Is getifaddrs public API on IOS? - ios

I need to find out my user's data usage and I'm seeing there's a way to do it here
But is this API public? In other words would the App Store accept, or reject it?

I've used getifaddrs for years without problems.
It is documented with man pages, and is from the BSD library, so I think you are on rock solid ground here.
The problem you're going to meet is that the iOS implementation ( for most devices) uses 32bit pointers, so you have to code around overflow. This is non-trivial and there are a few gotchas ( I'm currently trying to find out why the counts can go backwards by a few tens of bytes!).


Which security parameters to consider before third party SDK integration

Working towards security is critical for any project. Currently looking towards integration of an third party SDK into my iOS App. However before that I would like to thoroughly analyse and scrutinize the SDK.
Some of the checkpoints are -
Pasteboard Analysis
Use of private API's banned by Apple e.g
Database encryption (if any is created by the SDK)
What I looking for as an answer here is the way I can achieve the above plus any other things that I should look for.
I know the question might sound off the topic or rather like a discussion, but a checklist like this can turn out to be very important for all developers out there.
So I was able to check a simple checklist for this. However, I believe this answer would get out of date rather sooner. Still I will share what I should.
Pasteboard analysis - This is to check if the SDK copies anything on
the public pasteboard. As this is shared across all apps, it could
lead to vulnerability.
Persistent Data - Add the SDK to the app and check if it creates any
persistent storage like .sqlite file. Check the contents of this file
to understand what is being stored and if this information is
sensitive in any way.
UserPreferences - NSUserPreferences can be extensively used in any
SDK, this can rather lead to data being stored into simple text
Private API usage - An SDK can use private iOS API's with help of methods like NSClassFromString and NSSelectorFromString. The usage for such API's is banned by Apple and can lead to rejection in review.
One can closely follow the following post. It would help to understand how to take a class dump. Check for hardcoded strings. Specially usage of Hopper Disassembler turned out helpful for me.

Did Yahoo Finance just discontinue their CSV download? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Has Yahoo suddenly today terminated its finance download API?
(4 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
This used to work yesterday:
Now I get this message:
It has come to our attention that this service is being used in violation of the Yahoo Terms of Service. As such, the service is being discontinued. For all future markets and equities data research, please refer to
But this makes no sense. isn't a download that is usable in excel or a program. Does Yahoo still have a way to do this via some other URL or did they just cut us all off? Does anyone know a good alternative?
Yes, they just discontinued it without a warning ... It's such a shame it's so difficult to find a free source of stock quotes. This information should be in the public domain.
[EDIT] I found this alternative, which is free and seems reliable:
It works for stock quotes (US-only though) and currency rates.
Only thing we can't do is ask for several stocks at the same time, you need to send several requests (hello DispatchGroup).

How can I get RSSI value from wifi network in swift? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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How can I get the RSSI (received signal strength indication) value of the WiFi network the mobile device is connected to, in Swift Code
It's definitely not something to achieve on a production app going to the AppStore but you may be able to achieve something as a proof-of-concept for yourself using private APIs.
Detailed Version
On iOS, there are APIs for reading RSSI values of nearby Wi-Fi networks and other such operations but most unfortunately, they're not publicly available.
Apple makes a distinction as public and private APIs. The ones that developers can use(the public ones) and ship apps with to the AppStore are documented at
The other APIs(private ones) are not publicly documented by Apple. The reason for doing so mostly boils down to Apple wanting to control every aspect of iOS but in a more comprehensive manner:
some APIs are not there yet so they're there just for Apple's own internal development & testing,
Apple doesn't want some aspects of iOS to be abused and be developed maturely as time progresses(e.g. the camera APIs to manipulate the aspects of photograph taking),
and of course, Apple has a money-making agenda that they utilise those APIs according to their needs.
What to do
The above being said, private APIs are still reachable if you know what you're doing.
The basic idea is that, since both public and private APIs are being used in iOS(either by general developers or Apple), they all should be in the runtime. All you need is a tool to fish them out. And this tool is RunTimeBrowser. The maintainer of this project, Nicolas Seriot, also publishes his findings here as a GitHub repo as well.
If you check out these findings, you'll be able to find the appropriate APIs for retrieving the RSSI values of nearby Wi-Fi networks.
However, I should forward warn you that this is not as easy as it sounds. Once you find the appropriate APIs, it just doesn't end there:
First off, on iOS, certain frameworks require certain entitlements. Therefore, when you find the necessary private framework for the APIs you want, you also need to figure out it's entitlement(s) and inject it into your project. Which is/are not readily available,
Integrating private frameworks into a project is not as straightforward as integrating a public framework, say CoreLocation, since they're not documented and you will be walking blind with your guts,
Once you integrate a private framework, it's usage will be difficult as well both because of the above reasons and the possibility of Apple making changes to those private APIs. Of course, every API changes from time to time but Apple can break things apart as it wishes with private APIs since it never allowed you to use them in the first place. So, something you've spent long hours on could be for nothing in the future.
With all that being said as a warning(I really don't want to discourage you but you should see where you're headed), there is still work being done about private APIs either for personal usage or other reasons.
You can checkout BeeTee by Michael Dorner where he demonstrates how to use BluetoothManager, a private framework for controlling Bluetooth on iOS.
Learning from that project, you can apply that knowledge to reading RSSI values of nearby Wi-Fi networks. Just remember that there is no way you can get it approved on the AppStore.
Have fun!

