How to adapt this LL(1) parser to a LL(k) parser? - parsing

In the appendices of the Dragon-book, a LL(1) front end was given as a example. I think it is very helpful. However, I find out that for the context free grammar below, a at least LL(2) parser was needed instead.
statement : variable ':=' expression
| functionCall
functionCall : ID'(' (expression ( ',' expression )*)? ')'
variable : ID
| ID'.'variable
| ID '[' expression ']'
How could I adapt the lexer for LL(1) parser to support k look ahead tokens?
Are there some elegant ways?
I know I can add some buffers for tokens. I'd like to discuss some details of programming.
this is the Parser:
class Parser
private Lexer lex;
private Token look;
public Parser(Lexer l)
lex = l;
private void move()
look = lex.scan();
and the Lexer.scan() returns the next token from the stream.

In effect, you need to buffer k lookahead tokens in order to do LL(k) parsing. If k is 2, then you just need to extend your current method, which buffers one token in look, using another private member look2 or some such. For larger k, you could use a ring buffer.
In practice, you don't need the full lookahead all the time. Most of the time, one-token lookahead is sufficient. You should structure the code as a decision tree, where future tokens are only consulted if necessary to resolve ambiguity. (It's often useful to provide a special token type, "unknown", which can be assigned to the buffered token list to indicate that the lookahead hasn't reached that point yet. Alternatively, you can just always maintain k tokens of lookahead; for handbuilt parsers, that can be simpler.)
Alternatively, you can use a fallback structure where you simply try one alternative and if that doesn't work, instead of reporting a syntax error, restore the state of the parser and lexer to the next alternative. In this model, the lexer takes as an explicit argument the current input buffer position, and the input buffer needs to be rewindable. However, you can use a lookahead buffer to effectively memoize the lexer function, which can avoid rewinding and rescanning. (Scanning is usually fast enough that occasional rescans don't matter, so you might want to put off adding code complexity until your profiling indicates that it would be useful.)
Two notes:
1) I'm skeptical about the rule:
functionCall : ID'(' (expression ( ',' expression )*)* ')'
That would allow, for example:
function(a[3], b[2] c[x] d[y],
which doesn't look right to me. Normally, you'd mark the contents of the () as optional instead of repeatable, eg. using an optional marker ? instead of the second Kleene star *:
functionCall : ID'(' (expression ( ',' expression )*)? ')'
2) In my opinion, you really should consider using bottom-up parsing for an expression language, either a generated LR(1) parser or a hand-built Pratt parser. LL(1) is rarely adequate. Of course, if you're using a parser generator, you can use tools like ANTLR which effectively implement LL(∞); that will take care of the lookahead for you.


Validating expressions in the parser

I am working on a SQL grammar where pretty much anything can be an expression, even places where you might not realize it. Here are a few examples:
-- using an expression on the list indexing
SELECT ([1,2,3])[(select 1) : (select 1 union select 1 limit 1)];
Of course this is an extreme example, but my point being, many places in SQL you can use an arbitrarily nested expression (even when it would seem "Oh that is probably just going to allow a number or string constant).
Because of this, I currently have one long rule for expressions that may reference itself, the following being a pared down example:
grammar DBParser;
options { caseInsensitive=true; }
statement:select_statement EOF;
: 'SELECT' expr
'WHERE' expr // The WHERE clause should only allow a BoolExpr
: expr '=' expr # EqualsExpr
| expr 'OR' expr # BoolExpr
| ATOM # ConstExpr
ATOM: [0-9]+ | '\'' [a-z]+ '\'';
WHITESPACE: [ \t\r\n] -> skip;
With sample input SELECT 1 WHERE 'abc' OR 1=2. However, one place I do want to limit what expressions are allowed is in the WHERE (and HAVING) clause, where the expression must be a boolean expression, in other words WHERE 1=1 is valid, but WHERE 'abc' is invalid. In practical terms what this means is the top node of the expression must be a BoolExpr. Is this something that I should modify in my parser rules, or should I be doing this validation downstream, for example in the semantic phase of validation? Doing it this way would probably be quite a bit simpler (even if the lexer rules are a bit lax), as there would be so much indirection and probably indirect left-recursion involved that it would become incredibly convoluted. What would be a good approach here?
Your intuition is correct that breaking this out would probably create indirect left recursion. Also, is it possible that an IDENTIFIER could represent a boolean value?
This is the point of #user207421's comment. You can't fully capture types (i.e. whether an expression is boolean or not) in the parser.
The parser's job (in the Lexer & Parser sense), put fairly simply, is to convert your input stream of characters into the a parse tree that you can work with. As long as it gives a parse tree that is the only possible way to interest the input (whether it is semantically valid or not), it has served its purpose. Once you have a parse tree then during semantic validation, you can consider the expression passed as a parameter to your where clause and determine whether or not it has a boolean value (this may even require consulting a symbol table to determine the type of an identifier). Just like your semantic validation of an OR expression will need to determine that both the lhs and rhs are, themselves, boolean expressions.
Also consider that even if you could torture the parser into catching some of your type exceptions, the error messages you produce from semantic validation are almost guaranteed to be more useful than the generated syntax errors. The parser only catches syntax errors, and it should probably feel a bit "odd" to consider a non-boolean expression to be a "syntax error".

