how to place a UIViewController in another UIViewController through nib in xcode - ios

I have developed a DetailViewController, derived from UIViewController. Now I want to use this DetailViewController inside another InfoViewController's layout. I found one way to do this by using addSubView method. But what I am looking for is to plot it through nib file, like other UIViews. I want to plot DetailViewContoller inside InfoViewController's layout through nib file. Is this possible?
Any response will be thankful.

Yes it is possible..
First remove the referencing outlet for view in DetailViewController.xib.
And in InfoViewController.xib drag-drop Object and edit the custom class to DetailViewController.
Now drag-drop view in InfoViewController.xib and add what ever subviews you want to it. Now add new view referencing outlet to DetailViewController which is under objects.
Hope this will help you.


Convert TableViewController to ViewController

I have started with a TableViewController but now I would like to change from a TableViewController to a ViewController in the storyboard. Is there an easy way to do this? I want to avoid creating a new View scene in the storyboard and copying the code over.
You have to delete the current TableViewController and create a new ViewController.
If you will set an TableView inside, you also must set DataSource/Delegate, and conform with the Table Views protocols in the ViewController Class.
You can do that using ContainerView. Take one UIViewController and add a ContainerView inside it. Control drag from the ContainerView to TableViewController and select EmbedIn. This is the only way to keep existing TableViewController, but you need to move your code from TableViewController to ViewController. Do this only if it is necessary to use TableViewController and you have to display a View outside the TableView.
Just start implementing ViewController protocol and remove TableViewController, TableViewControllerDelegate and TableViewControllerDataSource.
Also remove the methods from the TableViewDataSource and that's it.

How to create a separate view in Storyboard to be included programmatically in UITableView?

I have a UIViewController with a UITableView that is fed with data from the local database. When the user first launches the app (after installing) the table view is empty and I display a UIView in the middle of the table view that contains a UIImage, a UILabel and a UIButton (a call to action).
The first version of this view I built programmatically, which was no good to me because every time I tweaked something I had to build the app again. Then I switched to the storyboard but had to drag a UIView to the middle of my tableView. It is working now but I don't like the way it is, I can't edit my table view cells without having to move the UIView out of the table view.
I'd like to have a way to build this view entirely separated from my tableView (or even from my view controller in question) and then reference it in the viewDidLoad call of my view controller.
Unfortunately Xcode does not allow us to drag views directly to the storyboard so I'm pretty lost here.
Please tell me if I haven't been clear enough. I appreciate any help you could give me.
UPDATE: It'd be particularly awesome to me if I could also create a custom Swift class for this view of mine and reference it in the storyboard. And then in my viewDidLoad I could simply instantiate my custom view.
Thanks in advance.
Create a XIB file in which you can drag a view (without a view controller).
In your code you can load the XIB using NSBundle.mainBundle().loadNibNamed("MyXibName", owner:self, options:nil).
In the XIB file you can give the UIView a custom class (like you can do with view controllers in storyboard).
You then of course have to retrieve the view from the array returned by loadNibNamed and cast it to your custom class.

Add a subview to a custom class UIViewController that loads from nib, in Storyboard

To clarify on this ridiculous title:
I'm using my own subclass of JSQMessagesViewController ( - let's call it ACMessagesViewController. I'm loading my ACMessagesViewController through storyboard, by setting the storyboard UIViewController's custom class to ACMessagesViewController. I am trying to add a subview to ACMessagesViewController's view through the storyboard.
JSQMessagesViewController loads from a nib. When I add a subview to ACMessagesViewController's view through storyboard, the view disappears. The subview seems to be adding to a view other than my ACMessagesViewController's self.view, and by the time the viewdidload scope runs through, the subview is gone.
My questions are:
1. What is the proper way to add a subview (through storyboard) to a custom class UIViewController, when the UIViewController loads from a nib?
2. What is happening in this view loading process? Why is my subview (added through storyboard) adding onto a view that is not the same self.view in my ACMessagesViewController?
Thanks in advance!
I think it's one of those "if you need to work around it, you're probably doing it wrong" scenarios you so often hit in iOS development. :-) Really, if you want the functionality the JSQMessagesViewController provides, you shouldn't need to add additional views. But if you must add views, the "right" way to do it is to add them as subviews of whatever self.view is after you call super in viewDidLoad. If you don't want to construct views programmatically, you can put them in a separate nib (instead of the storyboard) and manually load them.
(Note: this is assuming viewDidLoad is getting called. If it isn't, you might need to hook into some other method.)
I used #Anna's suggestion to add the view in viewDidLoad but you don't need to use a second Xib or design the view in code.
What you need is:
A. Design your view in the your JSQMessagesViewController scene in the storyboard/xib file.
B. Create an outlet of the view you need to present.
C. In viewDidLoad add your view with view.addSubview(myView) (or [self.view addSubview:self.myView] for all the objc ones out there)
D. That's it!

Adding Outlets to View Controller via Table View Controller

I'm attempting to create an application for iOS, using Xamarin and storyboards. Within this, there shall be a button located in a TableViewController which will navigate the user.
To do this, I've used a Container, embedded to a TableViewController. However, my concern is I wish to add an Outlet from the button within the TableViewController to the ViewController header class - Yet it only allows me to try and add one to the 'UITableViewController.h' file.
What is causing this and how am I able to add the Outlet to the 'ViewController.h' file? (Extremely sorry if this makes little sense)
You should not use both the UITableViewController and the UIViewController. UITableViewController is a subclass of UITableViewController so all you need the UITableViewController and you should drag the outlet to it.

Custom UIView in Storyboard

I can't work out if I am doing this with complete retardation or not.
I would like to add a custom view to my view controller in my storyboard.
I drag a view object on to the VC and set the class to my custom view class.
I would like to then have a xib file associated with this class so that I can design a user interface for this class separately from the storyboard.
The solutions which seem to be hacks referenced on stack overflow (adding the xib as a view in initwithCoder) have not worked for me, and the prospect of programatically aligning a load of images and labels when dragging and dropping would be so much easier really frustrates me.
Is there some easier method I'm missing, what is everybody else doing?
With storyboard there is no xib file
hack your items to .h
press ctrl and drag a link to viewcontroller -at the bottom of ur viewcontroller in storyboard, or link it to your .h file and name it
