etc/hosts with port number (fix for foreman) - ruby-on-rails

I am using Foreman specifing port 3000. How can I access my application by writting myapp.local in the browser instead of typing
I have added: myapp.local
But when doing myapp.local it defaults to the default localhost for Apache, not the Rails app.

Short answer: You can't.
The host table is meant to map hostnames to IP addresses (Wiki). Ports come in at a different point.
However, you can specify the port Foreman should run on:
-p, --port
Specify which port to use as the base for this application. Should be a multiple of 1000.

I don't know the Foreman but as you connect to it with your browser than I assume it talks via HTTP. If so you can use proxy settings to point to that host:port. Try FoxyProxy. It's more like a workaround rather than a real solution but it should work (as far as it's not HTTPS)
If you're using Linux than another way is to use LD_PRELOAD to overwrite connect glibc function. It's quite low level hack but it's not so complicated.
Another way in Linux would be to make netfilter rule (iptables) to NAT the connection. It's not nice either as you'll need root level change to achieve simple thing.


Open Google Compute Engine Port 8000

I'm trying to set up a VM instance in Google Compute Engine. So far so good.
Now I've installed ajenti, which requires port 8000 for its web interface.
I created a firewall rule for TCP 8000. It doesn't work. I also set up iptables on the server to try to fix the problem. It ![still doesn't work]. I'm kind of desperate right now. I just want to access the web interface.
Thanks for help!
Firewall Rule
By default SSL is enabled in Ajenti. Try accessing your web page using https://YOURSERVERIP:8000
The target tag you have set restricts which instances the firewall rule applies to. Ensure that your instance has the http-server tag.

How do I make my ruby on rails app respond to external requests (visible to the public on the internet)?

My rails app (on my local machine) only responds to requests sent from the same machine to localhost,, or my internal ip address. When I try to hit it using my internet ip or from any other machine, inside or outside of my network, it just times out. I'm on Mac OS 10.9.1, ruby 1.9.3, rails 4.0.0.
I've done a lot of searching but all I can find is problems where people didn't forward their ports or bind the right ip.
Here are the areas I've investigated:
Ports -
I've tried several different ports. I configured my router to forward every port I tried but got the same result. I thought maybe there was a problem with the router so I built a simple server in Java and bound all the same ports I was binding with my rails app. Sure enough, when I hit the Java app using my internet ip it worked just fine so the router/firewall/port forwarding isn't the problem. Also, I run an apache server on port 80 and that has never had any problems. I turned apache off and tried port 80 for my rails app but that didn't fix the problem.
Rails Server -
I started with WEBrick and I thought that perhaps there was some setting inside that blocked external requests. I searched google extensively and found nothing on that matter. Just to be safe I installed Thin and got the exact same result I did with WEBrick. One interesting thing is that when the rails server is started, the external request takes a long time to time-out, but the server console displays no output at all. However if I try to send the same request w/out starting the server at all it fails immediately.
User Permissions -
I started the server with root (i'm starting to just shoot in the dark here) and it had no effect.
Environment -
I was starting in development environment originally because I'm developing but just for fun I tried starting in production and it also made no difference.
I installed the app on my Ubuntu machine and it doesn't have this problem! So that suggests the problem may have something to do with Mac OS.
It turns out that in the System Preferences -> Security & Privacy -> Firewall in Mac OS, it was somehow set to block incoming connections to Ruby 1.9.3. I must have accidentally set that some time ago.
The problem is you are probably trying to request the page from your local machine (or any computer on your local network, behind your firewall) to your public IP expecting a result... not unless you setup routes through your firewall for this (and not usually available on a consumer level router... linksys, dlink, etc)
So forward port 80 if you are using something like pow, or 3000 for web bricks default port to your local machine
Then have someone outside your local lan request your external (public) IP
This may be related: Rails 3.1 on Ubuntu 11.10 under VirtualBox very slow
Your mention of slowness combined with the use of webrick makes me think you've got some reverse-DNS lookup awfulness going on. A quick first step is hacking /etc/hosts to bypass this lookup.
The situation I dealt with on Ubuntu was solved in the short-term by hacking /etc/hosts. You could do this quick hack in order to see if it is indeed just webrick's reverse-DNS lookup. Edit /etc/hosts and add a line for the external user's IP address, something like this: TestPerson
Replace the IP address with the tester's IP address. Since you said you can get the external request to hit an Apache server on port 80, you can grab their IP address from the Apache access logs if necessary, otherwise just ask the person testing.
You could also try a different web server, such as unicorn, which may help out. Add "gem unicorn-rails" to your Gemfile, run bundle install, and then (according to their docs), rails server will just use unicorn directly.
With any local server, you'll need to correctly configure port forwarding on your firewall. Like said by CaptChrisD, tests must be done by an external IP/browser (if you own a server, ssh on it, then w3m to test).
I already had same symptom (server started => timeout, server stopped => fail) and the origin was an issue with firewall configuration. I think it is your problem.
With MacOS, Pow is really awesome: installation is easy, no configuration required (no /etc/hosts…). Moreover, they give you a hook for external access to your virtualhosts (but you still need port forwarding on your firewall).
Otherwise, there is other solutions like Forward to do it without firewall configuration (30-days free trial).
Hope this helps!

