ERROR-ITMS-9000: Bundle identifier cannot be changed - ios

ERROR ITMS-9000: "The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value, if you want to change your bundle identifier, you will need to create a new application in iTunes Connect. "at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MzItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
I have tried recreating the provisioning profile, checked the appid matches in all areas - restarted machine, deleted and re-added tags - always get the same error?

please check your itunesconnect bundle identifier and your app bundle identifier it should be same.because you are getting error due to your bundle identifier is mismatch with your itunesconnect bundle identifers. you can check also following link this is also suffering with your problem
The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value error


No matching provisioning profiles found error when uploading to app store

I was trying to upload new version of my app but I encounter an error like:
I am using automatically manage signing:
Can anyone help? Thank you
I figured out, it was due to the product bundle identifier under the build setting was different from the one in info.plist
We need to check product bundle identifier in below things Plist set your app bundle identifier
Bundle identifier String com.domainName.projectName
2.Product Bundle Identifier in Project and Target
You need to set app bundle identifier in Build Settings of Project
Then you need to set app bundle identifier in Build Settings of Target

Trying to upload app and validation for bundle identifier is failing

Itunes store operation failed. No suitable records were found verify your bundle identifier is correct.
This error comes up when I try to validate my app in the organizer. My understanding is that it's because they're not the same name in the bundle ID and on the itunes connect page. I've made them both the same name in each bundle ID but it still comes up. What i've noticed though is the "application-identifier" hasn't been changed yet even though i've renamed the bundle ID. Is there somewhere else I have to change the name so that it syncs up with the other 2 bundle ID's and I don't get this error?
Found the answer. I had to rename either the Executable file, the bundle display name, or the bundle name in the info section.

Error ITMS-9000 .This bundle is invalid.

After Bulid and Archive My project,When I Distribute it from the Organiser,Whlie Submitting it to the Itunes.IT Shows me two error Messages.
This bundle is invalid. The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the previous version. If you want to change your bundle identifier, you will need to create a new application in iTunes Connect..." and "This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID ..."
How can i resovle to this problem ,,, I am beginner to Xcode .
pls help!!!! ,,
please check your itunesconnect bundle identifier and your app bundle identifier it should be same.because you are getting error due to your bundle identifier is mismatch with your itunesconnect bundle identifers. you can check also following link this is also suffering with your problem
The bundle identifier cannot be changed from the current value error

Delphi XE4 and iOS Application Loader complaining "This bundle is invalid"

I can not pick a correct CFBundleIdentifier value it seems.
in KeyChain I have this certificate:
iPhone Distribution: ExampleCompany (DistCertificateID)
In my account I have defined app:
Name: LongReadableName
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: com.example.*
Name: Xcode iOS Wildcard App ID
Prefix: DistCertificateID
ID: *
In iTunesConnect I have name SkuID + BundleID appname
I have then tried to enter and deploy with following values with different error messages:
This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not
formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed,
followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier:
The Bundle ID DistCertificateID.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
The Bundle ID defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.*
The Bundle ID* defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
The Bundle ID defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode
Project does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in
iTunes Connect appname.
I think I have tried everything I could think of...
I speculate if the issue could be resolved by a different iTunesConnect configuration/upload although I have now idea at present how to create one that would solve the problems listed here. But just in case, I have create a specific SO for BundleID/iTunesConnect: iOS app Bundle ID errors and iTunesConnect
Newest update #1
I decided to drop using wildcard app IDs since I can see that has caused other people problems. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader. That resulted in error message:
The Bundle ID com.example.appname defined in your Xcode Project
does not match the Bundle ID that you entered for this app in iTunes
Connect com.example.appname.
As you can see, the bundle ID is now the same, but still it complains. I do not understand why :(
Newest update #2
I actually made a small typo error last night when I tried above. Guess I was too tired. Above solution works! (I will make it an answer.)
Ditching the wildcard app ID worked for me. Hence I chose the other option in iTunesConnect resulting it in showing me BundleID as being com.example.appname. I then made sure 1) my provisioning for distribution used* 2) to set CFBunldeIdentifier (in Delphi) as same shown in iTunesConnect. I then built and deployed followed by submitting it to Application Loader.
I was struggling with the same problem, I found this link
I just hadn't set the CFBundleIdentifier in Debug although I was deploying for Release. I hope this will help you to solve your issue.

iPhone app distribution building warning: This bundle is invalid

When i build my app in Xcode I got the warning below which prohibits me from uploading my app to the App Store:
This bundle is invalid. The application-identifier entitlement is not
formatted correctly; it should contain your 10-character App ID Seed,
followed by a dot, followed by your bundle identifier:
com.companyname.appname (-19053)
I have tried to change bundle indentifier to "". But I get the same warnings. Does anybody know how to resolve this problem?
When XCode says to change it to "" it means you should actually use the values you supplied when creating the app on iTunesConnect. ".com.companyname.appname" is just an example.
Copy the bundle identifier from portal which you have used in your distribution provisioning profile and add that to info.plist. Then perform clean and build.
