Automatically answering incoming phone calls - ios

Currently i'm developing a mobile app, the app should work on Android, IOS and Windows Mobile. I would like to implement a feature to automatically accept incoming calls from pre defined numbers. In Android this seems to be doable but i can't find any good information about if it can be done in IOS and Windows Mobile.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
(Ps. Its not possible to jail break or root the phone, its for a client.)
Thanks in advance!

Simply It is not possible. Apple is more concerned about the security than any other providers. Receiving an incoming call is an OS feature that you can't access. You can only access things that will lies within your app.


IOS Porting from Android

I have a working Android app that I'd like to port to IOS. I've started working through the Apple API references and am hopeful I can get some quick assistance.
Based on a specific time of day, I'd like to ideally toggle airplane mode so that the user cannot send or receive emails or calls. I appreciate that this can only be accomplished using private APIs which I want to avoid. As such, what other options are available to mimic the end result as closely as possible? Could the app turn off all notifications, or turn the screen off, or set brightness to zero, or disable the pop-up keyboard.
Knowing that Apple has locked down system wide settings, is there another creative idea that could I could employ?
No. Apple does not allow 3rd party apps to alter global settings like Airplane mode. Apps operate in a very limited "sandbox" where they have very limited access to system resources.
What you describe is not possible unless your app is running on a jailbroken (rooted, in Android terms) device.

iPhone app with call features

I'm trying to get into a new project, by creating an iOS application. But before I start I would like to understand some points:
is it possible to let an application make a phone call? So what I mean is, assumed we have a phone number and would like to call it. Would it be possible to use an (my) application to call this number?
is it possible to let an application speak during a phone call? So after the application started the call, would it be possible that some predefined statements are said in the call?
is it possible that this application hears, registers and analyses what the other person on the phone line is saying? (Leaving apart the privacy issue, assuming that the other person is willing to do that).
Could you please help me? If my question aren't clear, please tell me, I will try to explain it in another way.
Many Thanks
iOS is very restricted in terms of the system behaviors third party applications can influence.
To answer your question bluntly, a third party application could prompt the user to initiate a phone / FaceTime call. Once the call is initiated however, your app would enter a background state and relinquish control to the system. The app would not be able to contribute or read any data related to the system phone / FaceTime call.
iOS 10 introduces a VoIP extension, CallKit, which allows third party apps to use the built in calling UI with a custom protocol. You could implement your own protocol (and host servers for handling the exchange of information) and build an extension to make it feel like a system call. You'd be responsible for all aspects of the custom call protocol and thus reading voices, contributing audio, etc. would all be possible (and up to your implementation).
Outside of iOS 10, you would have to built your own VoIP system and interface entirely from scratch.
For more info on CallKit:
WWDC Enhancing VoIP Apps with CallKit
CallKit Enabled Sample App

can ios safari access bluetooth device?

I'm working on a location related project. I found that iOS has iBeacon which can help the app to get the location data. I want to know if iOS Safari does have the access to it? Or any other similar bluetooth device which can be accessed?
Not yet. There is a proposal in W3C for a "web-bluetooth" specification which has been partly implemented in the chrome , opera and chrome-for-android browsers, although they need to be activated by the users in a somewhat convoluted manner. Like all these things, it'll take time for the committees to spin their wheels and for the browser makers to decide if they want to support it , and then implement it.
MDN docs:
Apple don't have this built in to Safari (yet), however there is a Web Browser app called WebBLE that implements 'Web Bluetooth' mentioned by Shayne.
Currently the app only supports a subset of the standard, but it's more than enough for most tasks. It's also Open Source so you could add it to a WebView in your own app if needed.
Having said all that, currently I don't believe Web Bluetooth supports accessing Advertising data - so while you can connect to Bluetooth LE devices and interact with them, you may not be able to get the actual Advertisements (which is kind of the point of iBeacon).

Detecting outgoing emergency call vs Developing custom dialer app

My goal is to listen only and not modify the outgoing call event and send GPS coordinates to server from background. I'm not even interested in phone number being dialed, what I only need to know is whether the current call is Emergency call.
I've accomplished this easily in android, by following this tutorial.
However some googling showed that, this is a big pain in the ios world.
The only solution I think is to write dialer app from scratch and manage all the events by myself (if that's even possible), but I think it's too overcomplicated
I'm completely new to ios and please let me know, how would you solve this problem guys?
There is no way this will be possible on iOS unless you were planning to release and app for jailbroken phones (and even then I'm not sure it is). The Core Telphony framework has the methods you can use:

Is it possible to show image or video in IOS platform when outgoing or incoming call?

I want to develop application to show user video or image when someone is calling me. I know it is possible on android, but i don't know about ios platform. Is it possible to do such an application ?
Apps can only modify things within their own sandbox. The incoming call screen, is part of the phone app and therefore can't be modified. The only way to do this would be on a jailbroken iPhone, and it would be quite difficult.
