EZAudio: How do you separate the buffersize from the FFT window size(desire higher frequency bin resolution). - ios

I've been having success using this audio library, but now I'd like to increase the resolution of the microphone data that's read in, so that the FFT resolution, or frequency bin size goes down to 10Hz. To do that, I need a buffersize of 8820 instead of 512. Is the buffersize of the microphone and FFT windowing size separable? I can't see a way to separate it.
How do I set up the audio stream description, so that it can calculate the FFT with a larger window?
Any help would be much appreciated.

The FFT size and the audio buffer size should be completely independent. You can just save multiple audio input buffers (perhaps in a circular FIFO or queue), without processing them until you have enough samples for your desired length FFT.
Saving audio buffers this way also allows you to FFT overlapped frames for more time resolution.

Having browsed the source of the linked project, it appears that the audio callback passes a buffer size that is the preferred buffer size of the microphone device. I would recommend you buffer up the desired number of samples before calling the FFT. The following code is modified from FFTViewController.m in EZAudioFFTExample:
#pragma mark - EZMicrophoneDelegate
-(void) microphone:(EZMicrophone *)microphone
hasAudioReceived:(float **)buffer
withNumberOfChannels:(UInt32)numberOfChannels {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// Update time domain plot
[self.audioPlotTime updateBuffer:buffer[0]
// Setup the FFT if it's not already setup
if( !_isFFTSetup ){
[self createFFTWithBufferSize:bufferSize withAudioData:buffer[0]];
_isFFTSetup = YES;
int samplesRemaining = bufferSize;
while (samplesRemaining > 0)
int samplestoCopy = max(bufferSize, FFTLEN - _fftBufIndex);
memcpy(_fftBuf, buffer[0], samplesToCopy*sizeof(float));
_fftBufIndex += samplesToCopy;
samplesRemaining -= samplesToCopy;
if (_fftBufIndex == FFTLEN)
_fftBufIndex = 0;
[self updateFFTWithBufferSize:FFTLEN withAudioData:_fftBuf];
In the modified program, FFTLEN a value that you defined, _fftBuf is an array of floats that you allocate and it needs to hold FFTLEN elements, and _fftBufIndex is an integer to track the write position into the array.
On a separate note, I would recommend you make a copy of the buffer parameter before calling the async delegate. The reason I say this is because looking at the source for EZMicrophone it looks like it's recycling the buffer so you'll have a race condition.

Thanks Jaket for suggestion. Buffer is the way to go and here is my working implementation of that same function now with adjustable FFT window:
-(void)microphone:(EZMicrophone *)microphone
hasAudioReceived:(float **)buffer
withNumberOfChannels:(UInt32)numberOfChannels {
[self.audioPlot updateBuffer:buffer[0] withBufferSize:bufferSize];
// Decibel Calculation.
float one = 1.0;
float meanVal = 0.0;
float tiny = 0.1;
vDSP_vsq(buffer[0], 1, buffer[0], 1, bufferSize);
vDSP_meanv(buffer[0], 1, &meanVal, bufferSize);
vDSP_vdbcon(&meanVal, 1, &one, &meanVal, 1, 1, 0);
// Exponential moving average to dB level to only get continous sounds.
float currentdb = 1.0 - (fabs(meanVal)/100);
if (lastdbValue == INFINITY || lastdbValue == -INFINITY || isnan(lastdbValue)) {
lastdbValue = 0.0;
dbValue = ((1.0 - tiny)*lastdbValue) + tiny*currentdb;
lastdbValue = dbValue;
// NSLog(#"dbval: %f",dbValue);
// Setup the FFT if it's not already setup
int samplestoCopy = fmin(bufferSize, FFTLEN - _fftBufIndex);
for ( size_t i = 0; i < samplestoCopy; i++ ) {
_fftBuf[_fftBufIndex+i] = buffer[0][i];
_fftBufIndex += samplestoCopy;
_samplesRemaining -= samplestoCopy;
if (_fftBufIndex == FFTLEN) {
if( !_isFFTSetup ){
[self createFFTWithBufferSize:FFTLEN withAudioData:_fftBuf];
_isFFTSetup = YES;
[self updateFFTWithBufferSize:FFTLEN withAudioData:_fftBuf];
_fftBufIndex = 0;
_samplesRemaining = FFTLEN;


could NaN be causing the occasional crash in this core audio iOS app?

