Add Cocos3D to existing XCode/iOS project - ios

So I've recently successfully installed Cocos3D on my computer and I am able to create new "iOS" projects in xCode using the Cocos3D starter template. However, I currently don't need to start a new project. I just need to be able to integrate Cocos3D into an existing "iOS" project I am developing, the reason mostly being that the app for the most part will be a "typical" iOS app but only a handful of views/view controllers need to be able to handle 3D graphics.
So does anybody here know an easy way to do this or can point me in the direction of an (easy to follow) tutorial?

This will become much easier after the next release of Cocos3D in the next few weeks.
But for now, have a look at the CC3DemoMultiScene demo app. It shows you how to integrate Cocos3D into an app that uses Storyboards.
That demo also shows how to release all caches and completely shut down OpenGL ES in between displaying scenes. You may or may not want to take it that far.


iOS Plugin Unity

I am currently working on a augmented reality project. I would like to place some virtual objects on a human body. Therefore I created an iOS facetracking app(with openCV; C++) which I want to use as a plugin for Unity. Is there a way to build a framework from an existing iOS app? Or do I have to create a new Xcode project and create a cocoa touch framework and copy paste the code from the app into this framework? I am a little bit confused here. Will the framework have camera access?
My idea was to track the position of a face and to send the position to unity, so that I can place some objects on it. But I do not know how to do that. Can anybody help?
nice greets.
as far as I know you need to make your Unity project, and use assets like OpenCV, but it doesn´t allow you to track the human body (without markers).
About building a fremwork starting from an iOS app, first time I heard that!

Use FBX file with 3D model in iOS native app

I have a requirement to display an interactive 3D model (the client supplies few FBX files) in one of the screens in a native Objective-C/Swift app.
I know that there's a possibility to work with Unity/Cocos3D but then the entire app will have to be Unity/Cocos3D based. In my case the app has to be native and only one screen (one of the tabs in the tab bar controller) should integrate the 3D model that the user can move/rotate etc.
The FBX SDK is available on iOS and I wrote a little tutorial to demo how to use it here. However, the FBX SDK does contain a viewport/canvas for displaying FBX file on any OS. For displaying FBX you would need to create your own view. There is couple of solutions you can use here:
without programming, you can use the 'FBX Review'. This tools is free and designed to display FBX, DAE, OBJ, ... files
you can implement your own viewport/view such as an obj view like I did here, but it would probably need to be rewritten. I wrote it overnight for a hack, so it needs to be optimized.
you use the iOS SceneKit library which would be a better approach than implementing your own view.
If you go with option 3 above, you can use Unity to export a Collada (.dae) file for importing into SceneKit thru the collada exporter. You can buy the exporter on the Unity Asset Store directly; there's one for Unity 5.x and one for Unity 2017.

Can someone please explain the differences between Cocos2d-Swift, SpriteBuilder, Xcode and CocoaPods?

