How to parse a list of tokens with FParsec - f#

I am trying to parse a list of tokens with FParsec, where each token is either a block of text or a tag - for example:
This is a {type of test} test, and it {succeeds or fails}
Here is the parser:
type Parser<'t> = Parser<'t, unit>
type Token =
| Text of string
| Tag of string
let escape fromString toString : Parser<_> =
pstring fromString |>> (fun c -> toString)
let content : Parser<_> =
let contentNormal = many1Satisfy (fun c -> c <> '{' && c <> '}')
let openBraceEscaped = escape "{{" "{"
let closeBraceEscaped = escape "}}" "}"
let contentEscaped = openBraceEscaped <|> closeBraceEscaped
stringsSepBy contentNormal contentEscaped
let ident : Parser<_> =
let isIdentifierFirstChar c = isLetter c || c = '_'
let isIdentifierChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c || c = '_'
spaces >>. many1Satisfy2L isIdentifierFirstChar isIdentifierChar "identifier" .>> spaces
let text = content |>> Text
let tag =
ident |> between (skipString "{") (skipString "}")
|>> Tag
let token = text <|> tag
let tokens = many token .>>. eof
the following tests work:
> run token "abc def" ;;
val it : ParserResult<Token,unit> = Success: Text "abc def"
> run token "{abc def}" ;;
val it : ParserResult<Token,unit> = Success: Tag "abc def"
but trying to run tokens results in an exception:
> run tokens "{abc} def" ;;
System.InvalidOperationException: (Ln: 1, Col: 10): The combinator 'many' was
applied to a parser that succeeds without consuming input and without
changing the parser state in any other way. (If no exception had been raised,
the combinator likely would have entered an infinite loop.)
I've gone over this stackoverflow question but nothing I've tried works. I even added the following, but I get the same exception:
let tokenFwd, tokenRef = createParserForwardedToRef<Token, unit>()
do tokenRef := choice [tag; text]
let readEndOfInput : Parser<unit, unit> = spaces >>. eof
let readExprs = many tokenFwd
let readExprsTillEnd = readExprs .>> readEndOfInput
run readExprsTillEnd "{abc} def" // System.InvalidOperationException ... The combinator 'many' was applied ...
I believe the problem is stringsSepBy in content, but I can't figure out any other way to get a string with the escaped items
Any help would be much appreciated - I have been going through this for a couple days now and can't figure it out.

stringsSepBy accepts zero strings, causing token to accept an empty string, causing many to complain.
I changed it to the following to verify that that was the line you need to work on.
many1 (contentNormal <|> contentEscaped) |>> fun l -> String.concat "" l
Also I got away from stringsSepBy contentNormal contentEscaped, because that says you need to match contentNormals with contentEscapeds in between them. So a{{b}}c is ok, but {{b}}, {{b}}c and a{{b}} will fail.

notEmpty can be used to consume input. If you're not consuming any input but letting the parser succeed then the "current position" of the parser is not moved forward, so when a statement doing that is inside a many it would go into an infinite loop without that exception. stringsSepBy is succeeding and parsing zero elements, you could use notEmpty to fail it if it gets zero elements:
stringsSepBy contentNormal contentEscaped |> notEmpty
Also, I tried to get your full example to parse, the tags can include spaces so you need to allow ident to include spaces to match that:
let isIdentifierChar c = isLetter c || isDigit c || c = '_' || c = ' '
Another little adjustment would be to only return a Token list rather than Token list * unit tuple (unit is the result of eof):
let tokens = many token .>> eof


With FParsec how would I parse: line ending in newline <|> a line ending with eof

I'm parsing a file and want to throw away certain lines of the file I'm not interested in. I've been able to get this to work for all cases except for when the last line is a throwaway and does not end in newline.
