access local repository file instead of tfs file - tfs

We have a development server that is running TFS 2010, it is working fine however we have a bit of issue:
when person X take the latest and build the app , it get checkout abc.csproj application and due to that another person can't take the latest and it shows the error message as.
Here I'm looking for, whenever we modify any changes locally (pages) it should not get checked out & lock by TFS, only in their local repository it changes.
any suggestion would be appreciated.

There are two places you may need to change TFS to allow multiple check-outs.
In Visual Studio, use the "Team" menu, then "Team Project Settings", then "Source Control..." and ensure "Enable multiple check-out" is checked.
In Visual Studio, use the "Team" menu, then "Team Project Collection Settings", then "Source Control..." and ensure that if "csproj" is listed there, it has "File Merging" set to "Enabled".


TFVC pending changes without checkout in TFS Everywhere

Using TFS everywhere. Editing files without "checkout for edit".
after it, unable to see edited files list in "TFVC pending changes" window.
Try to see if your project is Offline, that is the behavior when your project is not connected with the TFS.
1- Right-click on the solution name right at the top of the Solution Explorer and select the Go Online option
2- If that doens't help, please check your connections to the tfs through the Team Menu -> Manage Connections.
3- If still happens, try to restart the Visual Studio
You are using Team explorer everywhere. Try to check whether your project is offline:
Right click your project > Team > Return Online.
BTW, the project will be offline if you switch workspace to other that isn’t include that project.
Pending changes window > Click Actions > Detect Local Changes, then the modified file (tracked by source control) in current workspace will be included in Included Changes

Where is the "Edit build definition" permission in our TFS 2013 installation?

Our environment is a TFS 2013 server (12.0.21005.1 Tfs2013.RTM) which was upgraded from a fresh installation of TFS 2008, with a number of team projects and developers.
One thing that our developers regularly need to do is create and edit build definitions. According to both Visual Studio and all documentation I've been able to find, there should be a "Edit build definition" privilege (perhaps along with a few others) which controls access to this. But as you can see in the screenshot, it doesn't exist in our installation:
The only workaround I've found is to grant the people in question membership of the Project Administrators group, which is clearly not desirable. There is no group like build administrators or anything of the sort which might help, either; this is the list of groups available to choose from:
As a consequence, whenever a developer wants to edit a build definition (which is perfectly appropriate in our case) they keep running into:
What, short of making everyone a project administrator in every team project they might possibly work in, can I do to resolve this?
Here's where to find the security settings for build definitions.
TFS 2015 UI: Go to the Build Explorer, click on the drop down arrow to the left of All build definitions or All XAML definitions.
VS Team Services and TFS "15" RC2 and newer: Go to Build and click on the Security button in the upper right side.
You will then get a dialog like the following with the build permissions.
The permissions that you show above are for Team Projects and not builds.
If you select a build and right-click on it you should get a permissions option. Here you will find build specific permission that you are looking for.
You can also set permissions through the API with PowerShell...

TFS file must remain locked

I have some 3rd party dlls checked into TFS
Our machines were renamed and now TFS believes they are checked out for edit by me on another machine.
I tried tf lock /lock:none contrib64/* /workspace:oldmachine;myusername but I get the error
TF10152: The item $/XXX/YYYY/contrib64/third_party.dll must remain
locked because its file type prevents multiple check-outs.
1, Is there any way around this ?
2, Is TFS really this bad or is it just me ?
3, Is the purpose of TFS to make us nostalgic for VSS?
ps It's a hosted version so I can't just get the admin to fix it.
Undoing the lock won't work on those files because they are binary, as binaries cannot be merged they must be locked if they are checked out.
As the machine the workspace resides on no longer exists (the machine has been renamed) the best thing to do is delete the workspace.
from a Visual Studio command prompt
tf workspace /delete oldmachine;myusername /collection:http://*tfsserver*:8080/tfs/*collection*
This will remove the workspace and undo all pending changes
If you don't want to delete the workspace, you can undo the change and unlock the file after that:
Using a Visual Studio developer command prompt:
tf undo "$/<server-path-to-file/folder>" /workspace:"<workspace>;<user>" /collection:<collection-url> /recursive
tf lock "$/<server-path-to-file/folder>" /lock:none /workspace:"<workspace>;<user>" /collection:<collection-url> /recursive
Files with .dll extension as well as other extensions like .exe, .doc, .docx, etc. are automatically locked because (as mentioned) here they cannot be merged.
If you want to disable the automatic lock and allow these files to go through gated check-in, follow the steps below:
Log in to your build server.
Open visual studio.
In team explorer, log into your team project.
Go to "Settings".
Under "Team Project Collection", select "Source Control".
Set "File Merging" property to "Disabled" for any file extension you don't want to be automatically locked.
This worked for me.
I needed to change settings in 2 places:
At Visual Studio, team project window, Settings->Team Project Collection -> Source Control
Enable File Merging for the extension.
2) At Visual Studio, team project window, Settings->Team Project -> Source Control
Enable the multiple check-out box

