Validation of fields on indexers -

I'm creating a new message, by setting the indexers, like:
Iso8583 isoMsg = new Iso8583();
isoMsg[field] = value;
I noticed that I'm not receiving any exceptions; following the code I've seen that the validator is not running when I'm setting the fields this way; it only executes when unpacking a byte[] message. Do you think it would be possible to adapt the format and length validators to run also when setting a field?
Thanks in advance!

The validators are run on the fields when you call .Pack() on the message.

I guess you just set the value to one of the existing fields form the default template
When you create Iso8583() it uses the DefaultTemplate, which adds the set of default fields into the message instance on creation.
Indexer property is derived from AMessage class, which is Iso8583 class is inherited from.
public string this[int field]
get { return this.GetFieldValue(field); }
set { this.SetFieldValue(field, value); }
These methods:
protected string GetFieldValue(int field)
return this.bitmap[field] ? this.fields[field].Value : null;
protected void SetFieldValue(int field, string value)
if (value == null)
this.GetField(field).Value = value;
So it seems that your code sets the value for one of the field from the default template
isoMsg[field] = value;


Simple getter logic in ViewModels

Is it ok to have simple logic (without any dependencies) in ViewModels getters or it should contain just automatic properties? in this case just checking for null so I don't have to do that in controller each time I am using this ViewModel. TicketSearchParameters is a simple model containing string and date properties, there is no Repository or any other dependencies.
public class MyViewModel
private TicketSearchParameters _searchParams;
public TicketSearchParameters SearchParams
if (_searchParams == null)
_searchParams = new TicketSearchParameters();
_searchParams.CreatedFrom = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-7);
_searchParams.CreatedTo = DateTime.Now;
return _searchParams;
_searchParams = value;
/*** other properties ***/
You code is fairly ok. But you can use NULL Object Design Pattern to check null and create NullObject.
make a class named NullSearchParams inherited from SearchParams and initialize it when needed.
You can see Null design pattern documentation here.

What would be the best way to check whether all fields are valid?

I have fields in a Window, some with validators and all bound to properties.
The validation works as expected.
But -
I do not want to proceed when any field is invalid. What would be the best way to determine if any validation went wrong?
There are several ways of dealing with validation in Vaadin, all supported by Vaadin (no need for custom boolean afterValidationFlag).
One possible way (preffered by me) shown below:
public class CustomWindow extends Window {
DateField customBeanFirstPropertyName = new DateField("Caption1");
ComboBox customBeanSecondPropertyName = new ComboBox("Caption2");
TextArea customBeanThirdPropertyName = new TextArea("Caption3");
BeanFieldGroup<CustomBean> binder = new BeanFieldGroup<>(CustomBean.class);
public CustomWindow(CustomBean customBean) {
binder.setItemDataSource(new BeanItem<>(customBean));
//add validators
customBeanFirstPropertyName.addValidator((Validator) value -> {
if (value == null) throw new Validator.InvalidValueException("nonnull required");
new RegexpValidator(".{3,20}", "length between 3-20 required")
or have basic validators on #Entity level with e.g. javax.validation.constraints.Size
#Size(min = 3, max = 20)
#Column(name = "customBeanThirdPropertyName", unique = true)
private String customBeanThirdPropertyName;
void commit(Button.ClickEvent event) { //method called by "save" button
try {
binder.commit(); //internally calls valid() method on each field, which could throw exception
CustomBean customBeanAfterValidation = binder.getItemDataSource().getBean(); //custom actions with validated bean from binder
} catch (FieldGroup.CommitException e) {
Map<Field<?>, Validator.InvalidValueException> invalidFields = e.getInvalidFields(); //do sth with invalid fields
If you use a FieldGroup instance to bind your fields with the properties, which is the recommended way, you can write:
That checks on all field validations of the fields managed by the field group.
Maintain a flag. Before proceeding, check if the flag is set. In the validation code, set the flag if the validation fails.