My first app synthesised music audio from a sine look-up table using methods deprecated since iOS 6. I have just revised it to address warnings about AudioSessionhelped by this blog and the Apple guidelines on AVFoundationFramework. Audio Session warnings have now been addressed and the app produces audio as it did before. It currently runs under iOS 9.
However the app occasionally crashes for no apparent reason. I checked out this SO post but it seems to deal with accessing rather than generating raw audio data, so maybe it is not dealing with a timing issue. I suspect there is a buffering problem but I need to understand what this might be before I change or fine tune anything in the code.
I have a deadline to make the revised app available to users so I'd be most grateful to hear from someone who has dealt a similar issue.
Here is the issue. The app goes into debug on the simulator reporting:
com.apple.coreaudio.AQClient (8):EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0xffffffff10626000)
In the Debug Navigator, Thread 8 (com.apple.coreaudio.AQClient (8)), it reports:
0 -[Synth fillBuffer:frames:]
1 -[PlayView audioBufferPlayer:fillBuffer:format:]
2 playCallback
This line of code in fillBuffer is highlighted
float sineValue = (1.0f - b)*sine[a] + b*sine[c];
... and so is this line of code in audioBufferPlayer
int packetsWritten = [synth fillBuffer:buffer->mAudioData frames:packetsPerBuffer];
... and playCallBack
[player.delegate audioBufferPlayer:player fillBuffer:inBuffer format:player.audioFormat];
Here is the code for audioBufferPlayer (delegate, essentially the same as in the demo referred to above).
- (void)audioBufferPlayer:(AudioBufferPlayer*)audioBufferPlayer fillBuffer:(AudioQueueBufferRef)buffer format:(AudioStreamBasicDescription)audioFormat
[synthLock lock];
int packetsPerBuffer = buffer->mAudioDataBytesCapacity / audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket;
int packetsWritten = [synth fillBuffer:buffer->mAudioData frames:packetsPerBuffer];
buffer->mAudioDataByteSize = packetsWritten * audioFormat.mBytesPerPacket;
[synthLock unlock];
... (initialised in myViewController)
- (id)init
if ((self = [super init])) {
// The audio buffer is managed (filled up etc.) within its own thread (Audio Queue thread)
// Since we are also responding to changes from the GUI, we need a lock so both threads
// do not attempt to change the same value independently.
synthLock = [[NSLock alloc] init];
// Synth and the AudioBufferPlayer must use the same sample rate.
float sampleRate = 44100.0f;
// Initialise synth to fill the audio buffer with audio samples.
synth = [[Synth alloc] initWithSampleRate:sampleRate];
// Initialise note buttons
buttons = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// Initialise the audio buffer.
player = [[AudioBufferPlayer alloc] initWithSampleRate:sampleRate channels:1 bitsPerChannel:16 packetsPerBuffer:1024];
player.delegate = self;
player.gain = 0.9f;
[[AVAudioSession sharedInstance] setActive:YES error:nil];
return self;
} // initialisation
... and for playCallback
static void playCallback( void* inUserData, AudioQueueRef inAudioQueue, AudioQueueBufferRef inBuffer)
AudioBufferPlayer* player = (AudioBufferPlayer*) inUserData;
if (player.playing){
[player.delegate audioBufferPlayer:player fillBuffer:inBuffer format:player.audioFormat];
AudioQueueEnqueueBuffer(inAudioQueue, inBuffer, 0, NULL);
... and here is the code for fillBuffer where audio is synthesised
- (int)fillBuffer:(void*)buffer frames:(int)frames
SInt16* p = (SInt16*)buffer;
// Loop through the frames (or "block size"), then consider each sample for each tone.