I've tried constructing an endOfInput rule and joining it with a skipLine rule via <|>. This is all wrapped in a many. Tweaking everything I seem to either get a 'many succeeds without consuming input...' error or a fail on the skipLine rule when I don't try some kind of back track.
let skipLine = many (noneOf "\n") .>> newline |>> fun x -> [string x]
let endOfInput = many (noneOf "\n") .>> eof |>> fun x -> [string x]
test (many (skipLine <|> endOfInput)) "And here is the next.\nThen the last."
** this errors out on the skipLine parser at the last line
I've tried
let skipLine = many (noneOf "\n") .>>? newline |>> fun x -> [string x]
... and ...
let skipLine = many (noneOf "\n") .>> newline |>> fun x -> [string x]
test (many (attempt skipLine <|> endOfInput)) "And here is the next.\nThen the last."
** these produce the many error
Note: the output functions are just place holders to get these to work with my other rules. I haven't gotten into figuring out how to format the output.
This is my first time using FParsec and I'm new to F#.
FParsec actually has a built-in parser that does exactly what you're looking for: skipRestOfLine. It terminates on either newlines or eof, just like what you're looking for.
If you want to try to implement it yourself as a learning exercise, let me know and I'll try to help you figure out the problem. But if you just want a parser that skips characters until the end of the line, the built-in skipRestOfLine is exactly what you need.
Here's an approach of parsing such a files with using an Option type,
it'll help you to parse files with newlines in the end or skip blank lines in the middle. I've got the solution from that post - fparsec key-value parser fails to parse . Parsing of a text file with integer values in one column:
module OptionIntParser =
open FParsec
open System
open System.IO
let pCell: Parser<int, unit> = pint32 |>> fun x -> x
let pSome = pCell |>> Some
let pNone = (restOfLine false) >>% None
let pLine = (attempt pSome) <|> pNone
let pAllover = sepBy pLine newline |>> List.choose id
let readFile filePath =
let rr = File.OpenRead(filePath)
use reader = new IO.StreamReader(rr)
let testStr = readFile("./test1.txt")
let runAll s =
let res = run pAllover s in
match res with
| Success (rows, _, _) -> rows
| Failure (s, _, _) -> []
let myTest =
let res = runAll testStr
res |> List.iter (fun (x) -> Console.WriteLine(x.ToString() ))

Parsing an ML-like syntax based on indentation, and everything considered to be an instruction/expression

NOTE: Not long ago, I had already asked a similar question. This is not a duplication, but the clarifications to be requested did not fall within the scope of the subject itself. I therefore allow myself to open another position dealing with the analysis of an ML-like syntax based on indentation, and considering everything as an instruction / expression.
For example:
"Hello" is an expression,
let foo = 2 + 1 is an instruction using an expression (2 + 1),
print foo is an instruction, ...
In short, a syntax and semantics that is quite modular and dynamic. Like F#, or OCaml.
To do this, I use F#, with the API (available on nuget) FParsec. The FParsec wiki provides an example of a syntax based on indentation, so I have taken it up again. The module in the code below used is IndentationParserWithoutBacktracking.
The example code to be parsed uses an elementary indentation, not mixing "literal" and "instructions/expressions":
loop i 1 10
loop k 1 10
print k
print i
print j
A simple code, and without context (but this is not important at the moment).
My implementation allows codes such as:
let foo = a + b
let foo =
let a = 9
let b = 1
a + b
let foo = 7
let foo =
loop i 1 10
print i
For example. (The loop and print are there just for the tests...)
The problem I have been having for a long week now, and that I can't solve, is the fact that the indentation module asks me every time an instruction is expected in a parser for a new line... Here is a screenshot:
This applies to all the examples mentioned above. I don't really understand the problem, and therefore don't know how to solve it.
Here is the code tested for this question, it meets the minimum and functional code criteria, however, FParsec must be used:
open FParsec
// This module come from ''
// I used the second module: 'IndentationParserWithoutBacktracking'
module IndentationParserWithoutBacktracking =
let tabStopDistance = 8
type LastParsedIndentation() =
val mutable Value: int32
val mutable EndIndex: int64
type UserState =
{Indentation: int
// We put LastParsedIndentation into the UserState so that we
// can conveniently use a separate instance for each stream.
