How to blur caret in CKEditor? - focus

I am using CKEditor in inline mode. I am focusing and immediately blurring (for testing) using the following:
var editor = CKEDITOR.dom.element.get( e.currentTarget.getDOMNode());
I want to blur the editor and focusManger.blur(true) results in the toolbar being hidden. However, the caret is still focused. For some reason, I cannot find a way to defocus and remove the caret. I have tried calling focus() on another DOM element, but the caret still persists.
How can I call blur() to remove the caret as well?

Isn't this enough?
It works for me.

The only way I was able to solve this is to blur the contenteditable div:
CKEDITOR.currentInstance.element.$; //Grab the DOM node which is the contenteditable
CKEDITOR.currentInstance.element.$.blur(); //Blur it
CKEDITOR.currentInstance.focusManager.blur(true); //CKEditor's blur hides the toolbar

Another more shorter way that works for me:


Webkit shadows textarea when tapping on element

I'm building an iOS app that uses a webview in one place. When the user taps on an textarea and the keyboard appears the textarea get a shadowing highlight effect and then goes back to normal. Please note that I'm not talking about webkit-appearance och outline, but the shadow that covers the whole textarea being tapped.
I'm guessing this is some kind of accessibility feature. Still, it mess up my animation and makes the whole view look like crap.
Does anyone know if it's possible to remove this highlight shadow?
You can disable it by setting the css attribute -webkit-tap-highlight-color to rgba(0,0,0,0);
But as you mentioned it is a usability feature, so you should not turn it off. ;)

jQuery-UI Dialog: How to make NONE of the action buttons "default"

In jQuery-UI dialog box, the first button appears to be the default, therefore having focus set to itself.
But, this causes a frustrating effect, especially in Safari. Even in IE, you will see a rectangular selection mark around the button. Moreover, the hover effect will not be seen.
How can I set NONE of these buttons as default and therefore NOT having focus set on any of them?
Examples can be seen at jqueryui demo pages and a snapshot using Safari is below.
I want to get rid of this blue selection.
I think it could be an css-class, that turns the button to "default".
Check with the Firebug Element Inspector what classes are applied to these buttons, and append the standard css class to all buttons of the form.

Wrap text in list items/buttons instead of hiding the overflow

I'm trying to override the default behavior of list items and buttons in jQuery Mobile, which has text which doesn't fit on one line as hidden overflow.
If you view this on a skinny browser window or iPhone you'll see what I mean:
I'd like to be able to wrap the text in the h3 and p tags of each list item onto new lines.
Thanks in advance!
Try setting a style of white-space:normal for the elements.
I just did this with an anchor (<a>) element inside a jQuery Mobile listview-styled li, and it worked to wrap the text as I expected. I used Chrome's developer tools to determine where the CSS attributes were coming from and interactively changed them to make it work the way I wanted.
If feasible, enclosing it inside a <div> will also make it wrap. (But finding the affected element and declaring white-space:normal is the more proper solution)

jQuery UI Autocomplete with scrollbar z-index help

I have a textbox that I am attaching jQuery UI's Autocomplete functionality to and I am using CSS to give it a max height via the example here. My problem is that doing this causes the z-index problem that bgiframe solves to come back again, but in a different way. The initial autocomplete menu is above all the controls underneath it, but when I begin to scroll the autocomplete menu falls behind them.
Any suggestions?
This is purely an IE6 bug.
As you can see, after scrolling down the autocomplete falls behind the other controls.
I could solve the problem by replacing offsetHeight by scrollHeight in the following line (from jquery.bgiframe.js) :
This change solved the bug for the autocomplete fields with vertical scrollbars. I could not spot any regression in other kinds of dialogs (but I did not run extensive tests).
You need to reverse the z-index order of the form elements (or their containers) using javascript. I.e., "Social Worker" has the lowest, "DX Code" the highest z-index.
You could change the offsetHeight to scrollHeight, like Siggen says, but I have encountered problems when there is only 1 result returned from the autocomplete. The 1 result is squished into a window that only like 2 pxs high.
I found a fix though.
When you have a data.length<2, you should use the offsetHeight, rather than the scrollHeight.
You have to modify autocomplete.js.
Locate this code:
And make it this:
Remember, this code should be used in combination with Siggen's fix.
I have used a combination of both parameter for the height like this:
Look at the max function. Now it is good with no scroll bar (shorter list and longer list as well)
and now the autocomplete component looks perfect in IE6.

How can I make a jQuery UI Dialog Modal during the show-effect?

I have a jQuery UI Dialog, it is Modal and shows with a Bounce effect. I use a Theme where the background is dimmed with a striped image.
The first time the Dialog is opened, the striped background also covers the dialog during the bounce effect. Once the bounce effect has finished, the dialog becomes modal and appears in front of the striped background.
On the next opening, the dialog bounces in front of the background right away.
How can I make the dialog appear in front of the background right away?
Tom's answer pointed me in the right direction, and Firebug was very useful!
The dialog is wrapped in a <div class="ui-effects-wrapper"> which is generated in the createWrapper function in ui\effects.core.js
I added a parameter "z-index=1005" (just to be sure ;) there.
So in jquery-ui-1.7.2.custom.min.js it now looks like this
createWrapper:function(f){if(f.parent().is(".ui-effects-wrapper")){return f.parent()}var g={width:f.outerWidth(true),"z-index":1005,height:f.outerHeight(true),"float":f.css("float")};f.wrap('<div class="ui-effects-wrapper" style="font-size:100%;border:none;margin:0;padding:0;z-index:1002"></div>');
Not sure if it's the best way, but it works.
This sounds like the zIndex of the dialog is not assigned until after the animation. Try this in your CSS:
.ui-dialog {
z-index: 1002;
Dialogs usually have this CSS class, and the overlay usually has a zIndex of 1000 (at least in the version I am currently using). If this doesn't work, try to find out (using Firebug) what other classes are assigned only during the animation and assign a zIndex to those.
