TouchXML CXMLNode.m unrecognized selector when adding to NSMutableArray - ios

I'm new to Objective C and XML, so this is going to look pretty rough.
My code is as follows:
#import "dbCommunicator.h"
#import "BookInfo.h"
#import "TouchXML.h"
#implementation dbCommunicator
-(void)getNextBooks {
if(self.bookListing == nil) {
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
BookInfo *newBook = [[BookInfo alloc] init];
[self.bookListing addObject:newBook];
self.currentPage = 0;
if(self.currentPage == 10) {
self.currentPage = 0;
NSString *test = #"<Authors><Book.Author><Id>1026</Id><Name>Mark Twain</Name></Book.Author></Authors>";
NSString *bookQueryString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"",_currentPage];
NSURL *bookQueryURL = [NSURL URLWithString: bookQueryString];
NSError *theError = NULL;
NSDictionary *mappings = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
CXMLDocument *xmlReturn = [[CXMLDocument alloc] initWithXMLString:test options:0 error:&theError];
NSArray *returnedBooks = [xmlReturn nodesForXPath:#"//Authors" error:&theError];
for(CXMLElement *resultElement in returnedBooks) {
NSLog(#"%s", "We actually got here");
There's a lot of junk code in there at the moment. The intention is to pull an XML file from a database and put its information into an array of BookInfo classes. For the moment, I simplified by just using a test XMLstring to ensure it wasn't an issue with what the database was sending me. This makes the dictionary (to deal with the namespace issues TouchXML has) superfluous. Anyways.
It always crashes with a unrecognized selector error on this line:
[theArray addObject:[CXMLNode nodeWithLibXMLNode:theNode freeOnDealloc:NO]];
In this context:
if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(theXPathObject->nodesetval))
theResult = [NSArray array]; // TODO better to return NULL?
else {
NSMutableArray *theArray = [NSMutableArray array];
int N;
for (N = 0; N < theXPathObject->nodesetval->nodeNr; N++) {
xmlNodePtr theNode = theXPathObject->nodesetval->nodeTab[N];
[theArray addObject:[CXMLNode nodeWithLibXMLNode:theNode freeOnDealloc:NO]];
and with that, I'm totally at a loss. I've tried plenty of things, scoured every StackOverflow post even closely related and tried their fixes, nothing's working. Any suggestions?

array is a static method on NSArray a super class of NSMutableArray that returns an NSArray object. NSArray does not respond to the method addObject:
Try instead NSMutableArray *theArray = [NSMutableArray new];

The problem probably is on this selector:
if you try to see your crash log in the console, should be written the selector unrecognized and should be this. If so check the class reference of the CXMLNode.
I checked now, and that method doesn't exists. Just a method might be useful for you in some way, that is:
- (NSArray *)nodesForXPath:(NSString *)xpath error:(NSError **)error;
Enjoy ;)


ARC lead to crash CoreFoundation object

I have a part of code which sometimes crashes on OSX system on client side but I can't reproduce the crash. I have only few assumptions but I don't want to make blind fix. I just want to be convinced with the fix:
+ (NSArray *)loginItems:(NSError *__autoreleasing *)error {
LSSharedFileListRef list = [self loginItemsFileListRef];
NSMutableArray *result = [NSMutableArray array];
NSArray *items = [self loginItemsForFileListRef:list];
for (id item in items) {
LSSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (__bridge LSSharedFileListItemRef)item;
[result addObject:[self loginItemFromItemRef:itemRef]];
return result;
+ (NSDictionary *)loginItemFromItemRef:(LSSharedFileListItemRef)itemRef {
NSMutableDictionary *itemDict = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
// Name
CFStringRef nameRef = LSSharedFileListItemCopyDisplayName(itemRef);
if (nameRef) {
NSString *name = (__bridge NSString *)nameRef;
itemDict[RESLoginItemsNameKey] = name.stringByDeletingPathExtension;
// Path
if (LSSharedFileListItemResolve(itemRef, 0, &URLRef, NULL) == noErr) {
if (URLRef) {
NSURL *URL = (__bridge NSURL *)URLRef;
NSString *path = URL.path;
if (path) {
itemDict[RESLoginItemsPathKey] = path;
// Hidden
CFBooleanRef hiddenRef = LSSharedFileListItemCopyProperty(itemRef,
if (hiddenRef) {
if (hiddenRef == kCFBooleanTrue) {
itemDict[RESLoginItemsHiddenKey] = #YES;
return itemDict;
The crash inside loginItems: namely SharedFileListItemDeallocate cause the crash. When NSArray's items auto-released. I suppose that:
SSharedFileListItemRef itemRef = (__bridge LSSharedFileListItemRef)item;
breaks ARC behavior and when loop finished it lead to release concrete item of the array. And second release will be called on function return which will lead to the crash.
Has anyone can prove or disprove my idea? Thanks.
I think the problem is that you are releasing list before using the items returned by
[self loginItemsForFileListRef:list]
If the items returned depend on list being valid, because the release of list might also trigger the release of the items, then you might crash when you try to iterate the returned items. Try to move the release of list after the for-loop that iterates the items. Sometimes you get bitten if you try to be overzealous about memory usage.

