Jquery-mobile popup zlevel issue on Android 4.0 - jquery-mobile

With Jquery mobile 1.4.2 (latest currently) I've encountered a problem with the popup feature on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).
When displayed the popup appears behind the rest of the page content (can be simulated with a z-index:1 on ui-popup-container)

My solution to this problem was a bit tweaky : add a -webkit-transform:translateZ(0) :
.ui-popup-container {
(I had to shared this, I lost to much time on it !)


extjs 6.5.* (1, 2) combobox bug on iPad and Google Chrome

While testing my webapp on an iPad (ios 10.3.3) i came up to something that looks like a framework bug.
All the comboboxes with queryMode set to local were not opening the dropdown popup on combobox's button click.
(Tested on Chrome v. 63.0.3238.73)
I would add a fiddle but you can test it at:
extjs 6.5.2 modern combobox, example usage
extjs 6.5.1 kitchensink modern, checkout form (Shipping Address -> State)
Anyone else faced that bug or is it a device problem?
Any known workarounds?
I came up with a workaround and I am posting it in order to help someone with the same issue.
Adding a minHeight to the floatedPicker config solves the bug.
floatedPicker: {
minHeight: 100

jQueryMobile, Ajax Navigation, and MVC

Following the MVC 4 article on new Mobile Features, I added the NuGet package jQuery.Mobile.MVC. That package installs, among other things, an older version 1.0.3b of jQuery Mobile (the current version is 1.1.0) and creates the following in _Layout.Mobile.cshtml:
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function ()
// As of Beta 2, jQuery Mobile's Ajax navigation does not work in all cases (e.g.,
// when navigating from a mobile to a non-mobile page), hence disabling it.
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
I can not find any documentation on what exactly is not working, whether there is a bug filed for it, and what the status of that bug might be. The closest non-ancient similar mention in the jQuery Mobile Forum is
In that case, the OP's issue was deemed "by design".
Why might Ajax navigation be turned off out-of-the-box, and is that still a valid concern in jQuery Mobile 1.1.0?
This problem with MVC 4 Beta is that page navigation simply stops working after one navigation if the ajax navigation is not switched off.
This is still a valid concern in jQuery Mobile 1.1.0. I am using MVC 4 beta with jQuery Mobile 1.1.0, and navigation between pages is very unstable if the ajax navigation is not disabled.
The forum post you refer to is not related to this problem. The post is about values in the page header not being updated, which is per design.
(since this is the only problem for that OP, I guess he is using MVC 3)
About the status of this, related to your question:
(...) whether there is a bug filed for it, and what the status of that bug might be (...)
I don't know... I am also anctious to know this. Hopefully, it will be fixed when MVC 4 is officially released.

jQuery Mobile v1.1.0 loader/progressbar do not show on android Internet browser

Hello I have problem with jQuery Mobile v1.1.0. When I try to use this function.
The progress indicator is not shown. The progress indicator(loader) is shown in regular browser, like FF, but in Android Internet browser, the PI is now shown. Do you have any Idea why the loader is hidden in android browser? I tested it on samsung nexus mobile phone, with the android version v2.3.4. I tried to call the function with parameters like this
$.mobile.showPageLoadingMsg("b", "test message test", false);
But this works only on my PC web browsers FF, Chrome IE etc.
did you try the examples in the docs?
On my android 2.3.3 the loader is shown but the loader image is not animated.
If the examples work for you, be sure that you replaced/removed all old JQM files with the 1.1.0 version (css, js, images) and that they are linked correctly in the document.
When the themeroller was deployed for v1.1.0 there was a small error with the loader images in the zipfile and the style sheet.
This was fixed within a few hours, but it might be that the version you downloaded tries to load ajax-loader.gif, while ajax-loader.png was in the zipfile.
Getting your theme again from the themeroller might fix it for you
I had the same problem. The progress-dialog was not shown when doing an ajax call afterwards. I incapsulated everything except the showPageLoading-call in a timeout-function-call.
setTimeout(function() {
...[here your code goes]...
Worked for me although the animation only worked until the function has been executed (here: 200ms) but that doesn't really matter to me.

jquery mobile - loading spin wheel keep appearing

I am using jquerymobile latest stable version with jquery 1.5
on my application i am using Spring webflow,
On first page of flow i have two links to other pages. See below scenario
Click on link 1
Page B opens with slide transition
click browser back button
First page comes back but with spin wheel which never disappear
How to get rid from this spin wheel?
This is happening in android and iphone
Depending on the version of jQuery Mobile you are using, you may have to upgrade your jQuery Core.
As of the Beta 2, this was stated:
Note that jQuery Mobile 1.0 will require jQuery core 1.6.2 as a
From: http://jquerymobile.com/blog/2011/08/03/jquery-mobile-beta-2-released/
According to the Release page for 1.0.1, they use 1.6.4. I believe this is the minimum and 1.0.1 is the latest full release of jQM as of this writing.

jquery ui autocomplete - suggestions show only once on BB5

I am using jqueryui autocomplete and it works great on desktop and most of the mobile devices - ipad, iphone ,etc. However on blackberry 5, when I type in pis for the first time it shows the suggestions list immediately. when I break see the list and type in additional letter, I dont see the suggestions anymore. I change the text, do whatever and no suggestions until I reload the page and it repeats the same issue again. Should I do anything different with BB5? Thanks
What version of jQuery UI are you using? Blackberry 5 only has limited support for JavaScript 1.6 and this may be why your implementation is functioning oddly. It may be that there is nothing you can do to fix it for BB5 users.
