Get an entry of a Manifest file with ant - ant

I am trying to develope an Ant macrodef which gets the values separated by commas of the Require-Bundle property in a Manifest file passed as parameter. What I want to obtain is something like this:
The problem I am facing in my code is that it doesn't take into account if the property has multiple values in multiple lines, here is my code:
<macrodef name="getDependencies">
<attribute name="file" />
<attribute name="prefix" default="ant-mf." />
<file file="#{file}" />
<contains value="Require-Bundle" />
<prefixlines prefix="#{prefix}" />
But this is what I get:
[echoproperties] ant-mf.Require-Bundle=org.eclipse.ui,
Any help will be appreciated.

Most likely, your Manifest file looks like this:
Require-Bundle: org.eclipse.ui,
Unfortunately, Java Manifest files aren't quite Java Properties files. Manifest files can have attributes that span multiple lines whereas Property files can't have multi-line values. The <loadproperties> task can't handle multi-line attributes.
Instead, you'll need an Ant task that knows about Manifest files. In another question, Richard Steele provides Ant script that loads a Manifest file from a Jar file. You can adapt the example to get just the Require-Bundle attribute.

Thanks to Chad Nouis I have changed the macrodef approach to scriptdef. I have debugged and adapted the Richard Steele script to fit my needs:
Loads entries from a manifest file.
#manifest A manifest file to read
#entry The name of the manifest entry to load (optional)
#prefix A prefix to prepend (optional)
<scriptdef name="getDependencies" language="javascript" description="Gets all entries or a specified one of a manifest file">
<attribute name="manifest" />
<attribute name="entry" />
<attribute name="prefix" />
var filename = attributes.get("manifest");
var entry = attributes.get("entry");
if (entry == null) {
entry = "";
var prefix = attributes.get("prefix");
if (prefix == null) {
prefix = "";
var manifest;
if (filename != null) {
manifest = new java.util.jar.Manifest(new;
} else {"File is required");
if (manifest == null) {
self.log("Problem loading the Manifest");
} else {
var attributes = manifest.getMainAttributes();
if (attributes != null) {
if (entry != "") {
project.setProperty(prefix + entry, attributes.getValue(entry));
} else {
var it = attributes.keySet().iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
var key =;
project.setProperty(prefix + key, attributes.getValue(key));


Returning count for an odata query

If I have a query such as:
Please notice that I am specifying $count=true
It will return:
//100 fields and lots of data
How can we reconstruct this query to simply return 1?
I'm not sure if I'm understanding your question properly because if you filter Accounts by AccountId, you'll only ever get 0 or 1 results. So, if you get a result, you know the count is 1.
Anyway, to get a count, you can use a proper FetchXml aggregate like so:
<fetch aggregate='true'>
<entity name='account'>
<attribute name='accountid' aggregate='count' alias='Count' />
Which returns:
And feel free to add your filters to the FetchXml:
<fetch aggregate='true'>
<entity name='account'>
<attribute name='accountid' aggregate='count' alias='Count' />
<filter type='and' >
<condition attribute='chr_accountstatusid' operator='eq' value='D1C4CD52-1E51-E711-8122-6C3BE5B3B698'/>
<condition attribute='statecode' operator='eq' value='0' />
Of course you are subject to the usual FetchXml aggregate limitations (i.e. count tops out at 50K rows). Though I have discovered ways around this if you need it.
I also should have mentioned that there's no need to return all the fields, so we can use &$select=accountid.
You can get the #odata.count with an associative reference: result["#odata.count"]
Here's a full example:
function count(){
var req = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/v8.2/accounts?$select=accountid&$filter=accountid%20eq%20D1C4CD52-1E51-E711-8122-6C3BE5B3B698&$count=true", true);
req.setRequestHeader("OData-MaxVersion", "4.0");
req.setRequestHeader("OData-Version", "4.0");
req.setRequestHeader("Accept", "application/json");
req.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8");
req.setRequestHeader("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=\"*\"");
req.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.readyState === 4) {
req.onreadystatechange = null;
if (this.status === 200) {
var result = JSON.parse(this.response);
} else {
Furthermore, I should mention that if you're doing significant work with the WebAPI, Jason Lattimer's CRMRESTBuilder is very handy.
And you might also want to check out David Yack's WebAPI helper.
I had same issue. What I did is I added count before filter and it worked. Example:"GET", Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + "/api/data/v8.2/accounts/$count/?$select=accountid&$filter=accountid%20eq%20D1C4CD52-1E51-E711-8122-6C3BE5B3B698&", true);

how to extract the value of specefic div in html with crawling in apache nutch?

