not confirmed that RabbitMQ supports to Fuse ESB or not.
Can anybody tell me that RabbitMQ supports Fuse ESB or not?
FUSE ESB contains a messaging infrastructure based on the JMS technology of Apache ActiveMQ. ActiveMQ is not interoperable out-of-the-box with AMQP systems like RabbitMQ.
However, Apache Camel (also part of FUSE) supports AMQP via the client API of the Apache Qpid project. Since both Qpid and RabbitMQ implement the AMQP messaging standard, you may be able to communicate with a RabbitMQ broker from a Qpid client. There are some potential issues and solutions associated with this approach outlined here.
