I am using a hand crafted gem in my Rails application which itself has a dependency to a Gem i need to replace for Ruby version >= 2.0.
I found a nice way to inject dependencies dynamically by using Gem extensions.
Installing my gem with sudo gem install ... works just fine, dependencies will be installed according to my ruby version conditional inside mkrf_conf.rb:
require 'rubygems/dependency_installer'
di = Gem::DependencyInstaller.new
if RUBY_VERSION < '2.0'
puts "Using vanilla httpclient because of Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}"
di.install 'httpclient', '2.3.3'
# https://github.com/nahi/httpclient/pull/163
puts "Using patched httpclient by glebtv because of Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}"
di.install 'glebtv-httpclient', '3.2.7'
puts "Writing fake Rakefile"
# Write fake Rakefile for rake since Makefile isn't used
File.open(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'Rakefile'), 'w') do |f|
f.write("task :default" + $/)
I'm using this gem inside my Rails app (plain reference inside the Gem file). I'm not using rvm on my development VM, all gems reside in the system gem path. Usually, bundler asks for a sudo password (running Ubuntu) when it installs new gems. When I'm trying to bundle now, bundler fails building the native gem extensions due to insufficiant permissions:
Gem::Ext::BuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
/usr/local/bin/ruby mkrf_conf.rb
/usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/package.rb:359:in `initialize': Permission denied - /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/httpclient-2.3.3/bin/httpclient (Errno::EACCES)
I'm absolutely clueless how to avoid running bundler with sudo. As far as I understand from reading bundler's source, bundler should detect if sudo is necessary when installing new gems. But I'm also using gems in my project that have native C extensions (nokogiri, mysql2, ...) and those will be built correctly. Also, the bundler man page states that starting bundler with sudo bundle is something that is to be avoided.
Is the way I'm trying to inject dependencies into my Gem depending on the Ruby version not the way-to-go?
Any hint or help is really appreciated.
the problem is that you install your gem with sudo (super user permission) then you cannot access it, use RVM and install the gems without sudo it will solve your problem.
I am trying to install ruby on rails. I'm at version 2.3.0 for ruby and gem version of 2.5.1.
When I run the command gem install rails I get an error that says:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError) You don't have write permissions for the /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0 directory.
How can I fix this?
gem install tries to put files in "system-wide" directories. These are protected, such that only the root user can write into.
You have at least three possibilities:
sudo gem install ..., this will write the gem files into /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.3.0
gem install --user-install, this will install the gem "locally" in your users home directory
apt-get install ruby-rails (not sure about the package name), which will install the ruby on rails version maintained by your distributions maintainers (Canonical).
install and use rvm or rbenv (and there might be other options). Afterwards gem install will usually just work and install the gems for your user only
While the rvm setup might be a tiny bit confusing for newbies, I recommend using that approach. It will make updating and installing ruby, gems and different versions of it really easy.
I've been attempting to make a start on learning Ruby/rspec. I read that rspec is now broken for Windows so an early version (2.14.1) should be installed instead. I started on testfirst's learn Ruby but kept getting errors whenever I attempted the "rake" task. I checked my rspec version and apparently I'm running 2.14.8. I thought maybe that was why I was getting some errors. So I typed into git "gem uninstall rspec" but it then said version 2.14.1 was uninstalled, not .8. So I checked to see if there were any versions of rspec installed on my computer and it says that 2.14.8 is still installed... now it won't let me uninstall it, even though I typed in "gem uninstall rspec -v 2.14.8."
I also tried to check the contents of version 2.14.8, but it couldn't find gem 'rspec' in default gem paths.
It's as if I had two versions of rpec on my laptop... how do I get rid of the .8 version?
If gem uninstall rspec -v 2.14.8 did not work for you. Try cleaning up all the rspec version from your computer first by running:
gem cleanup rspec
Then, install the required version again.
gem uninstall -Iax rspec
If doesn't work, then try and remove the executables as well:
gem uninstall rspec-core
Where did you hear that RSpec is broken on Windows? AFAIK the current version (3.3.2) works just fine.
If you are going to learn Ruby and RSpec, you should also learn about using Rubygems and Bundler, since many projects rely on them. Install Bundler with:
gem install bundler
Create a new folder and CD into it, and then:
bundle init
This creates a file named "Gemfile" in the folder. This allows Bundler to manage the versions of gems used within your project. Edit the Gemfile and add this line:
gem 'rspec', '~> 3'
This tells Bundler that your project requires RSpec 3, and to install the latest version. Save the Gemfile, and then do:
bundle install
Bundler will install the RSpec gems and create a Gemfile.lock file that details the gem dependencies. To verify that the right version is installed:
rspec --version # => 3.3.2 (or whatever is the latest)
I am trying host OpenSourceBilling application built using Ruby on Rails framework to OpenBSD server. When i try to install gems using bundle install command, I get following error on therubyracer gem installation:
/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.0/gems/libv8- `configure': You have chosen to use the version of V8 found on your system (Libv8::Location::System::NotFoundError)
and *not* the one that is bundle with the libv8 rubygem.
it could not be located. please make sure you have a version of
v8 that is compatible with installed. You may
need to special --with-v8-dir options if it is in a non-standard
Any help in this regard will be appreciated.
update libv8 to point to version ~> in your gemfile
this will work.....