// The members of the LastParsedIndentation instance will be mutated
// directly and hence won't be affected by any stream backtracking.
LastParsedIndentation: LastParsedIndentation}
static member Create() = {Indentation = -1
LastParsedIndentation = LastParsedIndentation(EndIndex = -1L)}
type CharStream = CharStream<UserState>
type Parser<'t> = Parser<'t, UserState>
// If this function is called at the same index in the stream
// where the function previously stopped, then the previously
// returned indentation will be returned again.
// This way we can avoid backtracking at the end of indented blocks.
let skipIndentation (stream: CharStream) =
let lastParsedIndentation = stream.UserState.LastParsedIndentation
if lastParsedIndentation.EndIndex = stream.Index then
let mutable indentation = stream.SkipNewlineThenWhitespace(tabStopDistance, false)
lastParsedIndentation.EndIndex <- stream.Index
lastParsedIndentation.Value <- indentation
let indentedMany1 (p: Parser<'t>) label : Parser<'t list> =
fun stream ->
let oldIndentation = stream.UserState.Indentation
let indentation = skipIndentation stream
if indentation <= oldIndentation then
Reply(Error, expected (if indentation < 0 then "newline" else "indented " + label))
stream.UserState <- {stream.UserState with Indentation = indentation}
let results = ResizeArray()
let mutable stateTag = stream.StateTag
let mutable reply = p stream // parse the first element
let mutable newIndentation = 0
while reply.Status = Ok
&& (results.Add(reply.Result)
newIndentation <- skipIndentation stream
newIndentation = indentation)
stateTag <- stream.StateTag
reply <- p stream
if reply.Status = Ok
|| (stream.IsEndOfStream && results.Count > 0 && stream.StateTag = stateTag)
if newIndentation < indentation || stream.IsEndOfStream then
stream.UserState <- {stream.UserState with Indentation = oldIndentation}
Reply(List.ofSeq results)
Reply(Error, messageError "wrong indentation")
else // p failed
Reply(reply.Status, reply.Error)
open IndentationParserWithoutBacktracking
let isBlank = fun c -> c = ' ' || c = '\t'
let ws = spaces
let ws1 = skipMany1SatisfyL isBlank "whitespace"
let str s = pstring s .>> ws
let keyword str = pstring str >>? nextCharSatisfiesNot (fun c -> isLetter c || isDigit c) <?> str
// AST
type Identifier = Identifier of string
// A value is just a literal or a data name, called here "Variable"
type Value =
| Int of int | Float of float
| Bool of bool | String of string
| Char of char | Variable of Identifier
// All is an instruction, but there are some differences:
type Instr =
// Arithmetic
| Literal of Value | Infix of Instr * InfixOp * Instr
// Statements (instructions needing another instructions)
| Let of Identifier * Instr list
| Loop of Identifier * Instr * Instr * Instr list
// Other - the "print" function, from the link seen above
| Print of Identifier
and InfixOp =
// Arithmetic
| Sum | Sub | Mul | Div
// Logic
| And | Or | Equal | NotEqual | Greater | Smaller | GreaterEqual | SmallerEqual
// Literals
let numberFormat = NumberLiteralOptions.AllowMinusSign ||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowFraction |||
NumberLiteralOptions.AllowHexadecimal ||| NumberLiteralOptions.AllowOctal |||
let literal_numeric =
numberLiteral numberFormat "number" |>> fun nl ->
if nl.IsInteger then Literal (Int(int nl.String))
else Literal (Float(float nl.String))
let literal_bool =
(choice [
(stringReturn "true" (Literal (Bool true)))
(stringReturn "false" (Literal (Bool false)))
.>> ws) <?> "boolean"
let literal_string =
(between (pstring "\"") (pstring "\"") (manyChars (satisfy (fun c -> c <> '"')))
|>> fun s -> Literal (String s)) <?> "string"
let literal_char =
(between (pstring "'") (pstring "'") (satisfy (fun c -> c <> '''))
|>> fun c -> Literal (Char c)) <?> "character"
let identifier =
(many1Satisfy2L isLetter (fun c -> isLetter c || isDigit c) "identifier"
|>> Identifier) <?> "identifier"
let betweenParentheses p =
(between (str "(") (str ")") p) <?> ""
let variable = identifier |>> fun id -> Literal (Variable id)
let literal = (attempt literal_numeric <|>
attempt literal_bool <|>
attempt literal_char <|>
attempt literal_string <|>
attempt variable)
// Instressions and statements
let pInstrs, pInstrimpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
// `ploop` is located here to force `pInstrs` to be of the type `Instr list`, `ploop` requesting an instression list.
