After much research I found out how to get iOS's CIGaussianBlur to semi work. I am trying to blur an UIImageView, but instead it's blurring the entire view. Here is my code:
// Get a UIImage from the UIView
[self.view.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
// Blur the UIImage
CIImage *imageToBlur = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:viewImage.CGImage];
CIFilter *gaussianBlurFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIGaussianBlur"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:imageToBlur forKey:#"inputImage"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat:2] forKey:#"inputRadius"];
CIImage *resultImage = [gaussianBlurFilter valueForKey:#"outputImage"];
UIImage *endImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCIImage:resultImage];
// Place the UIImage in a UIImageView
_backgroundImage = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
_backgroundImage.image = endImage;
[self.view addSubview:_backgroundImage];
(My UIImageView's name is backgroundImage)
Thanks for any help!
Are you trying to create the iOS 7 blur? If so you can use this category...
It is one that an apple employee released to make it easy to recreate the iOS 7 blur.
Just take the snap shot and then use the category to "applyLightEffects" etc...
I have collectionView Cell In that i have this text,I want to blur the text as shown in image.
I have tried Using UIVisualEffect but i didnt get exact response.
[self.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *viewImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
//Blur the UIImage with a CIFilter
CIImage *imageToBlur = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:viewImage.CGImage];
CIFilter *gaussianBlurFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName: #"CIGaussianBlur"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:imageToBlur forKey: #"inputImage"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithFloat: 10] forKey: #"inputRadius"];
CIImage *resultImage = [gaussianBlurFilter valueForKey: #"outputImage"];
UIImage *endImage = [[UIImage alloc] initWithCIImage:resultImage];
//Place the UIImage in a UIImageView
UIImageView *newView = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithFrame:self.bounds];
newView.image = endImage;
[self addSubview:newView];
Create an UIImage with Gaussian Blur and add image onto this textField or Button (whatever you have).
I need to add pixelated rectangular layer on UIImage which can be undo. Just like this..
I used this code but its not doing the same thing as i need
CALayer *maskLayer = [CALayer layer];
CALayer *mosaicLayer = [CALayer layer];
// Mask image ends with 0.15 opacity on both sides. Set the background color of the layer
// to the same value so the layer can extend the mask image.
mosaicLayer.contents = (id)[img CGImage];
mosaicLayer.frame = CGRectMake(0,0, img.size.width, img.size.height);
UIImage *maskImg = [UIImage imageWithContentsOfFile:[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:#"mask" ofType:#"png"]];
maskLayer.contents = (id)[maskImg CGImage];
maskLayer.frame = CGRectMake(100,150, maskImg.size.width, maskImg.size.height);
mosaicLayer.mask = maskLayer;
[imageView.layer addSublayer:mosaicLayer];
[imageView.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()];
UIImage *saver = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
is there any built-in filter by apple for iOS? Please guide me Thanks
You can use GPUImage's GPUImagePixellateFilter
We can use GPUImage framework but lot better is to use iOS own filters. easy coding :)
- (UIImage *)applyCIPixelateFilter:(UIImage*)fromImage withScale:(double)scale
Makes an image blocky by mapping the image to colored squares whose color is defined by the replaced pixels.
inputImage: A CIImage object whose display name is Image.
inputCenter: A CIVector object whose attribute type is CIAttributeTypePosition and whose display name is Center.
Default value: [150 150]
inputScale: An NSNumber object whose attribute type is CIAttributeTypeDistance and whose display name is Scale.
Default value: 8.00
CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil];
CIFilter *filter= [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIPixellate"];
CIImage *inputImage = [[CIImage alloc] initWithImage:fromImage];
CIVector *vector = [CIVector vectorWithX:fromImage.size.width /2.0f Y:fromImage.size.height /2.0f];
[filter setDefaults];
[filter setValue:vector forKey:#"inputCenter"];
[filter setValue:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:scale] forKey:#"inputScale"];
[filter setValue:inputImage forKey:#"inputImage"];
CGImageRef cgiimage = [context createCGImage:filter.outputImage fromRect:filter.outputImage.extent];
UIImage *newImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgiimage scale:1.0f orientation:fromImage.imageOrientation];
return newImage;
I'm trying to add a blur effect using category.
+ (UIImage *)blurImageWithImage:(UIImage*) imageName withView:(UIView*)view {
UIImage *sourceImage = imageName;
CIImage *inputImage = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:sourceImage.CGImage];
// Apply Affine-Clamp filter to stretch the image so that it does not
// look shrunken when gaussian blur is applied
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
CIFilter *clampFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIAffineClamp"];
[clampFilter setValue:inputImage forKey:#"inputImage"];
[clampFilter setValue:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&transform objCType:#encode(CGAffineTransform)] forKey:#"inputTransform"];
// Apply gaussian blur filter with radius of 30
CIFilter *gaussianBlurFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName: #"CIGaussianBlur"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:clampFilter.outputImage forKey: #"inputImage"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:#10 forKey:#"inputRadius"];
CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil];
CGImageRef cgImage = [context createCGImage:gaussianBlurFilter.outputImage fromRect:[inputImage extent]];
// Set up output context.
CGContextRef outputContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// Invert image coordinates
CGContextScaleCTM(outputContext, 1.0, -1.0);
CGContextTranslateCTM(outputContext, 0, view.frame.size.height);
// Draw base image.