Adding a value and key into an NSMutableArray - Objc

I've read and tried a dozen or more variants of my own question, but still need some help please.
I have a large existing array, and I want to add a new object (key and value) to each record.
This is an element in the incoming array:
"trip_id": 65,
"arrival_time": "08:56:08",
"departure_time": "08:56:08",
"stop_id": 1161,
"stop_sequence": 8,
"stop_headsign": 0
This is what I want to achieve:
"trip_id": 65,
"arrival_time": "08:56:08",
"departure_time": "08:56:08",
"stop_id": 1161,
"stop_name": "a stop name",
"stop_sequence": 8,
"stop_headsign": 0
This is my code so far -- the commented lines are other attempts:
NSString *nameKey = #"stop_name";
int i=0;
for (i=0; i<stopTimesArray.count; i++) {
NSNumber *stopTimesId = [stopTimesArray[i] valueForKey:#"stop_id"];
int j=0;
for (j=0; j<stopArray.count; j++) {
NSNumber *stopId = [stopArray[j] valueForKey:#"stop_id"];
if (stopId == stopTimesId) {
NSString *stopNameString = [stopArray[j] valueForKey:#"stop_name"];
NSLog(#"stopNameString: %#", stopNameString);
[outgoingStopTimesDictionary setObject:stopNameString forKey:#"stop_name"];
//[outgoingStopTimesArray addObject:outgoingStopTimesDictionary];
//[outgoingStopTimesArray addObjectsFromArray:stopTimesArray[i]];
//[stopTimesArray[i] addObject:#{#"stop_name":stopNameString}];
//[stopTimesArray[i] addObject:#{#"stop_name":stopNameString}];
[stopTimesArray[i] addObject: outgoingStopTimesDictionary];
//NSLog(#"outgoingStopTimesArray: %#", outgoingStopTimesArray);
//NSLog(#"outgoingStopTimesDictionary: %#", outgoingStopTimesDictionary);
//NSLog(#"stopTimesArray: %#", stopTimesArray);
The error I am getting with approach is:
stopNameString: S Monroe Street, NB # 18th Street S, NS
[__NSCFDictionary addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fd7f2c22760
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFDictionary addObject:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fd7f2c22760'
I'm either getting a null dictionary, or an unrecognised object exception when I try to add the dictionary to my array. Please point me to a working answer, and I'll delete my question.
It appears that your goal is to add one new key/value pair to the dictionary at stopTimesArray[i]. Here's your code all cleaned up with what I believe you need:
for (NSMutableDictionary *stopTimesDictionary in stopTimesArray) {
NSNumber *stopTimesId = stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_id"];
for (NSDictionary *stopDictionary in stopArray) {
NSNumber *stopId = stopDictionary[#"stop_id"];
if ([stopTimesId isEqual:stopId]) {
NSString *stopNameString = stopDictionary[#"stop_name"];
stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_name"] = stopNameString;
// Uncomment the following line if "stop_id" is unique within the "stopArray"
// break;
Since it seems your stopTimesArray contains immutable dictionaries, the above code won't work as written. Here is a solution that deals with that:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stopTimesArray.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *stopTimeDictionary = stopTimesArray[i];