let ploop =
(keyword "loop" >>. ws1 >>. identifier)
(ws1 >>. literal)
(ws1 >>. literal)
(fun id min max stmts -> Loop(id, min, max, stmts))
// `singlepInstr` allows to use only one Instression, used just after.
let singlepInstr =
pInstrs |>> fun ex -> ex.Head
let term =
(ws >>. singlepInstr .>> ws) <|>
(betweenParentheses (ws >>. singlepInstr)) <|>
(ws >>. literal .>> ws) <|>
(betweenParentheses (ws >>. literal))
let infixOperator (p: OperatorPrecedenceParser<_, _, _>) op prec map =
p.AddOperator(InfixOperator(op, ws, prec, Associativity.Left, map))
let ops =
// Arithmetic
[ "+"; "-"; "*"; "/"; "%" ] #
// Logical
[ "&&"; "||"; "=="; "!="; ">"; "<"; ">="; "<=" ]
let opCorrespondance op =
match op with
// Arithmetic operators
| "+" -> Sum | "-" -> Sub
| "*" -> Mul | "/" -> Div
// Logical operators
| "&&" -> And | "||" -> Or
| "==" -> Equal | "!=" -> NotEqual
| ">" -> Greater | "<" -> Smaller
| ">=" -> GreaterEqual | "<=" -> SmallerEqual
| _ -> failwith ("Unknown operator: " + op)
let opParser = new OperatorPrecedenceParser<Instr, unit, UserState>()
for op in ops do
infixOperator opParser op 1 (fun x y -> Infix(x, opCorrespondance op, y))
opParser.TermParser <- term
// Statements
- let:
let <identifier> = <instruction(s) / value>
- print:
print <identifier>
- loop:
loop <identifier> <literal> <literal> <indented statements>
let plet =
(keyword "let" >>. ws1 >>. identifier)
(ws >>. str "=" >>. ws >>. pInstrs)
(fun id exp -> Let(id, exp))
let print =
keyword "print" >>. ws1 >>. identifier
|>> Print
let instruction =
print <|> ploop <|> plet <|>
opParser.ExpressionParser <|>
pInstrimpl := indentedMany1 instruction "instruction"
let document = pInstrs .>> spaces .>> eof
let test str =
match runParserOnString document (UserState.Create()) "" str with
| Success(result, _, _) -> printfn "%A" result
| Failure(errorMsg, _, _) -> printfn "%s" errorMsg
let code = test #"
let foo = a + b
I would like to understand first of all why it doesn't work, but also to be able to find a solution to my problem, and that this solution can be extended to the potential syntax additions of the parser.
Awaiting a salutary answer, thank you.
In order to understand why your parser doesn't work, you need to isolate the issues.
If I understand you correctly, you want your let parser to support either a single instruction on the same line or indented instructions on subsequent lines, e.g:
let x = instruction
let b =
If you can't get your existing implementation to work, I'd recommend going back to the implementation on the Wiki and trying to just add support for the let statement.
