How does the Jenkins Cobertura plugin operate to enable source code viewing? - jenkins

I'm trying to get a build in Jenkins to show a coverage report of a Java unit test run. I can get the report at the high level showing that coverage has occurred at the class and method level, but part of the report where I can view the source code isn't working.

The inputs to the plugin are:
a coverage report in XML
source code
To use the plug in to create a coverage report:
Install Cobertura into Jenkins.
Create a Jenkins job with a post build to generate Cobertura report. In this step you tell it where in the Jenkins workspace to load the coverage report (often named coverage.xml).
Before you run the Jenkins job
The coverage report is created in some way (often by a build script of some kind). The report is often named coverage.xml by most people's build scripts and is placed in the Jenkin's job's workspace.
When running the Jenkins job
When the Jenkins job runs, the Cobertura plugin will read the coverage.xml and use the element to locate the source code. The plugin copies the source code into a cache located at: <Jenkins home>/jobs/<Jenkins job name>/<Cobertura>.
After running the Jenkins job
Read the coverage report by navigating to the Jenkins job that built it. If copying of the source files was successful during running the Jenkins job, you can drill down to the source code and see what lines were covered by the test run. If you can't see the source code level code coverage:
Check the cobertura cache to see if the code is there.
Check the permissions on the cache to see if the Jenkins server process owns that directory and has read, write, execute permission on that directory.
Check the cobertura.xml file and select a element and examine it's "filename" attribute and see if it's path will work as a relative path from the root of the Cobertura cache.
If the cache has old information, delete everything in the cache directory, and re-run the Jenkins job.


Jenkins - Selenium : Trying to get access to testng failed.xml.? Where will this file be located when scripts are ran through jenkins

Currently it consumes so much time to rerun the filed test cases from Jenkins in My LOCAL MACHINE.And most of the test would pass locally .
Is there anything I can do to cut short the time ?
TestNG generates all of the artifacts viz.,
Html reports
Emailable report
JUnit styled xml reports
TestNG XML reports
by default in the output directory of your project. If its not defined, TestNG defaults to test-output folder.
When tests are run via build tools such as maven wherein you leverage the surefire plugin, then this output directory gets configured to point to target/surefire-reports directory.
So your testng-failed.xml if it gets generated, will be available in your $WORKSPACE\target\surefire-reports directory (Here $WORKSPACE represents your Jenkins job's workspace)

Where does sonar store its code coverage results in Jenkins workspace?

We have a Jenkins master hosted by Cloudbees and we are using Sonar-as-a-Service.
We have a regular maven project, and we are using the Sonar "Post Build Action" to successfully collect code coverage. I see the code coverage % in Sonar. Everything works fine.
My question is this: If I examine the Jenkins workspace of this project, I cannot find the code coverage results. I thought it would be saved in an xml file somewhere in the target directory, but i do not see it. Does sonar save the results in the Jenkins workspace somewhere?
Sonar uses Jacoco by default for test coverage, this one uses a binary file afaik

Sonar does not shows up Code Coverage after build successful with Jenkins Sonar plugin

I am trying to get code coverage with Sonar and Jenkins. I see Jenkins' Sonar plugin successfully executes JUnit test cases and completes build successfully. But Sonar does not show Code Coverage results (always shows 0.0% as the code coverage) on the project. But Sonar does show "Unit test success".
I am using Maven with Jenkins and Sonar.
I get the below message in Jenkins logs while executing the Sonar plugin:
Project coverage is set to 0% as no JaCoCo execution data has been dumped: .../sonar/target/jacoco.exec
Can any one help me how to get correct code coverage on any Sonar project.
Just because Sonar invoked Surefire correctly (and you received the "Unit test success" message) doesn't mean that JaCoCo instrumented your code.
Try executing JaCoCo directly. You might find out why JaCoCo is failing directly:
mvn jacoco:prepare-agent test jacoco:report
JaCoCo will place jacoco.exec as well as its XML/HTML reports within target/jacoco. Or it will fail, and hopefully you'll have a better idea as to why.
One very common problem is that the JaCoCo javaagent will not run if you've changed the Surefire argLine at all, because jacoco:prepare-agent just sets the argLine property which in this scenario, is conveniently ignored. You can set prepare-agent's propertyName property to something else (like jacocoArgLine) and include that in your argLine config:
<argLine>-Xmx1024m ${jacocoArgLine}</argLine>
I read and used cobertura as my code coverage plugin then I see code coverage displays for small projects. When I check for a big project in sonar I just see code coverage as - that means its empty. In logs I could find that Cobertura report was not found at /.../coverage.xml path.
coverage.xml was not generated due to OutOfMemeryError:heapspace. Since my project is such a big project when I set heap memory to 2GB and cobertura plugin memory to 1.5GB sonar gets code coverage displayed.
According to this blog post, you probably forget to set the sonar.binaries property in your project properties
Don’t forget sonar.binaries, otherwise, you might get something like « Project coverage is set to 0% since there is no directories with classes. » in your logs.
Your Sonar plug-in cannot find the report file generated by Jacoco.
In your pom(parent or child) look for the <destFile> tag under jacoco/prepare-agent execution. Change the name and the location to target/jacoco.exec and you are good to go!
Instead of using the Jenkins sonar plugin for running sonar, try to do it with maven, by executing the sonar goal. Usually this is easier then setting up an additional build step and tweaking all the paths till sonar finds all the relevant files.
In your case I guess it can read the junit/testng report, but can't find the jacoco results (jacoco.exec). Is the path sonar outputs(../sonar/target/jacoco.exec) correct?

Reusing several report files in jenkins sonar plugin

I'm generating several XML report files via ant task (checkstyle, findbugs, macker, jacoco, ncss, classycle, etc.).
I want the to reuse the generated files in jenkins sonar plugin. Is there any way to do so?
I'm planning in setting the properties in the project specific file. But I can't find any of these options at codehaus documentation site.
There's no point to reuse:
checkstyle or findbugs reports as SonarQube also executes those tools
ncss or classycle reports as it is SonarQube very job to compute those metrics
For JaCoCo, you can reuse reports if you don't want SonarQube to execute the unit tests again. See

Getting output from remote hudson builds

I have recently added several Hudson agent machines to a working controller.
Some of the builds have result files (Doxygen output, Boost unit test results, cppcheck) which are published using the relevant plugins.
If these builds run on the controller, the output files are published successfully, but if they run on an agent, the build fails because the files cannot be found.
The plugins seem to be looking for the output files on the controller, when of course, they are on the agent.
Is there a way to fix this?
Plugins used:
- Jenkins Cppcheck Plug-in V1.2
- Doxygen Plugin V0.9
- HTML Publisher plugin V0.6
Tried archiving suggestion, but I can't get it to work. cppcheck.xml is archived correctly and exists in the relative directory ../lastSuccessful/archive/cppcheck.xml
Hudson log:
Archiving artifacts
[Cppcheck] Starting the cppcheck analysis.
[Cppcheck] No cppcheck test report file(s) were found with the pattern
'../lastSuccessful/archive/cppcheck.xml' relative to
Did you enter a pattern relative to the correct directory?
Did you generate the XML report(s) for Cppcheck?
[Cppcheck] Parsing throws exceptions. No cppcheck test report file(s) were
found with the pattern '../lastSuccessful/archive/cppcheck.xml' relative to
Workaround: copy artifacts into your workspace and publish from there.
