Iphone SDK Disable Notifications of Another App - ios

I am writing a simple app (For personal use only) that needs to disable the text message notifications. I am open to how to go about this (disable push notifications of imessage, mute phone, etc.) but everything I read says that apple does not allow an app to modify the user settings. I know there has to be a way to do this, but I have hit a dead end. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Apple doesn't allow this though any official SDK methods.


How to programmatically turn on/off WiFi in iOS? [Swift]

NOTE: I am aware that such a thing violates user's privacy and would be rejected by Apple. However, this specific component is purely for automated testing of buffering behavior when the user's connection is poor/nonexistent. It will NOT be publicly released.
With that said, does anyone know of a way to programmatically turn on/off WiFi in iOS?
I have not been able to find anything up-to-date. Pretty much every answer has to do with this being a violation of privacy and cautioning that they shouldn't do it. Doesn't apply in my case.
Closest I could find was using something like DeviceFarm to simulate it https://docs.aws.amazon.com/devicefarm/latest/developerguide/how-to-simulate-network-connections-and-conditions.html
However, in my case I want these tests to run entirely within the app (private test build). Setting up DeviceFarm for this purpose alone isn't worth it imo.
There is no provision provided by apple to change automate changing its settings because of apple's privacy rule. So you can't achieve by any way.
You can’t. Apple does not allow 3rd party apps to change global system settings like that.
There is no API available to control cellular data,wi-fi,bluetooth within in an app , User have to go to settings to enable or disable cellular data,wi-fi and bluetooth.
This is not possible in iOS unless you jailbroke your device. Apple is not allowing any apps developer to access wifi/bluetooth. You can only check wifi/tooth is connected or not.
You can’t do that using the iOS application. Apple not allowing it.
Legally there is no way to do it. Even somehow if you are manage to do it, Apple will reject your app while submitting to AppStore.

Send intent to create an alarm in default app

In android we can do an Intent to add an alarm to the default alarm app installed on the device example.
I wonder if it's possible to achieve something similar on iOS?
Regarding to Alarm App, Here you have answer from Apple support and it's related with iOS sandbox.
As far as I know the rationale for this has never been publicly documented. However, the iOS sandbox does not, in general, allow app A to make changes that affect app B or the system as a whole.
In Apple docs you can find description how to set up calendar alarms.

WatchKit: Handoff from Long Look?

Is it possible to use Handoff in Long Look from Apple Watch to iPhone? The use case would be like this:
User receives a push notification on his Apple Watch.
By raising the Watch he gets more info in Long Look.
If he needs even more info, he could take out his iPhone. On the lock screen he should find the Handoff icon of the main iOS app. By swiping it up, he can launch the iOS app into the detail page relevant to the notification.
I saw that the WKUserNotificationInterfaceController class has the updateUserActivity:userInfo:webpageURL: method. But couldn't find a definite answer on the Internet, whether handoff from Long Look is possible. So I'd like to hear your experiences on it :)
If you are using a dynamic notification interface, yes, you can use Handoff from it.
Reference: https://developer.apple.com/watchkit/tips/ Under the "Use Handoff" section.

Is it possible to 'disable' other apps with an app of my own?

I was wondering if its possible to write an ios app that 'disables' other apps from opening?
For example, when I press the disable button on my app, I cannot open whatsapp for the next 15 minutes.
If that's not possible, could a workaround such as blocking all HTTP requests to a certain URL be possible? or even blocking (or turning off) notifications from certain apps?
I've also been wondering whether or not a security module might disallow such code..
Any help would be much appreciated!
None of the suggestion you made in your question will work on a AppStore app. Since the app is sandboxed it can not interact on the level you want with the system.
Your only possibility is to write an app for jailbroken devices.
There might be private API present as per your need but one thing is clear if you target for Apple AppStore ,it will be rejected due to its policy as aslo said by other person. Moreover ,If you still wana develop it you should go for it and there is Cydia which is a appstore for jail broken phone so you could upload your app and try to sell it off. Hope this info is useful for you.

Custom iOS lock app

I'm looking to write a custom lock app to replace the default PIN lock on iOS.
As there are no apps like this available on the App Store currently, its clear that either Apple rejects these types of apps or its just not possible with the currently available APIs.
The app is just for personal use, but I'd just like to know if it's possible before starting. Anyone know which is the case?
You can't replace the standard lock screen or PIN entry keyboard EXCEPT on jailbroken devices. First, there's no way to do it with the official SDK. Secondly even if there was Apple would not allow you to modify any of the system applications. If you're serious about doing it though for "personal use" and are OK with voiding your warranty (and/or possibly bricking your device) you could look into jailbreaking and the tools available. A hint in the right direction would be to learn as much as you can about SpringBoard and mobile substrate. Hope that helps.
It's not possible with the current APIs. As soon as someone pushes the home button your app will be sent to the background or terminated depending on how it is configured.