For example, I made the Wiki parser accept simple let statements with the following modifications:
type Statement = Loop of Identifier * int * int * Statement list
| Print of Identifier
| Let of Identifier * Statement list
let ws = skipManySatisfy isBlank
let str s = pstring s .>> ws
let statement, statementRef = createParserForwardedToRef()
let indentedStatements = indentedMany1 statement "statement"
let plet = keyword "let" >>. pipe2 (ws1 >>. identifier)
(ws >>. str "=" >>. ws
>>. (indentedStatements
<|> (statement |>> fun s -> [s])))
(fun id exp -> Let(id, exp))
statementRef := print <|> loop <|> plet
Note that in the modified version statement is now the parser forwarded to a ref cell, not indentedStatements.
Note also that ws is not implemented with spaces, like in your parser. This is important because spaces also consumes newlines, which would prevent the indentedMany1 from seeing the newline and properly calculating the indentation.
The reason your parser produced an "Expecting: newline" error is that indentedMany1 needs a newline at the beginning of the indented sequence in order to be able to calculate the indentation. You would have to modify the implementation of indentedMany1 if you wanted to support e.g. the following indentation pattern:
let x = instruction

With FParsec, how does one use the manyCharsTill and between parsers and not fail on the closing string?

I'm trying to use FParsec to parse a TOML multi-line string, and I'm having trouble with the closing delimiter ("""). I have the following parsers:
let controlChars =
['\u0000'; '\u0001'; '\u0002'; '\u0003'; '\u0004'; '\u0005'; '\u0006'; '\u0007';
'\u0008'; '\u0009'; '\u000a'; '\u000b'; '\u000c'; '\u000d'; '\u000e'; '\u000f';
'\u0010'; '\u0011'; '\u0012'; '\u0013'; '\u0014'; '\u0015'; '\u0016'; '\u0017';
'\u0018'; '\u0019'; '\u001a'; '\u001b'; '\u001c'; '\u001d'; '\u001e'; '\u001f';
let nonSpaceCtrlChars =
Set.difference (Set.ofList controlChars) (Set.ofList ['\n';'\r';'\t'])
let multiLineStringContents : Parser<char,unit> =
satisfy (isNoneOf nonSpaceCtrlChars)
let multiLineString : Parser<string,unit> =
optional newline >>. manyCharsTill multiLineStringContents (pstring "\"\"\"")
|> between (pstring "\"\"\"") (pstring "\"\"\"")
let test parser str =
match run parser str with
| Success (s1, s2, s3) -> printfn "Ok: %A %A %A" s1 s2 s3
| Failure (f1, f2, f3) -> printfn "Fail: %A %A %A" f1 f2 f3
When I test multiLineString against an input like this:
test multiLineString "\"\"\"x\"\"\""
The parser fails with this error:
Fail: "Error in Ln: 1 Col: 8 """x"""
^ Note: The error occurred at the end of the input stream. Expecting: '"""'
I'm confused by this. Wouldn't the manyCharsTill multiLineStringContents (pstring "\"\"\"") parser stop at the """ for the between parser to find it? Why is the parser eating all the input and then failing the between parser?
This seems like a relevant post: How to parse comments with FParsec
But I don't see how the solution to that one differs from what I'm doing here, really.
The manyCharsTill documentation says (emphasis mine):
manyCharsTill cp endp parses chars with the char parser cp until the parser endp succeeds. It stops after endp and returns the parsed chars as a string.
So you don't want to use between in combination with manyCharsTill; you want to do something like pstring "\"\"\"" >>. manyCharsTill (pstring "\"\"\"").
But as it happens, I can save you a lot of work. I've been working on a TOML parser with FParsec myself in my spare time. It's far from complete, but the string part works and handles backslash escapes correctly (as far as I can tell: I've tested thoroughly but not exhaustively). The only thing I'm missing is the "strip first newline if it appears right after the opening delimiter" rule, which you've handled with optional newline. So just add that bit into my code below and you should have a working TOML string parser.