for (int f = 0; f < frames; ++f)
float m = 0.0f; // the mixed value for this frame
for (int n = 0; n < MAX_TONE_EVENTS; ++n)
if (tones[n].state == STATE_INACTIVE) // only active tones
// recalculate a 30sec envelope and place in a look-up table
// Longer notes need to interpolate through the envelope
int a = (int)tones[n].envStep; // integer part (like a floored float)
float b = tones[n].envStep - a; // decimal part (like doing a modulo)
// c allows us to calculate if we need to wrap around
int c = a + 1; // (like a ceiling of integer part)
if (c >= envLength) c = a; // don't wrap around
/////////////// LOOK UP ENVELOPE TABLE /////////////////
// uses table look-up with interpolation for both level and pitch envelopes
// 'b' is a value interpolated between 2 successive samples 'a' and 'c')
// first, read values for the level envelope
float envValue = (1.0f - b)*tones[n].levelEnvelope[a] + b*tones[n].levelEnvelope[c];
// then the pitch envelope
float pitchFactorValue = (1.0f - b)*tones[n].pitchEnvelope[a] + b*tones[n].pitchEnvelope[c];
// Advance envelope pointer one step
tones[n].envStep += tones[n].envDelta;
// Turn note off at the end of the envelope.
if (((int)tones[n].envStep) >= envLength){
tones[n].state = STATE_INACTIVE;
// Precalculated Sine look-up table
a = (int)tones[n].phase; // integer part
b = tones[n].phase - a; // decimal part
c = a + 1;
if (c >= sineLength) c -= sineLength; // wrap around
///////////////// LOOK UP OF SINE TABLE ///////////////////
float sineValue = (1.0f - b)*sine[a] + b*sine[c];
// Wrap round when we get to the end of the sine look-up table.
tones[n].phase += (tones[n].frequency * pitchFactorValue); // calculate frequency for each point in the pitch envelope
if (((int)tones[n].phase) >= sineLength)
tones[n].phase -= sineLength;
if (tones[n].state == STATE_UNPRESSED) {
tones[n].gain -= 0.0001;
if ( tones[n].gain <= 0 ) {
tones[n].state = STATE_INACTIVE;
//////////////// FINAL SAMPLE VALUE ///////////////////
float s = sineValue * envValue * gain * tones[n].gain;
// Clip the signal, if needed.
if (s > 1.0f) s = 1.0f;
else if (s < -1.0f) s = -1.0f;
// Add the sample to the out-going signal
m += s;
// Write the sample mix to the buffer as a 16-bit word.
p[f] = (SInt16)(m * 0x7FFF);
return frames;
I'm not sure whether it is a red herring but I came across NaN in several debug registers. It appears to happen while calculating phase increment for sine lookup in fillBuffer (see above). That calculation is done for up to a dozen partials every sample at a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz and worked in iOS 4 on an iPhone 4. I'm running on simulator of iOS 9. The only changes I made are described in this post!
My NaN problem turned out to have nothing directly to do with Core Audio. It was caused by an edge condition introduced by changes in another area of my code. The real problem was a division by zero attempted while calculating the duration of the sound envelope in realtime.
However, in trying to identify the cause of that problem, I am confident my pre-iOS 7 Audio Session has been replaced by a working setup based on AVFoundation. Thanks goes to the source of my initial code Matthijs Hollemans and also to Mario Diana whose blog explained the changes needed.
At first, the sound levels on my iPhone were significantly less than the sound levels on the Simulator, a problem addressed here by foundry. I found it necessary to include these improvements by replacing Mario's
- (BOOL)setUpAudioSession
with foundry's
- (void)configureAVAudioSession
Hopefully this might help someone else.