NSNumber *stopTimesId = stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_id"];
for (NSDictionary *stopDictionary in stopArray) {
NSNumber *stopId = stopDictionary[#"stop_id"];
if ([stopTimesId isEqual:stopId]) {
NSString *stopNameString = stopDictionary[#"stop_name"];
NSMutableDictionary *tempDict = [stopTimesDictionary mutableCopy];
tempDict[#"stop_name"] = stopNameString;
[stopTimesArray replaceObjectAtIndex:i withObject:tempDict];
// Uncomment the following line if "stop_id" is unique within the "stopArray"
// break;
dictTo=[NSDictionary new];
dictTo =
#"vPLocationLat" : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[[[json valueForKey:#"result"] valueForKey:#"geometry"] valueForKey:#"location"] valueForKey:#"lat"]],
#"vPLocationLong" : [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[[[[json valueForKey:#"result"] valueForKey:#"geometry"] valueForKey:#"location"] valueForKey:#"lng"]]
arrLocationList =[NSMutableArray new];
arrLocationList =[dictTo[#"data"] mutableCopy];
another Solution
-> Try to implement your Code as per in given Code
NSMutableArray* newArray = [NSMutableArray array];
NSArray* oldArray = outerDictionary[#"scores"];
for (NSDictionary* dictEntry in oldArray) {
NSString* leagueCode = dictEntry[#"league_code"];
if ([leagueCode isEqualToString #"epl"]) {
[newArray addObject:dictEntry];
Another one Solution
Try something like this.
Assume your array is called array and yourNewNameString is your new value for name
for(NSMutableDictionary *dict in array){
if([[dict objectForKey:#"id"]integerValue]==5){
[dict setObject:yourNewNameString forKey#"name"];
edit This is assuming you initialized your array with NSMutableDictionarys (Not just NSDictionarys)
//You can create dictionary and add it into NSMutableArray Object Like..
NSMutableArray *arr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSDictionary *inventory = #{
#"Mercedes-Benz SLK250" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:13],
#"Mercedes-Benz E350" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:22],
#"BMW M3 Coupe" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:19],
#"BMW X6" : [NSNumber numberWithInt:16],
[arr addObject:inventory];
//You can access using key like...
NSString *strForBMWX6 = [[arr objectAtIndex:0] valueForKey:#"BMW X6"];
// in your case you just miss objectAtIndex:j
First, thanks #rmaddy.
I modified his answer a bit, but his was basically correct.
My final code looks like this:
for (NSInteger i = 0; i < stopTimesArray.count; i++) {
NSDictionary *stopTimesDictionary = stopTimesArray[i];
NSNumber *stopTimesId = stopTimesDictionary[#"stop_id"];
for (NSDictionary *stopDictionary in stopArray) {
NSNumber *stopId = stopDictionary[#"stop_id"];
if ([stopTimesId isEqual:stopId]) {
NSString *stopNameString = stopDictionary[#"stop_name"];
NSMutableDictionary *tempDict = [stopTimesDictionary mutableCopy];
tempDict[#"stop_name"] = stopNameString;
[outgoingStopTimesArray addObject:tempDict];