Entity Framework 4: PropertyChanged event is raised too often

the generated code from EF for a property of an entity looks like this:
/// <summary>
/// No Metadata Documentation available.
/// </summary>
[EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty=false, IsNullable=false)]
public global::System.DateTime DateCreated
return _DateCreated;
_DateCreated = StructuralObject.SetValidValue(value);
private global::System.DateTime _DateCreated;
partial void OnDateCreatedChanging(global::System.DateTime value);
partial void OnDateCreatedChanged();
This code doesn't check if the value has actually changed (in the setter). Therefore the PropertyChanged event is raised even if you set a value that is equal to the current value. But in this case nothing would have changed, so I wouldn't want this event...
For EntityKey properties they do check this:
/// <summary>
/// No Metadata Documentation available.
/// </summary>
[EdmScalarPropertyAttribute(EntityKeyProperty=true, IsNullable=false)]
public global::System.Guid Id
return _Id;
if (_Id != value)
_Id = StructuralObject.SetValidValue(value);
private global::System.Guid _Id;
partial void OnIdChanging(global::System.Guid value);
partial void OnIdChanged();
I would expect this behavior from all properties.
Am I missing a setting in the model designer, or is there another solution?
It is point of T4 templates to allow you modifications you need. It is absolutely wrong approach to say:
But I would rather not use a custom template in my project!
It is like throwing all advantages of T4 templates away and going back to hardcoded custom tools for code generating.
I did, as I knew it was possible and Ladislav also stated, include the T4 template file into the project and made the following changes to the "Write PrimitiveType Properties." part of the template:
if (!Object.Equals(<#=code.FieldName(primitiveProperty)#>, value))
<#=code.FieldName(primitiveProperty)#> = StructuralObject.SetValidValue(value<#=OptionalNullableParameterForSetValidValue(primitiveProperty, code)#>);
Hope that will be helpfull to others.

An ASP.NET MVC validator to make sure at least one checkbox is checked

I have an ASP.NET MVC 2 project in which I've created a data transfer object to receive data from a web page form. The form has two groups of checkboxes on it. I want to validate the object to make sure that at least one of the checkboxes in each group is checked.
I'm doing the validation on the server side so that a user won't be able to hack around any client-side validation. (I will add client-side validation with jQuery later; that's easy.)
My understanding is that I have to create my own custom ValidationAttribute for my data transfer object class, but I don't understand how to create and use one that can accept an arbitrary list of checkbox properties to make sure that at least one of them is true. I am guessing I will have to call the attributes like this:
[AtLeastOneCheckbox("set1check1", "set1check2", "set1check3",
ErrorMessage = "You must check at least one checkbox in set 1.")]
[AtLeastOneCheckbox("set2check1", "set2check2", "set2check3", "set2check4", "set2check5",
ErrorMessage = "You must check at least one checkbox in set 2.")]
public class MyFormDTO
What would the implementation of AtLeastOneCheckboxAttribute look like?
Or is there a different way that I should do this kind of validation?
if you have several checkbox groups, you just need to deine the attribute several times.
[AttributeUsage( AttributeTargets.Class)]
public class AtLeastOneCheckboxAttribute : ValidationAttribute
private string[] _checkboxNames;
public AtLeastOneCheckboxAttribute(params string[] checkboxNames)
_checkboxNames = checkboxNames;
protected override ValidationResult IsValid(object value, ValidationContext validationContext)
var propertyInfos = value.GetType().GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
var values = propertyInfos.Select(x => x.GetGetMethod().Invoke(value, null));
if (values.Any(x => Convert.ToBoolean(x)))
return ValidationResult.Success;
ErrorMessage = "At least one checkbox must be selected";
return new ValidationResult(ErrorMessage);
as you have found out, class-level validation is called only after all properties pass. In order to get the error, just use empty string as the key.
Your DTO, which is I'm guessing your ViewModel can ihert IDataErrorInfo.
Then you can do your validation like this (note I didn't compile this)
//I'm guessing you have a list of checkboxes
IEnumerable<bool> checkBoxes1;
IEnumerable<bool> checkBoxes2;
public class MyFormDTO : IDataErrorInfo
public string this[string prop]
if(prop == "checkBoxes1")
if(checkBoxes1.Any(x => x == true))
return "Error: You need to select atleast one checkbox from set1";
else if(prop == "checkBoxes2")
if(checkBoxes2.Any(x => x == true))
return "Error: You need to select atleast one checkbox from set2";
return null;
public string Error { get { return null; } }

