Xcode build but launch app with black screen - ios

I have a problem with my xcode, all worked before but suddenly my app does not launch.
Xcode saying that it's launching but I just have black screen on simulator and nothing in the log...
I try on device but It's the same problem.
Screen of xcode : http://i.stack.imgur.com/bYh4y.png
Edit : I tried with an other project and the app it's running.
Edit 2 : The problem come from storyboard... I will post a new ask. Thanks

You probably don't need this anymore, but I'm going to try to provide my answer for others out there.
Sorry if I'm violating the rules, etc. I'm new here. :)
Overall list of possible fixes (you guys have gotten here way before me, but I'll include them anyway--with credit).
Sometimes, when it hasn't been used in a while (or if the project is new, etc.), the simulator takes a minute to load. This was mentioned by 68cherries.
Did you check your storyboard entry point? I can't see it in the picture, but recently I've had it disappear a couple times. Just check "Is Initial View Controller"... see this picture.
And finally... although this has been said by the great Jim... did you try "cleaning" your app? This always helps me out.
Anyway, I hope I haven't bothered you and that this helps anyone who may need it!


Having issues with auto layout showing up different than preview

I'm trying to follow the tutorial on Apples Swift Tutorial
I've followed the UI layout but for some reason, when I hit play and the simulator pops up, my simulator shows up different than my preview. Any suggestions?
I feel this question may help somebody in the future so I won't bother deleting it.
Through my own stupidity I ended up building the UI under the LaunchScreen.storyboard ViewController instead of the Main.storyboard ViewController. Simple fix -> Put things where it belongs!

LaunchScreen.storyboard can’t replace image

Why Changing launchImage so troublesome?
My app used a .storyboard for a Launch Screen.Now, I need to replace a new picture for the launchScreen. First of all, I put the picture into 'Image.xcassets', the launchScreen is white.
Then I search some ways to solve it .
Delete the app and restart. This can change the launchImage, but this method is not good for the users.
Put the picture in the root directory. In a few days the launchScreen does load the new image. but maybe 2 or more days later, launchScreen become white or black.
Has anyone ever experienced this, what advice? thanks for any help.
These caches are used by Springboard to make app switching fast. This isn't a problem that will affect your production users and should in theory go away the next time Springboard decides to snapshot your app.
That being said, this isn't a problem you can fix. This is a bug in Apple's code not yours.

React Native iOS - Modal not showing on simulator

As the title says, the modal is not showing on iOS simulators and generated IPA files. But it works fine on Android simulators. Did i miss any code-specific to iOS? Stuck at this for a while.
Without any Code or any version number is hard to help you.
But I'm still gonna give you my 2 cents.
There have been a lot of issues with Modal in react versions from 0.40 to 0.44 at least.
It could have more issues but I don't know.
So trying to search the needle in the haystack.
(Pay attention that with the lack of info about the problem/ambient there isn't much anyone can do to help you).
1- If you have any alert or modal open, or recently closed before trying to open this modal, the modal won't show. To see if you have this issue, clean any modal and alert, and try to render your app with only this view.
2- It could be a problem with ScrollView
3- Did you tried to build a release file for ios and install on a device to see if still happens? issue here
4-I think I saw a few issue's there were about problems between modal and navigation systems. so i advise you to search there too.
5-It could be something else, I advise to do a deep search on react-native issues and try to see if someone else is experiencing this issue.
For more help please edit your question and put more info, and I will edit my answer, and if by any chance any of this options work, please put on the commentary which one work to give a forther explanation.

Storyboard corruption on file open

I am having a problem where my content is repeatedly being shifted to the right in the storyboard for multiple view controllers when I open the project. I have done nothing at this point, simply opened it. Further, undoing the modifications through git does nothing. I fix the problems and go about my day adding new features... the apps run fine in the phone and appear normal in the storyboard. However, when I open the project the next day, same thing happens and I have to fix everything again. Has anyone else experienced this issue, and what was your resolution to the problem?
I figured out what the problem was. On my first View Controller, I had some labels that had somehow become set to a width of zero. After I fixed them, and embedded them in a stack, the problem resolved itself. I have no idea how this screwed up several other view controllers; however, fingers crossed, the corruption hasn't happened again since I fixed it.
Well apparently there is just some display bug in Xcode. When I click on a new size class and click back, the elements are restored to their correct size. This was maddening, but apparently it's working fine now if I do this quick fix.

Xcode 6.4 Bug? Source code text disappears. OSX Yosemite

Is it just me, or does this happen to anyone else? Occasionally if I am coding inside of a huge class, the source code text begins to chop it's way out to a white screen as I scroll. However, when I vigorously scroll to the top, then back down again. The source code re-appears again.
What could be the issue? Is there a work around? This issue is so annoying!
Go to Preferences->General tab and uncheck "Show live issues" under Issues. Notice that this is a work around to be able to continue working with Xcode, at least until they issue an official fix. This glitch seems to be noticeable when you have lots of lines of code (1000+).
After this, the glitch will still be happening but not while coding but during building phase. Not perfect but at least you will be able to continue working.
