enterprise developer - no signing identities - ios

I have an app, there is a company that wants to try my app. They have own enterprise account.
They send me a distribution certificate and a provision. I tried to archive my app with their certificate and provision but I took an error as below
Do I need to be a member of their team? Also they send to me bundle ID , they didn't sent team informations,I just select "none" .
Thank you.

To my understanding they have sent you the certificate but not the matching private key for that certificate (.p12 file). If they are willing to send you the private key as well then you should be able to sign the app (more about this issue here).
Another way to do this is by sending them an .xarchive file and asking them to import it into Xcode. Once it is visible in the Organizer they can distribute it with their own certificate (more details in this answer).
Good luck!


Apple App Store certificates from clients

I'm still struggeling with Apple App-Store Certification for iOS Apps.
Now I have a client who has his own developer account, but I'm developing for him and doing all the stuff. I have a separate developer Account on my own. The Client authorized my account on Itunes Connect, as App Manager.
He created a Distribution Certificate, an App Id and a Provisioning Profile for the App ID and sent the certificate and the Profile to me. I included it in the keychain and can now select those in XCode.
But XCODE says: the provisioning Profile "doesn't include any certificate for which the private key is installed in keychain."
What am I missing? Do I need the private key of the clients? Or is there an other way to do this?
Any Help would be appreciated
You have two options:
1) Ask your client to export developer certificate from keychain(.p12) and share it with you.
2) You have to create a new developer certificates(By removing old one from keychain) by upload a new CSR certificate so the private key will be installed in your system.
if issue is with both(Developer and Distribution)certificate you need both to be exported from your client machine.
You need both certificate and private key (.p12). Ask your client to export the private key and shared it with you. Once you got the private key, install it in your system and you are good to go. Follow this tutorial to export the private key.
Make sure your client export the private key of distribution certificate.

iOS Second Developer Certificate

My situation is that I have just hired a second developer to work remotely. He doesn't have a developer account and would like to send me his progress.
At the moment he is using my Apple Developer account with a temporary password but this is not ideal, is there a way that he can have a certificate and I can reset my password?
My Apple developer account is set up as individual by the way
If you are not going to extensively adding and removing the devices then the easiest way is to add all the devices, create dev and distribution profiles and certificate download all in your Xcode then simply export and send to him and he can simply import and use the local signing assists option not the online account .
You can export the certificate and the private key for the certificate in the Keychain Access application. You could then send the developer the key, certificate, and the provisioning profile to the other developer, who could then build the app with your provisioning profiles, without direct access to your developer account.
This will be a bit of a hassle if the other developer needs to do a lot of device maintenance on the developer profile (adding / removing devices). If that's not the case, I would simply send him the necessary files and reset your password to prevent having to share full access to the account.

iOS Dev: Certificates and hiring a freelancer

I have hired a freelancer to build an app for me. I have an individual dev account to which I have added him as a technical user. He has requested either that I send him distribution and development certs plus a provisioning profile OR to make him an admin role in iTunes Connect.
Should I create certificates with my name/email and send them to him? Or with his name/email? Or should I just make him an admin? What is the best/safest course of action? This is just for testing purposes and I will be receiving the source code upon project completion.
Totally new to iOS dev and have been scrounging around the web for a definitive answer. Sorry if this is rudimentary!
You don't need to add him as a Admin at all. If he has a free developer account you can sent him a request to add to your developer account team and can create a development and distribution profile from which developer can download. For certificate request developer need to send the request from him Mac and can download it from developer.apple.com.
For other option i am not sure if it will work because from latest XCode environment developer account needs to be added in Xcode but give it a try.
Other option if you don't at all want to give access to your developer account will be. Create and download the developer and distribution profile and share it with Freelancer.
For Certificate you would be requiring a Mac. Below is a process of creating a certificate:
Now goto your KeyChain access and can see your certificate there:
Right Click your certificate and export "iPhone Developer..." or "iPhone Distribution.." . Save it to your desktop. It will be a .p12 file and will ask for password while saving.
Share this .p12 file with the freelancer along with password. Share both Developer and Distribution certificate.
So now your freelancer has both Developer and Distribution certificate and provisional profile.
Since he is not the one that will be submitting the app to AppStore, then he should not be an admin. So the admin account is with your credentials.
Usually, if he is an iOS freelancer, most likely he already has an Apple account. So after he creates a certificate signing request, you should generate a development certificate for him, in order to test on real devices - that is, you must add his user to your created team.
However, the certificates-accounts process is not so easy, so I'd recommend you to also read: http://escoz.com/blog/demystifying-ios-certificates-and-provisioning-files/ .

Transferring Apple dev account & certificate to new machine

I've recently attempted to transfer my apple dev certificate to a new mac, however, the provisioning profiles are appearing as valid signing identity not found.
I imported my developer account into Xcode5 and when I deploy a build, I get the option to fix the issue of not having a valid signing - this generates an iOS team provisioning profile for the bundle id.
So far have found this is fine for testing - we distribute ourselves not using the app store.
If anyone would be able to give me a heads up on whether this is an okay method, or whether I will need to generate a new certificate for distribution in case we do use the app store for distribution.
If you still have access to your previous computer, you can export as p12 the private key you used to generate the Apple certificate.
Go to keychain, select the iOS certificate and right click to export it. Then import it to your new computer and you do not need to generate new certificates.
what you need to do is to remake the developer and distribution certificates for your new mac and install it then, you update your provision profile with the new certificate, reinstall it and everything works
PS: for remake your developer and distribution certificates you have to go in the keychan
Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority..
then add your email and common Name, check Saved to disk. Finally Into the developer web site you remove your old certificates and create the new one with the new file that you have in the disk.
Did you export from Xcode → Preferences → Accounts like Apple's guide suggests?
Did you also export your private key from the keychain? I have seen this issue before, and that was resolved by exporting and importing the private key.
If you do want to distribute on App Store later on you will definitely need to import a valid certificate, yes.
here you can find a solution or ask your problem to a developers Apple support:
Other way you can call the developer support center here:

iOS Publishing App via Apple Developer Invitation

Hey guys I have to publish an App with a foreign Apple Account. I got the invitation and now I can download the Distribution Provisionig Profile. However I also need the valid signing identity - that means that I also have to create a Distribution Certificate but this option is disabled or I only can create a Development Certificate (like shown in the screenshot below).
Am I right that this Distribution Certificate has to be created by the Account Owner? What exactly does he have to do in order to get the available Distribution Provisioning Profile to work on my machine?
I Would be glad for some hints!
The account owner has to export both the distribution certificate and the private key and share them with you. You install them on your computer and everything should work.
