Server troubles on Koding - ruby-on-rails

I've found Koding on the interwebs and I really dig it. In fact, I dig it so much, that I want to write my game server solely in Koding, hence it is a reliable app on the net, so I can work from anywhere anytime. But my problem is there, that when I want to try things from outside Koding (the client) I cannot connect to server. Unfortunately I haven't found the IP of my machine (I tried all the variants I have [vm-0.], ifconfig -a adresses, but nothing really happened). The question is, how can I get the somewhat public IP of my VM?

I hope I understood you correctly. If you want to see your VM in action you can just access the URL and if you run some other server (other then Apache, that comes preinstalled on all VMs) on your VM you can type the port after the URL. Keep in mind that your VM shuts down after ~15 mins. Hope I answered your question.
If you have any more questions you can always email us at


How to print (to a printer) from Docker

I am using Docker Compose, which will run on a Linux tablet in production. I have a container serving up a web GUI. The user will click a "print" button in the GUI, which will result in some kind of request (probably HTTP to Flask in another container, which will maybe forward it to some other container), and that request will result in some data being sent to the printer.
My first step, I can only imagine, is to be able to send data to the printer from inside a Docker container. Any Docker container. I can then use that knowledge, of how to send something to the printer from Docker, to incorporate the printing into my system.
So, that's the infrastructure I'm working with. It can be simplified as simply "I want to print to a printer from a Docker container." I'm working on a Mac, and I can print from the Mac using lp. So I know the connection to the printer is working.
I've tried a few containers, including olbat/cupsd. lpstat -r pretty much always says the Scheduler is running, but lpstat -v always shows that no destinations are set up.
My DevOps guy and I have been banging our heads against the wall all day on this. There are various articles and repos about setting of CUPS in Docker, but they all have holes somewhere, where they say "Use the fooglesplatter to connect to the printer" without telling you what a fooglesplatter is. Or (for a more concrete example) they'll talk about how you set up the CUPS dashboard to add your printer on your local machine, and then say "Voila! You can print!" without telling you what to do in the container. Or they'll refer to a conf file that doesn't exist on my machine. Or something else that leaves us completely baffled.
Can someone who has accomplished this please post (or direct me to) a step-by-step guide that basically treats me like I've never touched a computer before? That assumes no knowledge whatsoever and spells out every step? We are wise Docker users, and my DevOps guy is a much smarter guy than I am, but we are both at a loss.
I know this is a crazy request. Maybe it's not an SO appropriate question. Close it if you must. But we are incredibly stuck and I really hope someone can help us.

Docker: redirect traffic to containers

We are a small design company, I'm the only one to "code" (making small scripts/tools for the creatives)
I have a server on a local network.
On this server, I installed docker and docker-compose.
On this server I want to have a few containers running, one per service (gitlab, taiga, wiki.js, mattermost, wekan)
When setting the docker-compose.yml, How should I manage ports (and or any other settings) so that:
First (case study): (Let's say I just have one container running) when typing the host IP address in a web browser, it redirect to my service and display for example, /var/www/ if my service is a website
Second: when typing subdomain.myhostname in a web browser, it redirects to one specific service
It's a very broad question, strongly dependent on one's experience. From what I consider fast and reliable, as far as small environments are considered, you may want to take Rancher for a spin.
It's super easy to start with. What's more, there's a range of services like Gitlab or DokuWiki you can start with just one click. On top of that, you can configure a load balancer, that can perform the redirections you mentioned. I think it's one of the fastest options to get a functional and scalable stack. Definitely not the most stable one, compared to enterprise-grade OpenShift, but I think it'll do just fine.
I will not go through all the setup details as I believe it's not what the question is about, but you can start with setting up Rancher 1.6 docker server going step by step through the official doc guide. It's pretty straightforward - one bash command and you are up and running.
Openshift is a platform competing to Rancher. To my best knowledge, it's harder to work with, especially having no experience. It's more stable, that's for sure, alas requires more effort in general.
I intentionally omitted a few options as I took an assumption OP wants it working asap while still easily being re-configurable, stable, and GUI-manageable.
-- edit a few years later --
Rancher and Openshift are still actively developed and attract new users. Rancher released a stable v2 since my original answer, and so I no longer recommend looking at v1.6.