ANTLR: Why is this grammar rule for a tuples not LL(1)?

I have the following grammar rules defined to cover tuples of the form: (a), (a,), (a,b), (a,b,) and so on. However, antlr3 gives the warning:
"Decision can match input such as "COMMA" using multiple alternatives: 1, 2
I believe this means that my grammar is not LL(1). This caught me by surprise as, based on my extremely limited understanding of this topic, the parser would only need to look one token ahead from (COMMA)? to ')' in order to know which comma it was on.
Also based on the discussion I found here I am further confused: Amend JSON - based grammar to allow for trailing comma
And their source code here:
Is this because of the kind of parser that antlr is trying to generate and not because my grammar isn't LL(1)? Any insight would be appreciated.
options {k=1; backtrack=no;}
tuple : '(' IDENT (COMMA IDENT)* (COMMA)? ')';
DIGIT : '0'..'9' ;
LOWER : 'a'..'z' ;
UPPER : 'A'..'Z' ;
IDENT : (LOWER | UPPER | '_') (LOWER | UPPER | '_' | DIGIT)* ;
edit: changed typo in tuple: ... from (IDENT)? to (COMMA)?
The question has been edited since this answer was written. In the original, the grammar had the line:
tuple : '(' IDENT (COMMA IDENT)* (IDENT)? ')';
and that's what this answer is referring to.
That grammar works without warnings, but it doesn't describe the language you intend to parse. It accepts, for example, (a, b c) but fails to accept (a, b,).
My best guess is that you actually used something like the grammars in the links you provide, in which the final optional element is a comma, not an identifier:
tuple : '(' IDENT (COMMA IDENT)* (COMMA)? ')';
That does give the warning you indicate, and it won't match (a,) (for example), because, as the warning says, the second alternative has been disabled.
LL(1) as a property of formal grammars only applies to grammars with fixed right-hand sides, as opposed to the "Extended" BNF used by many top-down parser generators, including Antlr, in which a right-hand side can be a set of possibilities. It's possible to expand EBNF using additional non-terminals for each subrule (although there is not necessarily a canonical expansion, and expansions might differ in their parsing category). But, informally, we could extend the concept of LL(k) by saying that in every EBNF right-hand side, at every point where there is more than one alternative, the parser must be able to predict the appropriate alternative looking only at the next k tokens.
You're right that the grammar you provide is LL(1) in that sense. When the parser has just seen IDENT, it has three clear alternatives, each marked by a different lookahead token:
COMMA ↠ predict another repetition of (COMMA IDENT).
IDENT ↠ predict (IDENT).
')' ↠ predict an empty (IDENT)?.
But in the correct grammar (with my modification above), IDENT is a syntax error and COMMA could be either another repetition of ( COMMA IDENT ), or it could be the COMMA in ( COMMA )?.
You could change k=1 to k=2, thereby allowing the parser to examine the next two tokens, and if you did so it would compile with no warnings. In effect, that grammar is LL(2).
You could make an LL(1) grammar by left-factoring the expansion of the EBNF, but it's not going to be as pretty (or as easy for a reader to understand). So if you have a parser generator which can cope with the grammar as written, you might as well not worry about it.
But, for what it's worth, here's a possible solution:
tuple : '(' idents ')' ;
idents : IDENT ( COMMA ( idents )? )? ;
Untested because I don't have a working Antlr3 installation, but it at least compiles the grammar without warnings. Sorry if there is a problem.
It would probably be better to use tuple : '(' (idents)? ')'; in order to allow empty tuples. Also, there's no obvious reason to insist on COMMA instead of just using ',', assuming that '(' and ')' work as expected on Antlr3.

