ios location related bug - ios

I am seeing a weird bug that I am looking for help with.
I have an iPad iOS 7 app that allows people to fill out forms. Their entries are stored in a Sqlite database. When they reopen a form they have worked on entries they have made are redisplayed.
When the iPad goes to a new city all the entries seem to disappear. When the app is reactivated in the new location the current page appears fine, but scrolling left or right shows nothing but blank fields. The current page is also blank if you scroll away from it and back to it.
If you print or email the form while its data is not visible, the output contains all the missing data. The data also comes back if you double-press the home button, truly exit the app, and then restart it. But simply re-opening the form does not bring the data back.
When I took my Mac and iPad to a new city, the disappearing data effect happened but went away shortly after I started testing it. I don’t know whether it always goes away eventually. I didn’t test for it immediately when I got back home, and when I did start testing the bug was not happening.
Each field is backed by an object that includes a strong string property for the field’s value. The only thing I know for sure is that in forms with invisible data that string property is nil for fields that should have data. All the other field properties retain their correct values.
So far, a change in physical location is the only thing I have found that triggers this bug. My app uses location when the user gives permission, but runs fine without it. Changing the location in the simulator does not trigger the bug. I need a way to reproduce this bug but dread having to travel all over the state (or country!) just see it.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts or suggestions.


IOS native controls invisible/hidden in PWA

We have a PWA (web app) that the user can add to the homescreen to make it look more like an app. Some users have reported a strange issue that only seems to appear on IOS sometimes when the following step has been made.
Open the app from the homescreen
Use the app for a while
Put it into background
Turn off the screen for a while
Turn the screen back on and put the app to foreground again
The bug is that nothing seems to happen when you click on a select or date input control. First I thought that there was some overlay in the app that was blocking the ui controls but the elements receive focus on click, but not options are shown.
Now it really becomes strange. When I tried to click a little bit under the select input an option was selected. The same thing occured with a time select. If I first clicked on the timeselect input control and then a little bit under, it updated the time.
So, the controls seems to be there but nothing is visible on the screen. I have only been able to reproduce this on my own once but multiple users have been reporting the same thing. The only way to work around the bug is to restart the app.
It seems to be for all native safari controls that shows some kind of modal/popover.
I've did an indepth investigation on this select dropdown problem and posted an issue at
It's a problem with dropdowns of several components (such as select, input file/date/month) where either the animation to have the dropdown appear or disappear seems to get stuck. You can sometimes see the dropdown being tiny and very transparent (if you zoom into a screenshot) and sometimes you'll be able to select an option even though you don't see the dropdown.

How do you debug app in Xcode and Swift?

I am working on a keyboard app and I come from a PHP background. I was asked to see if I can get long presses working on the keyboard (when you hold down on A for instance, all the accents should show).
I have tried a few things and now when you press on A, it acts like something is firing off, but fails, and the keyboard switches to the default emoji board instead.
The debug window in Xcode is blank. There doesn't seem to be an active console log like you would use with JavaScript, so I am completely stumped on how I can figure out what's happening. If I could see that it's failing on a certain function, then I would be able to know where to start fixing problems.
Also, I tried using breakpoints but they never were hit.

Replaying page on iOS app

I am making an iOS app through xcode for audits where each room in a building uses the same page format but has different information. How can I replay the same page over through an add bar button so that when the add button is pressed the same page comes up but with all the text fields empty.
I assume when you are done putting in the information, you must be saving the information in the local DB or any server may be.
What you can do is, once you are done with putting in all the information display an alert stating that the information is saved and upon the clicking on any button on the alert, clear all the fields.

Xcode 5.1 method search only allows one character?

I've recently upgraded to Xcode 5.1 and I'm experiencing the most annoying bug. The instant search or method search dialog that allows you to search the methods on the given source file you are looking at isn't allowing me to enter more than one character. I have large source files and I tend to rely on that a lot. Any idea why this might be happening. I've tried re-installing Xcode (simply be dragging it in the trash).
You can find the search field I'm talking about by clicking the method as shown in the screenshot and simply typing something.
When I type the character gets replaced with the last letter entered.
(This one's just informational: I don't think it will fit in a comment, and want to report on what suggestions worked and didn't.)
I ran into this same problem. I accidentally typed some other key combo when trying to do Ctrl+6 to open the Document Items dropdown, and it was all out of whack after that.
As clance_911 mentioned, the filtering would work after clicking in the search box. So for example, to filter for "init", I could hit Ctrl+6 to open the Document Items, type "i" to start filtering (but then any subsequent letters would replace the i), click into the search text box, and continue typing the "nit". This works, but it's a pain.
As Moze pointed out, this seems to be specific to external displays. Sure enough, it worked fine on my MacBook display, but if I moved Xcode over to the external display, it stopped working. In my case, dragging the menu bar in the display Arrangements settings (to make the external monitor the main display) did solve the problem: the filter worked correctly with Xcode in either window. Sorry, Etienne :-(
The other solution that worked for me was simply closing the MacBook: use it in clamshell mode with only the external display. This is my normal setup anyway, but I know that's not ideal for everyone.
It happens if Xcode is open in external display that is not main display.
To fix it, open display setting's Arrangement tab and drag menu bar to display that you are working on.

PhpStorm 6.0.1 - Shortcut to save activates search bar

So i got the following problem. When I'm working inside the editor and press STRG + S (what should be save) the document gets saved, but what happens also is, that a search bar gets popped up and the next thing I write get's written into the search bar instead of the editor itself. I then have to click into the editor again to write there. This is pretty annoying since I save quite a lot. In the Keymapping STRG+S is set for Save all, so this doesn't make really sense for me.
As a comparison here two screenshots. The first one shows how it looks like, when I write something and didn't save yet. The second one shows what happens, as soon as I press STRG+S
As you can see a search bar pops up and gets the focus of the cursor. This is what I'm trying to solve but can't find a solution for.
Update to the latest version, 6.02, your problem should be solved.