I'm completely confused and I don't know where to start asking questions. I tried googling, but the terminology is confusing and I'm not sure what either of these things do (except for Xcode). Can someone explain like I'm 5?
I'm on the cocos2d-swift website and after reading the getting started section it says "From this point onwards, using SpriteBuilder is optional.". I don't know what they mean by that.
How do each of these correlate with each other?
Also, how is an API Documentation Browser and Code Snippet Manager useful to an everyday iOS Developer?
cocos2d-swift is a framework that enables you to build things like sprite-based games quickly.
SpriteBuilder is a tool that helps you build your own multilayered sprites (images and animations grouped into a single package -- i.e. Mario, a Goomba, a Fireflower fireball, etc.).
Xcode is a developer environment in which you write your source code, compile, distribute, and test.
CocoaPods is a tool that fetches and manages framework/SDK dependancies.
You would use CocoaPods to fetch the cocos2d-swift framework so that you could build a sprite-based game in Xcode using sprites you generated in SpriteBuilder.
Not sure what Cocos2d is, but swift is the latest programming language by Apple for both OS X and iOS development.
SpriteBuilder is a framework used to create games for iOS very quick. Think of it as a game engine.
Xcode is the IDE (integrated development environment) that you use when writing native OS X and iOS applications. It's awesome!
CocoaPods is a way to load in third-party libraries and frameworks without having to manually install them on your own. It also makes it very easy to keep the frameworks up-to-date. Pods also allows your project to be more portable as it's much easier to install an application with multiple dependancies via Pods.
A documentation browser is good if you want to have access to documentation while offline. However, I almost always use Google to find what I'm looking for regardless of what technology I'm working on. Google is just the best way to search.
Finally, I'd start off with this book. I read the first edition years ago, and made things very easy for me to understand.
Hope this helps!
Here are some basics:
XCode (A Program)- Most of your iOS development will happen here. Coding, creating the app etc.
Think of an SDK as a suite of commands or tools you can use-API's (API - Application programming interface)
Cocoas2d (An SDK) - Game engine. A software development kit for creating games. you would pull this library of code and tools into xcode to use it.
SpriteBuilder (An SDK) - Suite of tools for building games. Just like Cocoas, you would pull this into xCode to make use of it as you code.
CocoaPods - A tool for linking/loading SDK's into XCode and easily updating them.
Moral of the story: XCode is the software you will use for everything. Everything else are just additional libraries of code you can pull in.

Show unity 3D in xcode project

I have a question. Is it possible to load unity project from web, and show it in Xcode project? In some non-fullscreen view? Also, unity must handle touch events. Any ideas, suggestions, links or anything else?
Thanks for advice.
P.S. Sorry for my english.
P.P.S. Main project created in Xcode, without unity.
load unity project from web
What do you mean by that? If you mean a compiled unity webplayer application, forget it.
If you mean a standard non compiled Unity project, note that with the iOS plugin you can compile for mobile Apple hardware. This used to cost a lot of money but now they're giving it out for free (included in Unity free).
Also, unity must handle touch events.
The standard Input Unity class handles touch events with methods such as GetTouch() and variables like touchCount or touches.
Unity is a very big and complex package: integrating it into an existing project may be overwhelmingly difficult. I really don't think there are natives way to do so.
Rather, I'd advise you to port your current XCode project into Unity (which sounds a really strange thing to do if you ask me).
Unity and XCode are 2 completely different tools: the former is useful for Cocoa classes and iOS IDE while the latter is for managing 3d game assets in a real-time interactive environment. I don't see how you can possibly integrate the two things.
Manage your project in a single IDE, it will make things a lot simpler.

Loading 3D model in iOS

I'm creating a game application from scratch with xcode for iOS, and I've use the OpenGL Game projet template to create mine.
I've searched a lot in the past few days, but I can't find any tutorials or example as to how I would load 3D model (via .obj files) in my application. I've found some documentation on loading them onto an app with a console script, but I need to do it programmatically.
Any help would be very appreciated
Also, my 3D models are created using blender
The future will be here momentarily — SceneKit, available in OS X since v10.8, will be in iOS 8. It can build and render a scene with COLLADA (.DAE) models directly. No need for third-party tools or code, nothing complicated to learn.
Apple's documentation is pretty good but if you prefer then other tutorials are available.
OpensceneGraph has support for iOS and a lot of prebuilt code which can help you develop the game. It supports loading OBJ models.
I recommend to use an Engine (like isgl3d, nineveh, Cocos3D, ...) for creating a 3D game, it will be hard if you use Opengl for a start.
Note: you can search for a list of game engine to choose the suitable one for you game, cause there is a lot of game engine, open-source or paid engine.
You can download the zip file from here and then run ./ 3DModel.obj in terminal .It will give you 3DModel.h file as output.
You need to use glDrawArrays instead of glDrawElements as the .h file contains array.
Obj files are simple to parse and are well described on wikipedia. You should be able to load them in one or 2 hours. But if you want to load the materials you need to invest some more time in your engine and into loading the obj file.