TFS Power Tools 2010 Showing File Checked Out

Somehow TFS Power Tools thinks my file is checked out, it won't let me check-out because that option is greyed out.
When I look in windows explorer I see my file with the little pen icon overlay. When I right-click and go to "Team Foundation Server", I choose undo but then get the message "There are no changes to undo in the selection or any children of the selection". If I right-click and go to Check-In then I get the message "no pending changes".
When I open source control explorer in Visual Studio it shows no pending changes for the file.
Can anyone please advise any steps I can take to resolve?
Can it be that the file is checked out by you on another workspace? Go to VStudio & check "Team Members" under Team Explorer. Right-click on yourself & select "Show pending changes". This should show all your checked out items, across all workspaces/worstations. You can also undo it there.Eventually, in order to find out what is happening with your file go in VS to"File">"Source Control">"Find in Source Control">"Status"Select the path to your module & hit 'find'. This should reveal if any other person has this file checked out
Seems strange, lets check common scenarios:
File is actually not checked-out but shown as checked-out in explorer
=> Please try to checkout file through VS, if you can, there is definitely some problem in Power Tools integration to Source COntrol. Restart machine. If problem is same then it might be case TFS credentials are different from Login windows credentials, status don't update sometimes.
File has set property of single check out by Admin & checked- out by anyone else thus preventing you from either check-out or check-in also undo checkout is not possible for same reason.
Create new workspace or try on other machine with different workspace.
=> Some times workspace conflicts, multiple mapping of same directory through multiple workspace creates problems.
Power Tools installation is corrupted or incompatible with some other extension.
=> Many a times, frequent abrupt power-off or etc corrupts software, reinstall latest Power tools. If problem persists, check if some other extension for VS or windows shell is not interrupting functioning.
Hope that helps, if not, let me know with more details like installed extensions, power tools version/ update installed.

Deleted a file out side Visual Studio, TFS doesn't recognize it

I am new to TFS. I checked out a folder from TFS using Visual Studio and then deleted bunch of files/added couple of files within that folder using windows explorer (actually I didn't do it, but that folder has third party libraries and I used an installer which made all these changes).
Now if I go to Visual Studio and try to check in that folder, I am getting this error:
Check in: Operation not performed
Could not find file : /ThirdPartyFolder/aDeletedFile.aspx
I tried to follow the solution proposed in this post, but that didn't work out:
When I do 'Get Specific Version' and specified 'change set 1', it doesn't show the deleted files in red as it does in the screenshot of that blog post. Also, when I click OK, it shows the Pending Changes-Conflicts window with all the files that got deleted. Even though I selected "Keep Local Version", when I try to check in, I am getting the same error again.
Is there a way in TFS to take what is in my local version and over write what is in the server with my local version files?
I have done similar operations using Subversion, and this has never been a problem. Hopefully someone will let me know how to achieve this in TFS.
Team Foundation Server requires that you explicitly pend changes for these files - if you delete a file locally, this does not explicitly pend a delete against Team Foundation Server. This is actually a useful feature - the server optimizes the data it sends you based on its knowledge of your local filesystem. That is to say, if you say "get latest", it knows your current versions and will only deliver the changes. If you're working with very large projects, this can be very efficient.
However, when other programs decide to make changes without pending the changes to the server, things can get a bit confused. Fortunately, TFS has the ability to detect changes that were made outside without explicitly pending those changes. You can use the "return online" capabilities of your TFS client.
You'll need the Team Foundation Server Power Tools installed, then you can simply run: tfpt online to detect those changes and select which ones to pend to the server.
(VS2012) Select the missing files from TFS "Check In" list and then right click on them and click on "Undo Changes" to exclude them from the list of "Check In"s forever.
This is one of the major differences between svn and tfs. Svn is somehow more integrated with windows shell and every change in your working folder will affect the server on commit. I propose you to perform any move, delete and rename actions within tfs UI, not from shell.
