Add an option to a g:select after it loaded elements dynamically? - grails

I have a select like this:
<g:select style="width: 500px;;" name="ftp" value="${[0]}"
keys="${}" />
but I want to add a message in the drop down list and then more information, like:
this message
ftp kind 1
ftp kind 2
ftp kind 3
I tried this:
from="${[, 'Message',]}"
but it displays it inline, How can I do that?
(and taking a chance of this post, with property 'keys' can I set the Ids live values to send them in params for each option?)


adding an id attribute to q-input

Say I have the following q-input:
I'd like to be able to make it so that if the domain of the email is that the form action will change to another website (without csrf protection) and the POST will be made to that website instead of the main one.
To do this I was thinking I could use jQuery. eg. $('#email').val().replace(/^.+#/, '') == '' then change the form action and submit.
The only problem is: I don't know how to set an id attribute on q-input.
Any ideas?
As of early Quasar 1.4.2 (November of this year) you can specify the id value on the resulting html generated by q-input by using the "for" property (see the end of the behavior properties:
So, for example, you could add for="myInputId":
The id attribute with value "myInputField" will end up on the resulting <input> element in your HTML.
Not using the "for" in the elements gave me a lot of headaches because the Jest snapshot generated random IDs

Dynamic Context Binding in XML

I have odata coming from backend. I have two select controls on my SAPUI5 page. The first select displays a list of items received from the backend. The second select changes depending on what is selected from the first select control.
Right now I am constructing in the controller a new path for "planets" select. Is it possible to change the "planets" items path depending on the "stars" selected item just in the XML? Without using Javascript?
I would like to do something like this:
<Select id="stars"
path: '/Stars'
<core:Item key="{StarID}" text="{StarName}" />
<Select id="planets"
path: '("/Stars('" + StarID + "')/toPlanets"'
<core:Item text="{PlanetName}" />
Unfortunately, I do not believe that there is any existing functionality to do something like this naively in UI5. The only thing that is similar is binding replacement during XML preprocessing, but you cannot use that for your situation.
I have met this situation a lot of times in the past and have created a helper control for dealing with this (might not be the perfect solution, but it works). It only makes sense to use a similar approach if you have this kind of construct in multiple places (so you avoid having the same boilerplate code in your JS controllers).
You can find here an example implementation of such a control and here an example usage. Basically this allows you to have a reusable mechanism for doing such an "indirect binding" without resorting to event listeners.

How do I get Grails g:select with multiple-selection with all selections when returning from the controller

I have a page that is a report from a database and I'm working on modifying how the filtering works. The intention is to allow the user to select possible values form a list that will be used to filter the resulting report. There are too many values to do this with checkboxes. I'm defining a multiple selection list box with this:
<g:select name="country" from="${countryDataList.KOUNTRY}" value="${}" multiple="true" />
countryDataList is a List<> of objects with a name and a value which I create in the controller. I'm able to get the selected counties and process them without an issue.
But when the page returns from the controller with the filtered report, only the first selection in the list is selected. It doesn't re-select all of the items that the user selected. I am passing the object back from the controller as
I saw some posts about this not working, but they are all from several years ago. Am I missing a vital step?
Ahh sorry, I was reading it on the phone initially and missed the point.
So what you want is a way of sending a multiple select box to a confirmation page. If I understand correctly?
Anyways how many objects in the select are we talking massive or a dozen couple of dozen or so ?
What I did was use check boxes and did a confirmation which shows the selection ticked in check boxes.. So this is the confirmation page that loads in
this page which is where multiple attachments selected from the schedule re-appear...
Please note advice below is all conceptual stuff and there may be easier ways than this
Other than that You could create a taglib call on the confirmation page which takes in your arrayList you could probably convert it to JSON pass it into the javascript that you load in within the taglib (on mine further down it loads this page in)
and look to reselect them using javascript... as I say I haven't tested the last bit, the first bit i.e. checkbox works it is/has been in use.
Years later from you I just had the same problem. What I figured out is: it happens when is an array instead of a Collection (i.e. an ArrayList).
A workaround for this if you want to stick to the array type is at the value attribute of the tag doing this:

Rendering html using Struts2

Using Struts2, my goal is to present a simple blog to a user using Struts2 iterators, such as:
Most Recent Topic
response 1
response 2
Previous Topic
response 1
response 2
Users generate and submit each Topic/Response using a separate form, but, once submitted, I don't want them to edit the blog.
To generate either a Topic or a Response, I provide an editor (like the stackoverflow editor I'm using now) that produces html-formatted text, including whatever styling (bold, underlines, lists, etc.) that the user chooses. The text of the Topic/Response created by the user, including the html tags, is stored in a database.
However, I cannot find a way to render the Topic/Response as html in the blog. For example, text bolded in the editor shows up as <strong>text</strong> in a struts2 s:textarea tag.
I know that the s:property tag has an 'escapeHtml' attribute that will prevent this, but the s:property tag can't layout the text properly, and it seems that only the s:property tag has this attribute.
I've tried using <input value="%{#topic.content}" /> within the iterator instead of s:textarea, but it doesn't seem to recognize the #topic iteration reference.
Is there a way to do this?
use text instated of tax area .Let me know if you still facing this issue.
Use escapeHtml="false". I just tried it myself and it works as intended.
For example, with:
<s:set var="var1"><p>some stuff</p><p>other stuff</p></s:set>
<s:property value="var1" escapeHtml="false" />
renders the paragraph tags as you would expect.
How about using <pre> with <s:property>.
About html <pre> tag:

handling multi-select with no selection

I used grails generate-all on my application. The Author view has a multi-select which allows for a number of Book instances:
<g:select multiple="true" ... />
However, if I edit an existing Author who owns 5 out of total 15 books (the multi-select shows 15 books, 5 selected), unselect all books and click save, the Author still keeps their 5 books. From what I can tell, no book input from the form - books property of Author don't get changed.
Now, I can test for this in my controller (something like this):
if (params?.books.size() < 1) {
authorInstance.books = []
Is this the way to do it, or is there a better way?
Most examples I've seen use:
I had the same problem, that a multi select list can not be emptied by default data binding, as the params map does not contain fields with a value of NULL.
To circumvent this, you can do this in your .gsp:
<g:hiddenField name="books" value="" />
<g:select multiple="true" name="books" />
When you post this form elements, the multi select will override the hidden field. If the multi select is empty, you will fallback to the empty string.
Not pretty, but get the job done, when you can not alter the controller action.
