I would like to format a date to display in a uitableview custom cell
The data is passed into the app from a CMS - it is provided as a string in the following format and stored in a date type variable-
2014-04-15 10:10:45 +0000
Our app will initially be UK based - so I need to convert the format into DD/MM/YYYY format.
I tried the following code to parse my date (dateadded which is of type date).
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [NSDateFormatter new];
cellRecP.artDate.text = [formatter stringFromDate:resItem.dateadded];
but this just returns null - i guess the date format provided above is not anything that stringfromdate understands - is there any other way to format date?
Use an 'NSDateFormatter'
NSDateFormatter* newFormatter = [[[NSDateFormatter alloc] init] autorelease];
with this format to parse the string
[newFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss zzz"];
NSDate* aDate = [newFormatter dateFromString:dateString];
and you should get a valid 'NSDate' object
Try This and also Checkout this All Formate It is really good and helpful.
NSString *yourString = #"2014-04-15 10:10:45 +0000";
NSDateFormatter *df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc]init];
[df setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone systemTimeZone]];//Set Your Timezone
[df setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z"];//You have to set this formate.
NSDate *dd = [df dateFromString:yourString];//This will convert into date;
//Now you can set your formate.
[df setDateFormat:#"dd/MM/yyyy"];
NSString *str = [df stringFromDate:dd];
You need an NSDateFormatter and a proper unicode parse string. NSDateFormatter by default automatically checks the device locale setting the correct output.
This is an example from some code of mine:
NSDateFormatter *dateWriter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
dateWriter.dateFormat = #"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd' 'HH':'mm':'ss' 'ZZZ";
dateWriter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterMediumStyle;
dateWriter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterMediumStyle;
Pay attention that date formatters are pretty expensive to create.
I have a UIDataPicker in my viewController with default location, when my user finishes selecting the date I run this code:
NSString *dateString = [NSDateFormatter localizedStringFromDate:[self.dataPicker date]
With that code I can storage the date in the following format:
May 31, 2016
Later in my code I need to convert this string into a real date format, for this I use the code below:
NSString *dateString = date;
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
dateFormatter.locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:#"en_US"];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"MM/dd/yyyy"];
return [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];
But this code return a null value. As the datepicker is set by default, my system can receive any date format, but in the end I want it to be converted to the format en_us.
How I can solve this problem?
Don't store the date as a string; store it as an offset, in seconds, from some reference date.
uint64_t offset = (uint64_t)[[self.dataPicker date] timeIntervalSinceReferenceDate];
// store this 64-bit unsigned integer.
This takes less space and is quicker to convert to/from an NSDate object.
You can leave the offset as an NSTimeInterval (64-bit floating point double) if you prefer, but as you aren't storing date & time, uint64_t should do...
Use this code,
NSString *dateString = date;
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
dateFormatter.locale = [[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:#"en_US"];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"MMM d, yyyy"];
return [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];
hope its helpful
The formatting string depends on the locale you are using. From the localizedStringFromDate documentation:
Returns string representation of a given date formatted for the
current locale using the specified date and time styles.
This method uses a date formatter configured with the current default
settings. The returned string is the same as if you configured and
used a date formatter as shown in the following example:
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
formatter.formatterBehavior = NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4;
formatter.dateStyle = dateStyle; formatter.timeStyle = timeStyle;
NSString *result = [formatter stringForObjectValue:date];
Means, you should do the next:
-(NSDate*)convertStringToDate:(NSString*)dateString {
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
dateFormatter.formatterBehavior = NSDateFormatterBehavior10_4;
dateFormatter.dateStyle = NSDateFormatterLongStyle;
dateFormatter.timeStyle = NSDateFormatterNoStyle;
return [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString];
I tried executing the following code to get a date from an NSString:
NSDateFormatter * formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[formatter setLocale:[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:#"GMT"]];
[formatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.sssZ"];
NSDate * date = [formatter dateFromString:#"2015-01-18T09:33:49.699-0600"];
Why am I receiving nil value?
The format string should be
[formatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"];
Note the upper case .SSS.
And for the locale, you should specify #"en_US_POSIX" as advised in Technical Note TN1480. This will ensure that you can successfully parse this RFC 3339/ISO 8601 formatted date, regardless of the user's localization settings.
I've already searched StackOverflow.com for an answer to this question, still without any success. Already looked here:
iOS - Converting time and date to user time zone
Date Format - time zone
Get current iPhone device timezone date and time from UTC-5 timezone date and time iPhone app?
IOS how to set date format
Nothing of those worked.
So I have this NSString date format: 2014-05-07T10:28:52.000Z trying to convert it to NSDate, this is what I'm using:
+ (NSDate*)stringToDate:(NSString*)string format:(NSString*)format
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:format];
return [dateFormatter dateFromString:string];
This is how I'm using it:
NSDate *date = [AppUtils stringToDate:youtube.postDate format:#"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZZZ"];
I've also tried those formats:
How could I convert it to NSDate successfully?
