A single Rails app hosting multiple domains with caching - ruby-on-rails

I want to build a rails app that will host multiple domains(sites).
Some content will be similar across all the sites which is why I want it in the one database/app. I thought that I could use a different controller for each domain/site with each action relating to a single page ( each site will only have 4-5 pages ).
This seems possible given the answer here, however I'd like to know what effects this would have on caching, using nginx as the server ( As it's mostly static content I'd like to use page caching )
i.e wouldn't the app need to hit at every request to process the right page/domain?

I dont think thats a good solution. You should setup the application n times and handel the domains/subdomains using nginx and the upstream module.
Using one single instance of an application for various domains seems to be a loose solution to me. I would avoid that unless the content of the sites does depend on another directly. And even in that case I think an API is the better solution.


Mautik hosting best practice

I am new to Mautik and therefore need a guidance on the same.
Where should we setup mautik... on some folder or on sub domain to main site or a separate domain? How does the landing pages and forms gets its URL? Can it be embedded on another site on another domain or is it required to be hosted where mautik is hosted?
Moreover does single installation of mautik can be used for two or more different businesses site... which are not relevant.. and mainly a different customer for a marketing company? Or is it better to install mautik per business?
Can we track interactions from mobile app too using mautik?
First thing, I expect you are talking about Mautic and not Mautik.
You are free to choose whatever type of hosting you want, personally I Like to use independent container(could be lightweight) however I have seen people hosting on shared hosting as well.
If you are hosting on say example.com the landing page url will be example.com/landing-page same goes for all elements of mautic.
Yes forms can be embedded on other websites with a completely different domain. say example-something-else.com, you will need to put your tracking script on other site's head to make it work better. I for example check out this small tutorial https://tutorialsjoint.com/mautic-wordpress-integration/ it shows how you can use it in wordpress.
No it is not required that wherever you want to use mautic form should be on same host or domain.
However I recommend to use subdomain if usually just to save the hassle of buying a new domain and keeping the landing page urls more relevant. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K8lWaCabH1w this video shows how tracking works, it'll help you understand little better. Also here's official documentation: https://docs.mautic.org/en/contacts/manage-contacts/contact-monitoring.
You can use use one instance to manage multiple businesses I know people who are doing it but when the number of contacts, segments, campaigns, form, emails, landing pages grow with time it becomes a hassle to keep it clean. You can use category and a specific naming convention to keep them organized. But in a good way i will recommend to keep different instances in long run.
I am not sure about mobile apps but ideally it should be possible using tracking script or tracking pixel, perhaps you will need to turn off CORS restrictions.
I hope it was helpful.
No, you must use a VPS with Devian or Ubuntu, In a shared hosting it can cause problems. If you send many emails.
Landing pages can be made in html and pasted or edited in Mautic.
To use it in more sites you must create a user for each one, with their respective different email.

Site Map and other site metadata updates won't show up due to caching issue

Due to the fact that I am using the OWIN authentication, I had to put the cms on a different website. The cms is at cms.domain.com and in my VS project for domain.com I simply pointed the "piranha" connection string to the right database. So far everything was working perfectly, I only had to change the MediaProvider do deal with the domain name issues for the 2 retrieve methods of IMediaProvider.
Now I'm trying to integrate the menu using the #UI.Menu helper, however it looks like the helpers are not using the database of the Web.Config file (I have no problem to retrieve posts from C#). I only see the Start page listed. To confirm it I have also tried to change the site description from cms.domain.com/manager and to display it with the helper #Site.Description but it still shows default site description so it really looks like there is another database around..
Where does data used by the HTML helpers come from? And How can I fix that?
UPDATE : It seems that it is actually a caching issue, it has nothing to do with the connection string.
Piranha CMS caches a lot of meta-data for performance and to minimize the round-trips to the database. The site information, as well as the sitemap is two of these things as these will most likely be used in every page-rendering.
The default cache implementation uses the IIS cache, which is per application pool. The cache is invalidated when data is modified in the manager interface, but if you for example would run the manager interface in another application pool (site/application) this will make the caching fail, causing the kind of errors you describe.
Not being sure how your application is set up, this is my primary guess. If you are in fact running the client web & the manager in different application pools, and you need to continue doing this you should try one of the following approaches.
Implement a distributed cache provider
Set the system param CACHE_SERVER_EXPIRES to 1
Setting the param to 1 invalidates all server cache after one minute. This is of course not to recommend if you are expecting a lot of traffic to your site as it will more or less disable the caching mechanism.
I hope this helps you.
Best regards
All of sudden it's now working. The only thing I remember to have done is delete duplicate entries in the dbo.page table. It's all working now, however it doesn't explain why the Site Description wasn't retrieve properly too. But never mind, I hope this will help someone else. I hope custom authentication will be built-in in the next release of Pirhana CMS !