iOS error read memory failed

I'm working on an iPad app.
When the app is launched, user have to enter a number. With this id, I check in a csv file to get informations about the user.
Informations are saved with a singleton. This singleton is causing me problems :
step 1 : initialization of my singleton
+(ASMagasin*) sharedInstance {
if (myMagasin == nil){
myMagasin = [[ASMagasin alloc]init];
return myMagasin;
step 2 : I call my function which work with the csv file
- (id)init {
if (self = [super init]) {
NSError * error;
NSUserDefaults *defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
NSString * num_magasin = [defaults objectForKey:kUserDefautNumMagasin];
[self loadMagFromCsv:filePathCsv withMagasin:num_magasin];
return self;
step 3 :
-(void)loadMagFromCsv:(NSString *)filePath withMagasin:(NSString *) num_magasin
NSError *error;
NSString *csvData = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
NSArray *gcRawData = [csvData componentsSeparatedByString:#"\n"];
NSArray *singleGC = [NSArray array];
for (int i = 0; i < gcRawData.count; i++)
NSString *nextGCString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#", gcRawData[i]];
singleGC = [nextGCString componentsSeparatedByString:#","];
if ([singleGC[0]isEqualToString:num_magasin]){
In this function, my variable error have this value before I initialize it :
(NSError *) error = 0x0000000000000001 domain: read memory from 0x19
failed (0 of 8 bytes read) - code: read memory from 0x11 failed (0 of
8 bytes read)
I don't know how to solve that and where is this error come from.
You are looking at random memory in the heap. It is meaningless. Your NSError hasn't even been initialised at this point, let alone assigned a value.
You can (and should) check error for a value after you execute the line
NSString *csvData = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:filePath encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:&error];
Before that error doesn't have a useful value.
I am posting it with a hope that it might help others facing same issue. Not sure about its exact cause, but I was experiencing it on a variable with _block before it. Removing _block fixed this issue and didn't give any warning either. Not sure what is going on here as I experienced it after updating to iOS 14. Will update if i find anything more interesting.

make retain count in ARC

I am using an external library in my project which is being build in an ARC environment. As per the library the socket object gets deallocated only when the retain count=0. As far as I know its not liable to use retain count in ARC but I am forced to remove all the reference of the socket object which is not possible in my project. How can I resolve this issue? A gist of code issue is below:
for(int i = 0; i<[userArray count];i++){
[self connect:(NSString*)[userArray objectAtIndex:i]];
-(void)connect:(NSString *)username{
RTMPCLient *socket = [[RTMPClient alloc] init];
BroadCastClient *stream = [[BroadCastClient alloc] initWithClient:socket];
NSMutableDictionary *stream = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:stream forKey:username];
for(int i = 0; i<[userArray count];i++){
[stream objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[userArray objectAtIndex:i]]] = nil; //error on this line
BroadCastClient *tempStream = [stream objectForKey:[userArray objectAtIndex:i]];
tempStream = nil;
I am trying to make the stream object nil which gives an error. Cannot save it another variable as it increases the references of socket object.By making the tempStream nil doesn't affect the original instance created.
I want to remove the reference of socket object from stream in the disconnect method. How can I do so?
ARC will put the invisible release message in your code (in connect), but the array will have strong reference on them, so they will stay in memory. All you have to do in disconnect remove all the objects from your collection ([stream removeAllObjects] and [userArray removeAllObjects]) and the collection will release them.
By following your code I see the following:
In this code you are creating an instance of BroadCastClient and adding it to NSDictionnary (stream), but NSDictionary has no reference to it, so it will be deallocated after the method call
for(int i = 0; i<[userArray count];i++){
[self connect:(NSString*)[userArray objectAtIndex:i]];
-(void)connect:(NSString *)username{
RTMPCLient *socket = [[RTMPClient alloc] init];
BroadCastClient *stream = [[BroadCastClient alloc] initWithClient:socket];
NSMutableDictionary *stream = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:stream forKey:username];
Now here the disconnect stream dictionary (I don't know what is this object, because in your code I don't see any creating or adding to it) the object BroadCastClient is retained by the dictionary, so just removing this object from the dictionary will free it from memory (assuming you have no other strong reference to it)
for(int i = 0; i<[userArray count];i++){
[stream objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"%#",[userArray objectAtIndex:i]]] = nil; //error on this line
BroadCastClient *tempStream = [stream objectForKey:[userArray objectAtIndex:i]];
tempStream = nil;
I would recommend some refactoring for your code, but before that please have some time to read this guid:
IN ARC, you have to just make the objects to nil to maintain RC. So you can do it in the following way.
socket = nil;
stream = nil;
stream = nil;
-(void)connect:(NSString *)username{
if (socket != nil )
socket = nil;
RTMPCLient *socket = [[RTMPClient alloc] init];
if (stream != nil )
stream = nil;
BroadCastClient *stream = [[BroadCastClient alloc] initWithClient:socket];
NSMutableDictionary *stream = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithObject:stream forKey:username]; // Make it using alloc...then you must use nil only
It looks like stream is an instance variable of type NSMutableDictionary *. So if you want to remove the references in your stream dictionary, you could do it like this:
- (void)disconnect {
for (int i = 0; i<[userArray count]; i++) {
[stream removeObjectForKey:[userArray objectAtIndex:i]];
// Alternative version using Fast Enumeration:
- (void)disconnect {
for (id key in userArray) {
[stream removeObjectForKey:key];
But if all you want to do is remove all references from stream, simply do:
- (void)disconnect {
[stream removeAllObjects];

