I recently posted on here to get help with a formula, here is the link...https://stackoverflow.com/questions/75068029/vlook-up-style-forumla-but-range-is-2-cells A user called rockinfreakshow was really awesome and provided a great solution for me. I'm not very experienced and don't understand what the formula at all but I'd love to be able to add more attributes to it. Is anyone able to help break it down for me ?
I havent tried anything here, it's totally out of my realm of understanding
=MAKEARRAY(COUNTA(B2:B),COUNTA(D1:O1),LAMBDA(r,c,IF(REGEXMATCH(LAMBDA(ax,bx,IFS(REGEXMATCH(ax,"Mixed")*REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C,r),"Blend")*REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C,r),"Filter"),"BLEND-"&bx&"|FILTER-"&bx,REGEXMATCH(ax,"Mixed")*NOT(REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C,r),"Blend"))*REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C,r),"Filter"),"ESP-"&bx&"|FILTER-"&bx,REGEXMATCH(ax,"Mixed")*NOT(REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C,r),"Filter")),"BLEND-"&bx&"|ESP-"&bx,LEN(ax),SUBSTITUTE(ax&"-"&bx,"Espresso","ESP")))(regexextract(INDEX(B2:B,r),"([^\s]*?) Subscription"),IFNA(SWITCH(REGEXEXTRACT(INDEX(C2:C,r),"Small|Medium|Large"),"Small",250,"Medium",450,"Large",900),SWITCH(REGEXEXTRACT(INDEX(B2:B,r),"Medium|Large"),"Medium",225,"Large",450))),"(?i)"&INDEX(D1:O1,,c)),1,)))
see the WHY LAMBDA? part of this answer to understand the LAMBDA
the formula contains 2x LAMBDA and there are a total of 4 placeholders which translates to:
r - COUNTA(B2:B)
c - COUNTA(D1:O1)
ax - REGEXEXTRACT(INDEX(B2:B, r), "([^\s]*?) Subscription")
bx - IFNA(SWITCH(REGEXEXTRACT(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Small|Medium|Large"),
"Small", 250, "Medium", 450, "Large", 900),
"Medium", 225, "Large", 450))
r counts how many items are in B column
c counts how many items are in row 1 of range D1:O1
ax extracts the word from B column that precedes the word Subscription
bx is a bit complex but essentially it extracts from C column word Small or Medium or Large and replaces it with 250, 450 or 900 respectively. then if C column does not contain one of those 3 words it checks for Medium or Large within B column and assigns 225 or 450 respectively
what we are left with is the core of the formula:
IFS( REGEXMATCH(ax, "Mixed")*
REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Blend")*
REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Filter"), "BLEND-"&bx&"|FILTER-"&bx,
REGEXMATCH(ax, "Mixed")*
REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Filter"), "ESP-"&bx&"|FILTER-"&bx,
REGEXMATCH(ax, "Mixed")*
NOT(REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Filter")), "BLEND-"&bx&"|ESP-"&bx,
LEN(ax), SUBSTITUTE(ax&"-"&bx, "Espresso", "ESP"))
for better visualization, the IFS formula contains only 4 elements. each of these 4 elements acts as a switch - if there is a match x we get output y. for example let's dissect the first element...
REGEXMATCH(ax, "Mixed")*
REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Blend")*
REGEXMATCH(INDEX(C2:C, r), "Filter"), "BLEND-"&bx&"|FILTER-"&bx
there are 3x REGEXMATCHes multiplied by each other. whenever there is such multiplication in array formulae it translates as AND logic gate (if there would be + it would mean OR logic gate) eg.:
1 * 1 = 1
1 * 0 = 0
0 * 1 = 0
0 * 0 = 0
REGEXMATCH outputs TRUE or FALSE so if we get 3x TRUE the whole argument is considered as TRUE (because 1 * 1 * 1 = 1) so we proceed to output our first switch
therefore if B column contains Mixed and C column contains Blend and C column contains Filter then we output Blend-000|Filter-000 where 000 stands for a specific number determined from bx placeholder/formula and also you can notice the | (which btw stands for OR logic within the regex) but in this case, it's just a unique symbol to join stuff for REGEXMATCH. which REGEXMATCH is this for you may ask? ...this one:
so the output of IFS formula is the input for most outer REGEXMATCH and we check if the IFS output matches something within D1:O1 range. IF yes then output 1 otherwise output nothing. shortened:
IF(REGEXMATCH(IFS(...), "(?i)"&INDEX(D1:O1,,c), 1, )
(?i) in regex means "case insensitive". it is there just for safety reasons because regex is by default case sensitive.
and we reached the MAKEARRAY formula that creates an array of numbers across the whole range with height r and width c where output is the result of IF eg. either 1 or empty cell
I am using Stata and I'm currently trying to figure out how to create new row that shows me the relative effect of a certain coefficient.
eststo, title(log_total[1]]): reg log_total a b
eststo, title(log_total[2]]): reg log_total a b c
esttab using total.tex
To give a sample code, this is what I have.
However, in the end besides the rows for a, b, and c I want to have a row that says effect for a where I calculate exp(a)-1 and where I want to print exp(a)-1 %.
The table should look the following:
| | total[1]| total[2]|
|:---- |:------:| -----:|
| a| 0.014| 0.021|
| b| 0.031| 0.005|
| c| | 0.082|
| Effect| 1.4 %| 2.1 %|
How can I add this "Effect" row to my table using esttab? I tried using estadd which works for fixed values but I was not able to figure out how to include a calculation in there.