I do crawling with nutch 2.2 and the data that i retrieve is the metatag,how to extract the value of specefic div in html with crawling in apache nutch
You will have to write a plugin that will extend HtmlParseFilter to achieve your goal.
You can use some html parser like Jsoup for this and extract URLs that you want and add them as outlinks.
Sample HtmlParseFilter implementation:-
public ParseResult filter(Content content, ParseResult parseResult,
HTMLMetaTags metaTags, DocumentFragment doc) {
// get html content
String htmlContent = new String(content.getContent(), StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
// parse html using jsoup or any other library.
Document document = Jsoup.parse(content.toString(),content.getUrl());
Elements elements =<your_css_selector_query);
// modify/select only required outlinks
if (elements != null) {
Outlink outlink;
List<String> newLinks=new ArrayList<String>();
List<Outlink> outLinks=new ArrayList<Outlink>();
String absoluteUrl;
Outlink outLink;
for (Element element : elements){
if(includeLinks(absoluteUrl,value)) {
outLink=new Outlink(absoluteUrl,element.text());
Parse parse = parseResult.get(content.getUrl());
ParseStatus status = parse.getData().getStatus();
Title title = document.title();
Outlink[] newOutLinks = (Outlink[])outLinks.toArray(new Outlink[outLinks.size()]);
ParseData parseData = new ParseData(status, title, newOutLinks, parse.getData().getContentMeta(), parse.getData().getParseMeta());
parseResult.put(content.getUrl(), new ParseText(elements.text()), parseData);
//return parseResult with modified outlinks
return parseResult;
Build new plugin using ant and add plugin in nutch-site.xml.
And in parser-plugins.xml you can use your custom plugin instead of default plugin used by tika by something like this :-
<mimeType name="text/html">
<plugin id="parse-html" />
<mimeType name="application/xhtml+xml">
<plugin id="parse-html" />
<mimeType name="text/xml">
<plugin id="parse-tika" />
<plugin id="feed" />
<mimeType name="text/html">
<plugin id="<custom_plugin>" />
<mimeType name="application/xhtml+xml">
<plugin id="<custom_plugin>" />
You need to override the parsefilter and use Jsoup selector to select particular div.

Specifying filenames for ant junit batchtest

I have a working ant-task that runs me a batch of junit-tests, in the following fashion:
<junit printsummary="yes" showoutput="yes" haltonfailure="no">
<formatter type="plain" />
<path refid="app.compile.classpath" />
<path id="classes" location="${app.classes.home}" />
<path id="test-classes" location="${}/test-classes" />
<batchtest fork="no" todir="${app.tests.reports}">
<fileset dir="${app.tests.home}">
<include name="**/*Test*.java" />
Now this works fine right now, except for the names of the Test-reports that are generated. These names are overly long and follow the pattern:
Is there a way for specify a file-naming pattern for the report files for batchtest, preferrably for ant 1.6.5?
I know that for a single test, you can specify a filename by using the outfile attribute. In the junit-task reference, it's just stated that:
It then generates a test class name for each resource that ends in .java or .class.
No, it's not possible.
According to the source code
protected void execute(JUnitTest arg, int thread) throws BuildException {
JUnitTest test = (JUnitTest) arg.clone();
// set the default values if not specified
//#todo should be moved to the test class instead.
if (test.getTodir() == null) {
if (test.getOutfile() == null) {
test.setOutfile("TEST-" + test.getName());
// execute the test and get the return code
TestResultHolder result = null;
if (!test.getFork()) {
result = executeInVM(test);
} else {
ExecuteWatchdog watchdog = createWatchdog();
result = executeAsForked(test, watchdog, null);
// null watchdog means no timeout, you'd better not check with null
actOnTestResult(result, test, "Test " + test.getName());
it will create the out file as "TEST-" + test.getName() if you don't specify it explicitly in the test element. It's not possible to specify it in batchtest element.

Android - write to a file . Can't find the file

I'm new to android, so this might be prety basic.
I'm trying to write data into a file, yet I can not find the file in the device.
I'm trying to get the file in the following directory:
"Computer\Nexus 5\Internal storage\Android\data\application name"
I have tried different method but none of them has worked:
FileOutputStream stream;
try {
stream = openFileOutput(filename,Context.MODE_APPEND | Context.MODE_WORLD_READABLE);
}catch(IOException e){
String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getAbsolutePath()+"/Android/data/" + packageName + "/files/";
try {
boolean exists = (new File(path )).exists();
if (!exists) {
new File(path ).mkdirs();
// Open output stream
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(path + filename,true);
// write integers as separated ascii's
fOut.write((Integer.valueOf(content).toString() + " ").getBytes());
// Close output stream
} catch (IOException e) {
I have added the permission in the manifest :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0" >
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_MEDIA_STORAGE"/>
<group gid="sdcard_rw" />
<group gid="media_rw" />
android:targetSdkVersion="21" />
android:debuggable= "true"
android:theme="#style/AppTheme" >
android:label="#string/app_name" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
I thought maybe the file is logged properly but I need to pull it out from the ADB, is that possible?
I had manage to solve my issues on my own :
Evantually the code was fine, the problem was that on my nexus 5 phone I need to reboot the phone before I search for new files in the flash storage.
I saw in some blogs it is pretty common.

Microsoft XmlLite fails to detect end-of-element

I'm using Microsoft's XmlLite DLL to parse a simple XML file, using the code in the example XmlLiteReader. The essential part of the code (C++) is
while(S_OK == (hr = pReader->Read(&nodeType)))
case XmlNodeType_Element:
// Get name...
WriteAttributes(pReader, es, attributes);
case XmlNodeType_EndElement:
// Process end-of-element...
HRESULT WriteAttributes(IXmlReader* pReader, CString& es, StringStringMap& attributes)
// Get and store an attribute...
HRESULT hrMove = pReader->MoveToNextAttribute();
// ...
So, here's my question. With XML input such as
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<settings version="1.2">
<runID name="test" mode="N" take_data="Y">
<cell id="01">
<channel id="A" sample="something"/>
<channel id="B" sample="something else"/>
<cell id="03">
<channel id="A" sample="other something"/>
<channel id="B" sample="other something else"/>
Everything works as expected, except that the /> at the end of each channel line, which indicates the end of the element channel, isn't recognized as the end of an element. The successive node types following channel are whitespace (\n), then element (the second channel).
How can I determine from XmlLite that element `channel' has ended? Or am I misunderstanding the XML syntax?
You can test if an element ends with /> by using the function IsElementEmpty.
