I have had a lot of difficulty installing Gems into my Rails 4 Apps that I have built. For example, I have recently had issues with these two Gems:
Twitter Bootstrap 3:
I have no idea what I am doing wrong, in the slightest. I include the gems in my Gem file (gem 'ckeditor_rails'), and then I run 'bundle install'. However, whenever I provide my includes in my application.js (example: '//= require ckeditor/init'), my app yells at me and tells me that it cannot resolve the file. When I check why, its because no file was ever downloaded. Even though the gem installed with no errors. I have got to think I am doing something wrong. Any advice?
Before installing gem, first noted if there is any dependency gem. if the gem having dependency gem means you must install it first. and you may edit in your project/gem file gem 'ckeditor' and gem 'bootstrap-sass' and then run the server.
I am trying to create new demo rails program, as guide in my book as this command
rails new demo
then it gave me this error
It said that my problem is
Could not find gem sqlite3 <> 1.4 x86-mingw32 in any of the gem sources listed in your Gem file
and I must run
bundle install
to solve it
I ran bundle install , but nothing changed.
I know my question maybe too easy to solve, but I am very stuck with this, could you please give me some ideas?
From the documentation of the bootsnap gem in rails: "This gem works on macOS and Linux." See: https://github.com/Shopify/bootsnap
They seem to have found a workaround here:
How can I properly install bootsnap on windows
Add or change to gem 'bootsnap', '=1.4.1', require: false to your project Gemfile
I have updated all of my gems, including to Rails 3.2.8, prior to a new deployment. However, my application is now broken because something is trying to install gem "termios" version 0.9.4.
Apparently, 0.9.4 does not work on any computer or server I own. There are some newer versions, 0.9.6 specifically, but they are not posted in wherever bundler looks for gems.
There are some version on Github, but they have been mysteriously renamed "ruby-termios". Well, some gem in my Gemfile is not looking for ruby-termios. It's looking for termios. Failure.
How can I find out which gem is trying to install this so I can see if it can be whacked?
Check your Gemfile.lock - it has all the gems and their dependencies listed in it. As long as you've been able to install these gems in the past, you'll be able to tell where that dependency is coming from.
The gem command will dump out the tree of dependencies for you.
$ gem dependency
Or if you want to check just a specific gem.
$ gem dependency foo
I work as a developer supporting several apps built in Rails, often I need to install gems that are not included into the gem file.
Last day I build a project and when I try to run it on another computer I experienced some issues with missing gems, a lot actually and I didn't know where to get a list of all the missing gems or how to install them.
The question is, is there a way to include all the gems that the project needs into the gem file so next time someone try to run it on another computer it will be enough to use the comand bundle install.
You need to include the Gems in your Gemfile, and then run bundle install on ANY new machine in order to install those Gems and their dependencies. For example:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '3.2.6'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'mongoid'
gem 'devise'
gem 'cancan'
With this example, all dependencies of rails such as Active Record, Action Pack and so on will be installed when bundler installs rails. The same for the remaining gems and their dependencies.
If you are planning, and it appears that you are, to spend much time with rails, you should really read up on Bundler.
I tried reading the documentation but this still wasn't clear to me:
Suppose my I have the following statements in my Gemfile:
source 'https://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails', '3.2.2'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'json'
I'm trying to learn how to use Ruby on Rails this website: http://ruby.railstutorial.org/ and it says that I need to have the sqlite3 gem for this version of rails (3.2.2).
My question is: if I don't specify the exact version of the sqlite3 gem for the system to download when I run bundle install then will it install the latest version that works with the version of rails and ruby that I'm working with (suppose it's 3.2.2 and 1.8.7 p-352 respectively) or will it just download the latest version of the sqlite3 gem available whether it works with what I have installed or not?
I'm not really sure how this aspect of the Gemfile works and the documentation hasn't been clear or I haven't found where it explicitly says this or otherwise.
So, it will install the latest version of sqlite3 that is compatible with the dependencies specified by the other gems you've listed.
Say, rails said it only worked with sqlite3 that was greater than 1.0 but less than 4.0, it might install 3.9.5. I'm making all these numbers up, just an example.
In fact, I don't know if rails does specify any particular versions of sqlite3 it requires. Presumably 'json' doesn't either, since it's got nothing to do with databases. If none of the other gems you list specify any requirements for sqlite3, it'll just install the latest version available.
'bundle install' is using bundler, some more about how it resolves dependencies is here.
So bundler will download the latest gem that meets the requirements of all the other gems you list. Say you listed a gem A which required sqlite3 earlier than 2.0 and a gem B that required sqlite3 later than 2.1 -- 'bundle install' would complain and say it can't satisfy them all.
This relies on the gems own advertisements of each of their own requirements for the other gems they rely on though. Sometimes they can be wrong, or missing. It may be that rails doesn't actually specify what version of sqlite3 it requires -- since it doesn't actually require sqlite3 at all (you don't have to use sqlite with rails), this may very well be. In which case bundler can't do much but get the latest version of sqlite3. Which doesn't guarantee that version will work. But it can only do so much.
You also mention the issue of compatibility with specific versions of ruby, like 1.8.7-p352. Bundler is less capable there, you can't generally count on it knowing what version is compatible with a particular version of ruby (because there's not a great way for gems to express this in a way that bundler can use, alas).
But in general, things work out. If you don't know or care what version of sqlite3 (or any other gem) you want, but know you want one -- do what you did, run 'bundle install', see if it works. It probably will. If it doesn't, google the error message and you'll probably find someone explaining why it didn't and what you need to do instead.
PS: If that wasn't enough. sqlite3 is sort of an odd case, because while Rails is designed to work with it, it's not required. But Rails by default, when creating a new app with latest version of rails rails new my_app, will already put sqlite3 in your Gemfile for you. And it'll do it just like you did, without a version constraint. That's reason to feel pretty confident it will work fine. Note that in rails 3.2.2, rails new my_app will put some other things in your Gemfile that do have more specific versions listed, like gem 'sass-rails', '~> 3.2.3', because while those things aren't absolutely required for Rails (or else they'd be expressed as requirements and not need to be explicitly in your app's Gemfile), the rails installer knows that only certain versions will work.
Fairly new to Rails as well so correct me if I am wrong.
The Gemfile looks to the gems directory for the gems listed and has no impact on actually "installing" them. Performing a "gem install" command without a version will grab the most recent version listed no matter what your Gemfile says. When you "bundle install", that is when version-specific lookups happen in your gems directory.
Bundler always looks at your Gemfile.lock file first when you're doing bundle install. If you open that file, you'll see the gems as well as the version used by your application. This is convenient for existing projects because you're always sure that every other developer involved with the project will be working with the same gem versions.
If it doesn't find that file (i.e. doing rails new projectname), or the specified gem or version in Gemfile isn't consistent with Gemfile.lock, it will download the latest or specified version of the gem.
have ruby 1.8.7, gem 1.3.7 and rails 3.0.6. I wanted to add xmpp4r to my project, but i got error just i require this gem. I'm install this gem using gem install xmpp4r. Installation seems successful.But, why error then appear?
P.S. if in console enter the irb and execute require "xmpp4r" result will be true.
P.S.S. OS is Fedora
Rails 3 uses Bundler to manage gem dependencies. When you start a rails 3 application, bundler sets up the require path to only include those gems you have specified in your Gemfile file, and their dependencies; it's not enough to just have the gem installed on your system.
In order to get this working, simply add this line to your Gemfile:
gem 'xmpp4r'