List of Class Objects operation in Dart - dart

Have an issue in the below chunk of code.
class Events
// some member variables
class SVList
String name;
int contentLen;
List<Events> listEvents;
{ = "";
this.contentLen = 0;
this.listEvents = new List<Events>();
class GList
List<SVList> listSVList;
GList(int Num)
this.listSVList = new List<SvList>(num);
function f1 ()
//array of class objects
GList gList = new GList(num);
Not able to find "listEvents" member after GList constructor is called. Am I missing anything here.
Referencing glist.listSVList[index] --> do not find member variable 'listEvents'. Any pointers appreciated.
To elaborate , no member variable with 'glist.listSVList[index].listEvents' is found.

you have a typo here:
this.listSVList = new List<SvList>(num); // <== SVList not SvList
function seems wrong here
function f1 () { ... }
in this case you use function as a return type
another typo:
GList(int Num) // <== Num (uppercase)
this.listSVList = new List<SvList>(num); // <== num (lowercase)
this code worked:
class Events {
// some member variables
class SVList {
String name;
int contentLen;
List<Events> listEvents;
SVList() { = "";
this.contentLen = 0;
this.listEvents = new List<Events>();
class GList {
List<SVList> listSVList;
GList(int num) {
this.listSVList = new List<SVList>(num);
main() {
//array of class objects
GList gList = new GList(5);
gList.listSVList[0] = new SVList();
gList.listSVList[0].listEvents.add(new Events());
What editor are you using?
DartEditor showed all errors immediately after I pasted your code.

Lists in Dart can now be stated as
List<Object> array = []


How to convert a GLib.Value of type GStrv (string[]) to a GLib.Variant

In the following example one class property is of type Gstrv.
With ObjectClass.list_properties() one can query the Paramspec of all properties, and with get_property() all properties can be requested as GLib.Value. How would I access the Value of type GStrv and convert it to a GLib.Variant?
My GLib version is slightly outdated, so I do not have the GLib.Value.to_variant() function available yet :( .
public class Foo: GLib.Object {
public GLib.HashTable<string, int32> bar;
public Foo() {
bar = new GLib.HashTable<string, int32>(str_hash, str_equal);
public string[] bar_keys { owned get { return bar.get_keys_as_array(); } }
int main() {
var foo = new Foo();
Type type = foo.get_type();
ObjectClass ocl = (ObjectClass) type.class_ref ();
foreach (ParamSpec spec in ocl.list_properties ()) {
print ("%s\n", spec.get_name ());
Value property_value = Value(spec.value_type);
print ("%s\n", property_value.type_name ());
foo.get_property(, ref property_value);
// next: convert GLib.Value -> GLib.Variant :(
}"baz", 42);
return 0;
Using GLib.Value.get_boxed() seems to be working.
// compile simply with: valac valacode.vala
public class Foo: GLib.Object {
public GLib.HashTable<string, int32> bar;
public Foo() {
bar = new GLib.HashTable<string, int32>(str_hash, str_equal);
public string[] bar_keys { owned get { return bar.get_keys_as_array(); } }
public Variant first_gstrv_property_as_variant(Object obj)
Type class_type = obj.get_type();
ObjectClass ocl = (ObjectClass) class_type.class_ref ();
foreach (ParamSpec spec in ocl.list_properties ()) {
print ("%s\n", spec.get_name ());
Value property_value = Value(spec.value_type);
print ("%s\n", property_value.type_name ());
obj.get_property(, ref property_value);
// next: convert GLib.Value -> GLib.Variant
if(property_value.type_name () == "GStrv") {
return new GLib.Variant.strv((string[])property_value.get_boxed());
return new GLib.Variant("s", "No property of type GStrv found");
int main() {
var foo = new Foo();
print("%s\n", first_gstrv_property_as_variant(foo).print(true));"baz", 42);
print("%s\n", first_gstrv_property_as_variant(foo).print(true));"zot", 3);
print("%s\n", first_gstrv_property_as_variant(foo).print(true));
return 0;
#as []
['baz', 'zot']
In the generated c-code this looks as follows:
_tmp18_ = g_value_get_boxed (&property_value);
_tmp19_ = g_variant_new_strv ((gchar**) _tmp18_, -1);
Passing -1 as length to g_variant_new_strv() means the string array is considered as null terminated. Inside g_variant_new_strv() the g_strv_length() function is used to determine the length.
Hopefully it will be useful to someone else someday. :-)

keeping track of a series of simple multiple choice web form answers

This is the code I'm trying to use, which seems logical. But doesn't seem to be working.
MyAsFileName.prototype.getTotalScore = function() {
var totalScore = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect == true) {
} else {
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
I have allQuestions defined as below:
var allQuestions = Array();
I have knowledgePoints defined as:
this.knowledgePoints = 10;
I have questionCorrect defined as:
this.questionCorrect = false;
Second fresh attempt made with new class as answer below suggested (commented out for now until I figure out how to get working):
// package
// {
/*public class Quiz {
var knowledgePoints: int = 10;
var allQuestions: Array = new Array;
var questionCorrect: Boolean = false;
function getTotalScore(): int {
var totalScore: int = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect) {
} else {
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
This code above outputs two errors in flash console:
Error 1. Attribute used outside of class.
Error 2. 'Int' could not be loaded.
It's a weird (and actually non-AS3 way) way to do this. Instead of creating a unnamed closure which refers weird variables from who-knows where, you should make it a normal AS3 class, something like that (in a file named
public class Quiz
public var knowledgePoints:int = 10;
public var allQuestions:Array = new Array;
public var questionCorrect:Boolean = false;
public function getTotalScore():int
var totalScore:int = 0;
// Your code does not explain how you will that Array.
// It is initially an empty Array of length 0.
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++)
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect)
// Not sure what it is.
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;