Am i allowed to use c++ in code which i plan to submit to applestore? (iPhone Product) [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I've heard that apple drops a lot of app submissions due to their stiff terms.
I dont want to get too far with my project because i know that it will be hard
to rewrite it later.
Now i began rewriting it to Objective-C (from c++) because i got somehow the
impression that apple takes only pure objective-c code. In some places on the
net, people offers solutions in c\c++ for problems which cannot be solved
with objective-c which makes me kinda think rewriting again.
In order to clear things out, can someone please give me a direction to where can
i find those iphone-code-terms of apple?
You can use C++ or Objective C++ in an iPhone app for the AppStore. There's no problem with that. Obviously you'll need some Objective C or Objective C++ in order to present a UI to the user, but everything else can be straight C++ if you're so inclined. Many applications (particularly game ports) take this approach, using C/C++ code developed on other platforms, and 'wrapping' it in an Objective C shell.
You can use any language you like, provided it is compiled code. Interpreters are banned, which means no Python or Ruby... but you can use Lua, lisp, C, C++, Obj-C, Java (using something like gcj, not a JVM), D, Haskell, or anything else that can compile to ARM code or a static LLVM backend.
At least the SpeakHere sample application makes extensive use of C++. If that has, chances are that many sample apps do (and hence that your app may use C++/Objective-C++).
Objective C is a super set of C++, so it should be no problem if you use C++. The full terms and condition are at which is a must for any iPhone developer. The SDK is part of the 99US$ membership and includes tools you will need, such as the iPhone simulator and tools to allow you to test your app on your real iPhone. Additionally, you will need this membership to submit your app to the appstore.

Best 3rd Party Resume Parser Tool [closed]

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Questions asking us to recommend or find a tool, library or favorite off-site resource are off-topic for Stack Overflow as they tend to attract opinionated answers and spam. Instead, describe the problem and what has been done so far to solve it.
Closed 8 years ago.
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We are working on a hiring application and need the ability to easily parse resumes. Before trying to build one, was wondering what resume parsing tools are available out there and what is the best one, in your opinion? We need to be able to parse both Word and TXT files.
I suggest looking at some AI tools. Three that I'm aware of are
Resume Mirror
I think all the products handle Word, txt, and pdf along with a bunch of other document types. Although I've never used it, I've heard unfavorable things about Resume Mirror's accuracy and customer support. I'm a contract recruiter and have used both Sovren's and Hireability's parsers in different ATS's. From my view I thought Hireability did a better job, with Sovren it seemed like I was always fixing errors. And when there was a goof with Hire's I gave it to my ATS vendor and it seemed like it was fixed pretty quickly. Good luck.
Don't try to build one unless you want to dedicate your life to it. Don't re-invent wheels!
We build and sell a recruitment system. I did a long evaluation a few years ago and went for Daxtra - the other one in the frame was Burning Glass but I got the impression that Daxtra did non-US resumes better.
Anyway, we're re-evaluating it. Some parts it does brilliantly (name, address, phone numbers, work history) as long as the resume is culturally OK. But if it's not then it fails. What do I mean: Well, if the resume has as the first line:
Name: Sun Yat Sen
then Daxtra is smart enough to figure out that Sun Yat Sen is the guy's name. (Girl's?)
But if it has as the first line:
Sun Yat Sen
It can't figure it out.
On the other hand if the first line is
Johnny Rotten
then Daxtra works out his name.
Also, it works really well on UK addresses, fairly well on Australian addresses, crashes and burns on Indonesian addresses. That said, we've just parsed 35,000 Indonesian resumes relatively well - CERTAINLY far better than not doing it at all, or doing it manually!
On Skilling: I reckon if someone really tried to make the Skills section work then it would take 3 man-months or so and it would work really well.
Summary: Don't write it yourself, do some really good research on real resumes that you want parsing and dive in.
The key thing is: Don't expect any tool to be anywhere near 100% accurate - but it's a lot better than not having it.
FWIW I just ran 650 international resumes through Rchilli and found the accuracy to be very poor. Names & addresses were mangled and the detail fields were hit and miss.
This was a mix of pdfs & Word docs, primarily from Europe & Asia.
I have seen a lot of resumes in PDF format. Are you sure you don't care about them?
I'd recommend something simple:
Download google desktop search or
similar tool (i.e. Copernic)
Drop the files in a directory
Point the index tool to that
directory, and punch in your search
You may want to have a look at egrabber and rchilli these are two best tools out in the market.
I was wondering if any one update these list. Seems all are 2010 old almost 3 yrs old.
We integrated RChilli, and found them no flaw, support is best, and product is easier to use.
We tested RChilli, Hireability, and Daxtra. Sovren never responded to our emails.
Integration was smooth, and support is best in there.
