Is Umbraco DateFolders working on 6.2 or 7.x? - umbraco

Does anyone know if DateFolders (and AlphabetFolders for that matter) is working on Umbraco 6.2 or 7.x?

AutoFolders should work in v6 (and supports alphabet folders too). I'm one of the devs that is currently maintaining the project and we have it running on various v6 instances (I haven't tested it on 6.2 yet, but nothing has changed that should break it).
Autofolders WON'T work on v7, but for v7 you could use a Container Document Type, which does away with some of the need for Date Folders.


Can i edit a .NET 6 Console C# project in .NET 4.7.2?

I used to program in .NET 4.7.2 (and still do), but my High School uses .NET 6
Currently we have started using C# console in .NET 6
I don't want to update to .NET 6 because i would also have to change my Unity editor version to one that supports VS2022
Is it possible to open .NET 6 projects in .NET 4.7.2, or am i gonna have to update Unity and reinstall VS, while scouring every part of my C:// partition to clean up junk/leftovers? I am very tight on free space especially on C://
No, you can't (if you mean anything more then editing text, cause for this you can use even notepad). But depending on language features used potentially you can copy-paste code into a .NET Framework 4.7.2 project and compile it. Or not, cause at least some newer features are not supported by older framework version.
Also you don't need full blown VS upgrade. You can look into installing just the .NET 6 SDK and VS Code (which requires less space compared to VS 2022).
Though I hugely recommend to extend your disk.

Difference Between Umbraco and Vanila Umbraco

What is the difference between umbraco and vanila umbraco.
i'm currently using umbraco 6.2.1 version in my website.
Any special procedure available for upgrading this version to Vanila umbraco version.
Vanilla Umbraco means a fresh clean installation of Umbraco, without any customization.
Vanilla is a general term used for software, see also on wiki
Related to upgrading, one approach is to do a new installation of Umbraco (we can called it a vanilla installation) and then deploy your code, and migrate the content. Instead of the General Umbraco upgrade instructions.
I'd say that there is no running website with a vanilla Umbraco install. Umbraco is not a typical CMS. You are customizing it as soon as you start setting up your site in it. This is partly due to a choice on the Umbraco HQ team's decision to store their settings in the same files where you change settings by using Umbraco, requiring you to merge certain files during the upgrade.
As for upgrading, I'll warn you, there are a few ways to install Umbraco (Web PI, Nuget, Zip file), and if you upgrade in a way different than you installed, it can be hell. Step one, back up your site (front-end file-system files and db)! If you did not install Umbraco via Nuget (in Visual Studio), do not upgrade via Nuget. You will regret it.
Umbraco upgrades are a problem.
If the versions are minor running the update-package umbracocms nuget might work, but it often leaves the project mismatching version assemblies elsewhere.
Upgrading Umbraco is a bit of a minefield. Soz
Umbraco is now at version 11 and have moved their code base from the .NET framework into .NET core. Newer version is offering so much more, block-list, block-grid, inline editing, so many new and improved property editors. Editing experience and working with the CMS has changed so much since version 6.
Vanilla Umbraco would a term for a non-configured, fresh install.
You can find out everything you need to know about Umbraco on their documentation pages.
Umbraco is a free open source project so there is no cost if you want to roll your sleeves, dig in and move over to the newest version. There are some paid offerings as well that would give support if you needed it.
Now that they have moved away from the .NET framework and moved their code base over to .NET Core there is no longer a direct path to upgrade from version 8 and earlier to the most recent version 11.
I would recommend you set up a fresh install, configure and customize as desired and then move any relevant content over to your new site.
There are many articles out there detailing how others moved over to the newer version.
Good article here on how they upgraded from version 7 to the newer version 11.
Worth the read if your planning on going down that path.
Good luck.

upgrade umbraco from 4.5.2 to 4.11.10

Can you please guide me through updating Umbraco from version 4.5.2 to version 4.11.10(or best version in 4.11.xx)..
Custom changes i currently have in my website:
Add 2 new areas to config/Dashboard.config to display custom usercontrols(these areas are displayed in content section)
Custom usercontrols, i uesd as datatype in my pages(my controls are derived from umbraco.editorControls.userControlGrapper.IUsercontrolDataEditor).
so steps i have to do to upgrade Umbraco and keep my site running normal.
I have upgraded between similar versions before by overwriting the /bin files and deleting the stuff like umbraco.config & examine indexes that get rebuilt when they are deleted.
The official site has a version specific upgrade path that seems logical enough:
But, I'd question why you would upgrade from 4.5 to 4.11 - as Niels Hartvig has often stated, there is no real upgrade path, its just a series of overwrites and deleting what gets deprecated. I guess you're looking for razor support - but with v7 imminent I'm not sure that an upgrade within the v4 family of releases has a long enough life span to justify it. Why not stick with v4.5 until you're ready to completely rewrite in MVC in v6 or v7?

Moving old project to newer versions

I am new to Blackberry. Present I am working on 4.7 Blackberry component pack.Now I want to move my old projects to newer versions like 5.0 and 6.0. For that I installed eclipse Galileo 3.5 version and configured latest component packs and Blackberry java plug_in 1.1.2.
I searched in google and find somewhere that use File menu option Import>Import Legacy Blackberry projects and it is asking .jdw file in the workspace.I dont want to move entire workspace, I want only single project. am not able to find it.can any one help me to get this......
In Eclipse, for your old project, try to compile with the new JDE like say 5.0. See what breaks, fix it, repeat till it compiles. Then run on handset to ensure it looks ok.

Should MVC 2 - Preview release be easily upgraded to Beta when it's released?

Should I just be able to install the beta on top of this without problems when it is released ?
Not sure how it is treated within the visual studio environment. I'm thinking with it being a type of project in VS it should be ok.
Can anyone clarify?
MVC 2 is looking to be rather good from what I heard from Scott Gu # the Manchester conference, can't wait for the final release :)
There is always a chance of a breaking change when using preview and beta software. If you want to use MVC 2 Preview, you need to accept the fact that there might be some work in your future to make your project compatable with the Beta, RC, and then Final releases. It won't necessarily break, but the earlier in the release schedule (such as a preview instead of a beta) the greater the chances are you'll have to make changes to your code as they move forward.
When MVC 1.0 previews were released, there were breaking changes between the releases. If you try to keep up with each preview, you should be able to resolve any problems rather quickly - and you could provide great feedback, too!