CGContextDrawImage(outputContext, view.frame, cgImage);
// Apply white tint
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(outputContext, [UIColor colorWithWhite:1 alpha:0.2].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(outputContext, view.frame);
// Output image is ready.
UIImage *outputImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return outputImage; }
then I call this function inside a UIView like this:
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"xxx"]
UIImageView *page = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage blurImageWithImage:image withView:self]];
If I add this function directly in the class, it works, but not if I do it in UIImage category.
I had face same problem earlier. But thank fully I am getting the solution.
Please follow step. Make sure your blur image function working fine.
1) In category add instance method instead of class method.
- (UIImage *)blurImageWithImage:(UIImage*) imageName withView:(UIView*)view
2) Import category in your VC
3) Use category, ex
UIImage *image = [UIImage imageNamed:#"xxx"]
UIImageView *page = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[image blurImageWithImage:image withView:self]];
Let me know this solution is working fine for you.
Turns out the problem was I forgot to add "-" when doing context translate.
So what I ended up doing is I create a class method.
+ (UIImage *)blurImageWithImageName:(NSString*) imageName withView:(UIView*)view;
Implementation :
+ (UIImage *)blurImageWithImageName:(NSString*) imageName withView:(UIView*)view {
UIImage *sourceImage = [UIImage imageNamed:imageName];
CIImage *inputImage = [CIImage imageWithCGImage:sourceImage.CGImage];
// Apply Affine-Clamp filter to stretch the image so that it does not
// look shrunken when gaussian blur is applied
CGAffineTransform transform = CGAffineTransformIdentity;
CIFilter *clampFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIAffineClamp"];
[clampFilter setValue:inputImage forKey:#"inputImage"];
[clampFilter setValue:[NSValue valueWithBytes:&transform objCType:#encode(CGAffineTransform)] forKey:#"inputTransform"];
// Apply gaussian blur filter with radius of 30
CIFilter *gaussianBlurFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName: #"CIGaussianBlur"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:clampFilter.outputImage forKey: #"inputImage"];
[gaussianBlurFilter setValue:#10 forKey:#"inputRadius"];
CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil];
CGImageRef cgImage = [context createCGImage:gaussianBlurFilter.outputImage fromRect:[inputImage extent]];
// Set up output context.
CGContextRef outputContext = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext();
// Invert image coordinates
CGContextScaleCTM(outputContext, 1.0, -1.0);
CGContextTranslateCTM(outputContext, 0, -view.frame.size.height);
// Draw base image.
CGContextDrawImage(outputContext, view.frame, cgImage);
// Apply white tint
CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(outputContext, [UIColor colorWithWhite:1 alpha:0.2].CGColor);
CGContextFillRect(outputContext, view.frame);
// Output image is ready.
UIImage *outputImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext();
return outputImage;
I am Working on Photo Editing App and I have to merge two Images one Over another like this.
I have implemented the following code to do so:
Here imgedit is the background image and
imgEdit is the UIImageView containing imgedit.
UIImage *tempImg = [UIImage imageNamed:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"borderImg"]];
CIImage *inputBackgroundImage = [[CIImage alloc] initWithImage:imgedit];
CIImage *inputImage = [[CIImage alloc]initWithImage:tempImg] ;
CIFilter *filter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CISourceOverCompositing"];
[filter setDefaults];
[filter setValue:inputImage forKey:#"inputImage"];
[filter setValue:inputBackgroundImage forKey:#"inputBackgroundImage"];
CIImage *outputImage1 = [filter valueForKey:#"outputImage"];
CIContext *context = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil];
imgEdit.image = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:[context createCGImage:outputImage1 fromRect:outputImage1.extent]];
But the outputImage I am getting after implementing above code is:
I have also tried to resize the input white frame image, by using following code:
tempImg=[tempImg resizedImageToSize:CGSizeMake(imgEdit.image.size.width,imgEdit.image.size.height)];
By using above code image get resized properly but But that is also not working.
Please help me out from here.
Your valuable help will be highly appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.
A better way to resize is as follows:
inputImage = [inputImage imageByApplyingTransform:CGAffineTransformMakeScale(inputBackgroundImage.extent.size.width/inputImage.extent.size.with, inputBackgroundImage.extent.size.height/inputImage.extent.size.height)];
I'm merging two images together by using the CIFilter #"CIDarkenBlendMode". It works fine except for one thing. I want the images to be exactly aligned on top of each other regardless of the image size but I am not able to achieve this. Do I have to create my own filter?
This is what I get:
This is what I want:
My merge-code:
CIImage *topImage = [[CIImage alloc]initWithImage:image];
CIImage *scaledImage = [self scaleImageWithCIImage:topImage];
CIImage *backgroundImage = [[CIImage alloc]initWithImage:self.vImage.image];
CIFilter *darkenFilter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIDarkenBlendMode" keysAndValues:kCIInputImageKey,scaledImage,
CIImage *filterOutputImage = darkenFilter.outputImage;
CIContext *ctx = [CIContext contextWithOptions:nil];
CGImageRef createdImage = [ctx createCGImage:filterOutputImage fromRect:filterOutputImage.extent];
UIImage *outputImage = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:createdImage];
createdImage = nil;
self.vImage.image = outputImage;
Instead of using a CIFilter I used:
[_image drawInRect:CGRectMake(centerX,centerY,_image.size.width,_image.size.height) blendMode:kCGBlendModeDarken alpha:0.8];
and centered the images.