How to structure a service that has many variation?

I got my app ready, which rely on Ruby on Rails as backend.
Now I am going to publish another app, which has similar functionality, but different topic. like StackExchange, it has multiple sites under this big umbrella, like Stackoverflow, Superuser, Game Development etc.
I have these few approaches in mind:
Same code base, deploy to multiple Rails apps.
Same code base, handle by same Rails app, but with flagging. to identify.
How do Stackoverflow handle this kind of variation?
It will be much easier for you, initially, to have a single app handling the different sites, and to use the url to set some settings for each site, such as which data to load up, which stylesheets etc. In this way you're designing a single rails app, and can test it easily with various localhost urls which trigger the different variants etc.
If your site becomes very successful you will want to split it across multiple servers anyway. At that point, you will need to consider a strategy for doing so: you may decide that you will have one server per site, or it might be the case that one of the sites is so massively successful that you need multiple servers for that and one to handle the others, or something else. That's a nice problem to have, and you might not have it, so keep it simple for now is my advice.
EDIT - for info on how stackexchange works, go to http://blog.serverfault.com/ . Searching for "architecture" could be a good start for you.

show one application on 2 site with different front ends but same back end, in ROR hosted on heroku

I have an application in rails and hosted on Heroku. Now , what I want is that the application can be accessed from 2 different domains, when the application is accessed from suppose a.com it should have a specific frontend, and when accessed from b.com it should display some other frontend. The backend should be same for both.
To achieve this I suppose there is only one way I guess, which is to have two different application with same backed code, and same database(I am using PostgreSQL). I need some help on how Do I achieve this, if not, then some other alternative.
You could have only one app for both if it's easier for you. I would then suggest you configure config/routes.rb to respond differently according to the domain name.
See another answer about it here: Rails routing to handle multiple domains on single application
And the Advanced Contraints in Rails here: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#advanced-constraints

Multisite application in Rails (like shopify.com)

I would like create web app like shopify.com.
User can pickup subdomain(or domain), theme and have own store.
How can I do this?
Create main application, deploy it automatically like new standalone version and update it via git?
I'm using Rails 3.
Thanks for your advice.
Based on replies:
When I choose to use only one application (without multiple instances) and give user his subdomain, it will looks like their own website. But everything will be in one database (It's good idea?). And how can I have multiple themes in Rails app?
Take a look at LocomotiveCMS, specifically the routing system. Locomotive actually hosts multiple sites inside a single rails application. It does this by inspecting the request URL when it comes in and setting the current_site variable with the site which is set up to handle the domain. Then the current_site is actually just an object which contains all the pages, contents, settings, etc. for the specific site being served up.
So to answer your question, I think a good solution is to give your rails app the ability to serve up multiple sites based on the domain. It's not that hard, and it seems less fragile to me than trying to automatically deploy new instances of an app.
So far I have understood, you want to let your users have their own subdomain, different theme but the functionality would be same right. Users just need to have a feel of something of their own.
Well definitely, you need to have a single application that supports multiple subdomains.
A quick googling gave me [ http://37signals.com/svn/posts/1512-how-to-do-basecamp-style-subdomains-in-rails ]. May be you can get some insights from here.
For example if your service is http://www.myfi.com, a brief idea can be:
When a customer is registering, you should let him choose his subdomain. And the newly created account will be associated with this subdomain with a url. Say, http://customer1.myfi.com.
You should register for domain *.myfi.com so that anyone in the world hit with anysubdomain.myfi.com, it comes in your application.
Then from the url part, you should identify the subdomain (customer1) that is being used, and need to set that in session.
Now when someone will try to login, you must verify the account in the context of that subdomain's account.
In fact, all following actions need to be handled in the context of the subdomain's account.
Just tried the gather a glimpse of the implementation here. If you have confusion about something specific, share that also.
Whenever you are thinking about multiple theme, you must have simple design which is completely driven by css and js. The app/view files should contain only content and HTML nodes with class names or ids.
Generally a UI designer can put more helpful ideas about how to make such theming mechanism. But all I can feel is, based on the chosen theme by customer, you have to load different css and js.
Actually the strategies can be indefinitely sophisticated and scalable, but its always wise to start with something easy. Then ideas will automatically evolve into better ones.