Port Redirection To Domain Issue

I am using Cent OS 5.8 with kloxo.
I have a ruby application. When i start the application , by default it starts at port nos 3000. So to access dat i need to put .
This doesn't look good , so I decided to run mongrel at port nos 80.
now i am able to access
But now i want that the application shall run in a sub domain and there should be a different website running in my main domain.
I tried putting code in httpd.conf and it didn't work.
Can any one help me on this.
Thank You
You can use nginx as a proxy to accomplish this. You can then run your apps on ports 3000, 3001 and 3002 (for example) and let nginx route the traffic based on the hostname requested. But I recommend you looking into Phusion Passenger for production environments because it enables you to run applications like you're used to in an Apache or nginx environment. According to Phusion, it also outperforms Mongrel, but your mileage may vary of course.

Requests through another machine

Is it possible to make requests for example with Savon through something like ssh-tunnel. I can run this stuff from my stage server whose IP is whitelisted in the service I'm sending requests to. But of course I want to do the development on my computer :P so is there any option to do that? I've already tried savon's proxy: option in many combinations such as
proxy: ""
etc. I'm using Ruby on Rails.
SSH tunnels are the way to go. They are easy to set up, use this in one terminal session:
ssh -L 8080:servicehost:80 myuser#stagingserver
Once established, leave it open. It'll open port 8080 on your localhost as a tunnel to the TCP service at host:443. Point savon to http://localhost:8080/some/url/to/service to access the service running on http://servicehost/some/url/to/service.
If you need this frequently, it's convenient to add it to your ssh config file, which is located at ~/.ssh/config. It's a plain text file, the example above would look like this:
Host staging
HostName hostname.domain
LocalForward 8080 servicehost:80
User myuser
With this configuration you can open the tunnel by simply issuing ssh staging. There are more options you could set, please refer to the MAN page for details.
Hostname resolution
Keep in mind that the hostname servicehost must be resolvable from your staging server, not your development machine. You can use IP addresses, too.

How can I demo a website at localhost:3000 but make the address bar show

I'm going to be demoing a website I've developed. I want to run it locally but make it look like it's running on production.
This means I'll be interacting with the local web server on my computer at http://localhost:3000. Is there a convenient way I can actually make the browser's address bar look like instead of showing localhost though?
Add a hosts entry mapping to (and remember to remove it later)
There's not much you can do about the port, although you could host the whole thing in an <iframe> running on port 80.
Or you could just change the port of the demo, which shouldn't be too hard to do.
Not unless you can run the server on localhost:80. If you run on port 3000, the best you can do is to make your local machine think is by adding:
to your hosts file (/etc/hosts or C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts). If you're happy with, you can leave the server on port 3000.