Thanks in advance!
If the date format is fixed, what I do is below.
Replace T by space
Replace Z by blank
And then do formatting...
NSString *dateReceivedInString = #"2014-05-07T10:28:52.000Z";
dateReceivedInString = [dateReceivedInString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"T" withString:#" "];
dateReceivedInString = [dateReceivedInString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"Z" withString:#""];
Now do the formatting using
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
Edit 1
If you want to work with your case, use below
Edit 2
I tried this and it is working.
NSString *dateReceivedInString = #"2014-05-07T10:28:52.000Z";
dateReceivedInString = [dateReceivedInString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"T" withString:#" "];
dateReceivedInString = [dateReceivedInString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:#"Z" withString:#""];
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"];
NSLog(#"ddddd====%#", [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateReceivedInString]);
Edit 3
To make working with your case use below.
NSString *dateReceivedInString = #"2014-05-07T10:28:52.000Z";
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ"];
NSLog(#"ddddd====%#", [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateReceivedInString]);
Here are 2 methods that I use to convert RFC3339 Date string to NSDate,
And also Method for converting NSDate to RFC3339 Date string
Method for converting RFC3339 Date string to NSDate
+ (NSDate *)dateForRFC3339DateTimeString:(NSString *)rfc3339DateTimeString
NSDateFormatter *rfc3339DateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[rfc3339DateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'SSS'Z'"];
[rfc3339DateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
// Convert the RFC 3339 date time string to an NSDate.
return [rfc3339DateFormatter dateFromString:rfc3339DateTimeString];}
Method for converting NSDate to RFC3339 Date string
+ (NSString *)RFC3339DateTimeFromDate:(NSDate *)aDate
NSDateFormatter *rfc3339DateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[rfc3339DateFormatter setDateFormat:#"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'.'SSS'Z'"];
[rfc3339DateFormatter setTimeZone:[NSTimeZone timeZoneForSecondsFromGMT:0]];
return [rfc3339DateFormatter stringFromDate:aDate];
I am using NSDateFormatter to convert the current date to a string (in the format: February 16, 2013). How can I convert this string back to a NSDate object?
NSString *dateString = [NSDateFormatter localizedStringFromDate:[NSDate date] dateStyle:NSDateFormatterLongStyle timeStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];
The problem appears to be that the month is written out (February vs. 02), and other questions only explain to use NSDateFormatter with a format such as MM-dd-yyyy, which I do not believe is possible here. Must I parse this date manually, convert February to 02, and go from there?
You can use dateFromString of the same NSDateFormatter class to perform backward conversion.
To make it work you need to define dateStyle, so parser will know how text string should be parsed. For the date style that you provided code below will work:
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterLongStyle];
NSDate *date = [dateFormatter dateFromString:#"February 16, 2013"];
NSLog(#"%#", date);
If you want to be able to use localized date formats, you should go with templates
NSString *dateString = [NSDateFormatter localizedStringFromDate:[NSDate date]
NSLog(#"%#", dateString);
NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[dateFormatter setDateFormat:[NSDateFormatter dateFormatFromTemplate:#"MMMdY"
locale:[NSLocale currentLocale]]];
NSLog(#"%#", [dateFormatter dateFromString:dateString]);
Since you have a fixed format that you wish to parse, you must setup the date formatter with the locale of en_US_POSIX. Then you must set he date format to MMMM dd, yyyy. This will pare any date string that has the full month name, the month day, a comma, then the four-digit year.
I am getting start and end dates for my calendar event(while parsing a .ics file) in "20110912T220000" format. How can I convert this to a NSDate to add to add as event(EKEvent)'s startDate property.
If anyone knows please help me soon.
You should use NSDateFormatter for this.
See Data Formatting Guide (the Date & Time Programming Guide may also be interesting)
This is also detailed in this Technical Note in Apple's Q&As. Note that for such situations, you should use the special "en_US_POSIX" locale as explained in this technical note.
NSDateFormatter* df = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
[df setLocale:[[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:#"en_US_POSIX"] autorelease]];
[df setDateFormat:#"yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss"];
NSDate* parsedDate = [df dateFromString:...];
NSString *dateString = #"20110912T220000";
NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
NSLocale *locale = [[[NSLocale alloc] initWithLocaleIdentifier:#"en_US_POSIX"] autorelease];
formatter.locale = locale;
formatter.dateFormat = #"yyyyMMdd'T'HHmmss";
NSDate *date = [formatter dateFromString:dateString];
NSLog(#"date: %#", date);
NSLog() output: date: 2011-09-13 02:00:00 +0000
Note, NSLog outputs the data in you local timezone.
Note the single quotes around the 'T' in the date format.
Here is a link to UTS: date/time format characters