(iOS) Accelerometer Graph (convert g-force to +/- 128) granularity

I am using this Accelerometer graph from Apple and trying to convert their G-force code to calculate +/- 128.
The following image shows that the x, y, z values in the labels do not match the output on the graph: (Note that addX:y:z values are what is shown in the labels above the graph)
The x, y, z values are received from a bluetooth peripheral, then converted using:
// Updates LABELS
- (void)didReceiveRawAcceleromaterDataWithX:(NSInteger)x Y:(NSInteger)y Z:(NSInteger)z
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
_labelAccel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"x:%li y:%li z:%li", (long)x, (long)y, (long)z];
// Updates GRAPHS
- (void)didReceiveAcceleromaterDataWithX:(NSInteger)x Y:(NSInteger)y Z:(NSInteger)z
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
float xx = ((float)x) / 8192;
float yy = ((float)y) / 8192;
float zz = ((float)z) / 8192;
[_xGraph addX:xx y:0 z:0];
[_yGraph addX:0 y:yy z:0];
[_zGraph addX:0 y:0 z:zz];
- (BOOL)addX:(UIAccelerationValue)x y:(UIAccelerationValue)y z:(UIAccelerationValue)z
// If this segment is not full, then we add a new acceleration value to the history.
if (index > 0)
// First decrement, both to get to a zero-based index and to flag one fewer position left
xhistory[index] = x;
yhistory[index] = y;
zhistory[index] = z;
// And inform Core Animation to redraw the layer.
[layer setNeedsDisplay];
// And return if we are now full or not (really just avoids needing to call isFull after adding a value).
return index == 0;
- (void)drawLayer:(CALayer*)l inContext:(CGContextRef)context
// Fill in the background
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(context, kUIColorLightGray(1.f).CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(context, layer.bounds);
// Draw the grid lines
DrawGridlines(context, 0.0, 32.0);
// Draw the graph
CGPoint lines[64];
int i;
float _granularity = 16.f; // 16
NSInteger _granualCount = 32; // 32
// X
for (i = 0; i < _granualCount; ++i)
lines[i*2].x = i;
lines[i*2+1].x = i + 1;
lines[i*2].y = xhistory[i] * _granularity;
lines[i*2+1].y = xhistory[i+1] * _granularity;
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, _xColor.CGColor);
CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, lines, 64);
// Y
for (i = 0; i < _granualCount; ++i)
lines[i*2].y = yhistory[i] * _granularity;
lines[i*2+1].y = yhistory[i+1] * _granularity;
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, _yColor.CGColor);
CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, lines, 64);
// Z
for (i = 0; i < _granualCount; ++i)
lines[i*2].y = zhistory[i] * _granularity;
lines[i*2+1].y = zhistory[i+1] * _granularity;
CGContextSetStrokeColorWithColor(context, _zColor.CGColor);
CGContextStrokeLineSegments(context, lines, 64);
How can I calculate the above code to show the correct accelerometer values on the graph with precision?
I post this as an aswer not a comment, because I have not enough reputation, but what I'll write might be enough to send you in the right direction, that it even may count as an answer...
Your question still doesn't include what is really important. I assume the calculation of the xx/yy/zz is no problem. Although I have no idea what the 8192 is supposed to mean.
I guess the preblem is in the part where you map your values to pixel coordinates...
the lines[] contains your values in a range of 1/8192th of the values in the label. so your x value of -2 should be at a pixel position of -0.0000something, so slightly(far less than 1 Pixel) above the view... Because you see the line a lot further down there must be some translation in place (not shown in your code)
The second part that is important but not shown is DrawGridlines. Probably in there is a different approach to map the values to pixel-coordinates...
Use the debugger to check what pixel-coordinates you get when draw your +127-line and what you get if you insert the value of +127 in your history-array
And some Ideas for improvements when reading your code:
1.)Put the graph in it's own class that draws one graph(and has only one history. Somehow you seem to have that partially already (otherwise I cannot figure out your _xGraph/_yGraph/_zGraph) But on the other hand you draw all 3 values in one drawLayer??? Currently you seem to have 3*3 history buffers of which 3*2 are filled with zeros...
2.) use one place where you do the calculation of Y that you use both for drawing the grid and drawing the lines...
3.) use CGContextMoveToPoint(); + CGContextAddLineToPoint(); instead of copying into lines[] with these ugly 2*i+1 indecies...

How to capture audio output in iOS?

I'm playing an audio stream from the internet in my app, and I would like to display a graphic equalizer. The library that I'm using for the streaming is FreeStreamer. For drawing the graphic equalizer I'm using ZLHistogramAudioPlot. These two libraries are the only ones that fit my needs. The problem is I can't get them to work together.
The ZLHistogramAudioPlot requires a buffer and bufferSize in order to update it's view. Here is it's update method:
- (void)updateBuffer:(float *)buffer withBufferSize:(UInt32)bufferSize {
[self setSampleData:buffer length:bufferSize];
Unfortunately, the FreeStreamer library doesn't provide a method to read the audiot output as it goes out towards the sound card. So, what I need is a way to read the audio output stream that's about to play through the speakers (not the byte stream from the internet, because that's received in chunks, and then buffered, which means that the histogram won't be in real-time).
I've discovered that AURemoteIO from Apple's CoreAudio framework can be used to do this, but Apple's sample project is complex beyond understanding, and there are very little to none examples online about using AURemoteIO.
Is this the best way to achieve this, and if so, any helpful info/links would be greatly appreciated.
Here is a possible answer from looking through the FreeStreamer headers
#define minForSpectrum 1024
#implementation MyClass {
TPCircularBuffer SpectrumAnalyzerBuffer;
- (void)dealloc {
-(instancetype) init {
self = [super init];
if (self) {
TPCircularBufferInit(&SpectrumAnalyzerBuffer, 16384);
self.audioController.activeStream.delegate = self;
return self;
- (void)audioStream:(FSAudioStream *)audioStream samplesAvailable:(const int16_t *)samples count:(NSUInteger)count {
// incoming data is integer
SInt16 *buffer = samples;
Float32 *floatBuffer = malloc(sizeof(Float32)*count);
// convert to float
vDSP_vflt16(buffer, 1, floatBuffer, 1, count);
// scale
static float scale = 1.f / (INT16_MAX/2);
static float zero = 0.f;
vDSP_vsmsa(floatBuffer, 1, &scale, &zero, floatBuffer, 1, count);
TPCircularBufferProduceBytes(&SpectrumAnalyzerBuffer, floatBuffer, count*sizeof(Float32));
- (void) timerCallback: (NSTimer*) timer {
Float32 *spectrumBufferData = TPCircularBufferTail(&SpectrumAnalyzerBuffer, &availableSpectrum);
if (availableSpectrum >= minForSpectrum) {
// note visualiser may want chunks of a fixed size if its doing fft
[histogram updateBuffer: spectrumBufferData length: minForSpectrum];
TPCircularBufferConsume(&SpectrumAnalyzerBuffer, minForSpectrum);

