Rails 4 custom json errors - ruby-on-rails

I am using Rails 4 i am trying to set an api and i have a services controller where i def some methods like this:
def articles_stores
#article = Store.find(params[:id])
if #article.nil?
render :json => {:error_msg => "Record not found",:error_code => 404,:success => false}
render json: {article: #article.as_json({except: [:updated_at,:created_at]}),success: true}
But for some reason it is not rendering the error the else part works fine y also have all the necessary routes
Any help will be appreciated

#article.nil? will never be true if the article does not exist: Store.find(params[:id]) will already raise an exception if the record does not exist, and this than gets handled by rails automatically as a 404. If you want to return nil, use something like this:
Store.where(id: 10).first
# old, deprecated way:
Also see here.


rails 5 ForbiddenAttributesError on bulk operations

i try to bulk operation in my rails controller this is my script
def update_by_user
user_skill_selected = UserSkillSelected.create(params[:user_skill_selected][:users])
# check through array if all is valid
if user_skill_selected.all? {|item| item.valid?}
render json: {json_status: save_success}
render json: {json_status: save_failed}
and this is my user_skill_selected_params
def user_skill_selected_params
params.require(:user_skill_selected).permit(:user_id, :subskill_id, :skill_id, :users => [])
unfortunately i get an error in my log, the log said
"exception": "#<ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError:ActiveModel::ForbiddenAttributesError>",
after that i try to bulk operations from rails console with using create method with the array value and its work
can anyone solve this... :(
sorry for the bad english
This can be confusing. Your code is passing in params[:user_skill_selected][:users] to the model create method, instead of your user_skill_selected_params strong parameters, which is why you're seeing that error.
Change this line:
user_skill_selected = UserSkillSelected.create(params[:user_skill_selected][:users])
To this:
user_skill_selected = UserSkillSelected.create(user_skill_selected_params)
And it should eliminate this error.

Rails JSON API tests don't return json when exception is thrown

I'm writing a test to check for invalid DELETE requests to a Rails API using Rspec.
This is what I have:
context 'invalid id number' do
it 'returns success: false' do
xhr :delete, :destroy, id: 999999999999999999
expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['success']).to be_false
Postgres throws some kind of integer overflow exception (as it should), but in my spec I can't look at the JSON object because it's never formed. How can I make it return { success : false } instead of a blank string? How do I force the JSON object to return despite the exception?
When I use pry to look at the json object, I get this error: JSON::ParserError: A JSON text must at least contain two octets! because response.body evaluates to the empty string ""
Whoa, almost forgot to include the controller code.
def destroy
if (site == ::MyModel.find(params[:id]))
render :json => {success: true}
render :json => {success: false}
There are two issues here:
Depending on your database an id of "999999999999999999" is probably outside of an integer type. I recommend reducing it to below signed integer limit, like 9999.
You are trying to find a non-existent record and its raising a record_not_found exception. I recommend changing your destroy method to:
def destroy
site = ::MyModel.find_by(id:params[:id])
if (site.present?)
render :json => {success: false}
render :json => {success: true}
#rafb3 is correct find_by and present? is a better choice.
By the sounds of it you will need some kind of rescue statement for the exception:
rescue ArithmeticException => ex
# We need to complete the contract and return json here
#response = { success: false }
If you want to learn more about contracts check out this link
Remember to stay away from returning objects in failure responses, as if you send back something like site in this case and site does not exist or the database connection is not there your exception response code may have its own exception!
Also try and stay away from rescue Exception => e explanation here: Why is it a bad style to `rescue Exception => e` in Ruby?
TLDR: Your request always expects a json response so in all places even failure it should return one.