I was unable to install therubyracer gem in OpenBSD. As a workaround, I replaced it with the nodejs javascript runtime:
gem 'node'
Make sure to remove the gem 'therubyracer' line.
As the question states - where does the gem install?
Is it installing within the app directory that I'm working in (i.e. user/sites/sample_app)? Or is it being installed on my computer? If the latter where exactly?
gem install process
first download gem and save desktop
1.next step open command prompt and set location that means c:/desktop> gem install --local "gemname"
2.next step com to rails consoler and type $bundle install --local.
3. type the gem name on gem list
I have two questions:
Where do you install your ruby?
Did you use RVM or rbenv?
Now I will explain your question using my situation as an example.
I use RVM to manage rubies on my mac os.
now the ruby install in path
and these will be a gems directory under .rvm path. In this directory,
there are many gems group, I have a group named
which is used by the default ruby version.
This is a directory and there will be a gems directory under it.
In this directory, you will find all of the gems you installed using cmd
bundle install
If you don't use ruby version management tools like rvm or rbenv, you may find the gems
around your ruby path. If you still can't find them, you can post the details of how you
install the rubies and other system configs, so that we can discuss here.
If you are using rvm then its get installed in
/home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-version#global/ or /home/user/.rvm/gems/ruby-version/
If you are using specific gemset for gems then
If you want to know where gem is installed use gem which *gem_name* e.g.:
gem which rails
If you installed your gems with bundle install use bundle show *gem name* e.g.:
bundle show rails
If you use gem install x, you're adding the gem to the local ruby version on your system. This is a system-wide installation, and will be stored in your rubylib/ruby/gems dir:
The install command downloads and installs the gem and any necessary
dependencies then builds documentation for the installed gems.
Using the bundle install command (when you have a Gemfile & use bundler), you basically tell bundler to install the gems relative to your specific applicaiton:
Bundler makes sure that Ruby can find all of the gems in the Gemfile
(and all of their dependencies). If your app is a Rails 3 app, your
default application already has the code necessary to invoke bundler.
If it is a Rails 2.3 app, please see Setting up Bundler in Rails 2.3.
For example, if you have a Rails 3.2 app, and a Rails 4.1 app on your system, using bundler allows you to instal the dependencies (gems) for each app independently
If you use gem install x, it will install the gem for all applications, and should only be used for things like rmagick and the database connection gems
I am new to ruby on rails, I am trying to get my first project working with git and heroku. I am following the tutorial by Michael Hartl. I was originally trying to
git push heroku master
but I dont have a GemFile.lock, so I have been trying bundle installs and bundle updates but nothing works because I dont have the json native gem.
bundle update
this is the command that reuturned this error, its not the whole error i left out all the gems i already have
Installing json (1.7.3) with native extensions
Gem::Installer::ExtensionBuildError: ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension.
"C:/Program Files/ruby-1.9.3/bin/ruby.exe" extconf.rb
creating Makefile
Makefile:160: warning: overriding commands for target `C:/Program'
Makefile:153: warning: ignoring old commands for target `C:/Program'
C:/Program Files/ruby-1.9.3/bin/ruby -e "puts 'EXPORTS', 'Init_parser'" > parser-i386
/bin/sh: C:/Program: No such file or directory
make: *** [parser-i386-mingw32.def] Error 127
Gem files will remain installed in C:/Program Files/ruby-1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.7.3 f
or inspection.
Results logged to C:/Program Files/ruby-1.9.3/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/json-1.7.3/ext/json/ext/parser/gem_make.out
An error occured while installing json (1.7.3), and Bundler cannot continue.
Make sure that `gem install json -v '1.7.3'` succeeds before bundling.
If anybody knows how to fix my error so that i can move onto the next one or how i can get a working GemFile.lock, it would be appreciated.
Install json_pure instead on your development machine. This is a version of the json gem that does not require C-extensions (but is a bit slower).
On Heroku you should be able to go with the faster json directly.
If you want to build the C-extension on windows then you might want to look here:
The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools
You can create a windows-specific section in the Gemfile like so:
# Common gems
gem 'xyz'
# Platform specific gems
platforms :ruby do
gem 'json'
platforms :mswin, :mingw do
gem 'json_pure'
Windows isn't properly escaping the space in "C:\Program Files". I haven't used Windows in a while, but a quick search reveals a few fixes.
I had the same problem and found that in my config.yaml file, there was an installation of Ruby 1.9.2 that had a space in it. I had to uninstall that version of Ruby entirely, and remove it from the PATH in environment variables. Then, I re-installed the DevKit and it worked perfectly.