Set a rule based on the value of a global variable

In my lexer & parser by ocamllex and ocamlyacc, I have a .mly as follows:
open Params
open Syntax
| expr EOF { $1 }
| INTEGER { EE_integer $1 }
| LBRACKET expr_separators RBRACKET { EE_brackets (List.rev $2) }
/* empty */ { [] }
| expr { [$1] }
| expr_separators ...... expr_separators { $3 :: $1 }
In, a variable separator is defined. Its value is either ; or , and set by the upstream system.
In the .mly, I want the rule of expr_separators to be defined based on the value of Params.separator. For example, when params.separtoris ;, only [1;2;3] is considered as expr, whereas [1,2,3] is not. When params.separtoris ,, only [1,2,3] is considered as expr, whereas [1;2;3] is not.
Does anyone know how to amend the lexer and parser to realize this?
The value of Params.separator is set before the parsing, it will not change during the parsing.
At the moment, in the lexer, , returns a token COMMA and ; returns SEMICOLON. In the parser, there are other rules where COMMA or SEMICOLON are involved.
I just want to set a rule expr_separators such that it considers ; and ignores , (which may be parsed by other rules), when Params.separator is ;; and it considers , and ignore ; (which may be parsed by other rules), when Params.separator is ,.
In some ways, this request is essentially the same as asking a macro preprocessor to alter its substitution at runtime, or a compiler to alter the type of a variable. As with the program itself, once the grammar has been compiled (whether into executable code or a parsing table), it's not possible to go back and modify it. At least, that's the case for most LR(k) parser generators, which produce deterministic parsers.
Moreover, it seems unlikely that the only difference the configuration parameter makes is the selection of a single separator token. If the non-selected separator token "may be parsed by other rules", then it may be parsed by those other rules when it is the selected separator token, unless the configuration setting also causes those other rules to be suppressed. So at a minimum, it seems like you'd be looking at something like:
expr : general_expr
expr_list : expr
%if separator is comma
expr : expr_using_semicolon
expr_list : expr_list ',' expr
expr : expr_using_comma
expr_list : expr_list ';' expr
Without a more specific idea of what you're trying to achieve, the best suggestion I can provide is that you write two grammars and select which one to use at runtime, based on the configuration setting. Presumably the two grammars will be mostly similar, so you can probably use your own custom-written preprocessor to generate both of them from the same input text, which might look a bit like the above example. (You can use m4, which is a general-purpose macro processor, but you might feel the learning curve is too steep for such a simple application.)
Parser generators which produce general parsers have an easier time with run-time dynamic modifications; many such parser generators have mechanisms which can do that (although they are not necessarily efficient mechanisms). For example, the Bison tool can produce GLR parsers, in which case you can select or deselect specific rules using a predicate action. The OCAML GLR generator Dypgen allows sets of rules to be dynamically added to the grammar during the parse. (I've never used dypgen, but I keep on meaning to try it; it looks interesting.) And there are many others.
Having played around with dynamic parsing features in some GLR parsers, I can only say that my personal experience has been a bit mixed. Modifying grammars at run-time is a brittle technique; grammars tend not to be very easy to split into independent pieces, so modifying a grammar rule can have unexpected consequences in places you don't expect to be affected. You don't always know exactly what language your parsing accepts, because the dynamic modifications can be hard to predict. And so on. My suggest, if you try this technique, is to start with the simplest modification possible and put a lot more effort into grammar tests (which is always a good idea, anyway).

