OData Api controllers flattern request - odata

This question deals with the different "size" of a returned JSON result from these two difference controllers (API vs OData).
Some entities for example: (this is a bad composition and it was only made for making a point, please don't judge to relation between these entities)
public class Customer
public string Name { get; set; }
public Category Category { get; set; }
public class Category
public string CategoryName { get; set; }
public List<Customers> CustomersInCategory { get; set; }
When making a GET request to an OData controller, say:
GET http://localhost:81/Customers
The result will not contain the Customers' Category object, unless I explicitly mention "$expand=Category" on the URL.
The same request for an API controller, will return the Customers' Category object (even if the result is IQueryable<Customer>).
The problem with this is that in case of cyclic relations between entities, the result is recursively flatten in becomes enormous (might be infinity).
I've been looking for a solution for this problem all over and found stuff like MaxDepth that doesn't work and many other things that resulted nothing.
What I really want is a way to "tell" the API controller or its methods, to "DO not expand the result" - or better yet, ignore cyclic referencing (which I've also tried and didn't work).
Here is the GET method on the API controller:
public IQueryable<Customer> Get()
return _unitOfWork.Repository<Customer>().Query().Get();


Multiple database contexts when using repository pattern

I am a bit lost right now... I've never seen this much divergent information regarding solution to the problem. But let us start from the beginning.
I am using ASP.NET MVC with Repositories injected to Controllers, thanks to the Ninject. I have 2 simple Entities: Admin with a list of created blog entries and Entries with one virtual Admin field.
public class Admin
[Key, ScaffoldColumn(false)]
public int Id { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Zły login.")]
[StringLength(20), MinLength(3)]
[RegularExpression(#"^[a-zA-Z0-9]*$", ErrorMessage = "Special characters are not allowed.")]
public string Login { get; set; }
[Required(ErrorMessage = "Złe hasło.")]
[StringLength(20, MinimumLength = 3)]
[Display(Name = "Hasło")]
public string Password { get; set; }
public virtual List<Entry> CreatedEntries { get; set; } // napisane aktualności przez danego admina
public class Entry
[Key, ScaffoldColumn(false)]
public int Id { get; set; }
[StringLength(200, MinimumLength = 2)]
[Display(Name = "Tytuł")]
public string Title { get; set; }
[Required, StringLength(2000), MinLength(3)]
[Display(Name = "Treść")]
[UIHint("tinymce_jquery_full"), AllowHtml]
public string Text { get; set; }
public virtual Admin Admin { get; set; }
You probably know where it is going, since this problem is... "classic" on stackoverflow.
In the Controller I want to bind one object to another:
entry.Admin = repAdmins.GetAdmin(User.Identity.Name);
In the repository:
public void AddEntry(Entry entry)
Of course I can't do that, because of famous "An entity object cannot be referenced by multiple instances of IEntityChangeTracker", which is a result of having separate database contexts in each repository.
When I was searching for a solution I already knew that probably the best way to solve it is to use one common context. And then I discovered Unit Of Work pattern. But here's when the real problems starts.
On many sites the solution to this is a bit different.
The repositories must have common generic interface (which I don't want to use, because I don't need to have each CRUD operation on each Entity, plus sometimes I need to have extra methods like "IfExists", etc.)
On few sites I've read that this whole abstraction is not needed, since abstraction is already provided with Entity Framework and UoW is implemented in DbContext (whatever that means)
The Unit Of Work pattern (at least from examples on the internet) seems to be a real pain for me...
I need some guidance... I learn ASP.NET MVC for only a year. For me it seems like it's a "triumph of form over content". Because... What I simply need is to bind one object to another. I'm starting to think that it was better when I simply had a context object in the Controller and I didn't need to build Eiffel Tower to achieve what's mentioned above :\ However I like idea of repositories...
I'll open by simply answering the question straight-out. Simply, your repository should take the context as a dependency (it should have a constructor that accepts a param of type DbContext). Your context should be managed by Ninject, and then injected into your repository and/or your controller. That way, everything always uses the same context. You should do all this in "request" scope, so that the context is specific to the current request.