Thank you a lot!
While developing BigZ, mostly used for number theoretical experiments, I've discovered the need of orthogonality in the word-set that create, filter or transform sets. I want a few words that logically combinated cover a wide range of commands, without the need to memorize a large number of words and ways to combinate them.
1 100 condition isprime create-set
put the set of all prime numbers between 1 and 100 on a set stack, while
function 1+ transform-set
transform this set to the set of all numbers p+1, where p is a prime less than 100.
condition sqr filter-set
leaves the set of all perfect squares on the form p+1 on the stack.
This works rather nice for sets of natural numbers, but to be able to create, filter and transform sets of n-tuples I need to be able to count locals in unnamed words. I have redesigned words to shortly denote compound conditions and functions:
: ~ :noname ;
: :| postpone locals| ; immediate
1 100 ~ :| p | p is prime p 2 + isprime p 2 - isprime or and ;
1 100 ~ :| a b | a dup * b dup * + isprime ;
Executing this two examples gives the parameter stack ( 1 100 xt ) but to be able to handle this right, in the first case a set of numbers and in the second case a set of pairs should be produced, I'll have to complement the word :| to get ( 1 100 xt n ) where n is the numbet of locals used. I think one could use >IN and PARSE to do this, but it was a long time ago I did such things, so I doubt I can do it properly nowadays.
I didn't understand (LOCALS) but with patience and luck I managed to do it with my original idea:
: bl# \ ad n -- m
over + swap 0 -rot
do i c# bl = +
loop negate ;
\ count the number of blanks in the string ad n
variable loc#
: locals# \ --
>in # >r
[char] | parse bl# loc# !
r> >in ! ; immediate
\ count the number of locals while loading
: -| \ --
postpone locals#
postpone locals| ; immediate
\ replace LOCALS|
: test -| a b | a b + ;
works as LOCALS| but leave the number of locals in the global variable loc#.
Maybe you should drop LOCALS| and parse the local variables yourself. For each one, call (LOCAL) with its name, and end with passing an empty string.
See http://lars.nocrew.org/dpans/dpans13.htm# for details.
I posed the question generically, because maybe it is a generic answer. But a specific example is comparing 2 BigQuery tables with the same schema, but potentially different data. I want a diff, i.e. what was added, deleted, modified, with respect to a composite key, e.g. the first 2 columns.
Table A
C1 C2 C3
a a 1
a b 1
a c 1
Table B
C1 C2 C3 # Notes if comparing B to A
a a 1 # No Change to the key a + a
a b 2 # Key a + b Changed from 1 to 2
# Deleted key a + c with value 1
a d 1 # Added key a + d
I basically want to be able to make/report the comparison notes.
Or from a Beam perspective I may want to Just output up to 4 labeled PCollections: Unchanged, Changed, Added, Deleted. How do I do this and what would the PCollections look like?
What you want to do here, basically, is join two tables and compare the result of that, right? You can look at my answer to this question, to see the two ways in which you can join two tables (Side inputs, or CoGroupByKey).
I'll also code a solution for your problem using CoGroupByKey. I'm writing the code in Python because I'm more familiar with the Python SDK, but you'd implement similar logic in Java:
def make_kv_pair(x):
""" Output the record with the x[0]+x[1] key added."""
return ((x[0], x[1]), x)
table_a = (p | 'ReadTableA' >> beam.Read(beam.io.BigQuerySource(....))
| 'SetKeysA' >> beam.Map(make_kv_pair)
table_b = (p | 'ReadTableB' >> beam.Read(beam.io.BigQuerySource(....))
| 'SetKeysB' >> beam.Map(make_kv_pair))
joined_tables = ({'table_a': table_a, 'table_b': table_b}
| beam.CoGroupByKey())
output_types = ['changed', 'added', 'deleted', 'unchanged']
class FilterDoFn(beam.DoFn):
def process((key, values)):
table_a_value = list(values['table_a'])
table_b_value = list(values['table_b'])
if table_a_value == table_b_value:
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('unchanged', key)
elif len(table_a_value) < len(table_b_value):
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('added', key)
elif len(table_a_value) > len(table_b_value):
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('removed', key)
elif table_a_value != table_b_value:
yield pvalue.TaggedOutput('changed', key)
key_collections = (joined_tables
| beam.ParDo(FilterDoFn()).with_outputs(*output_types))
# Now you can handle each output
key_collections.unchanged | WriteToText(...)
key_collections.changed | WriteToText(...)
key_collections.added | WriteToText(...)
key_collections.removed | WriteToText(...)
I'm parsing a book within neo4j and I'd like to extract genealogy out of it I have sentences like :
"A begat B,C and D"
"X begat Y, and Y begat Z, ..."
and I store that as
(A:word)-[:subj]->(begat:word)-[:obj]-> (B:word)
(A:word)-[:subj]->(begat:word)-[:comp]-> (C:word)
(X:word)-[:subj]->(begat:word)-[:obj]-> (Y:word)
(Y:word)-[:subj]->(begat:word)-[:obj]-> (Z:word)
How could I write my cypher request so that neo4j server visualization give me a tree instead of one "begat" node with all the other ones linking to it ? My genealogy is on several sentences and when linking word together I add the sentenceId to the relationship maybe we could use that.
The result would look like
| | |
One more info the words are stored only once to avoid memory consumption.
Here is a sample of my data :
Many thanks