Ruby: Formatting table data to JSON

I'm trying to make a timeline for an the bugs and updates for an open source project. I'm new to ruby, but I'm getting some experience gradually.
I've created a table called historical_gems, with the following code in the model:
class HistoricalGem < ActiveRecord::Base
attr_accessible :build_date, :version
belongs_to :ruby_gem, :foreign_key => :gem_id
I'm using a JS Plugin (http://almende.github.com/chap-links-library/js/timeline/doc) that requires objects with two field names ('start' for the date and 'content' for the title) in the JSON Array to display the timeline using JS.
I believe I have to do something like this in the controller which defines my timeline method to render the JSON:
def timelinem
#name = params[:id]
#rpm = AbcTable.find_by_name(#name)
respond_to do |format|
format.json { render :json => #rpm.json_timelines }
Then I probably would have to define a 'json_timelines' method inside my model, maybe something like:
def json_timelines(gems = [])
dates = []
gem_id.each { |p|
gems << p
dates << p.build_date(gems)
I'm only starting out with RoR, and even after hours with guides and tutorials and debugging, I'm not able to put together this code. Can anyone help me out, please? I don't think I'm doing it right.
btw, don't be too harsh if I overlooked something obvious, I'm only 16 :)
The render :json => ... in your code should work fine (but with HistoricalGem instead of AbcTable) as long as json_timelines returns an object that's serializable as JSON (e.g., an Array or a Hash).
Try something like this for your method definition:
def json_timelines(gems = [])
gems.map do |g|
:content => g.title,
:date => g.build_date
The above snippet assumes your "historical_gems" table has "title" and "build_date" columns; if not, adjust the code to reflect the fields you actually want represented in your JSON.

Can I send instance variables to Tequila (.jazz) JSON Parser? (Ruby on Rails)

I am using the great Tequila-JSON Parser ( http://github.com/inem/tequila ) in an Web-application, to render more or less complex JSON server-replies. More and more the JSON-Templates (.jazz) are growing in somehow real "views". I am trying now, to get an instance-variable from the according controller, into the .jazz template, but this somehow fails.
Here is what I am trying to do.
The controller
def get_userlist
#users = User.find(:all, :order => "value DESC", :limit => 10)
#user = User.find_by_email(params[:user_email])
#userid = #user.id # also tried: #userid = 2
respond_to do |format|
The .jazz view:
This all returns a pretty valid JSON server-reply, but unfortunately, there is a problem with the
The Method "isfriend" resides in the model "User", is called successfully and returns in the JSON, what it should. But the value of the instance-variable somehow is wrong. Opposed to the above, this one works fine:
Now the question: Is Tequila not able, to interpret instance-variables in its own .jazz templates? Does anyone have experience, solutions or workarounds?
For the sake of completeness, here is the isfriend method of the User-Model:
def isfriend(user_id)
"Hi, I am User with the id: " + user_id.to_s
Nope. Also it doesn't work on Rails 3. I just spent 6 hours trying to port it and got basically nowhere :-(

Rails validations running against original record during update

I'm trying to figure out an inconsistency between what's happening in a functional test and what is happening in my development environment. I have a custom validation method unique_entry that is essentially a specialized version of validates_uniqueness_of. It looks like this:
def unique_entry
matched_entry = Entry.first(:conditions => ['LOWER(field_one) = LOWER(?) AND LOWER(field_two) = LOWER(?)', self.field_one, self.field_two])
errors.add_to_base('Duplicate detected') if matched_entry && (matched_entry.id != self.id)
The update action in the controller is very basic:
def update
if #entry.update_attributes(params[:entry])
flash.now[:success] = 'Success'
render :action => 'show'
flash.now[:error] = 'Error'
render :action => 'edit'
This works just fine when I'm creating a new record. When I update a record, however, I get inconsistent behavior. If I test it from a browser in my development environment, it correctly renders the edit action with an error message, but in my functional test, it accepts the update as successful. Here is the test:
test "should not update entry and should render edit view if invalid update" do
put :update, { :id => 1, :field_one => 'new_value', :field_two => 'new_value' } # 'new values' are the same as another existing record to trigger the duplication check
assert_template :edit
assert_not_nil flash[:error]
I looked at the test log and discovered that the values unique_entry is using are the record's original values instead of the values it should be attempting to update with. That is, the first line of unique_entry generates an SQL query like this:
SELECT * FROM "entries" WHERE (LOWER(field_one) = LOWER('original_value_of_field_one') AND LOWER(field_two) = LOWER('original_value_of_field_two')) LIMIT 1
What am I missing here? Why do my validations seem to be running against the original record instead of the new values only in the test environment?
In your test, shouldn't there be some reference to :entry, since that is what you are looking for in the controller params[:entry] ?