BTW, I am planning to license my code (if I finish it) under the MIT license. So I hereby release the following code block under the MIT license. Feel free to use it in your project if it's useful to you.
let pShortCodepointInHex = // Anything from 0000 to FFFF, *except* the range D800-DFFF
(anyOf "dD" >>. (anyOf "01234567" <?> "a Unicode scalar value (range D800-DFFF not allowed)") .>>. exactly 2 isHex |>> fun (c,s) -> sprintf "d%c%s" c s)
<|> (exactly 4 isHex <?> "a Unicode scalar value")
let pLongCodepointInHex = // Anything from 00000000 to 0010FFFF, *except* the range D800-DFFF
(pstring "0000" >>. pShortCodepointInHex)
<|> (pstring "000" >>. exactly 5 isHex)
<|> (pstring "0010" >>. exactly 4 isHex |>> fun s -> "0010" + s)
<?> "a Unicode scalar value (i.e., in range 00000000 to 0010FFFF)"
let toCharOrSurrogatePair p =
p |> withSkippedString (fun codePoint _ -> System.Int32.Parse(codePoint, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber) |> System.Char.ConvertFromUtf32)
let pStandardBackslashEscape =
anyOf "\\\"bfnrt"
|>> function
| 'b' -> "\b" // U+0008 BACKSPACE
| 'f' -> "\u000c" // U+000C FORM FEED
| 'n' -> "\n" // U+000A LINE FEED
| 'r' -> "\r" // U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN
| 't' -> "\t" // U+0009 CHARACTER TABULATION a.k.a. Tab or Horizonal Tab
| c -> string c
let pUnicodeEscape = (pchar 'u' >>. (pShortCodepointInHex |> toCharOrSurrogatePair))
<|> (pchar 'U' >>. ( pLongCodepointInHex |> toCharOrSurrogatePair))
let pEscapedChar = pstring "\\" >>. (pStandardBackslashEscape <|> pUnicodeEscape)
let quote = pchar '"'
let isBasicStrChar c = c <> '\\' && c <> '"' && c > '\u001f' && c <> '\u007f'
let pBasicStrChars = manySatisfy isBasicStrChar
let pBasicStr = stringsSepBy pBasicStrChars pEscapedChar |> between quote quote
let pEscapedNewline = skipChar '\\' .>> skipNewline .>> spaces
let isMultilineStrChar c = c = '\n' || isBasicStrChar c
let pMultilineStrChars = manySatisfy isMultilineStrChar
let pTripleQuote = pstring "\"\"\""
let pMultilineStr = stringsSepBy pMultilineStrChars (pEscapedChar <|> (notFollowedByString "\"\"\"" >>. pstring "\"")) |> between pTripleQuote pTripleQuote
#rmunn provided a correct answer, thanks! I also solved this in a slightly different way after playing with the FParsec API a bit more. As explained in the other answer, The endp argument to manyCharTill was eating the closing """, so I needed to switch to something that wouldn't do that. A simple modification using lookAhead did the trick:
let multiLineString : Parser<string,unit> =
optional newline >>. manyCharsTill multiLineStringContents (lookAhead (pstring "\"\"\""))
|> between (pstring "\"\"\"") (pstring "\"\"\"")

Parsing in to a recursive data structure

I wish to parse a string in to a recursive data structure using F#. In this question I'm going to present a simplified example that cuts to the core of what I want to do.