JSON with Dictionary - nested objects to convert to strings and display

I came across few posts here related to what I am doing but I am working with some nested objects that I want to extract.
This is a sample of my returned data -
I have this in my header so far :
#import "TideModel.h"
#protocol TideModel
#implementation TideModel
-(id)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)json {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
self.maxheight = [dictionary valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideSummaryStats.minheight"];
self.minheight = [dictionary valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideSummaryStats.maxheight"];
self.tideSite = [dictionary valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideInfo.tideSite"];
return self;
I have declared a property for each string and i am accessing it accordingly.
But what I have above doesn't work, maybe because it wont know what to drill in to correct?... Or will it?
tide.tideSummaryStats returns an array.
tide.tideInfo returns an array.
So you can't do -valueForKeyPath: all the way.
Also, this is incorrect: [dictionary valueForKeyPath:...];
it should be : [json valueForKeyPath:...];
because json is the name of the NSDictionary variable passed (not dictionary)
Try this (not sure):
-(id)initWithDict:(NSDictionary *)json {
self = [super init];
if(self) {
NSArray *arrOfTideSummaryStats = [json valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideSummaryStats"];
NSDictionary *dctOfTideSummaryStats = [arrOfTideSummaryStats objectAtIndex:0];
//since self.maxheight and self.minheight are NSString objects and
//the original keys "minheight" & "maxheight" return float values, do:
self.maxheight = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", [dctOfTideSummaryStats valueForKey: #"maxheight"]];
self.minheight = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%f", [dctOfTideSummaryStats valueForKey: #"minheight"]];
NSArray *arrOfTideInfo = [json valueForKeyPath:#"tide.tideInfo"];
NSDictionary *dctOfTideInfo = [arrOfTideInfo objectAtIndex:0];
self.tideSite = [dctOfTideInfo valueForKey:#"tideSite"];
return self;
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Recently had to create a app that worked with a remote RESTful server that returned JSON data and was then deserialised into an object for graphing.
I used unirest for the requests and responses and then deserialised the returned JSON into an object. Below is an extract of the code where "hourlySalesFigures" within dictionary "jsonResponseAsDictionary" was a JSON collection of 24 figures which I put into an array. Please note the function is a lot larger but I removed anything which I thought was distracting.
- (PBSSales*) deserializeJsonPacket2:(NSDictionary*)jsonResponseAsDictionary withCalenderType:(NSString *)calendarViewType
PBSSales *pbsData = [[PBSSales alloc] init];
if(jsonResponseAsDictionary != nil)
// Process the hourly sales figures if the day request and returned is related to Daily figures
if([calendarViewType isEqualToString:#"Day"]){
NSArray *hourlyFiguresFromJson = [jsonResponseAsDictionary objectForKey:#"hourlySalesFigures"];
PBSDataDaySales *tmpDataDay = [[PBSDataDaySales alloc] init];
NSMutableArray *hSalesFigures = [tmpDataDay hourlySalesFigures];
for(NSInteger i = 0; i < [hourlyFiguresFromJson count]; i++){
hSalesFigures[i] = hourlyFiguresFromJson[i];
[[pbsData dataDay] setHourlySalesFigures:hSalesFigures];
[pbsData setCalViewType:#"Day"];
return pbsData;