That said, I'd like to hit some of your other points. First, a repository is just a method of access. It really shouldn't be dependent on the entity. It's okay to have methods that you don't intend to use on a particular entity: just don't use them. However, if you do want to enforce this, you can always use generic constraints and interfaces. For example, let's say you don't want update available on a particular entity. You could have interfaces like:
public interface ICreateable
public interface IUpdateable : ICreateable
Then, your entity that should not be updated will implement only ICreateable while other entities (which allow update) would implement IUpdateable (which by interface inheritance, also implement ICreateable). Finally, you would add constraints on your repository methods:
public void Create<TEntity>(TEntity entity)
where TEntity : class, ICreateable
public void Update<TEntity>(TEntity entity>)
where TEntity : class, IUpdateable
Since, the entity in question only implements ICreatable, it will not be eligible to be used as a type param to Update, so there's then no way to utilize that method.
Next, the advice to not use the repository/UoW patterns with Entity Framework is indeed because Entity Framework already implements these patterns. The repository pattern exists as a way to contain all the database querying logic (constructing SQL statements and such) in one place. That is the "abstraction" we're talking about here. In other words, instead of directly constructing SQL statements in your application code, that code is abstracted away into a repository. However, this is exactly what Entity Framework does, which is why you don't need to do it again. The Unit of Work pattern exists as a method to orchestrate the work of multiple repositories, allowing things like transactions. However, again, Entity Framework does all this.
The only reason to add any further abstraction is if you want to abstract the actual provider, i.e. Entity Framework itself. For example, you could have an interface like IRepository and then create implementations like EntityFrameworkRepository, NHibernateRepository, WebApiRepository, etc. Your application would only ever depend on IRepository, and you could then sub in different implementations as needed. If you're not going to do this, or you will always be using Entity Framework, then you might as well just use your context directly. Any further abstraction is just something else to maintain with no benefit at all to your application.
Finally, yes, the Unit of Work pattern is a real pain to everyone, not just you. Which is why I forgo it entirely. I use what I call a "truly generic repository", which utilizes generic methods and interfaces to handle any entity I want to throw at it. That means it acts not only as a repository but also a unit of work as well. You only need one instance per context and it's provider-agnostic. For more information check out the article I wrote on the subject over on my website.
The following example shows how to use the same context within multiple repositories. To simplify it, I did not use interfaces and nor did I use a container to inject dependencies.
Controller class:
public class HomeController : Controller
Context context;
AdminRepository adminRepository;
EntryRepository entryRepository;
public HomeController()
context = new Context();
adminRepository = new AdminRepository(context);
entryRepository = new EntryRepository(context);
// GET: Home
public ActionResult Index()
string login = "MyLogin";
Admin admin = adminRepository.GetAdmin(login);
Entry entry = new Entry() { Admin = admin};
return View(entry);
public class AdminRepository
Context context;
public AdminRepository(Context context)
this.context = context;
// This seeds the database
Admin admin = new Admin() { Login = "MyLogin" };
public Admin GetAdmin(string login)
return context.Admins.Where(a => a.Login == login).FirstOrDefault();
public class EntryRepository
Context context;
public EntryRepository(Context context)
this.context = context;
public void AddEntry(Entry entry){
Context class:
public class Context : DbContext
public Context()
Database.SetInitializer<Context>(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<Context>());
public DbSet<Admin> Admins { get; set; }
public DbSet<Entry> Entrys { get; set; }
Modified Models:
public class Admin
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Login { get; set; }
public class Entry
public int Id { get; set; }
public virtual Admin Admin { get; set; }

