Why Rails Asset Pipeline uses require instead of #import? - ruby-on-rails

If Rails (3, 4) uses SASS for precompile the CSS,
Why uses "require" for default, instead of Sass directive "#import" (http://sass-lang.com/documentation/file.SASS_REFERENCE.html#import)
The same Rails documentation suggest to use "#import" (http://edgeguides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html)

As noted in the document you linked to, #import is preferable because Sass variables can be shared between files. But having the Sprockets-provided require directive allows you to include stylesheets from gems or bypass using Sass altogether.
There is usually more than one way to accomplish a task, it’s good to have options. For instance, Javascript has many solutions to dependency management, but the simple Sprockets require is often adequate for simple applications.


using Bourbon with wagon ( Locomotive CMS )

Is it some possible way to make work Bourbon with wagon of Locomotive CMS ?
I added a bourbon and neat gems to Gemfile of wagon but after bundle install and starting server i got this :
File to import not found or unreadable: bourbon.
Load paths:
I have found that getting Locomotive to work with Bourbon (or Susy or any addon SASS gem) is a two-stage problem. First, the resources must be loaded correctly in the Wagon gemfile, and then they must be #imported in every dependent file to compile correctly when pushed to the Engine.
To get Bourbon to import correctly into Wagon (1.5.1), add Bourbon to the gemfile in the :misc group per the sample pattern:
group :misc do
# Add your extra gems here
gem 'bourbon', require: 'bourbon'
Then, just run $ bundle install and it should work fine. I found that I didn't need to do $ bourbon install and have the actual .css files in my public/stylesheets folder. The gem was enough for my Wagon instance.
Pushing the site to Engine, however, can prove tricky. Wagon will compile the SASS files in an arbitrary order on push (reference: LocomotiveCMS Google Group). Consequently, the best DRY rails practice of having all your #import calls in one main sass file, and referencing only that file in a top-level application.css file won't work here:
-application.css #requires self and main
-main.scss #imports all other stylesheets, normally where we'd #import 'bourbon'
etc. etc.
On push, Wagon won't understand that main.scss #imported Bourbon ahead of all other resources. So, it will usually fail with 'undefined mixin...'
To solve that, I still put variables.scss, mixins.scss, etc. in a folder (./public/stylesheets/base/ for instance) and call #import for those resources on every page specific stylesheet (posts.scss, etc.). In addition, any stylesheet that uses a Bourbon, Neat, Susy, whatever mixin has to call #import on that gem reference and the mixins and the variables... it has to be repeated in each dependent sheet.
-application.css # requires self and main
-main.scss # imports all other stylesheets, normally where we'd #import 'bourbon';
-variables.scss # might #import 'font-awesome';
-mixins.scss # #import 'bourbon'; #import 'variables';
etc. etc.
Unfortunately, this is NOT very DRY coding. In fact, there's probably a lot of bloat and redundancy that can be eliminated. So far, it's the most reliable method I've found for pushing my Wagon site to the Engine using these gems. That being said, if you're looking for a quick fix, rather than identifying each resource to #import for each page, you could make an import.scss stylesheet that calls Bourbon, Neat, what-have-you and just #import that import.scss resource into every other sheet.
The final catch (famous last words!), is that the Engine won't accept .scss or .sass files, despite the documentation. Pre-processor stylesheets have to be prepended with .css:
main.scss => main.css.scss
Otherwise, the Engine kick back an error "you are not allowed to upload..."
Hope that helps!
I realized a couple weeks after posting this that the reason for the Sass troubles in Locomotive vs. other Rails apps: I was using old sprockets syntax in my application.css file.
So, the best method is to make as many Sass sheets partials as possible (prepend your filenames with an underscore -> _example.css.scss). Then, change the application.css to a Sass sheet -> application.css.scss. Finally, don't use any *= require calls like we used to with Sprockets. Instead, we can and should use the Rails best practice of Sass #import calls. You can even glob your partials in subfolders, if so inclined. The reason is, Locomotive installs sass-sprockets and sass-rails gems by default. These gems enable #import in the application.css.scss file with sprockets/asset pipeline. By using Sass partials for subsequent stylesheets, the compilation for application.css.scss will have its own domain and call the partials into it, instead of compiling each subsequent sheet in its own domain. Otherwise, you would probably see wagon push failing with 'unknown mixin...' on the first sheet outside of the main application sheet. If you order your partials in the correct order of dependency (which file does every sheet need? That goes first...), this method also has the added benefit of keeping your compiled application stylesheet very DRY.

Source maps in Ruby on Rails through sprockets

I'd like to add source map support on a rails 3.2 application I am working on. As far as I know, generating source maps is not supported by Sprockets and from its github page it looks like the feature is planned for 4.0. I am working with Sprockets 2.2 and I think monkey patching is the only way to go. The module Processing under the main Sprockets module gives access to the js_compressor function which can be patched to generate source map for a single file. But, I don't know how to add this when the JS files combine. I am using Uglifier 2.4 as the compressor.
The project has a mixture of CoffeeScript, JS and EJS files. So, I think this is how sprockets would be compiling them together. First, it would convert Coffeescript and EJS to JS, then use the js_compressor to compress individual files and later concatenate them in groups. Now, as the source map for multiple files combined to the same file is a single file. So, I will need to change the compilation process somewhat and make the js_compressor run over the files, once the concatenation is finished. So, can anyone help out with this? Even explaining the sprockets compilation process and the modules used and functions involved would be of great help. I don't care about making source map files for the CoffeeScript code at present. Even mapping to their converted JS files would do.
Also, would like to add if there is some gem which can help with this it would be most welcome.
Rails 4 does not have source maps either.
As far as I know, and as of today, this will only be part of rails 5.
A really nice approach to solve this right now is implemented in discourse by #SamSaffron and explained here:
The gist, add a "before" task to the sprockets precompile process, and hack into the compilation process to generate the sourcemapped files and directives.
The nice thing in this approach is that you don't lose stuff from files that are both js and erb (*.js.erb) which is something quite common in rails.
I think that patching the whole sprockets pipeline is a bit of an abuse and risky.