I want to parse a string of nested square brackets in to the record type:
type Bracket = | Bracket of Bracket option
"[]" -> Bracket None
"[[]]" -> Bracket ( Some ( Bracket None) )
"[[[]]]" -> Bracket ( Some ( Bracket ( Some ( Bracket None) ) ) )
I would like to do this using the parser combinators in the FParsec library. Here is what I have so far:
let tryP parser =
parser |>> Some
preturn None
/// Parses up to nesting level of 3
let parseBrakets : Parser<_> =
let mostInnerLevelBracket =
pchar '['
.>> pchar ']'
|>> fun _ -> Bracket None
let secondLevelBracket =
pchar '['
>>. tryP mostInnerLevelBracket
.>> pchar ']'
|>> Bracket
let firstLevelBracket =
pchar '['
>>. tryP secondLevelBracket
.>> pchar ']'
|>> Bracket
I even have some Expecto tests:
open Expecto
let parserTests =
[ "[]", Bracket None
"[[]]", Bracket (Some (Bracket None))
"[[[]]]", Bracket ( Some (Bracket (Some (Bracket None)))) ]
|> (str, expected) ->
|> sprintf "Trying to parse %s"
|> testCase
<| fun _ ->
match run parseBrakets str with
| Success (x, _,_) -> Expect.equal x expected "These should have been equal"
| Failure (m, _,_) -> failwithf "Expected a match: %s" m
|> testList "Bracket tests"
let tests =
[ parserTests ]
|> testList "Tests"
runTests defaultConfig tests
The problem is of course how to handle and arbitrary level of nesting - the code above only works for up to 3 levels. The code I would like to write is:
let rec pNestedBracket =
pchar '['
>>. tryP pNestedBracket
.>> pchar ']'
|>> Bracket
But F# doesn't allow this.
Am I barking up the wrong tree completely with how to solve this (I understand that there are easier ways to solve this particular problem)?
You are looking for FParsecs createParserForwardedToRef method. Because parsers are values and not functions it is impossible to make mutually recursive or self recursive parsers in order to do this you have to in a sense declare a parser before you define it.
Your final code will end up looking something like this
let bracketParser, bracketParserRef = createParserForwardedToRef<Bracket>()
bracketParserRef := ... //here you can finally declare your parser
//you can reference bracketParser which is a parser that uses the bracketParserRef
Also I would recommend this article for basic understanding of parser combinators. The final section on a JSON parser talks about the createParserForwardedToRef method.
As an example of how to use createParserForwardedToRef, here's a snippet from a small parser I wrote recently. It parses lists of space-separated integers between brackets (and the lists can be nested), and the "integers" can be small arithmetic expressions like 1+2 or 3*5.
type ListItem =
| Int of int
| List of ListItem list
let pexpr = // ... omitted for brevity
let plist,plistImpl = createParserForwardedToRef()
let pListContents = (many1 (plist |>> List .>> spaces)) <|>
(many (pexpr |>> Int .>> spaces))
plistImpl := pchar '[' >>. spaces
>>. pListContents
.>> pchar ']'
P.S. I would have put this as a comment to Thomas Devries's answer, but a comment can't contain nicely-formatted code. Go ahead and accept his answer; mine is just intended to flesh his out.

FParsec: how to combine parsers so that they will be matched in arbitrary order

The task is find particular key-value pairs and parse them. The pairs can occur in any order. My partially working attempt:
open FParsec
type Parser<'a> = Parser<'a, unit>
type Status = Running | Done
type Job =
{ Id: int
Status: Status
Count: int }
let ws = spaces
let jobId: Parser<int> = ws >>. skipStringCI "Job id" >>. ws >>. skipChar '=' >>. ws >>. pint32
let status: Parser<Status> =
ws >>. skipStringCI "Status" >>. ws >>. skipChar '=' >>. ws >>. (
(skipStringCI "Running" >>% Running) <|> (skipStringCI "Done" >>% Done))
let count: Parser<int> = ws >>. skipStringCI "Count" >>. ws >>. skipChar '=' >>. ws >>. pint32
let parse: Parser<Job> = parse {
do! skipCharsTillStringCI "Job id" false 1000
let! id = jobId
do! skipCharsTillStringCI "Status" false 1000
let! status = status
do! skipCharsTillStringCI "Count" false 1000
let! count = count
return { Id = id; Status = status; Count = count }}
let main argv =
let sample = """
Some irrelevant text.
