WL.Server.getClientRequest() returns null in WL adapter procedure method - adapter

I would like to get access to the request headers sent in from WL client side. When I use this
var request = WL.Server.getClientRequest();
in the adapter procedure call, it returned null and causing the error on the line after
var userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
with error as: Cannot call method "getHeader" of null
Is there any special setup needed in order to use this WL api call?

The API WL.Server.getClientRequest() only works when invoked from a client (from a device or even from the preview) and not when invoked directly from Eclipse.
For example:
In the adapter XML I've created a procedure:
<procedure name="getUserAgent"/>
In the adapter JavaScript I've created a function called getUserAgent that will return the userAgent to the client:
function getUserAgent() {
var request = WL.Server.getClientRequest(),
userAgent = request.getHeader("User-Agent");
return {userAgent : userAgent};
In the client Javascript I've created a function that is called from the wlCommonInit. The function invokes the adapter procedure and the returned userAgent is displayed in an alert:
function wlCommonInit(){
function getUserAgent () {
adapter: 'getClientRequest',
procedure: 'getUserAgent',
onSuccess : onSuccessGetUserAgent,
onFailure : onFailureGetUserAgent
function onSuccessGetUserAgent (data) {
alert('userAgent: ' + data.invocationResult.userAgent);
function onFailureGetUserAgent () {

It looks like adapter's invocation used in Studio is blocking the access to incoming client request. Basically speaking getClientRequest() is not working when you're using Eclipse's "Invoke Worklight Procedure" option. What you can do here is following - once you do "Invoke Worklight Procedure" a browser will open with URL similar to this
Remove /dev component from URL. So your URL will look like this
This will make sure that adapter is invoked not via development preview but directly from WL server and getClientRequest() API will be fully functional.
P.S. You might hit a behaviour when "Invoke Worklight Procedure" is not opening an external browser window but instead showing the invocation result in Eclipse window. This depends on Eclipse version you're using and can be easily changed in Eclipse's preferences -> General -> Web Browser -> Use external web browser.


Twilio Flex - Send Call To IVR After Reject

Using this plugin as a reference, I have Flex configured to be able to send a call to a Twilio Studio IVR, after an agent has accepted a call.
I'd like to be able to send an incoming call back to Studio when an agent rejects a call (i.e. as soon as they click the reject button). I'm trying to do this by adding a listener to the plugin's init method:
flex.Actions.addListener("afterRejectTask", async (payload, abortFunction) => {
let url: string = payload.task.attributes.transferToIvrUrl;
let menu: string = 'hangup';
await request(url, { CallSid: payload.sid, menu });
See here for the full context -- I'm pretty much using that exact code, with the addition of this listener.
I'm getting this error message, and the call is not transferred anywhere.
twilio-flex.unbundled-react.min.js:1574 Error on afterRejectTask: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
Here's additional context from the console, if that's helpful:
Additional info:
The url being requested is a Twilio function, which successfully returns a response like this:
<Enqueue workflowSid="WWcc1a650e4175089538d754a6c2e15a98">
<Task>{"transferToIvrUrl": "https://my-twilio-function-service.twil.io/studio-flex-transfer-helper"}</Task>
Any advice would be appreciated.
Ah, ok, so looking at that plugin I found the example Twilio Function that works with it. From what I can tell, this function is intended to be used in two places, either in Studio to transfer the call to Flex (though I'm not sure it's needed for that) or from Flex to transfer the call back to Studio. The thing that triggers the different response is whether you pass an argument called transferToIVRMenu with the request.
Your current request is not passing that argument, you currently have:
await request(url, { CallSid: payload.sid, menu });
which looks similar to the original plugin's request:
await request(transferToIvrUrl, { CallSid: call_sid, transferToIVRMenu });
The difference is in the second property in the object. When you just pass the name of the variable in an object, it expands to call the property the same name as the variable and set the value to the value within the variable. So the original request expands out to:
await request(transferToIvrUrl, { CallSid: call_sid, transferToIVRMenu: transferToIVRMenu });
but your request only expands to:
await request(url, { CallSid: payload.sid, menu: menu });
So you are passing a parameter called menu not transferToIVRMenu and that triggers the Function on the back end to return TwiML and not to update the call.
To fix this, you can update your plugin code to send the transferToIVRMenu parameter, like:
flex.Actions.addListener("afterRejectTask", async (payload, abortFunction) => {
let url: string = payload.task.attributes.transferToIvrUrl;
let menu: string = 'hangup';
await request(url, { CallSid: payload.sid, transferToIVRMenu: menu });