What Can/Cannot be done inside a Generic repository

I am working on an asp.net mvc-5 with Entity framework 6. now currently i am not using any kind on generic repositories , as the ones mentioned here:-
now the generic repository gives you a feeling that you can do everything in a generic way.. but inside these 2 links seems what can be generilzed are the basic operations for get, add, delete & modify which are by defualt provided inside Entity framework. so can anyone adivce on thses question regading using Generic repositories with EF-6 & MVC-5:-
1.is it really a good approach of using Generic repo ? as seems generic repo will just provide what EF already provide !!
2.let say i have two Parent/Child (DataCenter/Zone) objects:-
public class DataCenter
public int ID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public byte[] timestamp { get; set; }
public virtual ICollection<Zone> Zones { get; set; }
public class Zone
public int ZoneID { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int DataCenterID { get; set; }
public virtual DataCenter DataCenter { get; set; }
now using the Generic repository i can Get,Add,Edit,Delete these 2 objects using the same generic repo methods. but let say i want to retrieve all the Zones related to a specific Datacenter as follow:-
var results = entity.DataCenters.SingleOrDefault(a => a.ID == id).Zones.Where(a => a.Name.Contains("1"));
so can the generic repository support such a query , in a way that i can re-use the query with another object types (other than Datacenter & zones). for example to have a generic query :- to get a parent object by ID and for its child to get the childs that have their names contain the word "1" ?? and what if the parent have multiple child types !! will the generic repository support non-generic queries and operations ?
I went through the same question... I first did a specific repository, then I changed to a generic. But I've ended up having to code so much specific queries, that I decide to change for non-generic repositories, returning ToList (I didn't want IQueryable) and using Unit of Work pattern. Now I think I'm happy with the way things are.
Query the child by it's property, bringing back the parent too (is that what you want?):
return await _context.Entity.Include(e => e.Parent)
.Where(e => e.SomeProp == someParam)
Or, Querychild, using some property in the parent, bringing back The parent:
return await _context.Entity.Include(e => e.Parent)
.Where(e => e.Parent.SomeProp == someParam)

Code reuse in multiple mvc views

I have read this link: https://www.future-processing.pl/blog/view-code-reuse-techniques-in-asp-net-mvc/
I can not use any of those helper ways...
I have to show on multiple mvc sites this string:
That is an inquiry number: 16 is the day of month, 12 the month of year and 1 is the database id. I am sure that will not be the final impl but for now we take it as given.
public class MyViewModel
public string City { get; set; }
public string PostalCode { get; set; }
public List<string> ActionItemDescriptions { get; set; }
public string InquiryNumber { get; set; }
Where would you create the InquiryNumber?
If I put it inside the razor view I cant reuse it.
Seems business logic to me , so it belongs in the business layer.
Then, from within your controller you:
call the business component which returns the inquiry number
store the number in your view model
pass the view model to the view.
One way you could get an inquiry number, without using a helper, is this:
In a controller, have the following action method:
public ActionResult GetInquiryNumber()
// TODO : The code to get the inquiry number.
return Content("1612-1");
You can then call that method in any view you like, using the following:
#{ Html.RenderAction("GetInquiryNumber", "Home"); }
Obviously you will need to come up with your own method, and controller, names.
This isn't the ideal way of passing data to a view (using a viewmodel is preferable), but the above approach is an option to you.

