Gravity with UIview - ios

I drew a circle in UIView with a help of UIBezierPath. Then I added gravity behavior to that view using UIGravityBehavior and collision behavior using UICollisionBehavior. When the circle collides with other objects this view bumps as square, but I want to work with this view in collisions as with a circle. How can I do it?

You can’t use UIKit Dynamics to simulate a circle. It works with rectangular bodies only. You can add collision paths, but I think that is only for the reference frame. I recommend looking at SpriteKit’s SKPhysicsBody. Unfortunately, I haven’t used it, so I can’t provide a code sample.


How to change border of this image

I am making a game using this function:
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(object.frame, object2.frame)) {
[self GameOver];
Both objects are square however the image of object #2 is not. Therefore when the borders collide (but not the actual pictures) the game ends. Is there a way I can have the border "fit" to the image, so that the game only ends when the actual pictures collide.
Thanks :)
**my image is a shark and therefore a rectangle cannot be used
A view's frame is always a CGRect, which is a rectangle. You can use UIKit Dynamics for collision detection with views, but that only support rectangles too.
As #jammycoder mentioned, try out SpriteKit or other game engines, if you need to detect custom shape bounds.

iOS: move circle shape view by collision by dragging another?

I have two UIViews shaped like a circle. (see image).
I am trying to figure out how to make the two views move by collision.
So I am moving one with a touch by changing it's position as I move my finger on it. I want to see the other move as I "push" the one I am moving against the other circle shaped view.
What is the correct way to achieve this?
Using SceneKit did the trick. I created the geometries and then applied physic bodies to each. With the proper physics configuration in the scene they now collide.

scale around certain point over time SpriteKit

I have a SpriteKit Scene in which I want to have the effect as if a camera zoom and scale. Does anyone know of any libraries or some easy methods of doing this?
It was very easy to do in other 2D engines but does not seem simple.
I was thinking of doing it from the app delegate, and using the window to zoom since my character does stay around the same position.
The desired effect I would like to accomplish is like that of the start of an Angry Bird level when the camera pans into the level and then the launch doc. This is an example of the camera zoom and pans I am talking about.
Thanks for the help.
If you add an SKNode to the SKScene, and make your scene content children of that node instead of direct children of the scene, then you can zoom and pan all of the contained content just by adjusting the xScale, yScale and position properties of the added node. (Any content you did not want scrolled e.g. scores or whatever could then be added to a different SKNode or added directly to the scene).
The adjustment could be done by overriding one of update:, didEvaluateActions, or didSimulatePhysics in your SKScene subclass. The choice would depend on if you are just moving your character around by yourself in update:, or if it also gets moved around by running SKActions or by simulated physics.

Best way to add a SKPhysicsJoint to an object

So I have a marionette I am making in Sprite Kit, and placing him in a scene. I have created a Marionette class, which is a subclass of SKNode, and when I create an instance of this class, I add a number of SKSpriteNodes to each other. This should give you an idea of how it works (I've snipped out the unnecessary lines):
[self addChild:self.head];
[self.head addChild:self.chest];
[self.chest addChild:self.leftLeg];
[self.chest addChild:self.rightLeg];
[self.leftLeg addChild:self.leftFoot];
[self.rightLeg addChild:self.rightFoot];
So, after doing this, I have my marionette showing up. I want to add a SKPhysicsJointPin to each of these connections. Code looks like this:
self.chestPin = [SKPhysicsJointPin jointWithBodyA:self.marionette.head.physicsBody bodyB:self.marionette.chest.physicsBody anchor:self.marionette.chest.anchorPoint];
At first I thought I could just set up all the pins inside the Marionette class, but that doesn't work (I get EXC_BAD_ACCESS if I recall). It turns out that I have to add the Marionette to the overall SKScene before I add the joints.
This make sense I guess, but I can't help thinking there should be some way I could just set everything up in the Marionette class, and then stick 2 lines of code in the scene to create a new Marionette, then addChild him to the Scene.
As it is, my SKScene subclass has a bunch of code now to add all the pins, and it doesn't feel like it fits in the Scene. Thoughts?
You don't want to use anchorPoint as anchor. The anchorPoint property is a factor which ranges from 0 to 1 and affects how the texture is offset from the sprite's position, ie the default 0.5/0.5 centers the sprite's texture on the sprite's position. In other words anchorPoint is not a position, and using that will anchor the body & head joint to the lower left corner of the screen.
Instead try using either chest or head's position as anchor, or the point in between the two.

ccDraw. Fill screen everywhere except on sprite

So I am trying to get a very basic "flashlight"-style thing going in one of my games.
The way I was getting it to work, was having a layer on top of my game screen, and this layer would draw a black rectangle with ~ 80% opacity, creating the look of darkness on top of my game scene.
ccDrawSolidRect(ccp(0,0), ccp(480,320), ccc4f(0, 0, 0, 0.8));
What I want to do is draw this rectangle EVERYWHERE on the screen, except for around a cone of vision that will represent the "light source".
What this would create would be a dark overlay on top of everything except for the light, giving it the illusion of a torch/light/flashlight.
The only way I can foresee this happening is by using ccDrawSolidPoly(), but since the position of the light source changes, so would the vertices for the poly.
Any suggestions on how to achieve this would be great.
You can use ccDrawSolidPoly() and avoid having to manually update vertices. For this you can create a new subclass of CCNode representing your light object, and do your custom shape drawing in its -(void)draw method.
The ccDraw...() functions will draw relative to the local sprite coordinates, so you can then move and rotate your new sprite to suit your needs and cocos2d will do the vertices transformations for you.
Update: I found out that you might be better off subclassing CCDrawNode instead of CCNode, as it has some facilities for raw OpenGL drawing (OpenGL's vertexArrayBuffer and vertexBufferObject internal variables and a buffer for vertices, their colors and their texCoords). If your stuff is very simple, maybe subclassing the plain CCNode is enough.
Could a png be used instead as a mask, as the layer above
Like that binocular vision you sometimes see in cartoons?
Or a filter similar to a photoshop mask that darkens as it grows outwardly to wards the edge of the screen
Just a thought anyway...
A picture of more of what your trying to explain might be good too