Job id = 33
Some other text.
Status = Done
And another text.
Count = 10
Trailing text.
printfn "%A" (run parse sample)
Success: {Id = 33;
Status = Done;
Count = 10;}
So, it works but it has two problems: obvious duplication ("Job id" in jobId function and "Job id" in the top-level parser and so on), and it expects "Job id", "Status" and "Count" to be sequenced in this particular order, which is wrong by the requirement.
I have a strong feeling that there's an elegant solution for this.
The first problem (duplication) can be solved with a minor refactoring. The basic idea is wrapping each parser into a wrapper that would do skipping.
Note that this code is yet far from perfection, I just tried to make refactoring as small as possible.
let jobId: Parser<int> = pint32
let status: Parser<Status> =
(skipStringCI "Running" >>% Running) <|> (skipStringCI "Done" >>% Done)
let count: Parser<int> = pint32
let skipAndParse prefix parser =
skipCharsTillStringCI prefix false 1000
>>. ws >>. skipStringCI prefix >>. ws >>. skipChar '=' >>. ws >>. parser
let parse: Parser<Job> = parse {
let! id = skipAndParse "Job id" jobId
let! status = skipAndParse "Status" status
let! count = skipAndParse "Count" count
return { Id = id; Status = status; Count = count }}
The second problem is more complicated. If you want the data lines to appear in a free order, you must consider the case when
not all data lines present;
a certain data line appears twice or more;
To mitigate this, you need to produce a list of data lines found, analyze if everything required is there, and decide what to do with any possible duplicates.
Note that each data line can not afford to have "skip" part anymore, since it may skip an informative line before the actual parser.
let skipAndParse2 prefix parser =
ws >>. skipStringCI prefix >>. ws >>. skipChar '=' >>. ws >>. parser
// Here, you create a DU that will say which data line was found
type Result =
| Id of int
| Status of Status
| Count of int
| Irrelevant of string
// here's a combinator parser
let parse2 =
// list of possible data line parsers
// Note they are intentionally reordered
skipAndParse2 "Count" count |>> Count
skipAndParse2 "Status" status |>> Status
skipAndParse2 "Job id" jobId |>> Id
// the trailing one would skip a line in case if it has not
// been parsed by any of prior parsers
// a guard rule is needed because of specifics of
// restOfLine behavior at the end of input: namely, it would
// succeed without consuming an input, which leads
// to an infinite loop. Actually FParsec handles this and
// raises an exception
restOfLine true .>> notFollowedByEof |>> Irrelevant
|> attempt // each parser is optional
|> choice // on each iteration, one of the parsers must succeed
|> many // a loop
Running the code:
let sample = "
Some irrelevant text.\n\
Job id = 33\n\
Some other text.\n\
Status = Done\n\
And another text.\n\
Count = 10\n\
Trailing text.\n\
sample |> run parse2 |> printfn "%A "
will produce the following output:
Success: [Irrelevant ""; Irrelevant "Some irrelevant text."; Id 33;
Irrelevant ""; Irrelevant "Some other text."; Status Done; Irrelevant "";
Irrelevant "And another text."; Count 10; Irrelevant ""]
Further processing requires filtering Irrelevant elements, checking for duplicates or missing items, and forming the Job record, or raising errors.
UPDATE: a simple example of further processing to hide out Result and returning Job option instead:
// naive implementation of the record maker
// return Job option
// ignores duplicate fields (uses the first one)
// returns None if any field is missing
let MakeJob arguments =
let a' =
|> List.filter (function |Irrelevant _ -> false | _ -> true)
let theId = a' |> List.pick (function |Id x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let theStatus = a' |> List.pick (function |Status x -> Some x | _ -> None)
let theCount = a' |> List.pick (function |Count x -> Some x | _ -> None)
Some { Id=theId; Status = theStatus; Count = theCount }
| :?System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException -> None
To use it, simply add the following line to the code of parse2:
|>> MakeJob
