Create Team Project in TFS2013 in Team Web Access without Visual Studio - tfs

I would like to know if there is a possibility to create a team project in TFS2013 in the Web Interface without using Visual Studio. I would like to use TFS as general git repository platform. Visual Studio Online has such a possibility, but the menu does not exist in Team Web Access of the TFS.
Any ideas?

This option is not yet available in on-premise Team Foundation Server. Currently, its not possible to create a team project from web interface in on-premise instances.


How to connect to Visual Studio Team Services (previously Visual Studio Online) TFS?

Good day.
I want to write an app for the work with builds and bugs in Team Services, previously Visual Studio Online (VSO). I've found the REST API, and it works, but it's not too comfortable to work with JSON. Is there any SDK for Team Services, or is that possible to connect to Team Services using standard TFS libraries from Microsoft?
Yes, you can use the .NET client libraries for Visual Studio Team Services (and TFS) to connect to VSTS just like how you connect to on-premise TFS. But if you are working with vNext build, I would recommend you to use the "Microsoft.TeamFoundationServer.Client" in the webpage which still use Rest API to connect to TFS since the client libraries API only support some basic operation with vNext build.

Create new project option not showing in TFS Web Access

We recently moved our on-premise TFS server to a new server and we are able to access our projects on the new server.
However, I am unable to see the option to add a new project, only to browse to existing projects:
I have checked my permissions and my permissions include:
Team Foundation Administrator
Project Collection Administrator
This should give me enough rights to add a new project. I'm sure I am missing something, but I cannot see what it is.
In Visual Studio Team Services (formerly Visual Studio Online) you can create your projects from the web interface.
But in TFS you need to fire up a matching version of Visual Studio (in your case 2013), and create new projects from the Team Explorer window.
From Team Foundation Server 2015 update 2 onwards you'll be able to create team projects using the web interface. With all older versions of TFS you need to follow these steps.

Enabling TFS documents feature using Visual Studio Team Services

Is there a way to use TFS Documents feature in VSTS (Visual Studio Team Services previously known as Visual Studio Online or Team Foundation Service)
If so, how?
That's only available in an on-premise TFS installation, because it has a requirement to link up with a Sharepoint server. You can't use VSTS with Sharepoint, and it's increasingly uncommon to find people using Sharepoint in conjunction with on-premise TFS, because the only real thing Sharepoint provides at this point is document management.

Create Team Project in TFS2015 in Team Web Access without Visual Studio?

I would like to know if there is a possibility to create a team project in TFS2015!! in the Web Interface without using Visual Studio?
This is not currently possible.
This is due to TFS's capability to interface with SharePoint and Reporting Services.
Update: This is now possible in TFS 2015 Update 2 (however, there is a limitation that it won't create an associated SharePoint portal or SSRS reports).

Visual Studio Online migration (VSO to VSO)

We are attempting to migrate from one Visual Studio Online account to another Visual Studio Online account. This is different from an on-premise TFS to Visual Studio Online migration. Most articles explain a migration using the on-premise to VSO approach, only.
For TFS to VSO, we found a solution by using OpsHub Visual Studio Online Migration Utility.
We also tried to use the same tool to point to another Visual Studio Online account as a source, but it fails stating that we can only point to a TFS instance.
Can this be done via scripting? If so, how? If there is a tool available, that would be great also. This should be a one time migration.
We need code only, including changesets, no work items. The project is using TFVC.
You can consider using TFS Integration Platform
For others that stumble across this thread, I have found this - the Visual Studio Team Services Sync & Migration Engine an open source project that appears to do TFS-TFS, TFS-VSTS, VSTS-TFS and VSTS-VSTS migration. It is an open source project initiated with the same purpose as the TFS Integration Platform, but to address some of the complexities (and the fact that it is now deprecated).
From the web site:
Visual Studio Team Services Sync & Migration Engine allows you to bulk edit data in Microsoft Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS). Supports both migration and bulk update scenarios.
