Get the default IMAP store in Outlook - outlook-2007

When you set up a new IMAP email account in Outlook it creates a store with the same name as your email account. This is an IMAP store and is used to store incoming emails as the "Personal Files" store isn't compatible with IMAP.
If you programmatically look up the default store for the user it comes up with "Personal Folders". How then do you figure out what the default IMAP store is?
You can't simply look for a store with the same name as the email account because Outlook allows the user to rename their store.
If I need to bypass the object model and use a MAPI property that is fine.

You can use the RDOStore.StoreKind property.
Edit: In combination with the above you can use the RDOStore.StoreAccount property to determine that a particular store type belongs to a particular user.


Is there a way to display a friendly name instead of the identity in Twilio Frontline?

I'm currently using Twilio Frontline on top of my conversation service and my identity for each user is a uuid so when a message comes in on Frontline, it displays that user's uuid. This can get confusing if we have multiple participants in chat. Assigning a name as the identity would not work since it may not be unique. Assigning their email as the identity would not work as well if they update the email.
In Conversations, the name of a participant in a conversation comes from the underlying User resource and the FriendlyName property.
You can update Conversations Users using their identity as the key in the URL and set the FriendlyName, that will then show in Frontline instead of the identity.
We also recommend using the onParticipantAdded Conversations webhook to do things like setting a customer_id, avatar and display_name for customers in a conversation.
You can read more in the How to enable incoming messages? section of our Quickstart Guide.

CloudKit security for storing messages

I'm considering using CloudKit to power my messaging app. With CloudKit, you can set permissions, for reading, writing and modification/deletion of data:
World - Any user, whether authenticated or not.
Authenticated - A user who is logged in with iCloud
Creator - A user who created a certain entry will have creator permissions over it
The permissions don't break down enough that I'd be able to specify 'Any user who has a relationship to a message', ie the sender and recipient.
Within my app, I'll only ever make the calls to retrieve data relevant to that particular user, so messages to which they're the sender or recipient. My concern is that with every message stored in this public database, I'm wondering whether a user jailbreaking the app, or doing something else malicious, might be able to insert calls to retrieve additional data, such as the data regarding other users.
If this is possible, is there another way that I could secure the data intended for between two users?
I'm testing a similar idea and what I found is you should use encryption with public/private key, then your sender must encrypt his message to the receiver with the receiver public key. Then only the receiver will be able to unencrypt the message.
I don't like the idea to give access to modified the record to others users, so you should give read access to the others users, buy only the sender will have total access, so, your app should delete old messages. If your receiver need to save his messages, is better to use his private database after read and unencrypt.
This is the general idea.

Can email address not verified in oauth2?

I know not all providers give out user email address, but assuming if they use oauth2 and the email field is not empty, can I say that email address must be verified ?
Using plain OAuth 2.0 (plus provider specific extensions that would be required for this scenario) this is not possible in a generic way. Using OpenID Connect, which is a standardized extension of OAuth 2.0 that provides login semantics this is possible through the standardized email_verified claim that is provides as part of the so-called ID token, and something can be requested explicitly in the authentication request.
Ofcourse it's possible. First you would have an intermediate form that would get redirected to from any provider, and fills in the fields, including email if available, if not available, then it will be blank for the user to fill it in and submit the form. You have to structure your application so that if a email address field is available and not empty and a valid email populate it in the field and allow the user to submit the form, then you would send the email verification email and perform any other step that you want when a user creates an account.
I would separate it out into events, and fire events when a user account is created. Then attach some listeners to listen to user account created event.
You can then create new event listeners and attach them to the event as needed.
Some good videos about Commands and Domain Events are available on Laracasts

Automatic AWeber Authentication? How do I access one user's data programmatically without them having to log in?

How can I use the AWeber API to automatically check whether an email address exists on a given user's list? The AWeber paradigm is baffling to me and their docs are poor. Essentially, what you get is the ability to put the AWeber login form on your site (just like this one:, so ANY AWeber user could use my site to log into their AWeber account and view their subscriber and list data. This is useless.
The API keys are moot: they simply establish that yes, I am a developer and yes, I have registered my app. The API keys have nothing to do with USER data.
This is not at all how MailChimp handles logins: each user can download their own API keys and use them to authenticate and then programmatically retrieve the subscriber data from their lists.
What I need to do is to create a "Members' Area" on my website, and in order for visitors to see the content in the members-only content, they must join my list. It's a simplified login form that would ask only for the email address (no password is necessary). But I cannot see how to do this with AWeber's convoluted oAuth restrictions. The only way I can currently check email addresses is by logging into my own form (the local copy of the form) and then checking the email address. That won't work programmatically. If I can't automatically access subscriber data, then what's the point of the API?
How can I automate authentication so my application can retrieve subscriber information from my user's lists without me having to log in?
The consumer keys identify your application, the access keys are what give the application access to an account, both are needed to make requests to the API.
There is a php quickstart for accessing an aweber accounts' subscriber data.
Once you have the access keys generated, you must store them for future requests.

Getting user Email Yahoo Oauth (using Scribe-Java API)

Trying to access user profile from Yahoo using Oauth system and for that i am taking help of Scribe-Java API
its working fine except one issue whcih i am sure not related to the API i am using
In my yahoo profile i have following settings
Yahoo! Email --->
Email---> Primary - Change
So what i am getting back is which means i am not able to get correct information of the logged in user.Once i am able to get guid i am sending the request to following URL
any way i can get the yahoo mail id to which user is associated in place of other id even if that is set as primary or along with any other email id all i want is to get the yahoo mail id of the user by which he/she logged in to the system.
Is there any specific reason you must get the yahoo account's email?
I also facing the same problem as you earlier.
After think over, primary email means to be the contactable email for the user.
So may be that's why yahoo make it that way.
Of course it will be good if they can provide one more email which is account's email.
But if you just want to have unique identifier, we can use the guid.
So may be you can check again, does your requirement must have the account's email?
or you just need an email where user set primary because they preferred to be contactable by that email?
Now I will just make use of the primary email return from Yahoo for my OAuth