yacc shift-reduce for ambiguous lambda syntax

I'm writing a grammar for a toy language in Yacc (the one packaged with Go) and I have an expected shift-reduce conflict due to the following pseudo-issue. I have to distilled the problem grammar down to the following.
INT | IDENT | lambda | '(' expr ')' { $$ = $2 }
'(' params ')' '{' stmt_list '}'
expr | params ',' expr
/* empty */ | expr
stmt | stmt_list ';' stmt
A lambda function looks something like this:
map((v) { v * 2 }, collection)
My parser emits:
conflicts: 1 shift/reduce
Given the input:
It correctly parses an expr by the '(' expr ')' rule. However given an input of:
(a) { a }
(Which would be a lambda for the identity function, returning its input). I get:
syntax error: unexpected '{'
This is because when (a) is read, the parser is choosing to reduce it as '(' expr ')', rather than consider it to be '(' params ')'. Given this conflict is a shift-reduce and not a reduce-reduce, I'm assuming this is solvable. I just don't know how to structure the grammar to support this syntax.
EDIT | It's ugly, but I'm considering defining a token so that the lexer can recognize the ')' '{' sequence and send it through as a single token to resolve this.
EDIT 2 | Actually, better still, I'll make lambdas require syntax like ->(a, b) { a * b} in the grammar, but have the lexer emit the -> rather than it being in the actual source code.
Your analysis is indeed correct; although the grammar is not ambiguous, it is impossible for the parser to decide with the input reduced to ( <expr> and with lookahead ) whether or not the expr should be reduced to params before shifting the ) or whether the ) should be shifted as part of a lambda. If the next token were visible, the decision could be made, so the grammar LR(2), which is outside of the competence of go/yacc.
If you were using bison, you could easily solve this problem by requesting a GLR parser, but I don't believe that go/yacc provides that feature.
There is an LR(1) grammar for the language (there is always an LR(1) grammar corresponding to any LR(k) grammar for any value of k) but it is rather annoying to write by hand. The essential idea of the LR(k) to LR(1) transformation is to shift the reduction decisions k-1 tokens forward by accumulating k-1 tokens of context into each production. So in the case that k is 2, each production P: N → α will be replaced with productions TNU → Tα U for each T in FIRST(α) and each U in FOLLOW(N). [See Note 1] That leads to a considerable blow-up of non-terminals in any non-trivial grammar.
Rather than pursuing that idea, let me propose two much simpler solutions, both of which you seem to be quite close to.
First, in the grammar you present, the issue really is simply the need for a two-token lookahead when the two tokens are ){. That could easily be detected in the lexer, and leads to a solution which is still hacky but a simpler hack: Return ){ as a single token. You need to deal with intervening whitespace, etc., but it doesn't require retaining any context in the lexer. This has the added bonus that you don't need to define params as a list of exprs; they can just be a list of IDENT (if that's relevant; a comment suggests that it isn't).
The alternative, which I think is a bit cleaner, is to extend the solution you already seem to be proposing: accept a little too much and reject the errors in a semantic action. In this case, you might do something like:
| lambda
| '(' expr_list ')'
{ // If $2 has more than one expr, report error
$$ = $2
'(' expr_list ')' '{' stmt_list '}'
{ // If anything in expr_list is not a valid param, report error
$$ = make_lambda($2, $4)
expr | expr_list ',' expr
/* empty */ | expr
stmt | stmt_list ';' stmt
That's only an outline; the complete algorithm includes the mechanism to recover the original parse tree. If k is greater than 2 then T and U are strings the the FIRSTk-1 and FOLLOWk-1 sets.
If it really is a shift-reduce conflict, and you want only the shift behavior, your parser generator may give you a way to prefer a shift vs. a reduce. This is classically how the conflict for grammar rules for "if-then-stmt" and "if-then-stmt-else-stmt" is resolved, when the if statement can also be a statement.
You can get this effect two ways:
a) Count on the accidental behavior of the parsing engine.
If an LALR parser handles shifts first, and then reductions if there are no shifts, then you'll get this "prefer shift" for free. All the parser generator has to do is built the parse tables anyway, even if there is a detected conflict.
b) Enforce the accidental behavior. Design (or a get a) parser generator to accept "prefer shift on token T". Then one can supress the ambiguity. One still have to implement the parsing engine as in a) but that's pretty easy.
I think this is easier/cleaner than abusing the lexer to make strange tokens (and that doesn't always work anyway).
Obviously, you could make a preference for reductions to turn it the other way. With some extra hacking, you could make shift-vs-reduce specific the state in which the conflict occured; you can even make it specific to the pair of conflicting rules but now the parsing engine needs to keep preference data around for nonterminals. That still isn't hard. Finally, you could add a predicate for each nonterminal which is called when a shift-reduce conflict is about to occur, and it have it provide a decision.
The point is you don't have to accept "pure" LALR parsing; you can bend it easily in a variety of ways, if you are willing to modify the parser generator/engine a little bit. This gives a really good reason to understand how these tools work; then you can abuse them to your benefit.