Transferring incoming communication to another computer

I have two computers, A and B.
On computer A, I want to be able to specify for certain ports that incoming traffic from computers will be automatically routed to a different port on computer B as if it was originally sent to B from .
I'm not really sure what I need here. I thought it might be port forwarding, bridge, ip routing or ip forwarding but was unable to come to a conclusion.
I'm trying to do this on a Windows 2008 machine, in order to shift traffic from an older software on one server to a newer software on a different server. I tested my trials using, trying to send stuff from my computer to another computer which was supposed to route it back to me, but nothing was received.
I have tried:
but that didn't work for me.
I've also tried:
but my Anti-virus blocks it (though it's not a malware, as far as I know).
I know Windows has the command "route" on the shell but I'm not really sure what to do with it as it requires a mask for the IP and doesn't seem to allow choosing ports (and it might not be what I need anyway).
I've also come across this:
and though I'm pretty sure NAT is not what I need, maybe that "Roles" configuration has something relevant.
Had anyone come across a similar situation and knows how to solve this? I'm pretty sure there's something ready which can do this and no software needs to be written.
I've discovered that netsh can do the above by:
C:\>netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=12345 listenaddress= connectport=443 connectaddress=
which is a command I found here:
But the problem is, and I forgot to mention this, I also need to be able to do this routing only for specific source IP addresses. I'm not sure if netsh can do this (maybe it can?) so is there any other way?

Programmatic Method For Opening Ports

I've searched this subject in stackoverflow and found out that a telnet library would help, and I found a telnet lib here: C# Telnet Library
but I don't know how I can use a telnet library to open a port in my router. I'm using an AT&T 2wire router. Any hints on how I can do this?
You can't. The 2wire router is an island unto itself, if it decides to block a port nothing external can (or should) be able to change that. You are on the wrong track, and would need to restate your goals in order to get a useful answer.
UPnP and other "Hole Punching" techniques do exist: but you'll be in a world of hurt if you try to reply on them for any widespread deployment.
Perhaps you meant to open a connection to a remote server and then establish two way communication. That is easy... and how other games and tools get the job done.
Technically speaking you should not be able to. You shouldn't have outside programatic access to a router to open a port if it's blocked.
If what you mean is opening a port for communication (that is not blocked) then you can simply create Sockets with the address and port (ex. localhost 7777) to establish inter process communication or simply communication with another server.
As I mentioned in a comment below there are ports that are available for use (in C# this can be easily tested, a quick google search will find you many snippets of code for testing if a port is open). A simple approach is to simply start at port 1024 (I believe this is the correct lower bound for ports that should be used by applications, someone correct me if I'm wrong) and just start counting up until you find a port that is available, if you find you've reached some upper limit you can simply report that a connection cannot be made. I hope this clears up a little more and if I have time I will try to find some code I have for this and edit it in but honestly a quick search can net you similar code for checking ports in C#.

How To SSH From IPhone App

So I have been looking every where, and so far i haven't been able to find anything that allows me to ssh from an iPhone app, and have finally resorted to posting a new pos.
So I am trying to make an app to manage servers and part of the tasks that I need to be able to do it to be able to some how remotely connect over the internet to a server with either an ip address or a DNS name.
The connection to the server does not necessarily need to be a SSH connection, it could be a telnet although because of the security issues i would prefer SSH (if it is a lot less code I would accept telnet), but on the other hand it could be some other type of connection.
The application just needs to be able to run a script on the server end and if a SSH or telnet I would not need any help but if some other type of connection i may need a bit of help. Also the server on the other end is intended to be linux server (either ubuntu or gentoo, but not sure which yet but all i can say is will almost certainly be a linux server operating system).
I have already looked at the libssh/2 and would welcome any other similar demos as have not been able to work out how get the frameworks to work as well as licensing issues with using the frameworks in it.
PS. I am relatively new to programming and although i have some basic knowledge of coding some type of tutorial or sample code would be greatly appreciated.
Many Thanks For Any Help
SSH is a hugely complicated beast. As long as you only need to execute one command without interactivity, it sounds like you could achieve the same thing by running a web server on the server and posting the commands via HTTP from the device. You can use SSL to achieve security. You'll need a mechanism that allows you to authenticate the device (you'd need something with ssh, too). And you'll have to have something in the web server on the server that figures out and runs the desired script. But all that is still hugely easier than dealing with libssh.
