Odata Url conversion with descending orderby - odata

i need to get data by descending orderby Visidate of patient so i tried url like this$format=json&$expand=DEPatientVisits&$orderby=DEPatientVisits/VisitDate+desc
but showing exception
{"odata.error":{"code":"","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"The parent value for a property access of a property 'VisitDate' is not a single value. Property access can only be applied to a single value."}}}

The reason is that DEPatientVisits is not a single valued navigation property, so it is unable to append a property name to it. If it is a single valued, it works fine, such as:

Thanks for inviting.
I am not fully understand your question. you want to sort entities in DEPhysicians? or DEPatientVisits?
If you are try to get DEPhysicians inline expand DEPatientVisits, and want sort entities in DEPatientVisits by VisitDate, you can try:
locolhost/FalconCPDataService.svc/DEPhysicians?$format=json&$expand=DEPatientVisits($orderby=VisitDate desc)
If you are try to sort entities in DEPhysicians according to DEPatientVisits\VisitDate, then, just as the answer from #tanjinfu, DEPatientVisits should not be a collection. Otherwise, which VisitDate of entry in DEPatientVisits you want to used to sort?


ExtJs6: Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated_id') returns an empty array if the component has an itemId

I have some ExtJs component.
I set itemId for it, but id is autogenerated.
Now Ext.getCmp('autogenerated-id') returns my component.
But Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated-id') returns an empty array.
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('[id=assets-information-form-1918]') again returns my component. :)
I use ExtJs 6.5.3 classic.
It seems like itemId config property hides autogenerated id from Ext.ComponentQuery, so they become mutually exclusive.
I don't need other means for search or advice to set id for the component, to write letter to Sencha support or to write post on their forum.
I need:
Means to force my Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#autogenerated-id') to
find the Component for which getId() returns 'autogenerated-id'.
If it is not possible by design, I need a link to some documentation
describing this behavior, a link to some bug report, or a filename and line number in ExtJs sources + a little snippet copy/paste from there.
From the documentation
Summary Provides searching of Components within Ext.ComponentManager
(globally) or a specific Ext.container.Container on the document with
a similar syntax to a CSS selector. Returns Array of matching
Components, or empty Array.
Ext.ComonpentQuery.query('#itemId') returns and array. Your cold above is using the auto-generated id of the component. The # indicates to query based on the component itemId and not the component id.
which will return an array, as noted in the documentation.
This is shorthand reference to Ext.ComponentManager#get. Looks up an
existing Ext.Component by id
Therefore it returns the component object.
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('#itemId')[0] would return the first object in the array.
Ext.ComponentQuery is the Sencha preferred method because it is more powerful when used as it does return an array so you an also query items by xtype and other attributes.

OData Data read- latest entry on top

I am using OData API to read data in my Fiori Application. The issue is, in Odata API, the latest data entry is at the end rather it should be at the top. How do i do that ie put my latest data on top.
You can use the $orderby to decide what order the data is returned in. See the docs for more info. This URL is an example of ordering (using the OData TripPin example service) that sorts by the LastName property:
We can use this same process to order by a DateTime value or an ID value to get your latest entries at the top. For example, here we order by the DateTimeOffset field StartsAt putting the latest entries first:
http://services.odata.org/V4/TripPinServiceRW/People('russellwhyte')/Trips?$orderby=StartsAt desc
As mentioned before, you might have a look at server side sorting using “$orderby” as seen here.
You might also want to check out the following tutorial on Sorting:
path : 'invoice>/Invoices',
sorter : {
path : 'ProductName'
We add a declarative sorter to our binding syntax.
As usual, we transform the simple binding syntax to the object notation, specify the path to the data,
and now add an additional sorter property.
We specify the data path by which the invoice items should be sorted, the rest is done automatically.
By default, the sorting is ascending, but you could also add a property descending with the value true inside the sorter property to change the sorting order.”
Please see here and here
This here might also be helpful:
“In this step, we will create a button at the top of the table which will change the sorting of the table.
When the current sorting state of the table is changed, the sorting state will be reflected in the URL.
This illustrates how to make the table sorting bookmarkable.”
Step 13: Make Table Sorting Bookmarkable
Sample: Navigation - Step 13 - Make Table Sorting Bookmarkable
These links here also look interesting:
Sorting, Grouping and Filtering for Aggregation Binding
Sample: Sorting
Sample: With Sorting and Filtering Feature

How can I match with the persistent_object_identifier?

Is there a way to use the query interface and limit the repository query by the persistent object identifier? Like ...
// $addTaskIds is an array with identifiers as strings
$query = $this->createQuery();
$query->like('title', '%'.$searchstring.'%'),
$query->like('description', '%'.$searchstring.'%'),
$query->in('persistent_object_identifier', $addTaskIds)
return $query->execute();
I've tried the code above and it doesn't work. Did I forgot something? Does the query builder offer that anyway? Do I have to switch on a yaml setting?
The idea was good. But the table row persistent_object_identifier doesn't belong to the object itself. You can however use Persistence_Object_Identifier.
For that you need the identifiers as strings not as whole objects. And make sure that the second parameter of 'query in' is an array not a single string.

QBFC: How do I query the customners by accountnumber?

Since Intuit has broken the QBFC reference today, I have to ask a question that I could normally look up. (I do not know who to complain to).
I normally query by list_id like so:
ICustomerQuery CustomerQueryRq = requestMsgSet.AppendCustomerQueryRq();
Is there a way to query by AccountNumber?
No, QuickBooks does not support querying by the AccountNumber field.
This is old, but maybe worth adding.
Create a temp "cached" object, containing all the properties you want to search for. Them when launching, and whenever customer changes are made, cache a list of custom QBcustomersForSearch objects with only the properties that you would want to use for the search.
class qbCustomerForSearch
property email as string
property accountnumber as string
property whatever as string
property QBListId as string
end class
Cache / create a list of these objects when and as needed, and search your list. Once located in your list, use the listID to identify the QB customer.

EntityDataSource Where Clause

I'm using a EntityDataSource with WhereParameters binded from DropDownLists. The Where Clause may be something like this: "it.applicationId = #applicationId" but in that DropDownList i've created a ListItem with Text="All" Value="".
Of course that when the value is "" i don't want to use that value on the query.
How can i do that?
Thank U All
It looks like there is no design time possibility to use parameters optionally.
Try hooking the Selecting event, like it is described in this question.
In your particular case you can get the selected value of the DropDownList (for example, using the FindControl method) and then simply either pass the value of the parameter, or use the query without a Where clause.
you should at first set the attribute "ConvertEmptyStringToNull" in your parameter to true
then type your where condition as follows
"#applicationId IS NULL OR it.applicationId = #applicationId"