bison: a specific number of recursions?

I've been writing a parser with flex and bison for a few weeks now and have ground to a halt on account of a double recursion, the definitions of which are similar for the first few rules. Bison always chooses the wrong path at one particular stage and crashes because the grammar doesn't fit. The bison code looks a little like this:
set :
TOKEN_ /* token */
Integer /* number of descrs (see below) */
M_op /*'M' optional*/
alts :
alt | alts alt ;
alt :
pName_op /* empty | TOKEN1 QString */
deVal_op /* empty | TOKEN2 Integer */
descrs :
descr | descrs descr ;
descr :
QString_op /* optional qstring */
D_op /* optional 'D' */
Bison stays in the descrs recursion and never exits it to progress to the next alt. The integer that is read in in the initial block, however, tells us how many instances of descr are going to come. So my question is this:
Is there a way of preparing bison for a specific number of instances of the recursion so that he can exit this recursion and enter the recursion "above"? I can access this integer in the C code, but I'm not aware of syntax for said move, something like a descrs : {for (int i=0;i<n;++i){descr}} (I'm aware that probably looks ridiculous)
Failing this, is there any other way around this problem?
Any input would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
A context-free grammar cannot be contingent on semantic information. Yet, that is precisely what you are seeking: you wish the value of a numeric token to be taken into account in the syntax of an expression.
As a request, that's not unreasonable or immoral; it's simply outside of the reach of context-free grammars. And bison is intended to create parsers for context-free grammars. So it's simply not the correct tool for this problem.
Having said that, it is possible to use bison in this manner, if you are using a reasonably recent version of bison which includes support for GLR grammars. Bison`s GLR support includes the option of using semantic predicates to control the parse. (See the bison manual for details.) A solution based on that mechanism is possible, and probably not too complicated.
Much easier -- if the grammar allows for it -- would be to use a top-down parser. Parsing a number and then that number of descrs would be trivial in a recursive-descent parser, for example.
The liberal use of FOO_op non-terminals in the grammar suggests that top-down parsing would not be problematic, but it is impossible to say for sure without seeing the entire grammar. Artificial non-terminals (like FOO_op) often cause shift-reduce conflicts in LR(1) languages, because they force an immediate shift/reduce decision to be made. In an LR(1) language, a production of the form: A → ω B? χ
would normally be rendered as the pair of productions A → ω B χ; A → ω χ, rather than the substitution Bop → B | ε; A → ω Bop χ, in order to avoid creating conflicts with other productions of the form C → ω ζ where FIRST(ζ) ∩ FIRST(B ∪ ω) ≠ ∅.