Get Response from CREATE_STREAM

We upload a document from SAPUI5 to our SAP System using the CREATE_STREAM Method of the oData Service in ABAP. The creation of the document works fine.
What we would like to achieve is to get the response back to SAPUI5. Especially when there is an error during the creation of the document in the backend.
In Frontend we use the uploadSet Control.
In the Backend we create a message with
...lo_message_container->add_message( iv_msg_type = /iwbep/cl_cos_logger=>error
iv_msg_number = '018'
iv_msg_id = lv_msg_id
iv_add_to_response_header = abap_true
We can find the created message in the error protocol of our gateway server (/IWFND/ERROR_LOG). But how can this message be retrieved in SAPUI5 and used in the MessageManger Control?
We tried the onUploadCompleted Control but we can't find any response data there.
Can somebody explain how the response or a message header from the CREAT_STREAM method can be used in SAPUI5?
The "new" UploadSet control is kinda half-baked imo. The response will get lost in some internal method. This internal method will then trigger onUploadCompleted and you get nothing but useless information.
Lucky for us we can easily overwrite this internal stuff. UploadSet has an aggregation Uploader. We have to provide our own Uploader. Problem solved. Here is the line that needs to be modified.
], function (Uploader, ...) {
return Uploader.extend("my.custom.control.Uploader", {
uploadItem: function (oItem, aHeaders) {
// beginning of the method. take it from the official sources
oXhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
const oHandler = that._mRequestHandlers[oItem.getId()];
if (this.readyState === window.XMLHttpRequest.DONE && !oHandler.aborted) {
// we need to return the xhr object. it contains the response!
that.fireUploadCompleted({ item: oItem, xhr: oXhr });
// .. rest of the method
Use it like this
<mvc:View xmlns:custom="my.custom.control" ....>
<UploadSet items="....">
<custom:Uploader uploadUrl="......"
uploadStarted=".onUploadStarted" />
Edit: Your own uploader also means implementing your own event handlers (uploadAborted, uploadCompleted, uploadProgressed, uploadStarted). See the official documentation for more information about the events.

(iOS Cordova) Accessing local files from remote - WKWebview

Having the following variables:
remote web presented in cordova
local files that the remote web asks for with the following code:
var url = "https://cdvfile/localhost/" + localFolder + "/www/cordova.js";
var element = document.createElement('script');
element.id = "cordova";
element.type = "text/javascript";
element.onerror = function () {
element.onload = function () {
//success - code to be executed upon success
element.src = url;
This fails in WKWebView with the obvious error
[Error] Failed to load resource: A server with the specified hostname
could not be found. (cordova.js, line 0)
As you know, WKUrlSchemeHandler doesn't intercept http/https requests. An alternative is to use the dangerous [NSURLProtocol wk_registerScheme:#"https"]; private API trick (and it works but then it somehow screws up the request to load the page that includes the code above (doesn't add some cookies and some weird behavior).
I do have another alternative to inject via [userContentController addUserScript:script] but this requires modifying the remote web part in order to execute the code that follows the success of the script injection request.
I know it was previously possible to do all this with cdvfile:// in UIWebView but I am looking for a way to do all this WITHOUT modifying the remote (meaning, the url has to stay as you see it above. I've racked my brains for a few months now with this but can't come up with a solution. Please don't ask why I'm doing this or say that this is stupid etc, I have no choice, it's what I gotta do and it doesn't depend on me.
Please send help, thoughts, prayers etc

Call Graph API from SharePoint

I need to call Graph API from spfx webpart.
Previously we used the following method:
import { MSGraphClient } from '#microsoft/sp-client-preview';
But later we got to know that MSGraphClient is depreciated now in sp-client-preview.
I checked the following method which is mentioned in Microsoft docs also.
import { MSGraphClient } from '#microsoft/sp-http';
But it is giving an error as following:
Module '"d:/O365/upload-onedrive/node_modules/#microsoft/sp-http/dist/index-internal"' has no exported member 'MSGraphClient'
SPFx version we are using now is 1.6
Is there any way call Graph API from spfx now?
Of course we can use Graph in SPFx.
Graph+adal+SPFx steps:
Create an application in Azure portal. Click the manifest, then change "oauth2AllowImplicitFlow" value to true
Go to Settings->Required Permissions->ADD->Select an API->Microsoft Graph, select the permission and then Grant Permissions.
Build HelloWorld SPFx project : https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint/dev/spfx/web-parts/get-started/build-a-hello-world-web-part
Add and IAdalConfig.ts and WebPartAuthenticationContext.js patch files
Tips: If you have no adal module in node_modules/#types folder, you'd better manually install the module using the command : npm install #types/adal#1.0.29
Add the following code to render()
// Make an AJAX request to the Graph API and print the response as JSON.
var getToken;
var getCurrentUser = function (access_token) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open('GET', 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/me', true);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer ' + access_token);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status === 200) {
// Do something with the response
getToken=JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(xhr.responseText), null, ' ');
console.log('get Graph APi information=='+getToken);
} else {
// TODO: Do something with the error (or non-200 responses)
// console.log(' error');
There is actually no reason to create any applications in the Azure side, it's all automatic and taken care of by SharePoint. See following documentation for details. We did change the API structure slightly between preview and GA, but the basics have remained the same with MSGraphClient usage and no reason for any manual access token handling.

Backbone Model from Hub in SignalR

How can i create/convert this script into model in Backbone that can use SignaR Hubs? For example:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
// Proxy created on the fly
var chat = $.connection.chat;
// Declare a function on the chat hub so the server can invoke it
chat.addMessage = function (message) {
// Start the connection
I did come up with this:
window.Message = Backbone.Model.extend({
hub: undefined,
initialize: function () {
this.hub = $.connection.message;
addMessage: function (message) {
connect: function () {
var messages = this.hub.getAll();//get messages
but this is not working due to the following error:
this error: :55885 Unexpected response code: 200
If you use default settings SignalR will first try to send a websockets poll to the server. The :55885 is simply the port number of your server. Websockets protocol expects a response status code of 101 (see http://dev.w3.org/html5/websockets/).
If running IIS, unless you run Windows 8 with ASP.NET 4.5 your webserver, it will not recognize a web sockets request and (begin speculation) treat it as a normal get request and return status code 200 (OK) (end speculation) which is an unexpected response in the eyes of the websockets initiator. When this happens SignalR falls back to longpolling instead.
This might not answer your question but it will help you understand the error you get (which is likely not the reason why your code doesn't work)
Also, check out http://srtsolutions.github.com/backbone.signalr/ which is a Backbone.js/SignalR integration Nuget package.