ASP.NET MVC - Custom validation message for value types

When I use UpdateModel or TryUpdateModel, the MVC framework is smart enough to know if you are trying to pass in a null into a value type (e.g. the user forgets to fill out the required Birth Day field) .
Unfortunately, I don't know how to override the default message, "A value is required." in the summary into something more meaningful ("Please enter in your Birth Day").
There has to be a way of doing this (without writing too much work-around code), but I can't find it. Any help?
Also, I guess this would also be an issue for invalid conversions, e.g. BirthDay = "Hello".
Make your own ModelBinder by extending DefaultModelBinder:
public class LocalizationModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
Override SetProperty:
base.SetProperty(controllerContext, bindingContext, propertyDescriptor, value);
foreach (var error in bindingContext.ModelState[propertyDescriptor.Name].Errors.
Where(e => IsFormatException(e.Exception)))
if (propertyDescriptor.Attributes[typeof(TypeErrorMessageAttribute)] != null)
string errorMessage =
Add the function bool IsFormatException(Exception e) to check if an Exception is a FormatException:
if (e == null)
return false;
else if (e is FormatException)
return true;
return IsFormatException(e.InnerException);
Create an Attribute class:
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All, Inherited = false, AllowMultiple = false)]
public class TypeErrorMessageAttribute : Attribute
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessageResourceName { get; set; }
public Type ErrorMessageResourceType { get; set; }
public TypeErrorMessageAttribute()
public string GetErrorMessage()
PropertyInfo prop = ErrorMessageResourceType.GetProperty(ErrorMessageResourceName);
return prop.GetValue(null, null).ToString();
Add the attribute to the property you wish to validate:
[TypeErrorMessage(ErrorMessageResourceName = "IsGoodType", ErrorMessageResourceType = typeof(AddLang))]
public bool IsGood { get; set; }
AddLang is a resx file and IsGoodType is the name of the resource.
And finally add this into Global.asax.cs Application_Start:
ModelBinders.Binders.DefaultBinder = new LocalizationModelBinder();
With the DefaultModelBinder it is possible to override the default required error message but unfortunately it would apply globally which IMHO renders it completely useless. But in case you decide to do it here's how:
Add the App_GlobalResources folder to your ASP.NET site
Add a resources file called Messages.resx
Inside the resources file declare a new string resource with the key PropertyValueRequired and some value
In Application_Start add the following line:
DefaultModelBinder.ResourceClassKey = "Messages";
As you can see there's no link between the model property you are validating and the error message.
In conclusion it is better to write custom validation logic to handle this scenario. One way would be to use a nullable type (System.Nullable<TValueType>) and then:
if (model.MyProperty == null ||
/** Haven't tested if this condition is necessary **/
ModelState.AddModelError("MyProperty", "MyProperty is required");
I've been using the awesome xVal validation framework. It lets me do all my validation in the model (Even LINQ-SQL :)). It also emits the javascript required for client side validation.
EDIT: Sorry left out the link for how to get it working for LINQ-SQL
The basic workflow goes something like this.
public partial class YourClass
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Property is required.")]
public string SomeProperty{ get; set; }
// Validate the instance of your object
var obj = new YourClass() { SomeProperty = "" }
var errors = DataAnnotationsValidationRunner.GetErrors(obj);
// Do some more stuff e.g. Insert into database
catch (RulesException ex)
// e.g. control name 'Prefix.Title'
ex.AddModelStateErrors(ModelState, "Prefix");
ModelState.SetModelValue("Prefix.Title", new ValueProviderResult(ValueProvider["Prefix.Title"].AttemptedValue, collection["Prefix.Title"], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture));
how about this?
ErrorMessage = "Characters are not allowed.")]
That should allow you to tag properties with specific error messages for whatever MVC validators you want to use...
In ASP.NET MVC 1, I met this problem too.
In my project, there is a model or business object named "Entry", and its primary key EntryId is int? type, and the value of EntryId can be allowd to input by users.
So the problem is, when the field is blank or zero or some integer value that has existed, the custom error messages can be shown well, but if the value is some non-integer value like "a", i can not find a way to use the custom message to replace the default message like "The value 'a' is invalid".
when i track the error message in ModelState, i found when the value is non-integer, there will be two errors related to EntryId, and the first item's error message is blank...
Now i have to use such an ugly code to hack the problem.
if (ModelState["EntryId"].Errors.Count > 1)
ModelState["EntryId"].Errors.Clear(); //should not use ModelState["EntryId"].remove();
ModelState.AddModelError("EntryId", "必须为大于0的整数"); //必须为大于0的整数 means "it should be an integer value and great than 0"
but this makes controller fat, hope there is a real solution to solve it.
Look up ModelState.AddError.
yes, there is a way, you must use System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations in combination with xVal and you are going to be able to set validation rules and messages (u can even use resource files for localization) for each of your property using Attributes
look here