Calculate dB using NOVOCAINE

I want to calculate dB using NOVOCAINE so my question is can i measure decibels using by calculating RMS. Actually I want iphone's mic as a input and monitor surrounding noise.
I am unable to crack that. Please help.
Please give any example
Basically, this is the math behind dB full scale:
where b is the bit depth, on iOS b = 16. More on Wikipedia.
This can be implemented in a way such as follows:
const float min = 20.0f*log10f(powf(2, 15)); // the "most silent" sample
Novocaine *audioManager = [Novocaine audioManager];
[audioManager setInputBlock:^(float *newAudio, UInt32 numSamples, UInt32 numChannels)
float f = 0.0f;
for (int i = 0; i<numSamples; i++)
f += fabsf(newAudio[i]); // we are only interested in non-imaginary values
f /= numSamples; // kind of a poor averaging...
float value_dB = 20.0f*log10f(f) - min; // dB in full scale
NSLog(#"%f dB for %f", value_dB, f); // or do whatever you want to do...
[audioManager play];
But you should think about the sampling frequency and recall that this is dB full scale, not dB SPL or dB SIL.

how to detect if iphone is still?

I have to make an app in which user can take photo only when iPhone is still. Can you please tell me how to proceed with that. Any help will be appreciated.
Below is the code that I have tried, please Suggest improvement on it, this code is giving jerky output
_previousMotionValue = 0.0f;
memset(xQueue, 0, sizeof(xQueue));
memset(yQueue, 0, sizeof(yQueue));
queueIndex = 0;
[_motionManager startAccelerometerUpdatesToQueue:_motionManagerUpdatesQueue withHandler:^(CMAccelerometerData *accelerometerData, NSError *error) {
if ([_motionManagerUpdatesQueue operationCount] > 1) {
xQueue[queueIndex] = -accelerometerData.acceleration.x;
yQueue[queueIndex] = accelerometerData.acceleration.y;
if (queueIndex >= QueueCapacity) {
queueIndex = 0;
float xSum = 0;
float ySum = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < QueueCapacity)
xSum += xQueue[i];
ySum += yQueue[i];
ySum /= QueueCapacity;
xSum /= QueueCapacity;
double motionValue = sqrt(xSum * xSum + ySum * ySum);
CGFloat difference = 50000.0 * ABS(motionValue - _previousMotionValue);
if (difference < 100)
//fire event for capture
[view setVibrationLevel:difference];
_previousMotionValue = motionValue;
Based on vibration level, I am setting the different images like green, yellow, red.
I have chosen threshold 100.
To answer “…user can take photo only when iPhone is stabilized…?”:
You can use CoreMotion.framework and its CMMotionManager to obtain info about device movement. (I guess you are interested in accelerometer data.) These data will come at high rate (you can choose frequency, default if 1/60 s). Then you store (let's say) 10 latest values and make some statistics about the average and differences. By choosing optimal treshold you can tell when the device is in stabilized position.
But you mentioned image stabilization, which is not the same as taking photos in stabilized position. To stabilize image, I guess you will have to adjust the captured image by some small offset calculated from device motion.
