How to get sms text from incoming sms in iOS - ios

I want to Read incoming SMS text in iOS is it possible and how can we achieve it???,
It's already done in babel application at appstore. i am try to googling but, unable to find any piece of code how to do that? if you already known about that can you please share your knowledge.

No way Not Possible. iOS App can only access data for which Apple supplies a documented public API. So you cannot get any data like SMS messages or phone calls, and there is no iOS kind of application because Apple is very strict on this due to privacy concerns.
Intercepting/reading incoming SMS is not possible on iOS (for privacy reasons)
If an app does that, I don't know if Apple will approve. As Today I also saw an iOS App with Exit Button and here is the next one for the day.
As per your detail for Bebal iOS app I just downloaded it and reviewed it. Here are the steps:
Enter Phone Number, No Verification message found. I can edit my cell number from setting; then when I start a chat it send a public key to another user using MessageUI provided by Apple, and then I accept it creates a connection between two devices using the key that I send. So after that, I can communicate with other through the Bebal app server.
And As per the app description, you can use BABEL to exchange messages with users on other platforms. Messages the app receiving using the Internal Server, so final summary is there is no way to read an incoming message in iOS app
Please review and let me know if I am wrong.

Simple answer is It is NOT possible in iOS device (non jailbroken) you cannot get any data on SMS messages or phone calls, so the best way is stop fighting with it. Not sure but it may achieve by jailbroken device.
Apple said - In iPhone OS 4.0 and later, you can send text messages from within your application. This feature is strictly for sending messages. Incoming SMS messages go to the built-in Messages app.

you need to jailbreak and install from cydia like this app


what is the way to get all apps notification alerts to my app from notification centre in ios 7 & 8

I'm working on project which has tricky part. I want to get all notifications from Facebook, Whatsapp and some of the other app to my app notification centre from that i want to send data to the external peripheral device which will notify the user.
You can't. Also this is a duplicate of this thread, so I'll quote from there.
There is no way to get all of these notifications in your own app. You
can use the CoreTelephony to access some of the data related to
incoming calls and you could integrate Facebook and Twitter APIs to
get that data, but you really would have to do it all yourself.
There's no silver bullet here unfortunately!
Even if you used private API, its highly unlikely you'll find a way either, not to mention that your app will be rejected on the app store for using private API.

Send SMS in background on Swift

I want to send SMS functionality in background without open popup for SMS.
To solve this issue I need to make the app send SMS in background. There used to be CTMessage Center in CoreTelephony Framework for such cases before. But now it is not available. Is there any other way to solve this problem?
There is no way to do this if you want to publish the app to the App Store. You can always work with private API but I highly doubt a header dump will reveal anything on sending text in the background. This is for privacy concerns and Apple will reject apps that use private API.
If you are willing to pay: this or this (note I am not affiliated, these are just nice ways to solve your problem).

How to receive sms on my ios app (workaround)?

I know i can't access the sms database of a ios device, but there's no workaround to achieve the same task using other tools?
My app must send an sms (which i do presenting the regular view of the ui message framework and asking the user to send it) and then receive a reply sms.
There's no way to receive this sms? There are online service or whatever can help me to do this?
No, the situation has not changed in recent years: there is no way to read any SMS (except if you're on a jailbroken device).
But one thing you can do is embed an URL in your reply SMS that the user needs to tap. You can then use an URL handler in your app to handle these. Like:
There's plenty of documentation on how to implement URL handlers.

is it possible to load user's SMS messages on IOS

In my apps, I want to access to user's SMS messages from the system database. Is it possible to read user's messages inside my apps?
No. Apple doesn't allow apps to access messages. Sorry.
However, if you are developing an application for jailbroken phones, all the messages are stored in an sqlite file. You can find more information about that here.
It not possible.
This topic may useful: Could an iOS application read/access SMS text?

iOS: read sms while app is active, like does

Can you point me to a method which allow an app read sms messages while the app is active.
I know many people say it's not possible, but does it and I know some bank apps do that. The only condition for that to work is that the app is currently active (shown on the screen).
Many thanks!
Iam afraid its still not possible on iPhone. If you check the iTunes page for app, there is a notice about that.
It says:
...the application does not read native text messages out loud that come directly from your wireless carrier. Unfortunately, this is not technically possible on iOS devices today...