Creating a common style gem

We are creating several applications (new development) at our company. To try and establish a common look and feel between these apps I would like to create a gem that:
Incorporates specific versions of gems like bootstrap-sass
Declares several common CSS styles, using mixins from bootstrap where appropriate
Provides other assets as well.
I want the applications that we develop to merely have to include my common-ui gem, they should not include things like bootstrap directly.
The pattern for exposing scss from a gem is pretty straight forward (just take a look at the bootstrap-sass project); where things get interesting is when my scss needs to access bootstrap. When an application includes my scss, the pipeline complains that it cannot locate bootstrap and everything comes to a halt.
What is the best approach to creating a gem that does what I have described?
To better follow SO's format, I am going to answer my question with what I came up with (and why I think it works). I am somewhat new to rails, so my answer is by no means authoritative. Feel free to comment or propose a better way of doing things.
See caveat in the question, this may be a spectacularly bad way to solve this problem
Here's what's working so far. For a gem to expose assets to an application's asset pipeline, it must be initialized as an engine. The problem with one gem using another's assets is that the other gem's engine may not have been initialized and therefore the pipeline doesn't know about the other gems assets.
To work around this, just require the root file from the other gem in your root file. So in lib/company-common-ui.rb, I have the following:
require "company-common-ui/version"
module Company
module Common
module Ui
# We don't really need anything here
require "company-common-ui/engine"
require "bootstrap-sass"

Sass - can it be compiled at runtime?

I've seen that certain Rails CMSes (like Radiant) have plugins that essentially compile Sass when a page is accessed. Is there a way to do this in a regular rails app? Is doing so performant? Basically, I'm looking at a way to remove the extra step of running Compass to compile my stylesheets.
I've not used compass specifically but there looks like there's a production flag so files are compiled - I couldn't imagine they'd build it to recompile per request in production, Radiant compiles it's css on Application startup and if you then commit those generated CSS files it doesn't try to generate them again AFAIK.
Sass and Compass automatically integrate with Rails. If you're using Rails 3, all you have to do is add gem "haml" to your Gemfile and all .sass and .scss files in public/stylesheets/sass will get compiled to .css files in public/stylesheets.
Compile per request? I think it could be a hit for performance. You should definitely use a caching strategy in that case. So that it compiles the stylesheet only if it is not in the cache.
You could create a helper method setup_stylesheet that will take care of setting up the css stylesheet. You call this method on the application layout.
setup_stylesheet will check if the css stylesheet is on the cache, and if it is there then use it. If it is not, then compile it.
Another approach:
You could set up an initialiser that will call Compass to compile your SASS stylesheets when the App is launched.
Is doing so performant?
There will be a massive performance hit when compiling at run-time.
As Nex3 (author of Sass gem) pointed out on another forum, there's no need any need to run compass watch.
I strongly advise putting the following into production.rb: Sass::Plugin.options[:never_update] = true - this is especially important if you're on Heroku. (you could also do this in your rack file, where you can also specify other options
Hmm, good luck

What is the best method for storing SASS generated CSS in your application and source control?

If you are using HAML and SASS in your Rails application, then any templates you define in public/stylesheet/*.sass will be compiled into *.css stylesheets. From your code, you use stylesheet_link_tag to pull in the asset by name without having to worry about the extension.
Many people dislike storing generated code or compiled code in version control, and it also stands to reason that the public/ directory shouldn't contain elements that you don't send to the browser.
What is the best pattern to follow when laying out SASS resources in your Rails project?
The compass framework recommends putting your sass stylesheets under app/stylesheets and your compiled css in public/stylesheets/compiled.
You can configure this by adding the following code to your environment.rb:
Sass::Plugin.options[:template_location] = {
"#{RAILS_ROOT}/app/stylesheets" => "#{RAILS_ROOT}/public/stylesheets/compiled"
If you use the compass framework, it sets up this configuration for you when you install it.
I always version all stylesheets in "public/stylesheets/sass/*.sass" and set up an exclude filter for compiled ones:
Honestly, I like having my compiled SASS stylesheets in version control. They're small, only change when your .sass files change, and having them deploy with the rest of your app means the SASS compiler doesn't ever need to fire in production.
The other advantage (albeit a small one) is that if you're not using page caching, your rails process doesn't need to have write access to your public_html directory. So there's one fewer way an exploit of your server can be evil.
Somewhat related, but it's a good idea to regenerate your CSS during your capistrano deployments. This callback hook does just that:
after "deploy:update_code" do
rails_env = fetch(:rails_env, "production")
run "#{release_path}/script/runner -e #{rails_env} 'Sass::Plugin.update_stylesheets'"
Update: This should no longer be necessary with modern versions of Haml/Sass.
If I can manage it, I like to store all of my styles in SASS templates when I choose HAML/SASS for a project, and I'll remove application.css and scaffold.css. Then I will put SASS in public/stylesheets/sass, and add /public/stylesheets/*.css to .gitignore.
If I have to work with a combination of SASS and CSS based assets, it's a little more complicated. The simplest way of handling this is to have an output subdirectory for generated CSS within the stylesheets directory, then exclude that subdirectory in .gitignore. Then, in your views you have to know which styling type you're using (SASS or CSS) by virtue of having to select the public/stylesheets/foo stylesheet or the public/stylesheets/sass-out/foo stylesheet.
If you have to go the second route, build a helper to abstract away the sass-out subdirectory.