javacc java.lang.NullPointerException

im trying to make a miniJava parser but im having trouble figuring out a way to parse method declarations that have no formal parameters.
e.g public int getNumber()
The code that i have right now works for parameters of one or more, but im not sure how to return an empty formal object as clearly the problem lies with the line returning null.
Is there a way to skip the return statement altogether and return nothing?
public Formal nt_FormalList() :
Type t;
Token s;
LinkedList<Formal> fl = new LinkedList<Formal>();
Formal f;
t = nt_Type() s = <IDENTIFIER> (f = nt_FormalRest() {fl.add(f);})*
{ return new Formal(t, s.image); }
| {}
{ return null; }
public class Formal {
public final Type t;
public final String i;
public Formal(Type at, String ai) {
t = at;
i = ai;
I'd suggest that you return list of Formals from nt_FormalList.
public List<Formal> nt_FormalList() :
LinkedList<Formal> fl = new LinkedList<Formal>();
Formal f;
[ f = nt_Formal() {fl.add(f);}
(<COMMA> f = nt_Formal() {fl.add(f);})*
{ return fl; }

How to implement call caching (Memoization)

I want to implement call cache(memoization) in non-intrusive way with the metadata annotations.
Hopefully, it will work like this:
class A{
foo(msg) {
return msg;
void main() {
var foo = ()=>"hello";
Can it be achieved with only dart:mirrors ?
I wrote a whole blog post on this topic a while ago. It's too long to copy here, so here's the link:
The upshot is that you can write higher-order memoizing functions, but they're limited in generality by Dart's lack of flexible args functions. Also, if you want to use dynamic programming with recursive functions, you need to write your function with memoization in mind - it needs to take itself as an argument, so you can pass in the memoized version.
My current solution allows:
class B {
baz() => print("first call to baz");
class A extends B with CacheableCalls {
_foo(msg) {
print("first call with: $msg");
return msg + msg;
void main() {
A a = new A();
first call with: 21
first call to baz
first call with: 22
- can't cache methods with their actual names.
- can extend collection view but can't cache existing operators like operator []
- can't cache functions.
Full source:
#MirrorsUsed(metaTargets: CachedCallName)
import 'dart:mirrors';
class CachedCallName {
final Symbol name;
const CachedCallName(;
class CacheableCalls {
Map _cache = new Map();
dynamic _chacheInvoke(InstanceMirror thisMirror, Symbol
methodName, Invocation invocation) {
String key = "$methodName${invocation.positionalArguments}"
if (_cache.containsKey(key)) {
return _cache[key];
} else {
InstanceMirror resultMirror = thisMirror.invoke(methodName,
invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
_cache[key] = resultMirror.reflectee;
return resultMirror.reflectee;
dynamic noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) {
bool isFound = false;
var result;
Symbol called = invocation.memberName;
InstanceMirror instanceMirror = reflect(this);
ClassMirror classMirror = instanceMirror.type;
classMirror.instanceMembers.forEach((Symbol name, MethodMirror mm) {
mm.metadata.forEach((InstanceMirror im) {
if (im.reflectee is CachedCallName) {
if ( == called) {
isFound = true;
result = _chacheInvoke(instanceMirror, name, invocation);
if (isFound) {
return result;
} else {
throw new NoSuchMethodError(this, called,
invocation.positionalArguments, invocation.namedArguments);
class B {
baz() => print("first call to baz");
class A extends B with CacheableCalls {
_foo(msg) {
print("first call with: $msg");
return msg + msg;
void main() {
A a = new A();

Dart: How to convert variable identifier names to strings only for variables of a certain type

Using Dart here.
As the above title suggests, I have a class (shown below) that has three bool instance variables. What I want to do is create a function that inspects the identifier names of these instance variables and prints each of them out in a string. The .declarations getter that comes with the ClassMirror class ALMOST does this, except it also gives me the name of the Constructor and any other methods I have in the class. This is no good. So really what I want is a way to filter by type (i.e., only give me the boolean identifiers as strings.) Any way to do this?
class BooleanHolder {
bool isMarried = false;
bool isBoard2 = false;
bool isBoard3 = false;
List<bool> boolCollection;
BooleanHolder() {
void boolsToStrings() {
ClassMirror cm = reflectClass(BooleanHolder);
Map<Symbol, DeclarationMirror> map = cm.declarations;
for (DeclarationMirror dm in map.values) {
Sample code.
import "dart:mirrors";
void main() {
var type = reflectType(Foo);
var found = filter(type, [reflectType(bool), reflectType(int)]);
for(var element in found) {
var name = MirrorSystem.getName(element.simpleName);
List<VariableMirror> filter(TypeMirror owner, List<TypeMirror> types) {
var result = new List<VariableMirror>();
if (owner is ClassMirror) {
for (var declaration in owner.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
var declaredType = declaration.type;
for (var type in types) {
if (declaredType.isSubtypeOf(type)) {
return result;
class Foo {
bool bool1 = true;
bool bool2;
int int1;
int int2;
String string1;
String string2;