Where to bind DTO into domain model

I'm starting to use AutoMapper and some doubts arose.
Where is the correct way to map a dto into a domain model?
I'm doing this:
public class PersonInsert
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public ActionResult Insert(PersonInsert personInsert)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
new PersonService().Insert(personInsert);
return RedirectToAction("Insert");
return View("Insert");
public class PersonService
public int Insert(PersonInsert personInsert)
var person = Mapper.Map<PersonInsert, Person>(personInsert);
return new PersonRepository().Insert(person);
public class PersonRepository
internal int Insert(Person person)
return person.Id;
So, is this correct? should my service knows about domain? or should I make the bind in repository only? is correct to use [Required] in DTO?
I would almost never create an entity from a DTO - I explain why below. I would use a request object to allow a factory method to build the entity:
public class InsertPersonRequest
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public ActionResult Insert(InsertPersonViewModel viewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
InsertPersonRequest request = InsertPersonViewModelMapper.CreateRequestFrom(viewModel);
new PersonService().Insert(request );
return RedirectToAction("Insert");
return View("Insert");
public class PersonService
public int Insert(InsertPersonRequest request)
var person = Person.Create(request.name, request.LastName);
return new PersonRepository().Insert(person);
Repository stays the same.
This way all logic for creating the Person are located in the Factory method of the person, and so business logic is encapsulated in the domain - derived fields, default fields etc.
The problem with what you are doing is that the DTO has to be created in the UI, then all fields are mapped to the entity - this is a sure fire way for business logic to seep into the service layer, UI, or anywhere it is not supposed to be.
PLease read that again - This is a very serious mistake I see made time and time again.
I would however, use AutoMapper in the service layer to return a DTO:
public class PersonService
public PersonDto GetById(intid)
var person = new PersonRepository().GetById(id);
var personDto = Mapper.Map<Person, PersonDto>(person);
return personDto
Is this correct?
I personally don't see anything wrong with having your service do the mapping
Is it correct to use [Required] in DTO
No, DTOs should have no business logic whatsoever. They should be used purely for transmitting data across different tiers/layers of your application.
DataAnnotations are typically used on ViewModels for client/server side validation, therefore, I would add another separation into your model and introduce a ViewModel for your Insert action e.g.
public class PersonViewModel
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class PersonDto
public string Name { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public ActionResult Insert(PersonViewModel personViewModel)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var personDto = Mapper.Map<PersonViewModel, PersonDto>(personViewModel);
new PersonService().Insert(personDto);
public class PersonService
public int Insert(PersonDto personDto)
var person = Mapper.Map<PersonDto, Person>(personDto);
return new PersonRepository().Insert(person);
It may seem overkill in this scenario (considering the only difference is the [Required] attribute). However, in a typical MVC application you would want to ensure a clean separation between your ViewModels and your business models.
I would say that your PersonService could be seen as part of the domain layer (or Application layer directly above the domain) of your architecture and the controller and DTO is in a layer above that. That means you shouldn't have a reference to the DTO in your PersonService signatures and instead use the domain Person class here. So the Mapping code should go into the Controller. This ensures that your domain logic is not affected by changes to the webservice contract which could really be just one way to use your PersonService.
I would also introduce an interface for your repository which is injected into your PersonService because the PersonService again shouldn't need to know about concrete data access implementations.
As for the [Required] attribute, I don't see a problem with having this on the DTO because it just states the data contract of your webservice method. Anybody calling your webservice should adhere to this data contract. Of course this requirement will typically also be reflected somewhere in your domain code, maybe by throwing an exception etc.
In ASP.NET MVC the typical use of DTO is being part of something called viewmodel. Viewmodel is a class that will combine one to several DTOs into one class tailored for view presentation and posting values back to server.
What you doing is correct, no issues with that, but data annotations should reside on view models, rather than DTOs. Unless you call your DTO a view model, then its fine.
Please read the following posting about model (Domain Model) vs ViewModel in ASP.NET MVC world:
ASP.NET MVC Model vs ViewModel
Confused with Model vs ViewModel
Hope this helps
I think it is fine to have annotations on the DTOs, such as [Required], MaxLength, Range etc.
Your DTO can come in from any (possibly untrusted) source (Not just your website, but from another endpoint, WCF service, etc). All requests will be funneled to your Service/Business Layers, so you will need to validate the input before performing your business logic (simple guard checks). Having the annotations on the DTO simply describe the needed input to perform the task at hand. Passing an object with annotations is not peforming validation.
However, I believe you should be validating the DTO information is correct in the service/business layer (and annotations are a nice way to check this).
Just my thoughts on the situation :)

Using Include and Exclude in asp.net mvc binding OR creat a new subset object?

Does it make sense create an object that contains only those properties that the user will input on the webpage, use that for binding in the controller, and then map to the full Entity Object? Or should you just use the entity object, and use Include and Exclude to make restrictions on what gets bound on input?
I have come to like the idea of using interfaces to segregate which properties should be included when the object is updated.
For example:
To create and update an person object:
interface ICreatePerson
string Name { get; set; }
string Sex { get; set; }
int Age { get; set; }
interface IUpdatePerson
string Name { get; set; }
class Person : ICreatePerson, IUpdatePerson
public int Id { get; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Sex { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
Then, when binding model, just use the appropriate interface as the type and it will only update the name property.
Here is an example controller method:
public ActionResult Edit(int id, FormCollection collection)
// Get orig person from db
var person = this.personService.Get(id);
// Update person from web form
// Save person to db
return RedirectToAction("Index");
return View(person);
See this article (and the comments) for a very good discussion of the options.
I recommend using a separate presentation model type in most cases. Aside from the issue of binding (which is important, but there are other ways around this issue), I think that there are other reasons why using presentation model types is a good idea:
Presentation Models allow "view-first" development. Create a view and a presentation model at the same time. Get your user representative to give you feedback on the view. Iterate until you're both happy. Finally, solve the problem of mapping this back to the "real" model.
Presentation Models remove dependencies that the "real" model might have, allowing easier unit testing of controllers.
Presentation Models will have the same "shape" as the view itself. So you don't have to write code in the view to deal with navigating into "detail objects" and the like.
Some models cannot be used in an action result. For example, an object graph which contains cycles cannot be serialized to JSON.
